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Devilishly Damaged

Page 11

by Abigail Cole

  “I figured Meg and I would go for a picnic at Sweetwater Creek, I really don’t think you guys will-“ The Nissan takes off down the driveway, barely waiting for the gates to open and only just squeezing through without scratching the burnt orange paintjob. Looking up to the sky, I say fuck my life in my mind before rounding the BMW and jumping into the passenger seat. Garrett slides into the back with a shit-eating grin and Meg giggles under her breath.

  After a brief stop off at an en-route bakery, as directed from our tag-along in the back, Meg eventually turns into an off-road car park and lines the vehicle up against the empty Nissan. Hopping out in my Converse, I tie the ends of my cropped cardigan under my breasts and smooth down my denim mini skirt. I’d stupidly thought that deep in the hiking trails, I would remove the cardigan to display my tattoo in a skimpy vest for the first time, which I’m completely regretting now. Meg joins my side with my bag on her back now Garrett has finished stuffing his snacks inside and links her arm through mine.

  Catching sight of the guys sitting on top of a picnic bench up ahead, I’m tempted to make a run for it until Garrett’s arm falls over my shoulders. Sporting his own camo backpack, Dax turns to lead the way once we’ve caught up to them. Wyatt’s stare lingers on me for a second before following, leaving me unsure of his general mood. Did I see curiosity or disgust in those green orbs? Whatever it was, it definitely wasn’t the look of a truce.

  Focusing on placing one foot in front of the other as we begin to climb a rocky slope, I try to enjoy the peacefulness of our surroundings. Trees line our path, birds tweeting from within their branches and a perfectly blue-sky visible overhead. Garrett’s brown hair is swishing side to side up ahead as he dances to a song in his head. Glancing to Meg, I notice she is wearing more make-up than usual. Not too much that she doesn’t still look natural, but her smoky eyes and balmed lips are definitely a new daytime addition. Her brown waves are flowing behind her, wearing a pretty summer dress that’s been jazzed up with a black leather jacket to match her Doc Martins.

  “Which one are you trying to impress?” I lean over to whisper into her ear, a slight blush coming to the surface at my words.

  “Maybe it’s you,” she winks, and I laugh loudly. The range of coloured eyes in front glance back which makes me blush too, making us look like a pair of plums trailing them.

  “You know you don’t need to dress up for me, just say the word and I’m yours.” I joke. We are everything to each other except lovers, not that I couldn’t rock her world if I wanted to. We breach the tree line onto a huge flowing stream. Thick boulders are scattered across the width, creating steppingstones that we could follow all the way down the river. To the right of us is a raised outcrop raising to around 300 ft that the water pours down. Craggy rocks protrude through the flow to form slippery ledges.

  “First one to the top gets to make out with the girls first!” Garrett shouts, much to my disapproval. I try to shout after the four men shooting towards to fall that I’m not kissing any of them, but they all ignore me. Wyatt is left behind, huffing and folding his arms. Looking anywhere he isn’t, I realise there is a steep trail leading up the side of the mini cliff to the top.

  Pulling Meg along with me in a hurry, we start to run as fast as the crumbling rocks beneath our feet will allow. A glance to our left shows the boys are too busy trying to drag each other down to notice us and we pass them and race for the top. My leg muscles begin to burn with the strain of a rushed climb but that doesn’t stop the smile spreading across my face. Meg begins to fall behind slightly so I slow but she pushes me on shouting “Hurry!” Shouts alert me that the boys have noticed our current lead which spurs me on, finally gripping the top of the rock with my hand and dragging myself over onto my stomach.

  Whooping, I reach out my hand and pull Meg up with me, noticing Wyatt is following further down at his own, unrushed pace. Cheering, I look around at the incredible view from up here. The dense forest either side of the river below stretches for miles, its lush greenery sparkling in the sunlight. Fresh air mixed with salt and pine fill my senses and a gentle breeze caresses my face.

