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Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition

Page 76

by Michelle M. Pillow

“Ah, well.” He leaned to kiss her. “Tempting as you are, wife, I would have this business finished. I don’t know about you, but I would like to get back to the Outpost. This house is too…”

  “White?” she offered, with a grimace of distaste.

  “Exactly. Now, go back to sleep. I’ll send the queen to check on you later.”

  Olena nodded, instantly closing her eyes and burrowing under the blankets. To Yusef’s amazement, she was asleep before he even turned around.

  * * *

  When Olena awoke later in the afternoon, she was still a little groggy. For about an hour, she laid in bed, not moving. Her dreams had been sweet and full of hope for the first time in her life. She barely remembered her conversation with Yusef until she heard the queen calling to her from the front door.

  Olena stumbled from the bedroom, still dressed in her clothes from the night before. She caught her reflection briefly. Sleep wrinkles pressed into her cheeks from the blankets and her hair was tousled.

  “You didn’t answer the door,” Queen Mede said. “I was worried.”

  Olena yawned through a smile, absently scratching her backside where her pirate’s brand had been. The queen chuckled at the disoriented display.

  “Aaoow,” Olena yawned loudly, stretching her arms over her head and twisting back and forth in a stretch. “Don’t worry about it. It’s fine. I needed to get up eventually. Where’s Yusef?”

  “He asked me to come and check on you and tell you that they are off to battle the Var.”

  “Oh,” Olena said, rubbing her eyes. “When will they be back?”

  The queen smiled, clearly glad to see the confidence Olena had in her son.

  “Agro discovered —” the queen began.

  Olena nodded, breaking in, “Yusef said something about it this morning—that is if I wasn’t dreaming it.”

  Olena walked over to the couch and sat, leisurely motioning to Queen Mede to join her. “The trackers found the campsite I take it?”

  “They did. It’s a small encampment south of here next to the borders. They could be gone for the rest of the night.”

  Olena frowned at that. She wanted Yusef home now.

  “I have to ask,” the queen said. “Are you happy here with my son?”

  The forward question surprised her. Yusef was her only true happiness. There was nothing else for her but him. She had never known true happiness before meeting her dragon warrior.

  Seeing the look, Queen Mede had her answer. “Does he know you’re happy?”

  “Why?” Olena sat up straighter. Insecure, she asked, “Did he say something?”

  “As a mother, I have a bond with him. I know my son. He is troubled and, I do confess, I pressed the issue. He thinks you mean to leave him.”

  “He said that?” Olena was stunned. How could he not know how she felt? She was sure it was written all over her face.

  “He did. He made me promise not to talk to you, but, ah, I am his mother and he can’t boss me around.”

  Olena laughed. “Are all men blind or just mine? I figured everyone saw me as a besotted fool. I’m surprised I haven’t been drooling and trailing after him.”

  “You hide yourself better than you think,” Queen Mede said. “When I first met you I couldn’t tell a single thing you might be thinking. I could only hope you meant it when you took his life to yours.”

  “You mean because I married him?” Olena asked, questioning the queen’s dire tone of finality. “If it didn’t work out, couldn’t he have just found someone else? It’s not like I would have ruined him.”

  “Ah, but you see, you have ruined him for all others.” Queen Mede sighed. “None of my new daughters understand what is happening to them. I will give you the same speech I gave Morrigan earlier. Draig men are given a crystal when they are born. It’s their guiding light. When you were paired by the crystal, your lives became joined in such a way that can never be taken back. You exchanged part of your souls. By crushing the crystal, you assured that the exchange would never be reversed. In a way, you are now his guiding light.”

  Olena listened silently.

  “He has put his every chance at happiness in you, Olena. He gave his life to you.” The queen’s gaze shifted to gold as if to punctuate her meaning. “There will never be anyone else for him so long as he lives. That is a long time for our people, and for you. By giving you his life, he shortened his and extended yours so your fates could remain together. If you chose to leave him, he would be alone for the rest of his days. That is a long time of loneliness. When he took you to his tent, it was his choice. When you stayed, that was yours. There will be no other in his bed or his heart. There simply can’t be.”

  “I am such an idiot,” she whispered. Then louder, she asked, “But if you say he can feel me, then can’t he feel that I was just scared? That I don’t intend to go?”

  “Ah, they may hide it well, for our warriors are men of extraordinary, albeit frustrating, pride. But inside, they are still men and men have fears like all others. I think it might be worse for our husbands, because they will never permit themselves to show it.”

  “They’re afraid?”

  “Deep down at their core they are impossible romantics.” The queen moved to stand and smiled a secret smile. “They fall hopelessly and unreservedly in love at first sight and can never hope to fall out again.”

  Chapter 39

  Olena fidgeted with nervous tension. Queen Mede’s words flowed through her mind for the rest of the day, distracting her. She went to bed early, only to rise before dawn. She had no idea when Yusef would be back, but she wanted to be ready for him. The queen thought they should expect the men to return by late morning.

  Olena bathed and dressed in her most alluring of clothes—which unfortunately were plain cotton pants and a tight black shirt that showed only a hint more cleavage than the rest. She let her hair dry in soft waves over her shoulders.


