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Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition

Page 97

by Michelle M. Pillow

  “Please, sir,” she whispered.

  He nodded and stood for her, turning around.

  Pia rubbed his shoulders more thoroughly from behind. His head dropped and she heard him sigh as she eased the tension from them. She gave the same careful treatment to his back that she had to the rest of him, only hesitating as she reached his taut backside.

  He turned to eye her and she quickly touched him, massaging and cupping him in her palms as she finished.

  Pia drew her hands away. Zoran turned, towering over her. The shower washed off all the soap she’d put on his body. He looked down pointedly at his arousal and said, his voice hoarse, “You missed a spot.”

  Pia looked down and didn’t move.

  Zoran took her hand in his, squirted more soap into it, and brought it forward to his member. Moving her hand, he had her cup the base, rubbing the soft globes before moving her fingers around his shaft, lathering himself with her hand. His eyes stayed steadily on hers as he forced her to stroke him several times.

  Pia felt the unyielding power of him beneath her palm as he made her learn his body. It tortured her and, although she remembered how hard he fit inside her, she suddenly wanted to try it again. Didn’t Nadja say the second time wasn’t so bad?

  Zoran almost lost himself as she tightened her fingers. She took over, stroking him more insistently in her own desire. He groaned and forced her hand from him.

  “I think I’m clean enough,” Zoran stated, his voice husky. He looked her wet body over. He wanted nothing more than to touch it. If he did, he would never be able to draw this out like he planned. “Wash yourself, wife, and then come into the bedroom.”

  Pia gulped. Her mouth was dry.

  Zoran looked her over with a dominating consideration. “Don’t bother to get dressed.”

  Pia shivered. Zoran strode out of the shower. He grabbed a towel and didn’t look back. Collecting herself, she did as he commanded, washing as quickly as she could with shaking fingers.

  Chapter 31

  Pia couldn’t quite force herself to walk across the house naked. She tried. But, in the end, she grabbed a thick robe off the wall by the bath and wrapped it around her shivering body.

  Zoran had been exquisite to explore. The feel of him amazed her, the hot texture of his flesh, the deep folds of his muscles, the size of his...

  Just thinking about it made her blush furiously in embarrassment and she couldn’t finish the thought.

  When he looked at her in his commanding way, she really wanted to obey him. She wanted to please him and she wanted to be pleased by him. Her body ached for his touch, knowing that a set of explosives would go off at the lightest of his caresses.

  Pia poked her head out of the bathroom door, checking the front room. It was empty. Slowly, she inched out, padding barefoot across the wooden floor. She paused to see that the bedroom door was closed.

  Pia’s heart hammered in her chest. She panicked. Spinning on her heels, she made a move for the front door. Her lips parted ready to call out a command for it to open. She was too late, Zoran had heard her.

  “Lose the robe and come here.”

  Pia shivered. When she looked, he wasn’t there but the door was open. A soft flickering came from the bedroom and Pia saw the dancing flames of numerous candles haphazardly trailing along the dresser and floor like twinkling stars.

  She clutched the robe to her chest, slowly going to him. Curiosity overcame her fear and she stopped at the bedroom door. Zoran was lounging on the bed naked, waiting for her. Her eyes widened, instantly turning down and away.

  When she merely stood, clutching the robe in a deathlike grip that turned her knuckles white, Zoran frowned. His look said he knew she’d contemplated running away. “It would seem I still have some taming to do.”

  Zoran idly smiled, clearly believing himself up to the challenge. Moving stealthily from the bed, he was soon before her. Pia tensed. Zoran grabbed her belt and jerked it from around her waist.

  “Take off the robe,” he ordered quietly. Her lips tightened and he lowered his mouth to them. Whispering against her, he let his mouth brush hers, as he urged, “Please, take it off. I’m aching to touch you.”

  Zoran lifted his hands to her shoulders, delving beneath the material to brush across her skin. He forced the robe from her shoulders and it pooled onto the floor.

  “Better,” he murmured, as if to himself.

