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Love Will Find You: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time

Page 11

by Sherry Ewing

  “My son,” she moaned, then shrieked, “Faramond, no!”

  Ella struggled within his arms and he released her, afraid he might do her more harm if he continued his attempts to hold her close to his side. She bolted upright while throwing her head back, tears streaming down her face.

  She gasped before her gaze darted around their campsite and then leveled upon him. “Killian…” her voice trailed off as though she still was gripped in the dreams that had tormented her while she slept.

  “Good morn, my love,” he said, bringing her back down to lay her head upon his chest. He kissed the top of her head and grabbed at the blanket to cover her while she continued to shiver in his arms.

  “Is it? Still morning that is?” she asked while she clung to him.

  “Aye. We should break camp and get started tae Berwyck.”


  “I have no other place tae call home. I assumed ye would wish tae make a home with me there. Was I mistaken?” He held his breath while awaiting her answer.

  “Of course… Berwyck, and nay, you were not mistaken.” She tore herself from his arms as though she was angry with him and picked up her discarded clothes scattered upon the ground from the night before.

  He stood and donned his own garments while Ella quickly dressed. He gazed upon her for several minutes when she began cleaning up their camp. ’Twas obvious she was troubled, and he would not start their life together by ignoring her and clearly upset with whatever she had dreamed.

  Killian went to her. “Ella, stop,” he said taking her hand and going to sit on a log near the dying embers of their fire. “What is troubling ye? Do ye regret last night?”

  “What?” she gasped, her hand going to her throat as if his words caused her further torment. “Nay, of course I have no regrets.”

  He nodded. “Then what were ye dreaming about that caused ye so much pain?”

  She looked at him with worried eyes. “’Tis nothing.”

  “Ye are not fooling me by saying ’tis nothing. I can see for myself ye are not yerself. Tell me,” he urged before taking her hand and bringing it to his lips.

  Her breath left her in a sudden rush. “’Twas just a nightmare…”

  “… that has left ye troubled that yer dream may come true,” he surmised, and her eyes widened at his words. So that was the problem.

  “How did you know?”

  “’Tis not hard tae assume, given ye are still shaking from yer visions. What were they?”

  “’Twas my son.”

  “Yer son would give anyone nightmares considering what he has done tae his own mother,” Killian muttered, “but go on.”

  “I dreamt whomever the man was that Faramond made the arrangement with that I marry, well… he took offense when I was not at Hull.” Her chest heaved while taking another breath.

  “I suppose if I were in the man’s place, I could understand his plight.”

  “But I saw my son’s head on a pike outside the gates of the keep,” she cried out before she threw herself into his lap. Her arms wound their way around his neck and he felt her tears again. He could stand anything, but not her tears.

  “’Twas just a dream,” he replied, in a small attempt at offering her comfort.

  “I am n-not s-so c-certain,” she stammered before hugging him tighter. She took several deep breaths as though to compose herself. “I cannot easily dismiss such a vision as just a dream that will not come true upon the morrow.”

  “We knew Faramond was beyond thinking rationally, Ella, elsewise he wouldnae have arranged a marriage for ye that would only serve his own purpose and that of the king.”

  “Aye, I know what you are saying is true, but he is still my son.”

  “A son should have more respect for the woman who gave him the very air he breathes and life,” he grumbled. At some point in the night, Ella had told him of the events that shaped Faramond’s anger, but the boy had chosen to hold on to his hate and turn it on his own mother. Killian had no respect for the man Ella’s son had become.

  “Yet he is still my flesh and blood, and the only child I will ever have. What can I do to save him from such a fate if my dreams are a premonition of what is to come? If only…” she hiccupped as she gulped in air and he barely heard her whispered words when she continued, “…I could turn back the hands of time.”

  Killian clutched Ella in a fierce embrace even while his chest tightened and his stomach roiled. Everything fell into place as though Heaven itself whispered to him the answer to Ella’s dilemma. Or mayhap ’twas those same Time Fairies playing their games on him as they had done to Ella. He knew what he must do for the woman he loved.

  He kissed her ’til he felt her response. “Let us away before we miss our opportunity,” he said taking her hand as she rose from his lap.

  “What opportunity?” she asked.

  “Tae right a wrong,” he murmured, but at her quizzical look, he shrugged his shoulders in a firm resolve to stand by the decision he had yet to voice to the woman who meant all to him. He had the feeling Ella was going to be spitting mad at him. She would hate him for the plan he had only just formed in his head but hopefully would one day forgive him.

  Luck was on his side for she did not question him further. They broke camp quickly for there was not much to pack and before long they were once more in the saddle, with Ella riding behind him. They had not ridden far before Ella voiced her concern that Killian knew was coming.

  She tugged upon his tunic and he glanced behind him but continued on. “I may not be much of a horsewoman, my love, but I do have a sense of direction. You are going the wrong way to Berwyck.”

  “Aye, I am well aware which direction is home.”

  “Then where are we going?”

  “Ye know where,” he said as if she should be reading his thoughts.

  “But this is the way to Conisbrough!” she exclaimed, giving his tunic a mighty yank.