  Her heart jumped. Finally. Taking a deep breath, she fussed with her locks in the bathroom mirror.

  “One second,” she yelled. Then, to stall as she pinched her cheeks, she asked lightly, “How was the battle?”

  “King Attor is dead,” came the tired answer. She could hear him moving around in the front hall, putting down his sword and kicking off his boots. “We tried to arrest him but he called his troops to fight. We had no choice. But then, as king, I suppose neither did he.”

  “It ended the only way it could.” Olena was glad the matter was finally settled. Well, as settled as such matters could be.

  “Attor’s son will take the throne,” Yusef said.

  “Uh-huh,” She adjusted her breasts beneath her top to get the maximum effect. She wondered if she should just take it off altogether, but then thought better of it. It wouldn’t do to distract him too much before she said everything she needed to.

  “Olek is speaking to the new king now, negotiating a peace. It looks hopeful that our battles have ended.”

  “So soon after the king’s death?” Olena frowned.

  “It’s politics. It will take delicate negotiating, but peace can be achieved if we handle the situation correctly. Olek needs to extend our condolences before Prince Kirill officially takes the throne. He needs to know we do not wish to continue our aggressions. Some of the older nobles will protest but, in the end, they will bow to the decision of their leaders.”

  “Does this mean we can leave the palace?” Olena was ready to go back to the Outpost to give her marriage a real chance.

  “What are you doing in there?” His voice had drawn closer.

  Olena took a deep breath and rushed out to meet him. Her smile widened at the sight of him. Her gaze roamed over his body. When he moved, he looked completely healed and his arm wasn’t in the sling.

  “I,” she began. Oh, but he was handsome. Her eyes found his gray ones flecked with a subtle gold and she forgot everything that she had spent all night rehearsing. “I need…to talk.”
r />   Yusef’s expression darkened but he nodded.

  “I’m a pirate,” she admitted.

  “I know.” He nodded. There was a sadness to him as he said the words and his body stiffened as if he braced himself.

  “I mean…I was a pirate. Jack was my pirate father. He took me under his wing and showed me how to protect myself, how to steal, how to convince people to believe whatever I wanted. It was his idea that I stay a virgin so when I went through security checks—anyway. He taught me how to seduce men to get what I wanted from them.”

  Olena bit her lip. Her words weren’t coming out right at all.

  “And you miss it,” Yusef stated, thinking to understand.

  “Yusef, I,” she hesitated. Her eyes teared. “Jack taught me everything I know. But, he didn’t teach me how to love.”

  Yusef closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “I…” She felt his pain and all masks dropped from her features. No longer caring that her speech was muddled into a blob of incoherent half-thoughts, she said the most important truth, “I love you. I’m pregnant and I love you. And I’m scared that you don’t feel the same way, because I can’t…tell…what love would look like on you.”

  He opened his eyes. She trembled, beginning to cry. A flood of her emotions, so insecure, washed out of her onto him. Let him feel it. All walls were broken, all her defenses crumbled at her feet until she could no longer hide behind her mask of mischief.

  Yusef rushed forward, sweeping her up into his arms. Before she could even blink in surprise, he kissed her deeply, letting her body fit into his, letting her feel his arousal, his unyielding, unending heart’s desire for her.

  “If you can’t see that I love you, foolish woman,” he said into her mouth, “then feel that I do.”

  Olena smiled happily, her whole world colliding into this one perfect moment. A stream of feeling rushed into her from him, warm and secure. She ran her hands over his body, eagerly dipping along his neck to find his naked back beneath his tunic. Lifting her swiftly into his arms, Yusef hugged her to his chest and broke his lips free. Her feet dangled above the ground.

  “I believe I’m ready to collect on my bet now,” he said. Slowly, he set her down on the floor. His hands were on her shirt, pulling it up over her head.

  “What would you have?” she murmured in full invitation. Yusef pushed her drawstring pants off her hips. Her fingers were on his waist, trying to free his center to her. “You get one demand. I can’t complain.”

  “I would have you stay with me always, as my wife.”

  “Done.” Then, batting her eyelashes, she said, “Now take me to bed and make a few more demands.”

  Yusef grinned. Lifting her up, he pressed her back into the white wall. With a swift stroke, he was inside her willing body. Olena gasped in delight, never wanting him to stop. Yusef buried his face into her hair, and asked, “Who can wait for a bed, firebird?”


  Four months later…

  Yusef followed his wife at a distance as she made her way toward the east pond. It was late in the evening. Olena pretended not to detect him as she searched the dimmed trees. She could just imagine his Draig eyes darkening to a bright gold to watch over her slightly rounded waist—a testament to his growing child in her womb.

  Hearing a low whistle, foreign to Qurilixen, Olena grinned. The demons had finally come for her. Covering her mouth, she trilled softly in return. Soon the path was alive with beastly figures.

  “Captain!” one of the men cried.

  Olena yelped in excitement and jumped into a pair of hairy arms.

  “MoPa!” Pulling back, she said, “Hedge, Lufa, Caz, I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “Ah, captain,” Lufa’s voice gurgled. He was a giant upright amphibian. “You could’ve picked a closer planet.”

