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Shifter Legacies Special Edition: Books 1-2

Page 84

by Mark E. Cooper


  Chris nodded once. She had once trained regularly in the ring, but that was long ago during her academy days. Kick-boxing had taken her fancy when one of the instructors gave a demonstration. She wished she had kept at it. It would have come in handy about now.

  Toni edged forward.

  Chris watched her eyes; there was nothing but a single-minded concentration in them. She let her feet find their own rhythm, a dance to music none but she could hear, and forced herself to look away. It was a rookie mistake to watch an opponent’s eyes. Instead, she concentrated on Toni’s centre of mass, looking for something, anything, to indicate an imminent attack. She found it almost too late. A tiny movement as one shoulder dipped, and she dropped to one knee as Toni’s foot whistled through the air above her head. She came back up and landed two rapid punches over Toni’s kidneys before dancing away.

  Shouts of appreciation erupted from the crowd.

  Jonas’ voice was a basso bellow. “Don’t get cocky! Take her down fast!”

  If only.

  Toni staggered away, clutching her side. Her face hardened, and her eyes blazed with anger. She attacked with a lethal combination of kicks and punches. Chris ducked and dodged, blocking the blows when she could, backing away when she could not. The crowd shouted derisively as she circled the arena, trying to keep out of range.

  “Stand and fight!” people shouted.

  “Hit her!” others yelled.

  Yeah, right. Everyone’s a critic.

  She ducked a punch, but it was a feint, and Toni followed up with her other fist. It exploded into Chris’ jaw and she spat blood and teeth. Catcalls turned to whistles of admiration and groans of dismay. Toni had drawn first blood; the groans were from people who had lost their bets. Another fist slammed into her face and she staggered back. She swayed, blinking, but then her legs gave way and she sat down hard. The sounds of the crowd faded in and out, but the pain kept her from passing out. She shook her head, trying to make her eyes focus. Toni approached at a crawl, as if the air had thickened around her.

  “… ange! Use the… like we pract… the…” Jonas was shouting, bellowing over the noise.

  She shook her head again, trying to make sense of Jonas’ voice droning in her ears. Use what? Practised? She couldn’t understand what he wanted.

  Toni drew back a leg and kicked Chris as if she were a football.

  She flew across the arena, and saw stars when her head cracked against the concrete. Every breath felt like torture; the kick had cracked a rib, maybe more than one.

  “Toni! Toni! Toni!” the crowd chanted.

  The chanting was so loud it resounded in her chest, and an explosion of pain followed each roar of her enemy’s name. Lady, it hurt. She felt wetness in her hair, and blood trickled past her ear. She lay on her back at the edge of the arena, trying to breathe while pain pulsed through her chest in time with the chanting of the crowd.

  “Get up!” Jonas roared. “Get up, you snivelling coward! Fight her!”

  Coward… who is that bastard calling a coward? I’ll rip his arms off and feed them to him! I’ll…

  Get up, get up, get up!

  All right, Furface. We’re not done yet.

  Let me fight her. I’ll kill her!

  If I let you out, she’ll let her beast out. She’s too strong for you. We’ll try trickery first.

  What are you going to do?

  She was lucky Smoke hadn’t taken over the fight.

  Not yet.

  She rolled onto her stomach and pushed up onto hands and knees. Panting, with her head hanging, she concentrated on breathing through the pain in her chest, trying to appear oblivious of anything else. She could feel Toni approaching.

  Nearly here, nearly, now!

  She reared back, wrapping her arms around Toni’s waist, and dragged her off her feet. They wrestled around, kicking and trying to get a good grip on each other. Toni slammed an arm into her chest to break free, and she gasped in pain. Toni was very handy with her elbows. Finally, Chris managed to control one of Toni’s legs by clamping it between both of hers, and found leverage enough to struggle on top. She hammered a fist into Toni’s face, and again, and again, in an effort to take some of the fight out of her.