  “Aye and ye are going tae change yer son’s fate and maybe yer own,” he answered.

  “You cannot possibly be suggesting that I fall through Time again!”

  “Ye are a smart woman, Ella. Of course, I am suggesting ye fall through Time again.”

  “It cannot be done just as I am too late for the meeting with Henry.”

  “I have given thought to that, my lady. If this is the right thing – and I feel in my heart that ’tis, then Time shall take ye back to the point at which ye met Henry.”

  “People’s lives could change… everything between us could change.”

  “Ye will remember us, Ella, just as surely as I will remember ye.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Her words lowered to barely a whisper. “How can you do this to us?”

  “Ye ask too many questions, Ella,” he answered gruffly not voicing the overwhelming uncertainty warring inside his head.

  They fell into silence as they continued through the forest ’til the sudden urge to halt Mystic overcame him. A sob was torn from his lady’s lips.

  “For the love of God, Killian, get me the hell away from here!”

  If there was any doubt left that they had reached the place where Ella had fallen through Time, her heartfelt cry of distress confirmed they had arrived. Jumping down from the saddle, he pulled Ella down while she began to fight him.

  “Damn you, Killian!”

  “Easy now, woman,” he yelped as a fist near hit his eye.

  “Easy now?” she screamed. “You Scottish arse! You expect me to take it easy when you wish me to go and live hell on earth for a second time? Nay! ’Twill be more like a third or fourth lifetime I must live in order for me to find you again. You ask too much of me, Killian!”

  “Ye can do it, Ella,” he grunted out when her well-aimed fist landed in his belly. He trapped her swinging arms when he pulled her to him before they did more damage.

  “You know not what you are asking of me,” she cried out yet again while she clung to him.

  He held her aw
ay from him even though it almost cost him his heart to see the anguish in her eyes. He held up a finger then gave her a quick kiss. “One—Stay with de Rune ’til ’tis time for ye tae slip through—”

  “How can you so easily talk of me going to another man?”

  “I cannae stand the thought of another man being with ye or loving ye,” he growled out with furrowed brows before he continued where he had left off. “Find the second time gate and go tae the inn so ye and Simon meet. Save yer son by ensuring yer husband does not send him away.”

  Her hands reached up to clasp her head as though pained. “You know how families send their sons to squire with other lords. Faramond will be no different. Simon will never agree.”

  “Then ensure he goes tae some other lord who ye trust. Surely ye will know of someone who will properly train yer son and not abuse him.”

  “Do you forget I do not know anyone other than Simon from thirty years ago? I am completely alone in a foreign time and place, Killian,” she yelled out. “Just who the hell do you think I would entrust with my son?

  “Ye will think of someone.”

  She let out a loud groan. “You are not helping me solve my dilemma! This is not like I am going to take a leisurely stroll by the beach,” Ella fumed.

  Raising a second finger, he kissed her again. “Two—never tell Faramond of yer origins.”

  Ella shook her head in denial. “That fact alone will change me from wandering England for all those years. ’Tis the reason I met Katherine. ’Tis why I made my way to Berwyck. How am I to explain my absence from Hull?”

  “Ye will figure something out,” Killian replied, before he lifted another finger and kissed her even longer this time. “Three—As ye said, save Katherine de Deveraux from the waters of the Coquet River and bring her tae Berwyck. Travel tae the castle from time tae time and treat me as you have done before we made this journey together. Do not forget tae have speech with Jenna Sinclair when she, too, falls through Time and ends up at Berwyck.”

  Ella stomped her foot. “Just how the hell am I supposed to know exactly when I am to be doing all this for a second time, you idiot?” she yelled at him again before punching him in the chest. “’Tis not like I have a modern-day calendar I can consult!”

  Since he had no notion what this calendar thing was she spoke of, he took her wrist, before unclenching her fingers and bringing them to his lips. “Ye said ye went on a pilgrimage, did ye not? Pray. God will answer by telling ye in yer heart where ye need tae be and when.”

  “You seem so sure of all this, and yet why do I feel like you are trying to get rid of me?”

  He puffed out his chest and folded his arms. “Get rid of ye? Are ye daft, woman? I am trying tae help ye so ye can save yer son.” He led her over to a small babbling brook.

  Kneeling down, Ella cupped her hands to splash water over her face ’til her head looked up and she gazed upon the area. “Good Lord! Do you know this is the same area where I saw my younger self when I fell through Time the second go around?”

  “Ella…” She quickly stood and threw herself into his arms leaving Killian doubting he was doing what he knew in his heart was right.

  “I cannot do this, Killian. Please… Let us ride to Berwyck and forget this whole business of me slipping through Time again,” Ella pleaded with him. Her words almost broke his heart.

  “We cannae, my love. Ye would always regret not trying tae save yer son, and I couldnae live with myself knowing I did not give ye the opportunity tae right a wrong. I know ’twill work if ye but try.” He took her by the elbow and led her to a small rise on the edge of the forest, the road but a short distance away. The sound of a horse galloping in the distance caused him to pull Ella into his arms.

  “Killian… please, I beg of you… do not do this to us,” she implored while taking hold of the edges of his tunic.