  “What took you guys so long?” I laugh as Dax spills over the ridge first, quickly followed by the others. Settling down under the shade a tall oak tree provides, Meg hands me our water bottle after taking a sip. The others all join us, leaning against the trunk or stretching out in the sun. I hand Garrett his multiple paper bags with the bakery’s logo printed on, which he passes around to his friends. Wyatt climbs over the ledge, his muscles pushing him up with ease. He stomps over to us, planting himself on a patch of grass next to Axel, as far from me as possible which is perfect.

  Handing back a paper bag to both Meg and I with a genuine smile, not one laced with arrogance or smugness, I open it to find a white frosted doughnut with sprinkles for hair, smarties for eyes and a chocolate icing smile. Removing it from the packet, I look around to see everyone has matching confections in their hands which are raised in my direction – including a Mr Grump on the end who is avoiding my eye contact.

  “To our truce,” Garrett says softly, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on my cheek before shovelling the treat into his mouth like a savage.


  The sun beating down upon my bare skin is pure bliss, the sounds of laughter filling the air soothing my worries from the past several days. I can’t believe we’ve only been here little over a week and I’m thoroughly homesick of our house back at Waversea. I will always have Wyatt’s back, but this sabotage mission seems to be hurting him the most. I’m ready to help those two set aside their issues so our time here isn’t completely tedious. I’m already bored of having to play referee.

  Dax had the genius idea to bring along a pack of playing cards for us all to bond a little, Meg included. I’m sure I’ve even heard Wyatt chuckle a few times unless I’d briefly fallen asleep. Preferring to brush up on my tan and content listening to their conversations, I’ve lay here most afternoon thinking about the look Avery gave Gare after that sneaky move he pulled on her. Plan Treat-y had been all my idea, as was this whole trip after overhearing the phone call through Avery’s bathroom door this morning. I’d been going to check she was alright after something had obviously spooked her last night, not that I’m complaining. I’m glad she came to me and not the sleaze that’s been cosying up to her all day.

  I love Garrett like a brother, the same way I do the others, but he doesn’t understand the consequences his actions have as he sleeps his way through the campus back in Utah. Sure, I don’t sleep with the same girl twice, but at least they know that prior to our sexcapades. Gare will pursue a chick one day and drop her the next without an explanation. It’s a habit that has fallen onto us many times to break a heart before breakfast when he’s fled out of the window. But I won’t let him do that the Avery. She’s different. Too special become another notch on his bed post. If I thought for a second his intentions were honourable, I’d leave them be. But I don’t.

  A shadow looming over me blocks out the sun. “Get out the way or I’ll have a cock shaped patch in my tan.” I complain. Cold water splashes onto my torso, forcing me to shoot up to my feet. Avery’s crystal blue eyes are filled with humour as she laughs at me, the now empty bottle clutched in her hand.

  “That’s no way to talk to a lady,” she giggles, a hand on her hip. Her gaze lowers over my body which I tense on instinct and make my pecs dance for her. A pink flush takes root across her neck and a small smile plays on her luscious mouth. Wyatt mumbles something under his breath as he passes by, offering his hand to help Meg to her feet. My eyebrows rise since I figured Wyatt wouldn’t jump on board the truce train so quickly, causing Avery to look over too. As soon as Meg is on her feet, Wyatt moves away, leaving her as confused by his actions as I am.

  “Let’s head back, the sun will set soon.” He shouts back, already lowering himself down the overhang and disappearing from sight. Meg dusts off the back of her navy dress and lifts the bag onto her sh
oulders, her jaw remaining tight.

  “No, we can’t go yet! The girls won the race up here, they have to make out with each other.” Garrett announces, a mischievous look on his face. Even Dax and Axel stop to look back, curious if they might actually do it.

  “Sorry guys, we will add it to the tally for our next les-fest.” Avery laughs, moving to peck her friend on the cheek. I pull the sleeves of my cotton shirt onto my shoulders, but leave the buttons undone so the mint green material hangs down either side of the body.

  “If I don’t see it, it doesn’t count!” Garrett shouts, hopping over the ridge to the trail below. After Dax, Axel and I follow with the same idea in mind. Turning, we wait for the girls to sit on the ledge and dangle their legs over. Meg happens to be on my side, so I lift my hands to help her down by gripping her waist and planting her safely on her feet. Don’t get me wrong, Meg is a beautiful girl, but my attention is snagged on the blonde leaping into Axel’s arms. There’s something about Avery that entices me. I want to heal her pain and eradicate her fears. But by the look she’s sharing with Axel while still cradled in his arms, it would seem I have competition.

