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Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition

Page 56

by Michelle M. Pillow

  Then, forcing herself to look on the bright side, she glanced down at her stained toenails and thought, Won’t the crew get a kick out of this!

  Chapter 2

  Olena shivered, uncomfortably standing in her traditional silk and gauze Qurilixian gown. At least it was black, a perfect color for her unamused mood. She felt like one of the female slaves being readied for the auction block of Phatar. The only redeeming factor was, unlike the slaves, there was no collar around her neck, and she had the hope of escaping.

  The revealing outfit had been cut low on her chest, basically showcasing her goodies for the barbarian suitors. Her skin looked overly pale next to the black. The skirt clung to her waist and hips, but the bottom pieces looked shorn as if she’d been attacked by something with claws. Cloth shackles bound both arms—elbows to wrists—fastening them to her waist. Though she could have escaped the silk chains, it greatly added to the whole slave auction effect the men seemed to be going for.

  What was marriage anyway, if not voluntary slavery? she thought. Olena almost felt sorry for the guy who picked her. He would really have no idea what he was getting himself into.

  It was too late to change course now. This was happening.

  The brides stood in the corridor leading out of the ship’s port. Olena closed her eyes briefly as a breeze whipped her skirt around her legs. With a deep breath she steeled her nerves and opened her eyes with an expression that denoted a confidence she didn’t necessarily feel. She wore the mask like a shield, with an automatic series of facial movements that created the illusion she was in complete control of her destiny, and that she knew something very important the onlooker didn’t.

  She was the first slave on the auction block and was provided with an ample view of what was going on below. Determined, she took stock of her primitive surroundings. Below her, men howled in delight as her dress blew higher around her thighs. Olena was too proud to push the skirt down. Let the wind blow it where it would. She lifted her chin into the air and gave a half smile she didn’t feel.

  Standing before her, shoulder to shoulder in two long lines, were the bachelors. They didn’t move, didn’t shout, as they formed an aisle of naked flesh. Olena had already been instructed that she was to lead the other women through so the men could get a look at them. As her skirt blew around her again, revealing her athletic thighs, she mused, There, let them have a good ole peek.

  The blue-green of dusk obscured the distant mountains and nearby forest with shadows, slowly changing the appearance of the reddish-brown soil to black. Stars winked down framing a large moon. She’d been on planets like this before—well, maybe the trees were a little smaller on other planets, but close enough. Seeing a nearby tree trunk nearly one fourth the size of the Galaxy Brides’ spacecraft, she smirked. Okay, so trees were a lot smaller on other planets.

  Glowing ash from the nearby bonfires drifted overhead, before losing their fire as they blew away in the cool breeze. The smell of burning wood wafted over her as the wind shifted. The rowdy crowd seemed to be getting louder. Behind them, near the back, couples kissed openly. The style was obviously long hair for both sexes. The women wore dresses of flowing material and the men wore simple tunic shirts and breeches. Such fashion was created with natural fibers. The women sitting on the men’s laps didn’t look like prostitutes, so she guessed they were married couples. It was a strange notion, being in the bridal line looking at a possible future.

  Not that she would ever choose such a future.

  Music and laughter resounded over them. The campgrounds were filled with large pyramid tents. They glowed from within as torches lit dim earthen pathways between them. Ribbons and banners floated on the breeze in many brilliant colors. Olena refused to be impressed by the sight. The less she liked about this place, the better it would be when she left. And if not better, easier.

  The silent, seven foot barbarian-grooms were larger than she first anticipated, though Olena was hardly a woman to back down from such a thing. This was definitely an isolated warrior- class planet. They would take pride in themselves and their ways of doing things. Their pride would equal arrogance, and she knew just how to play to arrogance.

  The grooms wore only three things—a fur loincloth wrapped their thick waists to leave bare their muscular legs and chests, jewelry consisting of a bracelet of intricate gold around their sinewy biceps and a crystal necklace, and a black leather mask that hid their faces, from upper lip to forehead, from view.

