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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

Page 31

by Jason Chapman

  The truck had seemed to have turned off the main highway, and now bounced along an uneven track until it lurched to a halt. Cones was hauled out of the truck and the hood removed.

  Four men with torches surrounded Cones who was forced to his knees. One of the men shone his torch directly in front of Cones revealing a freshly dug hole in the ground.

  ‘So this is how it ends.’ Cones thought to himself. ‘A pointless death and a hole in the ground.’ He found himself looking back over the last several years. All the things he had seen and witnessed. A man stood directly behind Cones pointed his gun at the back of his head.

  Cones closed his eyes and waited for the gunshot. A single tear trickled out of his eye and ran down his cheek.

  A single gunshot rang out, then another gunshot, and then a short volley of shots. Cones suddenly felt pressure bearing down on him pushing him face forward into the hole. The gunfire continued for several seconds before Cones felt two strong arms lift him up. He turned and in the torch light saw a familiar face staring back at him.

  ‘Agent Cones.’ Sarah Alexander said. ‘You have a knack for getting into tight spots.’

  ‘You picked one hell of a time to show up.’ Cones said as his bonds were cut. He massaged his sore wrists.

  Sarah looked at the hole. ‘If you wish we can finish the job they started.’

  ‘Very funny!’ Cones stated. ‘I am grateful you came to my rescue, now could someone explain what the hell is going on?’

  ‘We had a tipoff about a Nazi run operation in Geneva so I was despatched to see if there was anything to it.’


  ‘Mossad operatives in Munich were looking into a lead on a concentration camp guard on the run. When he was apprehended he gave information about a plot to hijack a summit taking place in Geneva. We believe that the Fourth Reich has an operation running.’

  ‘That’s bold even for a bunch of fanatics. Every secret service agency has men at the summit, it will be impossible to get to the world leaders.’

  ‘Not according to this man.’ Sarah said.

  Cones looked on as Richard Schneider was dragged from the back of a car. Even in the dim torchlight Cones could see that he had been beaten.

  ‘We managed to extract information from this man who we saw with you earlier on. He is a Fourth Reich operative.’

  Schneider spat blood onto the ground. ‘It doesn’t matter what you do to me. The wheels are already turning.’

  Cones stared at him, anger started to well up inside. ‘What wheels?’

  ‘The Fourth Reich has already risen out of the ashes and will strike at the heart of your so called free world.’

  ‘We will take back what’s ours and we will…’ The side of Schneider’s head suddenly exploded in a crimson mist.

  ‘I’ve heard enough.’ Sarah said pointing her gun.

  ‘You didn’t have to do that!’ Cones stated. ‘He could have supplied us with valuable intelligence about what’s going to happen.’

  ‘It’s obvious Agent Cones that they are planning some kind of attack.’

  ‘Then we have to warn them, I take it you have a plane nearby?’

  ‘We are not as well funded as the CIA Agent Cones, we’ll have to drive back by road.’

  ‘That will take too long.’ Cones said looking at his watch. ‘In a few hours both Bulganin and Eisenhower have a private breakfast.’

  All of a sudden gunfire crackled across the landscape. The man standing next to Sarah was cut down.

  Cones managed to find a gun in the darkness. He grabbed Sarah and threw her into the makeshift grave. ‘I take it you didn’t plan on this!’ He shouted over the gunfire.

  ‘No!’ Sarah admitted.

  Cones checked the rounds in his gun. ‘It’s too dark to see where the gunfire is coming from.’

  Sarah slowly stood up and looked over the top of the grave. Gunfire streaked over her head.

  Instinctively she ducked back down. ‘Shit! We’re pinned down.’

  Cones could sense his heart pounding against the wall of his chest.

  ‘All your men are dead Miss Alexander!’ A voice shouted. ‘Come out and we can talk.’

  Sarah looked at Cones shaking her head. ‘If we reveal ourselves then we’re both dead.’ Cones took in a lung full of air mulling over the situation.