  Though battered and bleeding, Toni was as strong as ever. She reached up, trying to get a grip on Chris’ neck, but she tucked her chin to prevent it. Toni planted a foot in her stomach, shoved her off, then leapt nimbly to her feet. Chris turned her backward sprawl into a roll, and landed back on her feet in time to take a kick to the stomach that doubled her over. When she straightened, she took another kick, this time to the head.

  “You really…” Toni growled, and punched Chris in the mouth. “…shouldn’t have killed…” a kick, this time to the thigh. The leg collapsed. “…my friend!” she finished with a yell and another kick, this time to Chris’ other leg.

  She went to her knees, grimacing in pain. Both legs were numb and tingling. Leaning forward on one hand, she spat blood on the floor and checked her teeth. One had snapped close to the gum line. She hoped it would heal; she hated going to the dentist. She leaned back, sitting on her heels, and tried to summon the energy to rise.

  Toni grabbed her head from behind. “Time to say good night,” she growled, and twisted.

  Chris tensed her neck muscles, resisting for all she was worth. Toni had an arm locked around her throat, making it hard to breathe. Chris sucked in a gulp of air and surged to her feet. She stomped on Toni’s instep, and slammed an elbow back. Toni hissed at the pain, but didn’t lose her grip. Chris reached desperately behind her, trying to gouge an eye, but Toni avoided her fingers. Dropping to her knees without warning, Chris threw her over her head.

  Before she could rise, Toni returned and grabbed her arm. A twist, a chop, and the bone snapped. Chris screamed and tried to lash out with her other hand. Toni caught it easily. Stepping lightly away, Toni pulled the arm out straight, and without hesitation or emotion twisted and pulled with all her strength.

  Chris’ shoulder dislocated with a crunch.

  Toni didn’t follow up. Instead, she strutted slowly around the arena playing to the audience. “I will make the Alley Dogs strong again. Follow me, make me your alpha, and I will make our pack feared! As it should be…”

  Chris remained kneeling where she was, hunched over and sobbing in pain. She concentrated and fur slithered over her broken arm. Hidden by the long sleeves of her sweatshirt, her arm changed. Claws curved like small scimitars—and just as sharp—sprang from her fingers. She forced herself not to scream when the Change snapped the arm straight and healed it.

  Yes! Now the other arm, quickly, while she’s distracted with her boasting.

  Jonas had taught her the reason behind a shifter’s miraculous healing. It turned out to be just another aspect of the Change. Just as when she changed form from Human to wolf, injured cells exchanged themselves for healthy ones. It was a natural process, handled automatically, just like breathing. All shifters healed quickly. Alphas, though, had more control over the Change; they could heal themselves even faster—if they were willing to pay the price. It hurt and the Change always taxed a shifter’s strength. Using it to heal her injuries meant she had to finish the fight quickly or risk exhaustion. If Toni was still standing when she ran out of steam…

  Best not think about that.

  She concentrated upon her shoulder. Bone grated and cartilage popped as the joint shifted back into place. The pain made tears stream from her eyes, but she didn’t cry out, and her shoulder felt much better once the Change completed itself. It ached, the pain bone deep, but she could move the arm again.

  Now kill her! Smoke roared, full of fury.

  Chris climbed to her feet, clenching her changed fists and flexing her arms. Standing with her hands hidden behind her back, she waited for Tony to notice her.

  What are you doing? Kill her!

  Wait. Watch and learn, Furface. Watch and learn.

sp; It was the crowd that tipped Toni off. They had stopped listening to her, and were watching Chris. Toni turned and frowned.

  “Carry on,” she said sarcastically. “I didn’t want to interrupt your campaign speech.” Behind her back, ten razor-sharp claws sprang out.

  Toni snarled. She rushed at Chris, clenching her fist and cocking her arm as if intending to punch a hole right through Chris’ head.

  At the last instant, Chris took a single step and buried her claws in Toni’s belly and chest. “Surprise!” she snarled, her eyes blazing golden with Smoke’s fury.

  Toni’s eyes bulged and she shrieked her agony. Kicking and screaming, she tried to free herself.