  She tried to hide her smirk as she remembered thinking how hideous they must have looked, wanting to get married in the dark. Then, seeing the unmasked crowd behind them, her smirk faded. These people weren’t ugly or malformed. Far from it. Swallowing nervously, she tried to keep fear from creeping into her chest.

  Firelight transformed oil-glistened flesh into glowing towers of solid bronzed perfection. Chests rose steadily and muscles were tense, like the predator anticipating prey, counting the heartbeats until it was time to pounce.

  Olena detected the lust radiating bright and feverish from the eye slits in the masks. Their heated gazes oozed like liquid metal—possessive, dominant, ready to lay claim.

  Yep, Olena told herself, no longer feeling any guilt for what she was about to do. Slave auction.

  * * *

  Prince Yusef of Draig stared at the red-headed vixen at the front of the bridal line. The black of her dress whipped boldly around her athletic body and she did not even try to stop it from lifting in the breeze. He saw the pride in her bright emerald eyes as she stood very still.

  Yusef did not need to confirm his instant attraction to her by checking to see if the crystal hanging from his neck was beginning to glow. He knew the moment she stepped onto the deck that she was going to be his, even if he had to go against tradition, and the magic he believed in, to claim her.

  Glancing down, he saw such drastic measures wouldn’t be necessary. A sultry smile curved up the corner of his mouth. The magic of the gods agreed with him. The fiery woman was destined to be his wife.

  Again he stared at her, letting his eyes shift with the sight of a dragon, so that he could better see the details of her face. Her lips curled with what could have been mocking disdain for the whole affair. He smiled. Yes, this one definitely had fire and Yusef always loved to play with torches.

  * * *

  Olena sighed. Following the pilot’s signal to step down, she led the procession of brides through the long aisle of man-flesh. The soft slippers on her feet were uncomfortable as they didn’t fully protect her feet from the uneven earth. Oh, how she longed for her boots and maybe a drink. Scratch that. She could definitely use a drink. Boredom started to set in when—bam. She was breathless, captured by a spell.

  Eyes of a dark and dangerous gray rose to challenge her, staring out from the face of an ungodly gorgeous man. This groom was so unlike the paler companions at his side. His skin had been kissed by Qurilixen’s suns, leaving no doubt by his lack of tan lines, that he spent a great deal of time naked and outdoors. His possessive gaze sent chills over her skin in a way so unfamiliar to her she had to consciously shake herself to be sure she still breathed.

  The man smiled a slow, sultry smile she had seen so many times before. She wasn’t fooled. This man wanted her. He was trying to stake claim to her with his animal magnetism. Even as she resented his confident expression, she was stirred by it.

  I’m surprised he doesn’t pee on my leg to mark his territory, she mused, trying to pretend that she wasn’t affected.

  As she passed him, he had the audacity to bow to her. Olena snarled at him, snapping her teeth in a saucy wench sort of way, which appeared to greatly upset the plans of his male vanity. Nevertheless, soon he was recovered and she saw the unmistakable light of daring in his gaze. His mask shifted as his brows rose in acceptance of her challenge. Again he bowed, blowing her a kiss to make her cheeks flame.

  Chapter 3

  The presumption of that man!

  Olena was too ir
ritated to eat the huge feast laid out before the brides on a long wooden table. The food consisted of roasted two-horned pigs, blocks of Qurilixen blue bread with whipped cheese, strange fruit, and crusted pastries. Servants walked by replenishing the food like they’d be hung if something was out of place.

  Olena eyed the campground path that led to the Galaxy Brides’ ship. The corridor of male flesh was no longer there. How dare he act like she would just come to him willingly because he wished it to be so? Oh, she knew what he wanted from her. It was clear in his very lecherous gaze.

  Reaching for a piece of blue bread so she could tear it into tiny pieces, she grumbled to herself, Stupid, lecherous, handsome barbarian.

  She shivered as she thought about his dark, come-hither smile. Olena frowned. As much as he annoyed her, she had to admit his confidence was attractive. That attraction irritated her.