  Another sudden burst of gunfire pierced the night air followed by a number of men shouting in German.

  Cones and Sarah looked at each other.

  More gunfire sounded, and then silence.

  Cautiously Cones looked out over the hole. Within a few seconds their cover was surrounded by several armed men.

  ‘Agent Cones.’ A voice called out.

  Cones looked up and saw a man stooping over offering his hand.

  Cones and Sarah were helped out of the hole. Cones stared at the man who had come to his rescue. He then looked around at the other men. ‘Thanks, I think.’

  ‘Do not be alarmed Agent Cones we are here to prevent a catastrophe.’

  ‘What catastrophe?’ Sarah asked.

  ‘Events are unfolding which could lead to another world war.’

  ‘An assassination attempt on the world leaders at the Geneva conference.’ Cones said.

  The man nodded.

  ‘Who are you?’ Sarah asked.

  The man looked at her. ‘Let’s just say that I am someone who wants to maintain the status quo, no matter how unbalanced it seems at times.’ The man looked down at one of the dead soldiers. ‘This group has people everywhere, they have infiltrated the highest levels of power and are ready to take control and start world war three.’ The man indicated to a truck. ‘You must get back to Geneva and prevent this.’

  ‘And you will assist us.’ Sarah said.

  The man shook his head. ‘I cannot risk exposing myself or my men.’

  ‘Then you are just as bad as these men who captured us tonight!’ Sarah barked.

  The man approached her. ‘I’m not the one trying to trigger the next war.’

  Sarah ran towards the truck and jumped in.

  Before Cones could follow the man grabbed his arm. ‘Agent Cones you must listen to me very carefully. You must locate Professor Frederick. His life is in mortal danger.’


  ‘Events are starting to unfold which will shape both your destinies.’

  ‘What the hell is that supposed to mean?’

  ‘You must hurry. There is a woman who will try to assassinate both the Russian and American leaders.’

  ‘Impossible.’ Cones stated. ‘They are too well guarded.

  The man shook his head. ‘This woman is a trusted member of the Russian delegation she must be stopped at all costs.’

  Cones simply nodded and sprinted towards the truck.

  Chapter 121


  Frederick’s stomach was in turmoil. His encounter with Doctor Hans Marcus had shaken him. He lay in bed considering the consequences. If Marcus had evidence that Frederick was a member of the Order of Galileo it would result in his exposure. He picked up the telephone by the side of his bed and dialled the hotel reception. ‘Could you tell me what room Doctor Hans Marcus is in please?’

  A few minutes later Frederick stared at the hotel room door he was about to knock on. In the time it had taken him to walk from his room he hadn’t come up with a suitable solution for facing Marcus. Eventually he knocked.

  ‘Professor Frederick.’ Marcus greeted gesturing for him to enter the Hotel room. ‘I had a feeling you would come looking for me.’

  ‘What exactly do you want from me?’ Fredrick demanded to know.

  ‘Your allegiance.’

  ‘Allegiance to who?’

  ‘To a new dawn Professor Frederick.’ A man said emerging from the bathroom.

  ‘You!’ Frederick gasped.

  General Rudolph Heinemann gripped a handgun and pointed it at Frederick. ‘Professor Ralph Frederick a pleasure to meet you again.’

  ‘If you think I will align myself with the madness you represent then you are very much mistaken.’

  Heinemann shook his head. ‘I had a feeling you were going to turn us down.’ He reached into his pocket and pulled out an object which was wrapped in black cloth. He unravelled the cloth and a gun fell on to the floor.

  Frederick recognised the weapon from his encounter with the gunsmith earlier that day.

  Heinemann pointed the gun at Marcus. ‘Thank you for your contributions to our cause doctor but your services are no longer required.’

  Frederick jolted at the sound of the single gunshot. Marcus dropped to the floor.

  Heinemann pointed the gun at Frederick. ‘It seems that there is now an opening in our organisation Professor. Are you interested in joining our cause?’