  Pia shivered.

  “Do not try to hide from me again,” Zoran instructed. “From this moment on, I’ll look at you and touch you whenever and however I wish. And you will touch me. This is what we both want. You are my wife. You will stay as my wife. None of the other things matter.”

  It wasn’t a question.

  “Get on the bed,” he told her.

  Pia moved in silence and laid down on the low bed, watching as Zoran came over her. She noted how his fiery gaze filled with pleasure when he saw her body beneath his.

  “Give me your wrists.” His thighs straddled her. His erection came close to her leg.

  Pia was past the point of conscious reasoning. His words demanded, but his eyes and face begged her not to refuse him. Trustingly, she lifted her hands up to him.

  Zoran crossed her arms at the wrists. Taking the soft belt from the robe, he watched her eyes as he bound her wrists together. She wiggled slightly, but didn’t fight. Lifting her arms over her head, he made quick work of tying her to the top of the bed. He pulled her hands to make sure she couldn’t free herself.

  “Do you want me to touch you?” he asked.

  Pia nodded.

  “Where?” His lids narrowed over his eyes.

  Her lips parted, but she couldn’t have made a sound if she’d tried. Her breath came out in ragged pants.

  “How about here?” Zoran took a finger to her hands, running over her arm to her throat, over her speeding pulse, down her collarbone to sweep across the tops of her breasts. “Do you want me here?”

  Pia nodded. She closed her eyes as his fingers narrowed in on her nipples, twirling lightly around them so they budded. Her body stirred with an intense longing.

  Zoran thoroughly caressed and explored her upper body, before moving to touch her stomach, rubbing over her legs, whispering past her feet. Pia had never felt anything like it before. Her heart ached. She wanted to cry out, but the feelings were so intense that instead she moaned. By the time he made the journey back toward her hips, she was squirming against her bindings.

  “Where else do you want me to touch you?” Zoran asked.

  Pia’s stomach tightened and as he drew a finger closer to her heated center. She arched in offering, but Zoran had other plans. Pulling his hands away, he met her open mouth with his, taking in her ragged breaths. Her legs worked beneath him, stirring helplessly against the coverlet.

  “Ask me to kiss you,” he whispered against her lips.

  Pia didn’t ask. She lifted up, taking his lips with hers. Zoran groaned as her mouth opened and her tongue sought automatically to taste him. He gave back to her with all his expert skill, setting her ablaze with the full tide of his restrained passion. Her knee lifted to rub against his hip. Using all her strength, she tried to pull him closer. Her hands fought to be free so that she could force him to her searching body. She wanted to touch him, explore him, as he had her.

  Zoran’s mouth broke free. His lips moved down across her body in the same path his hands had taken moments before. He trailed his tongue along her old scar, kissing her hip. His mouth breathed hotly against her pussy. He nipped at her inner thigh, kissed her from her knee down to her toes before traveling back up the other side. By the time he finished, he’d staked claim to every inch of her, worshipping and conquering at the same time. His lips found one ripe breast, biting and teasing it mercilessly, roughly licking a nipple.

  “Oh!” Pia’s entire body jerked.

  Zoran growled, giving the other breast the same attention. He bit lightly and her hips bucked.

  A slow
smile crossed his lips. He leaned over the side of the bed and lifted a tapered candle. Holding it high so that the wax would cool some before it dripped on her skin, he let a drop fall across her chest.

  Pia gasped loudly, her back arching up. Every nerve in her body tingled with pleasure. Her skin was alive, awakened completely for the first time.

  He dotted a red trail of wax down the valley of her breasts, over her stomach, to the side of her navel only to stop before hitting her delicate center.

  “Zoran.” Her breath caught. Oh, but it was the most wonderful torture. Her eyes sought his, pleading. “Please.”

  As if those words were what he’d been waiting for, he licked his fingers and put out the flame before dropping the candle onto the floor.

  “Please,” Pia said again, not completely sure what she was begging for.

  Zoran smiled at her. His body was taut with his desire as he kissed her. Her legs moved restlessly.