  Chris ducked her head against flailing fists. “Let me show you how I killed Janine,” she said, staring into those bulging eyes. Toni’s heart fluttered like a panicking bird under her hand.

  Toni shook her head, strength fading fast. Her lips were moving, but no sound came out.

  “I can’t hear you. Did you say something?”

  The lips worked again, but Toni’s eyes were dimming. She was going into shock. “Please…”

  “Ah,” she said, mimicking Toni’s manner of speech. “She’s begging for her life. I don’t know why, but I’m feeling merciful.”

  No, you fool! Smoke howled. Kill her! You must kill her! Never leave an enemy alive at your back!

  She carefully pulled her hands out of the broken woman’s body and let her slump to the floor.

  Toni moaned. Her head rolled from side to side, and she fumbled feebly at Chris’ leg.

  She stepped away from that touch and pushed Smoke’s rage away, burying it deep so that she could think. Her eyes changed back, and Smoke’s howls of protest seemed to retreat into the distance. The howls diminished but they did not stop. Smoke was furious with her.

  She stared at Toni, feeling sick. The gaping wounds in her chest and belly were full of blood and overflowing onto the floor. Grey ropy-looking intestines bulged in the lower wound. She turned away, feeling light-headed, as if about to faint. Her legs were shaking so badly she didn’t think she dared move, and she shivered uncontrollably. She wasn’t sure if it was shock, or just weakness caused by the damage she had taken and her use of the Change.

  Everyone was watching her. No one moved to help Toni.

  “Well?” she snarled, turning in place as her anger rose. “What are you all looking at? Do something!”

  They stared at her in silence while Toni writhed upon the floor, slowly dying. Most of the women regarded her with blank faces. It was an expression mostly reserved for strangers, neither friendly nor hostile. That was good enough; the lack of hostility was refreshing. Some of the onlookers looked thoughtful; others regarded her warily as if afraid she might attack one of them. She would have laughed, but knew she was more likely to cry, and didn’t have the strength left for either. She looked for anger at Toni’s demise in their faces, but found none. Although she was one, she would never understand shifters.

  She turned and found Jonas. He was smiling. “Why won’t they help her?”

  “The fight isn’t over.”

  She looked back, but Toni hadn’t miraculously gotten to her feet. She sighed in relief, and turned back to scowl at Jonas. “Of course it’s over. Look at her.”

  “She didn’t submit to you, and you didn’t declare yourself.”

  She glared around. “For the Lady’s sake! Are you people nuts? She’s one of you. Help her!” There were a lot of shuffling feet, but no one entered the arena. “She’s finished. I’ve won.”

  Jonas nodded. “Step out of the arena, and its over. They won’t enter until then.”

  Chris walked shakily toward the chalked line, but the pain in her chest threatened to overcome her. She forced the blackness at the edges of her vision back, and willed herself not to scream when one of her broken ribs shifted painfully. Lord and Lady, she was a mess. Her mouth tasted foul and she stank of fear and blood. She wiped her mouth with the back of one hand, and grimaced when it came away bloody. Her chin must be covered in the stuff. She hated to think what she looked like to Lawrence. Nothing good, she was sure.

  Damn me, I hurt all over.

  You should have let me fight her.

  Humph! That’s not what you said before.

  As she neared Jonas, tensions rose among the watching shifters. Pederson was getting excited. His heart was hammering, and his eyes gleamed where they stared hungrily at her. She could hardly feel Lawrence. He was right there next to Jonas, yet if she ignored her eyes and relied only upon her other senses, she would have sworn he had already left. His Presence was pulled in so tight, he was almost invisible. When she made to step over the line, Lawrence’s face turned bleak.

  She hesitated and asked warily, “If I cross the line, what happens?”

  Pederson, careful not to cross the line himself, edged closer. “You become my mate, and alpha of the Alley Dog pack. It is your rightful place. Take it.”

  The crowd murmured in agreement. Maybe it was her imagination that made the agreement sound reluctant.

  “I don’t want to be your mate, or alpha of this pack. No offence, but I’m not ready to settle down.”

  There were a few chuckles at that.