  Frederick glared at the gun in Heinemann’s hand. ‘I’m not going to join you!’ He said with a defiant tone.

  Heinemann lined his gun up with Frederick’s head. Frederick closed his eyes focussing on his family. ‘Fortunately for you Professor Frederick my superiors think you’re more valuable alive.’

  Frederick looked at Marcus’ corpse.

  ‘I suggest you leave before the police arrive.’ Heinemann said indicating towards the door.

  Frederick backed away, slowly at first before turning and briskly walking towards the hotel room door. He stepped into the corridor and walked towards the elevator. As the door slid open a woman stepped out of the elevator and made brief eye contact with Frederick.

  Frederick stepped into the elevator and noticed the woman walking toward Marcus’ room. Just before the elevator doors shut the woman looked back at Frederick.

  Chapter 122


  Frederick jolted awake at the sound of a loud banging on his hotel room door. After the incident with Heinemann and Marcus he had gone looking for Agent Cones. According to other security staff Cones hadn’t been see for hours. The Majestic members were also unavailable to speak to so Frederick returned to his room and fell into a deep sleep. He climbed out of bed and walked towards the door.

  A man stood in the corridor flanked by two police officers and holding up an ID badge.

  ‘Professor Ralph Frederick?’

  Frederick nodded.

  The woman who Frederick had seen earlier pointed at him. ‘That’s the man I saw earlier.’

  ‘Professor Frederick you are under arrest for murder.’ The man announced.

  ‘Murder!’ Frederick said trying his best to sound surprised.

  ‘You will accompany us to police headquarters to be questioned.’

  Frederick got dressed before he was escorted out of his room.

  Chapter 123

  ‘How long do we have?’ Sarah asked looking towards the horizon at the breaking dawn.

  ‘Not long.’ Cones replied checking his watch.

  ‘What do you suppose is going to happen?’

  Cones shook his head. ‘Both Eisenhower and Bulganin have a private breakfast together at eight o’clock. There will also be a small American and Russian delegation with them. If what that guy said is true.’

  ‘And you know this how?’

  ‘I was at a briefing at the US embassy yesterday.’

  ‘You think someone is going to make an attempt on their lives?’

  Cones didn’t answer he slammed the brakes hard as he approached the hotel. The entrance was heavily guarded. Cones jumped out of the van but was swamped by security. Cones recognised a face in the crowd. He held up his ID badge and the other security men stepped back. ‘Agent Thomson there’s going to be an attempt on the president’s life.’

  ‘Look around you Agent Cones.’ Thomson said smiling.’ I think we can assume that no one is getting into this building.’

  ‘That’s because they’re already here!’

  Thomson glared at Cones before looking at the woman behind him.

  ‘We must hurry!’ Sarah shouted.

  Thomson nodded and led Cones and the woman up the steps of the hotel.

  ‘The president’s life is in danger he said to the four men guarding the hotel’s entrance.

  The men exchanged glances before moving aside. Cones and Sarah sprinted across the foyer towards an elevator.

  Cones glanced at his watch. The elevator seemed to take forever. Finally the doors slid apart. Russian and American secret service lined the corridor leading to the Room in which the leaders were sat. All of a sudden a gunshot rang out, then another followed by a third.

  ‘Oh my god we’re too late.’ Sarah said.

  Secret service agents poured into the room followed by Cones and Sarah. Both Eisenhower and Bulganin were protected by a wall of men. Jacob Barnes was stood over the body of a woman who clutched a gun. Her dead eyes stared up at the ceiling.

  Cones walked over to Barnes and looked at the gun he was carrying. ‘I didn’t realise you carried a piece.’

  Barnes looked at Cones. ‘I have many enemies Agent Cones, it’s a handy thing to be able to protect yourself.’

  Sarah stared down at the body. ‘Who was she?’

  ‘Doctor Hans Marcus’ assistant.’ Colonel Konev said as he approached. ‘She offered to replace the late doctor after Professor Frederick was arrested for his murder.’

  ‘Murder!’ Cones said out loud.