  Olena grinned.

  “So you ready to go?” Hedge, a prickle-headed being, asked. “We’ve got a transport waiting.”

  Olena’s smile drifted. She had missed them so much.

  “What happened here?” MoPa glanced down to her stomach where he’d felt a slight bulge.

  “The nightmares are gone, MoPa. I’m not going with you,” she whispered. The men’s faces fell and they protested—all but MoPa who nodded, a gleam of happiness in his eyes for her.

  “Quiet, now!” MoPa ordered darkly. “You don’t dare question the captain’s orders.”

  “You all can stay with me, MoPa,” she offered. “You will be protected here.”

  “There now, captain,” Hedge said. “You know we can’t be doing that. The high skies call us. It’s in our blood.”

  “I’m not your captain anymore.” Olena reached behind her back and pulled out her gun. Handing it over to MoPa, she said. “But I am your friend. You will always find sanctuary here. MoPa, the crew is yours. Do your worst.”

  MoPa smiled, he solemnly nodded his head at her. She saw his look and knew he would be sorry to see her stay behind.

  “Give this planet hell,” he stated quietly. Olena nodded. With a flick of MoPa’s hand, the crew disappeared into the trees as if they were never there.

  She stood silent, watching where they had disappeared. There was no long last look, no goodbyes. It was the pirate way and she understood it all too well. As soon as they sailed safe skies, they would drink to her in respect.

  Startling slightly, Olena felt Yusef’s strong hand on her shoulder. She smiled, turning around into his awaiting arms. Her cheek pressed into his chest to feel his heartbeat, before she pulled back to look at him.

  “What was that?” Yusef asked, basking in her loving expression.

  “Ah, just the demons coming to visit,” she said. She felt a hard press against her back. Frowning, she reached behind her to pull a carving out from her husband’s fingers. It was a figurine of her, her stomach slightly rounded. Chuckling, she said, “You really need to get a new model for these things.”

  “Why, firebird?” he asked, lifting her up into his arms. “When I have no desire to look at anything else?”

  Olena laughed softly. And, as she kissed him, she murmured, “You could at least put clothes on me. Our son will think I walked around naked the whole time I was pregnant.”

  “Ah,” he murmured against her. Yusef swept his wife away with him to their home and into their bed. “I think such a thing can be arranged.”

  The End

  Warrior Prince: 10th Anniversary Edition

  By Michelle M. Pillow

  Warrior Prince (Dragon Lords) © copyright 2004 - 2015 by Michelle M. Pillow

  Previously Titled: The Warrior Prince (Dragon Lords)

  10th Anniversary Edition, Third Electronic Printing July 2014, The Raven books

  Second Electronic Printing September 2010, The Raven Books

  First Electronic Printing January 2005

  Cover art by Ravven © Copyright 2015

  ISBN 978-1-62501-087-2


  All books copyrighted to the author and may not be resold or given away without written permission from the author, Michelle M. Pillow.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any and all characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or events or places is merely coincidence. Novel intended for adults only. Must be 18 years or older to read.

  About Warrior Prince

  Dragonshifting Romance

  The Survivor...

  Though no one can command her, this warrior would try to conquer her heart...

  Physically scarred in childhood by an act of betrayal, Pia has never been considered an attractive woman to other humans, but in a universe filled with aliens she’s managed to blend in. One horrible mistake and she is on the run. Desperate to hide her identity, she makes a deal with Galaxy Brides—in exchange for a new face, she’ll marry anyone they put in front of her. Never did she realize her future husband would be the most
handsome warrior of the Draig.

  The Warrior...

  Though no man can thwart the brave dragon leader, a woman would be his undoing...

  Dragon-shifter Zoran of Draig is a man who knows what he wants. Being a prince and the commander, he is called upon to make swift decisions, be ready to battle at a moment’s notice, and most of all, he always expected to be in control. When his beautiful wife, the one person who should obey him unconditionally, refuses to do so, Zoran discovers the battle for his heart’s desire is fiercer than any he war ever waged before. Can the conqueror become the conquered?

  To My Wonderful Readers

  To Lesley Parkin: Thank you for all of your hard work editing the Dragon Lords anniversary editions.

  Chapter 1

  Pia Korbin gasped, sputtering as she jerked back from the blood spraying across her scarred hands and face. The knife slipped from her fingers to land on top of the man bleeding to death beneath her. Gradually, her drunken mind sobered. His pants were around his ankles, the evidence of his intent lowering as the artery next to his groin bled out onto the snowy black ground.

  “You...ugly...bitch!” The man growled at her, his throat gurgling in pain, his eyes glaring with hatred. Even as she stood over his fallen body, she smelled the foulness of his breath. He weakly reached his hand to his hemorrhaging thigh, but then let it fall lifelessly to the side. Those words were the last he ever said.

  Pia took a deep breath, looking desperately around the industrial dumpster at the end of the alleyway, to make sure no one watched her. Swallowing nervously, she reached down to search the man’s pockets, not bothering to check him for a pulse. She knew he was dead. Pulling out an ID card, she froze. It was worse than she feared. He was the mayor’s son.


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