  He leaned down and kissed her with all the love he had for her in his heart. The sound of the horse drew closer, oddly distorted as if it had traveled through a barrier. “Remember all I have said and what ye must do. ’Tis of grave import, especially for the well-being of yer son and the Lady Katherine.”

  “I love you, Killian,” she whispered.

  “And I love ye, Ella. Throughout all time will I love only ye.”

  She began fumbling in her gown ’til she held out the ring he had given her. “I need to return this to you,” she said while her hands began to shake.

  He closed her fingers, the ring secure in the palm of her hand. “Ye must keep it so ye remember me always,” he said before kissing her forehead.

  “I am scared. Kiss me again so I know you will remember me,” she said as though she, too, had come to terms with what she must do.

  He gave in to her demand and his heart lurched when he tore his lips from hers. “I could never forget ye, Ella. I shall be jealous of every starlit night ye gaze upon, the sun as it beams down upon ye on a cloudless day, and even the rain that falls tae yer face tae mingle with yer tears. Forget ye…” he murmured while stroking her cheek. “’Twould be like forgetting tae breathe, my love.”

  “What will I do without you?”

  Before he could answer, their heads turned. The sound of the horse was almost upon them, but they saw nothing. Killian quickly kissed Ella as though for the last time then took her by the hand, edging her closer through the trees. His eyes widened when he witnessed a distortion upon the road and saw for himself the Time gate Ella must pass through.

  “Remember me, Ella, and do not forget that love will find ye,” he whispered before placing a quick kiss upon her forehead.

  “Killian… I love y—”

  “Forgive me, my dearest love,” he said cutting off her words even as he gave her a mighty shove.

  “Killian! N-n-n-no!”

  He watched fear etch itself across her visage when she stumbled towards the Time gate. He saw her hovering in the air before Time swallowed her up and the gate vanished. The sounds of the horse vanished. He gulped at the implications of what this may have cost him.

  Despair filled his very soul. My God, what have I just done? He made his way to the brook before he fell to the ground to splash water on his face. But Killian was unprepared when he saw his hands begin to vanish before his very eyes.

  “By St. Michael’s Wings!” he cried out.

  One moment he was in the forest hating what he had done to Ella and the next he was floating in a cloud of nothingness as though Time was to play a cruel twist of fate on him just as he had done to Ella. He yelled out her name, praying he would remember her.

  Part II

  The Third Time’s the Charm

  Chapter 24

  Conisbrough Castle

  The Year of Our Lord’s Grace, 1182

  A brief moment in Time later…

  Ella slowly awoke and took in her surroundings. Seeing where she was, she closed her eyes and opened them again, hoping the scene before her would be different. But nay, nothing had changed as she came to the realization that he had pushed her. Pushed her! Damn that stupid Scotsman to hell.

  Her gaze fell to the man before her while he changed a cool cloth upon her forehead. Henry… those green eyes were just as she remembered them, along with the concern etched upon his features. His blond hair had once been so flattering upon him but now she favored a brown-reddish hue. She pushed Killian’s image from her mind, as hard as that was. She felt as though she was betraying what they felt for one another but in truth, had they even met yet in this version of Time? She could not help but wonder if she was on his mind. If she went looking for him, would he remember her?

  She had a matter of grave import to accomplished, she remembered, as she came out of her musings to stare at the man before her… lord of his castle but struggling financially to keep his estate. Funny how Henry was now staring upon her as though they had never crossed paths at Warkworth. Time had an odd way of playing with people. Ella was not certain she could go through this all over again and yet what
choice did she have? How strong did God, and Killian for that matter, think she truly was?

  “You were lucky you were not trampled to death, my lady,” Henry said, sitting back in the chair near her bedside. “What were you doing traipsing in the forest alone?”

  “I was lost,” she answered in a hoarse whisper. Her throat was dry. “Water?”

  “Wine,” he said holding out a nearby chalice for her to take as she rose upon the bed holding the coverlet in front of her.

  “How long have I been here?”

  “Long enough,” he replied giving her no answer at all. “I feared you might not awake after your fall.”

  She felt her head. Just a bruise, so she was lucky for a second time in her life. ’Twas then she realized something was missing. Pulling back the coverlet, she gasped in surprise. “Where the hell are my clothes?”

  He gave her a roguish grin as though he could hear her thoughts while she believed the worst of him. “Have no fear, my lady. I had one of my servants, a woman, see to the removal of your garments so we could ensure you had no broken bones after your accident.”

  A moment of panic consumed her before her eyes landed on Killian’s ring shining in the candlelight on a table by the bed. A heavy sigh of relief escaped her before she returned her attention to the man before her. Ella clutched the coverlet, bringing the fabric up to her chin. “And you could not do this with my clothes on, my lord?”

  “I can see you are distraught from your ordeal,” he murmured not offering an apology, before standing and going to the hearth to bank the fire.

  “You, sir, have no idea of how distraught I truly am,” she complained.

  “Mayhap introductions are in order. I am Lord Henry de Rune of Conisbrough Castle. Who… are you?”

  “You do not remember me?” she asked, curious if he had even the slightest recollection of meeting her at Warkworth.


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