  “Please?” he repeated softly against her lips. “Do you want me to end your torment?”

  “Yes, please, Zoran.”

  He moved his hand to her stomach, reaching to test her depths. Gently he rubbed his fingers against her moist sex. “Open yourself to me.”

  Pia trembled, a little nervous as he brought his legs between hers. But his fingers felt so good rubbing against her that soon she was mindless to everything but the feelings he put inside her body.

  Zoran guided his hips to hers. Poising himself above her, he kissed her again, stealing her breath from her chest.

  Suddenly, he hesitated. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Zoran,” she sighed against his mouth. “You’re not hurting me. Please, don’t stop now.”

  “But, before,” he began.

  “Shh.” She kissed him straining against her bonds.

  Zoran groaned. Tenderly, he entered her warm depths. She moaned, reaching with her body. This time, he was slow, giving her time to adapt.

  By small degrees he filled her completely. His hips came flush against her. “I’ve wanted you since our wedding night. Tell me you want me, too.”

  “Yes,” she answered. “I want you, too.”

  It was all the encouragement he needed. Words were beyond them as he moved inside her. Pia tensed, never having felt anything as sweet as Zoran’s possession. He made love to her slowly, savoring every touch. His hips thrust in an even rhythm, working into her as he lifted his body above hers.

  Then, when they couldn’t draw it out any longer, he brought her to climax. Zoran released himself into her. She whimpered as the pleasure radiated over her. In that moment, he was all that mattered. Tremors racked her body and then exploded into one glorious moment.

  Out of breath Zoran collapsed next to her. Pia was too scared to open her eyes, scared that she’d wake up from the dream.

  “Look at me,” he urged.

  Pia opened her eyes.

  Zoran released her wrists, drawing them down to kiss the reddened flesh. “You look so beautiful right now.”

  Pia looked down. Zoran followed her eyes and chuckled. Flicking his finger over her skin, he gently pried the wax from her body.

  “Was...?” Vulnerable, she peeked up at him from between her lashes.

  Lightly, he kissed her. “You were perfect.”

  Pia made a weak noise, but didn’t protest.

  Zoran climbed out of bed. Walking naked and unashamed through the bedroom, he blew out the candles. Pia watched him, loving the look of him. He eased the coverlet out from under her. Pulling her into his arms, he held her close.

  Pia closed her eyes, overwhelmed with her feelings. She didn’t want to face them or give them a name. But even if she didn’t say it, she knew she loved him. She loved him like she’d never loved anything and it terrified her.

  Zoran had forced her to face the depths of her passion, knowing she needed him to control her. When she discovered those depths, he’d released her. His was a gift more precious than any she had ever received. She didn’t want it to end, but knew, like everything in life, that it must end. A gift, such as he, was too precious to hold onto forever. The gleam he had for her would soon tarnish and disappear. And she would be trapped with the distant memory of it.

  Chapter 32

  Zoran’s hunger for his wife was insatiable. She could walk across the room and he would want to make love to her. Each and every time he went to her, she would blink in surprise that he could want her again. But he did want her and he took her. After stiffening, followed by a moment of weak incoherent protest, Pia melted easily into his arms each time.

  When Zoran left for work in the morning, she was almost relieved, ready for the break. However, when he came back in the evening, she was eager to discover what new delights her husband had to teach her.

  He was gentle each time and Pia wondered at the restraint. She saw the eagerness in him, tempered back. That first time on the couch had been wild and rough. He’d been almost crazed. She wanted to try that. She was too embarrassed to ask.

  He made love to her on the couch, in front of the fire, with the flames turning their skin a golden hue. He caught her in the exercise room, swept her sweat-laden body into his arms and claimed her in the hot spring, teaching her to ride him astride, controlling her hips with his large, strong hands. Mostly, he took her to his bed. He didn’t bind her again, didn’t drip wax, keeping his love play tender and sweet. He treated her like a delicate flower.

  It was wonderful, but Pia was no delicate flower.