  Retracing our steps back down the steep footpath, we walk in a single file line through the forest. Bored of looking at the back of Axel’s scalped head, I dart around him quickly to insert myself in between him and Avery. His chunky arm loops around my neck, yanking me backwards as he throws me off the track and into the forest. Skidding on the bark-covered ground, I pick up two pinecones and throw them in quick succession into the side of his head. Running forwards, I tackle Axel to the ground. We roll and wrestle, mostly in jest but there’s also a spike of jealously running through me. My mind visualizes the kiss between the two of them that I’d interrupted just in time.

  Pinning Axel beneath me until the count of three, I jump up in victory to look for Avery, only to find Garrett’s arm slung around her further up the track. He throws his middle finger up over his shoulder with a deep chuckle. Offering Axel my hand, I pull him to his feet and we jog to catch up to the others. Avery throws her elbow into Gare’s ribs, telling him to stop fucking touching her which is music to my ears. She isn’t going to fall for his usual charms, and I doubt Gare will have the attention span to chasing her tail long term.

  Changing tactic, I stride along the edge of the path towards the brunette that is hot on Wyatt’s heels. Gripping the handle of her backpack, I slip it from her shoulders with a smile and throw it onto my back instead. I offer her my arm, which she accepts after a few seconds of staring at me curiously. I make small talk with Meg for the rest of the walk, asking about her studies, giving her my undivided attention and laughing when appropriate.

  By the time we emerge into the car park, the sun is dipping in the sky that’s filled with red and orange clouds. I slip my hand back into the side pocket of the backpack, gripping the car keys tightly in my fist so they don’t jingle. Retracting my hand, I lean to whisper in Meg’s ear so no one else hears.

  “Go get Avery, you have 20 seconds to make it to the car before I take it.” Her pale turquoise eyes widen but she leaves my side to seek out her friend. The second I see her fingers intertwine with Avery’s in my peripheral vision, the three of us start running full speed. Pressing the unlock button on the key, the BMW’s headlights flash as I hear Garrett shouting behind. Pumping my leg muscles as fast as they will move, I take the lead ahead of the girls. Gripping the passenger door handle, I throw it wide and then move to the back seat. I jump into the seat, slamming the door behind me at the same time as the girls do. Garrett smashes against my window with a roar as I press the key’s button again to lock the doors.

  Chucking the keys to Meg, I press my middle finger firmly on the glass as we drive away. Rounding the carpark, I see Gare sulking over to the Nissan and can’t stop the laugh that takes a hold of me. Avery eyes me in the wing mirror, her expression full of excitement. The sky outside is darkening at a fast rate, but I’m not ready for this day to end yet. Pulling my phone free of my jean pocket, I quickly search for a nearby place to eat since all I’ve had all day is that sickly doughnut.

  “Hey Meg, be a doll and drop us at the sushi place in East Village.” Her expectant gaze flicks to me in the mirror. “Please.” She looks over to her friend to gauge Avery’s reaction. Apparently satisfied, Meg shrugs in her leather jacket and takes the next turning towards the centre of Atlanta. I button up my shirt and tie my wavy hair up into a man bun. Bright lights and neon signs glare through the window as we reach the busier part of town. Meg pulls the bubble-gum pink vehicle over right outside the restaurant, so I hop out to open Avery’s door.

  “Text to let me know you got home safely or call me if you need an escape driver.” Meg shouts through the open passenger window. I wink at her before she drives off, happy Avery has someone in her life she can depend on. People like that are precious and should be held onto with both hands. Striding into the restaurant, I ask for the table tucked away in the back that I can just see by the candlelight flickering from it. I’ve never been on a date before, not that I consider this as one either, but I suddenly feel underdressed and like I should have brought flowers or some shit.