  “Enough of this foolishness,” Pederson snarled. “By right of combat you are my mate.”

  “Not until she steps over the line, or Toni dies,” Lawrence insisted.

  Pederson growled irritably. “So we wait—another stupid waste of time.”

  She looked imploringly at Jonas, but he shrugged. “What if I cross the line, and then step down as their alpha?”

  “You can’t. Wolves mate for life.”

  “I’m not a wolf, not really.”

  Jonas nodded. “True, but your beast is. By pack law you will be mated to Pederson until he dies or you do.”

  There was no choice then. She turned, and went back to Toni. Incredibly, she was still conscious. Chris crouched and looked into Toni’s frightened and pain-filled eyes.

  “I don’t want Pederson, but I’m guessing you do. Correct?”

  Toni managed the barest of nods.

  “I want your word that if I give him to you, I walk free and clear. No swearing revenge on me for anything—nothing at all. No more bounties on my head either. I’m safe, right?”

  Toni managed another nod.

  “You bet your arse that’s right. If you or one of yours comes after me, I’m going to bring so much grief to your door you’ll wish your momma never met your daddy. Are we clear on that?”

  “I s-swear… you’re untouchable…” Toni managed to whisper.

  I hope you know what you’re doing.

  So do I! One thing’s for sure, I’m not marrying Pederson.

  Being mated is not the same as being married.

  Whatever it is, I’m not doing it with Pederson.

  Smoke howled with laughter. How about Lawrence?

  She growled irritably and stood up. “I submit to Toni. She won, I lost. I’m outa here.”

  “No!” Pederson howled, but the roar of surprise coming from the rest of the audience drowned him out.

  Weaving on her feet now, she left the arena. As soon as she did so, shifters surged forward to tend to Toni’s wounds. Chris slumped and would have fallen, but Lawrence was there.

  “I’m always falling into your arms,” she said tiredly.

  Lawrence grinned. “I know.” He swept an arm under her legs and lifted her like a child into his arms. “We have a plane to catch.”

  She rested her head comfortably on Lawrence’s shoulder. She had one more fight to win before she could rest.

  Chris awoke while the plane was still in the air. She listened to the aircraft noises, but it wasn’t the sound of the engines that had awoken her. It was the sound of fingers pounding a keyboard. Lephmann again. Didn’t that man know when to quit? She checked the time and realised they would be landing soon. She sighed and swung her legs out of bed.

  Her injur
ies had healed without a trace while she slept. Her shoulder and arm felt fine, and she was breathing without pain again. The broken tooth still hurt dully. It would probably feel a lot worse if she hadn’t been used to the Change now. It felt the same as before to her probing fingers, and she resigned herself to a trip to the dentist… if she could find one that accepted shifters.

  Lephmann’s plane came with all the modern conveniences. After opening a couple of doors at random, she found the shower. She used it, luxuriating under the hot spray, but she didn’t linger. When she was finished, she found some clothes laid out on the bed. She frowned at them and then at the door. She didn’t like it that someone had entered without her knowing about it. She shrugged away her annoyance and got dressed.

  Lephmann was very thorough; everything fit perfectly. The bra and panties were the same style as those in the drawer back home, but these hadn’t come from there. He had gotten her sizes and preferences exactly right, but these were way more expensive than she had ever bought. Silk and lace? Not something a cop would be caught dead wearing.

  Maybe it’s time to get new clothes.

  She frowned. She wasn’t stupid enough to think Smoke was really talking about clothes. She was hinting at other things. Mark, her career, her colleagues at work… all were gone. What was holding her in the city now? An empty house and memories of what had been but no longer was? Mum and Dad had said she could move back in with them, but the thought of living on the farm made her shudder. When she was a kid, she had eagerly looked forward to leaving home for college, and had only been back for short visits since. The city had always called her back after a few days. She’d go mad if she had to help her Dad with the farm for longer than a week. Just thinking about all that emptiness and the stink of horses made her yearn for the familiar streets of Monster Central.

  You’re not a cop any more. Maybe it’s time to try new things.


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