  ‘Where the hell have you been Agent Cones?’ Barnes said. ‘The Professor was arrested several hours ago.’

  ‘Where is he now?’

  ‘At the main police headquarters being questioned.’

  Cones thought about the mysterious stranger he had met earlier and his warning. He quickly spun on his heels and headed towards the door followed by Sarah.

  Chapter 124

  Frederick stared at the wall of his cell wondering how much worse things could get. He had been questioned over and over for the last several hours, and despite feeling tired he did not feel like sleeping.

  The door opened and Frederick’s heart sank as he realised who was stood there.

  Heinemann pointed a gun at Frederick. ‘Time to go Professor.’

  ‘I told you I have no interest in joining your jack booted thugs.’

  ‘Then you die here in your cell.’ Heinemann took a step forward. ‘It’s a shame your wife and children will never see you alive again.’

  Frederick thought for a moment staring at the gun Heinemann held. For the sake of Elizabeth and the children he had to stay alive. The vision Janus had planted in his mind became crystal clear. He finally hauled himself to his feet.

  Chapter 125

  Cones jumped out of the van and ran towards the police station entrance. As he entered the reception area his eyes met a scene of carnage.

  ‘Oh my god.’ Sarah gasped.

  Several bodies were scattered about the room.

  Cones jumped over one of the bodies and headed for a corridor that contained two more bodies. Gunfire suddenly erupted down the corridor. Cones flung himself to the ground and returned fire hitting his attacker squarely in the chest. He jumped to his feet and crept towards the end of the corridor, Sarah was close behind.

  Frederick heard the gunfire, and looked behind him.

  ‘Keep moving!’ Heinemann ordered shoving Frederick forward.

  Two men who accompanied Heinemann turned and headed back towards the gunfire.

  Cones and Sarah were prepared for the two men as they approached. Simultaneously they both jumped out of a doorway and opened fired on the two men who fell backwards in a crimson mist as bullets tore through their bodies.

  ‘This way!’ Cones urged.

  Frederick looked up at the early morning sun. A cool breeze enveloped him. A waiting car stood near with its engine running.

  ‘Get in!’ Heinemann ordered.

  Frederick climbed into the car.

  Cones burst through the doorway and spotted a car pulling off. He squeezed the trigger of his gun. The window of the driver’s seat exploded and the man behind the wheel slumped forward.
  Heinemann wrestled with the steering wheel trying to control the car. Frederick seized his chance and grabbed Heinemann’s gun. The car ploughed into a wall flinging the gun out of Frederick’s grip. Both men went for the weapon but Heinemann reached it first.

  ‘Well Professor Frederick it looks as if I have no other choice but to kill you.’ Heinemann pointed the gun directly at Frederick’s head.

  Frederick closed his eyes.

  A gunshot rang out and Heinemann recoiled in pain. He managed to open the car door firing off a volley of shots.

  Both Cones and Sarah took cover as the gunfire ricocheted of the brick work of the building. Heinemann sprinted away firing off a few more shots.

  The car door was wrenched open. ‘You ok Professor?’ A familiar voice asked.

  Frederick climbed out of the car and savoured the morning air.

  Sarah looked disappointed as she looked in the direction that Heinemann had escaped. ‘He could have helped crack the Fourth Reich.’

  ‘I did try to stop him from getting away.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Don’t worry, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Heinemann.’

  Chapter 126

  American Embassy – Geneva – 1:19pm

  Frederick and Cones waited patiently outside the American Ambassador’s office. After a debriefing with Jacob Barnes and other members of the Majestic team they had been summoned to the Embassy for a private meeting.

  Cones checked his watch. ‘Can’t think what the American ambassador wants to see us about.’

  Frederick looked around and noticed that there were a large number of security agents who just seemed to be hanging around the embassy.

  The office door opened and Frederick and Cones were invited in. Frederick froze as he realised who he was looking at.

  President Eisenhower stepped forward offering his hand. ‘Professor Frederick, it’s good to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about your exploits.’


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