  The main feature of the restaurant is the open cooking station placed in the centre, with two chefs in full overalls and tall white hats that are switching between large woks of stir fry’s and rolling sushi expertly. Slipping into our seats, we agree to have the chef’s preference, much to the waiter’s approval. It’s refreshing to find a girl that isn’t fussy. Noticing her clutching the black material of her cardigan tightly around her, I level Avery with a serious stare over the flickering flame between us.

  “Why don’t you take your cardigan off?” I caught her off guard judging by the way her shoulders tense. Sipping the wine I had ordered, she glances around nervously.

  “I haven’t bared my back and shoulders in public since…” I reach over to take her hand in mine, lowering my voice to comfort her.

  “You’re in the back corner of a small restaurant. No one will see anything you don’t want them too, but you got that tattoo for a reason. I think it was so you don’t have to hide anymore, so stop hiding.” A shudder runs through her body, but she nods and reaches for the knot beneath her chest. Untying it, she gently pulls the cardigan down and hands it to me over the table. I smile at her widely. “If you want it back, just ask.” Avery’s shoulders sag, some of the tension leaving her on a shaky exhale. I may not have experienced abuse or neglect like the others, but I still feel like I could help her find closure if she lets me in.

  “Do you want to talk about last night?” I ask gently, her head shaking violently as soon as the words leave my mouth. Shrugging, I ask instead about her studies and hobbies which seems to relax her. Her blue eyes light up as she talks about the piano and I’m surprised to find she’s a big Laker’s fan. She asks about my degree in law, which I ramble on about until our food is served. A sharers tray of neat little rolls takes up most of the table, the scents of fish and vinegar filling my nose. Every colour of the rainbow is spread across the tray, with strips of salmon and king prawns decorating the outside. After leaving an array of dips, the waiter bows and disappears while we tuck in.

  I sign contently, resting my hands on the rounded stomach that my abs are hidden deep within. Every mouthful was an aquatic explosion of flavour that Avery thoroughly enjoyed too judging by the way she licked and nibbling at her lips throughout. I was torn between the two hungers inside of me, hoping I get to sample both by the end of the night. I’m on my third glass of red wine which is to blame for the promiscuous smile that’s been on my face for that past half an hour.

  “So, which one of us will you be choosing first?” I ask brazenly. Teasing my tongue piercing between my teeth, I know I’ve got her smitten by the way she keep fluttering her baby blues at me. Glancing at me over the rim of her glass with come-fuck-me-eyes, I lean forward to brush my knuckles against her cheek. Straightening her spine so my touch falls short, Ave
ry’s eyebrows crease slightly.

  “First?” she questions. I sense a trap here but my dizzy head nods before I can comprehend it. Avery runs her tongue across her plush bottom lip which I follow with my eyes, scraping my tongue piercing across the roof of my mouth. Her foot curls around my leg under the table, running up the back of my calf. “Because I would obviously be fucking you each in turn, right?” I hum while shifting forward in my seat, my erection sitting uncomfortably in my jeans. Placing my elbows on the table, I lean in at the same time she does until we are breaths away from each other. I’ve never noticed the faint freckles scattered over her nose before.

  “Well, I suppose,” she breathes, her eyes full of lust, “you were the first one to bring me out for dinner, so that makes you tonight’s winner. Come and claim your prize.” My eyes shut as I pucker up. The sharp sting of a slap cracking across my cheek nearly knocks me from my chair. My head spins as I look around, trying to locate Avery and find her standing next to the table, hugging her cardigan tightly around herself. “I’m not a whore Huxley, you can’t buy me.” She half shouts before striding away, leaving everyone in the restaurant gaping at me in disgust.


  Slamming my textbook closed in frustration, I glance at my phone for the hundredth to find it’s still blank. Wyatt has been so hot and cold with me; I can’t keep up. But one thing is for sure, I need to come clean to Avery. I’ve never been big on sharing my problems until they’ve been resolved, something that’s been ingrained into me from having a therapist for a mother. Every time I tried to speak to her growing up, she’d psychoanalyze me and I’d be in a child counsellor’s office the next day. Besides, Avery has needed me to be a listener over the years, not someone who adds to her mountain of stress. However, the guilt of the secret I’ve been keeping is starting to affect me more every day. I’m not sleeping properly and I’m avoiding entering her house if possible.


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