  Olena grabbed a slice of meat and took a bite out of spite, just to prove to herself that she wasn’t affected by the man. She could eat. She could have a good time. Watch as she lifted a glass in celebration. See how freaking merry and carefree she was?

  Who was she kidding? She wanted nothing more than to run away and never look back. What made her think she could do this?

  Simple, she thought. I didn’t think I’d feel anything.

  What was wrong with her? She was better than this.

  The married couples fed each other, as if it were a performance of marital bliss the brides were to watch. Servants carried pitchers and Olena eagerly waved one of them over. The man’s light blond hair fell over his shoulders as he bowed. The servants were more fully clothed than the grooms had been. She held up her goblet, barely giving him a second glance as she tasted the strange berry wine. It wasn’t a nerve-stiffening drink like she’d wanted, but she’d take what she could get.

  “He makes for a peculiar servant,” Pia pondered at her side.

  Olena glanced over, drinking as she did so. The woman’s gaze was suspicious as she watched the blond man walking away. He looked like a servant to her, not a very good one by the way he spilled some of the wine on the ground as he walked away, but a servant nonetheless.

  “They make for a peculiar race,” Olena mumbled, secretly searching for the dark-haired stranger. She absently ran her fingers through her hair, touching the firefly hairpin she had stuck in her locks. It’s cold, black stones brought her a little comfort.

  The wine settled her nerves and she was able to regain some of her composure. Surely it was shock that made her nervous. She hadn’t expected to find attraction. But that’s all it was. Momentary attraction brought on by a combination of her strange attire, and having been quarantined with a bunch of gossipy women.

  Olena took a deep breath and smiled. She was ready for a good challenge. The men were forbidden to have sex this night. That just might work to her advantage. She’d have the dark barbarian turned around in circles before he ever knew what hit him.

  Pia laughed softly. “Do you believe this whole deal?”

  “What are you doing here anyway?” Olena asked curiously. “You hardly seem like the type to get trapped into coming.”

  “Free benefits,” came Pia’s enigmatic answer. Her eyes shadowed for a moment and Olena wondered at the look. This woman was definitely hiding something. Before she could comment, Pia said, “I think I am going to follow that servant. He’s up to something.”

  Pia stood but was kept from leaving as the grooms suddenly appeared before them, walking up to the table platform. They hadn’t changed out of the loincloths. Olena pretended not to notice the dark warrior coming for her.

  Not all brides had been chosen and Olena grinned to see Gena still sitting alone with a look of horror on her stunned face.

  Guess the magical breasts didn’t do the trick. Maybe you need to go just a bit bigger next time. Olena tried so hard not to laugh at her own thoughts, she gave a small snort.

  “I am Yusef.”

  Olena glanced up, covering her mouth at having been caught making such an indelicate sound. She purposefully faked a yawned, as she looked up at the dark warrior. She felt Pia move away and wanted to reach out to make the woman stay. She didn’t.

  “Come,” Yusef said, his accent as thrillingly dark as his gaze. He lifted his hand to take hers. It was a strong hand, with long tapered fingers. She saw calluses along the palm and shivered. Such a hand would feel so delectable against her skin.

  Olena glanced over his bronzed flesh, as if he was a piece of meat at a fueling station, and she the intergalactic health inspector. His chest was cut and chiseled, an effort of much hard work and training. Seeing his large arms, she knew she would never be able to take this man in a fair fight. That fact was disconcerting. He would crush her if she even dared. There was pride in him, an arrogance that came with such handsomeness. But the confidence didn’t deter her. She liked a man who knew his own worth. Being trapped with him for a few months might not be so bad. It might even be downright enjoyable.

  Finishing her bold examination, she shrugged as if it were no big deal and said, “Sure, supernova, why not?”

  A quizzical smile came to his mouth at her words. Olena took another leisurely drink of the wine. His expression wasn’t what she’d expected.

  Without taking his offered hand, Olena pushed up from her chair and strode around the table by herself. She let her hips sway slightly, knowing from years of experience that he would be looking at them. Even though she appeared calm, her heart beat erratically fast. His voice sent chills over her flesh and turned her nervous system to water.