  During the day, Pia spent time with the other princesses, excluding Olena, who spent every moment caring for Yusef. Pia even started to like Queen Mede some, though she was still hesitant around the woman. She took her meals in the common hall along with the rest of the family. A high alert had been set on the kitchen and staff after Morrigan’s poisoning, so it was a little more tense than usual when they gathered together. The men didn’t join them often, taking their meals wherever they practiced and strategized.

  When Nadja mentioned how Pia was training her to fight, Morrigan had been only too happy to join in the lessons. So, when they weren’t roaming about the village with the queen—during which time, Pia noticed they were always followed at a distance by a Draig guard—they were self-defense training in Pia’s home.

  Pia frowned, eyeing the punching bag in anger. Her muscles were sore, but it felt good. Pia was secretly glad Morrigan hadn’t showed up for her knife throwing lesson. She was in no mood to be pleasant. She wanted blood.

  Pia was kicking the punching bag, pretending it was her husband’s face. She’d told Zoran everything about her, but he still didn’t confide about what was going on. They were lying in bed, their bodies sated, when she’d asked him, “Have you found the men who attacked Yusef?”

  “No,” had been his answer. “But we will.”

  “Do you suspect a threat?” she’d asked, snuggling trustingly into his warmth. She’d traced patterns over his chest with her fingers. “Do they plan something?”

  “No, they merely took an opportunity to strike,” he’d murmured into her hair, giving her temple a light kiss. “We have nothing to fear from the Var.”

  And she had believed him,

  She should have detected his lie, if not for her being distracted by his warm kisses on her neck and the erotically bold hand on her hip.

  “No threat, huh?” She kicked the bag in quick succession until her leg hurt so badly she had to stop before falling over.

  Pia had tried to go out to the forest for a jog by herself, only to be stopped by the same Draig guard who had been following them for the last several days. When she tried to skirt past him, demanding he step out of her way, he’d told her that the colossal forest was off limits and he wasn’t to allow her entry. When she’d asked why, he’d told her that the Var enemy had been sensed within the trees and it wasn’t safe.

  The princesses, it seemed, were not to go anywhere alone. The castle security was on the highest alert and it was suspected
another attack would undoubtedly befall the royal family. Her life, along with the other princesses, was in danger.

  When she’d tried to go anyway, the Draig warrior had called out an order and she was surrounded by an entire battalion of soldiers—they just popped out of the trees like they’d been watching her all along. She hadn’t even suspected they were there. Then she was informed that she would be subdued by any means necessary if she persisted in trying to defy the—oh, and this was the best part—the Captain of the Guard’s order.

  “Nothing to worry about,” she growled, kicking with her other leg. “I’ll show that overbearing, lying barbarian Zoran nothing to worry about. When I’m through with him he’ll wish the Var had attacked!”

  Pia continued to mutter under her breath. She couldn’t believe she’d trusted him and he was treating her like dainty little housewife. How dare he patronize her! She’d faced worse threats than a savage Var king bent on taking over a rival kingdom. And even if she hadn’t, there was no reason why he shouldn’t trust her enough to tell her what was happening.

  Honesty and trust, she thought bitterly. That’s what he’d said he wanted between them. Obviously, what he’d meant was her honesty and her trust, oh, and her complete and utter submission to him.

  Pia wailed on the bag, denting it with her fists and feet. This time she didn’t stop until her body collapsed on the floor, her heart thundered so hard it nearly exploded from her chest, and her lungs burned with the need for air that couldn’t be gasped fast enough.

  * * *

  “My lord, your presence is requested in communications.”

  Zoran turned around from where he watched a hand-to-hand combat training on the practice field. The young soldier who spoke was looking at his brother, Ualan.

  At the soldier’s words, Ualan looked up from where he held his knife to a young warrior’s throat. Sighing, he tapped the man’s neck, indicating the kill shot. Standing, he nodded at Zoran before tossing the blade to him. Zoran caught it with one hand, barely blinking as he turned back around to watch a practice fight.


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