  When Yusef merely watched her step down from the platform to the ground, her emerald eyes sparkled in mischief, as she said lightly, “Well, come on, won’t you? Let’s go get this over with.”

  Yusef slowly came down from the platform, stopping to eye her as she had him. It was a bold stare, one that left no doubt he was undressing her with his mind. Olena’s confidence wavered slightly. He licked his lips.

  “Are you done?” she demanded, her voice coming out a little harsh. Olena covered up her emotions with ease, slipping from one role to another despite what she felt on the inside. It was the only way a pirate of the high skies could survive.

  “No,” he answered obstinately, continuing to look his fill. Olena’s arms crossed over her chest. He looked at her creamy breasts, pushed up and together by her defiant motion.

  The crystal hanging from his neck pulsed and Olena discovered that her body was trying to pulse along with it. Narrowing her eyes, she stared at the stone. Something wasn’t quite right. Her head was beginning to fog over with pleasure. What exactly were these barbarians up to? She glanced back at the table, seeing that more brides were being led off, their eyes glassy as they listlessly followed their future husbands.

  Olena grinned, remembering all she had learned of the Qurilixian customs. Stepping boldly forward, she reached to grab his fur-covered manhood. To her surprise, it was already at half arousal. Squeezing it, she asked, “You want it here, barbarian?”

  * * *

  Yusef stiffened. His breath caught in amazement that his bride had actually grabbed him in public viewing. Her boldness excited him, but he also knew this was not the place. He wouldn’t dishonor his family or his name by acting like a greenknight at his first battlefront. Reading the mischief in her eyes, he knew she was teasing him.

  The woman waited, her brow poised in dangerous challenge on her forehead, as she slowly licked her lips. The arousal beneath her fingers lurched. She grinned.

  Before she had a chance to figure out his plan, Yusef leaned over and lifted her over his shoulder. She made a weak noise. Though clearly self-assured, she didn’t have a man’s strength to back up her fierce stance. Her body was light and he walked easily with her through the campground. His hand curled over her thighs, digging under the thin strips of material, to fasten on smooth, naked skin. His other arm wrapped around her dangling legs, trapping her to him.

  Yusef strode with his prize
, smiling like a fool. Seeing his friend Agro nearby pointing at him and laughing, he waved jauntily. A cry of amusement went over the onlookers.

  His bride, clearly not to be outdone, ran her fingernails over the muscular curves of his back, scratching lightly. He shivered beneath her touch. His heart beat hard, thumping a wonderfully erotic rhythm beside her leg.

  Without losing breath, he carted her through the entire encampment to the far end of the field. Keeping her balanced on his shoulder, he pushed open a black tent flap and carried her inside. He did not let her go, choosing to hold onto her, liking the silky feel of her body.

  She pushed up on his shoulder to look around. He held her up from beneath the under curve of her ass, hugging her tightly to his chest. Tapping her nails lightly on his shoulders, she turned to look the other way. His face pressed next to her hip, as he breathed in the womanly scent of her.

  Torches lit up the black walls, casting an eerie light over them. It glowed seductively on the creamy flesh of her legs. He automatically looked at the bed covered in fur in the middle of the tent. It had chains strapped to the four posts. He suppressed a growl as he thought of how fun it would be to have her chain him.

  One of the three pyramid corners held a bath, steaming hot and very inviting. In the second corner was a table laden with food and drink. Traditionally, they were offerings left by the family to encourage a fertile marriage. Yusef didn’t think he’d need a plate full of chocolate aphrodisiacs to ensure he would do everything it took to make a fruitful marriage bed.

  Slowly, he loosened his grip so she slid down his chest. He hugged his arms around her narrow waist. Her breast came before his face and he paused in his release to smile impishly up at her. He enjoyed the physical contact. Her soft body molded easily to his. Her exotic cinnamon scent washed over him, propelling his heart to race with desire and lust. He ached to taste her flesh. And she wanted him too.


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