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Love Will Find You: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time

Page 21

by Sherry Ewing

  “Nay. I only want his happiness as well.”

  “Then, as ye can see, none of the lives around ye have changed that much no matter that Ella altered her own son’s destiny.”

  Amiria squeezed his arm. “I suppose all worked out as it should,” she said before whispering in his ear. “And you have a son...”

  “…but Faramond must never know the kinship we share, other than I claim Conrad through my marriage tae his mother.”

  “I understand, Uncle,” she murmured before continuing. “Do you suppose others from some future place in time will find their way to Berwyck?”

  Killian’s gaze swept the room before landing on Fletcher, Berwyck’s captain of the guard and Lady Jenna who had shown up on the beach recently. He supposed their fate had already run its course in some transformed state of time. In his heart, he knew they, too, had found love. “I have no doubt Time isnae finished bringing these future gals tae yer shores, Amiria.”

  She gave another small sigh. “Dristan will not be pleased if he loses another of his friends to these women who keep disrupting our lives.”

  Silence swept over them as though they were both lost in thought about events they wished could have changed or had altered those living at Berwyck.

  Before Killian formed a reply, Dristan came over to his wife and held out his hand. “You are looking far too melancholy, my lovely wife. This is a celebration. Come and dance with me before the children demand your attention… or would you prefer to get your sword and have a go at me outside to cheer you?”

  Amiria laughed before she kissed Killian’s cheek. Taking her husband’s outstretched hand, she playfully swatted at him. “’Twould be a pleasure, my lord, to dance with you. We shall leave practicing with our swords for the morrow,” she declared with a bright smile.

  Dristan pulled his wife into his arms. Bending down, he kissed the top of her head. “You should go dance with your bride, Killian, before someone else decides to run off with her,” he laughed with a smirk.

  “No one would dare,” Killian said with a frown while his gaze traveled to his wife dancing with one of Berwyck’s guardsman.’’

  Dristan chuckled once more. “I but jest with you, old man. Go to your wife while I take my fair lady for a turn about our hall. You have waited long enough to finally claim Lady Ella as your bride!”

  Killian watched the pair leave before he grumbled about hardly being that old, not that there was anyone near to hear his words. Grabbing hold of his cup, he downed what remained of his ale before rising and lessening the distance to his wife.

  He tapped Ulrick’s shoulder before reaching for Ella’s hand. “Find yerself a new partner,” he ordered with a sly grin. “This lady is now taken.”

  The thump upon Killian’s back would have felled a weaker man. “’Tis about time you got off your sorry arse to dance with your wife,” Ulrick laughed before looking Killian up and down as though accessing his worth. “I suppose I shall be leaving the lady in good hands. ’T hath been a pleasure, my lady.” He gave a short bow and left to find another to dance with.

  Killian swept Ella into his arms but did not continue the dance. Her arms wound their way up and around his neck. Ella pressed herself lightly into his body and Killian stifled a groan as he felt a part of him stir to life. Her smile had him wishing they were alone in their room.

  Ella began playing with his hair while they stood in the middle of the hall just slightly swaying to the music. “So….” she murmured in a low sultry tone. “Do you not wish to continue the dance?”

  “If we must, although I do have other ideas in mind,” he said, pulling her even closer ’til he heard her intake of breath. She could hardly mistake his meaning.

  “Do you now?” Ella turned her head to look around the room. “I doubt they would miss us that much, not with a new keg of ale being brought up from the cellars to drink and the minstrels playing to keep them entertained.”

  “Do ye think so?” he asked. “What of the lord and lady of Berwyck?”

  Ella laughed. “I am certain they would completely understand if we were to disappear to our chamber to continue our celebration in private.”

  “Then let us make a hasty exit so I can at last make you mine,” he replied in a husky whisper. Taking her hand, he began leading his wife from the room and up the turret stairs ’til they found their chamber. As the door closed behind them, Killian slid the bolt into place.

  Ella crossed the room to pour them wine. She held out the cup. “Would you like a drink?” she asked.

  “Nay.” He came to stand before her and took the chalice from her hands to place it upon the table. He was surprised to witness his hand actually shaking when he reached out to cup her cheek. She leaned into his palm and sighed.

  “Then what do you want,” she asked while she began tugging at his tunic.

  “Only you,” he murmured before he bent down to steal a kiss.

  Hours later and with Ella curled up against his side, Killian could barely contain his joy of at last having this incredible woman as his wife. He pulled her closer while her fingers playfully ran over his chest.

  “Ye have made me a happy man this day, wife,” he murmured as he kissed the top of his head.

  “We have waited long enough to claim one another,” she said before leaning back to look into his eyes. “You do forgive me for putting you through all this torment for all these years?”

  “There is nothing tae forgive. Ye only did what was necessary tae bring our separation tae an end. An end that I initiated so ye could save yer son. I cannae complain that, in this new altered life, ye have also given me a son. Ye are an incredible woman, my lady,” he whispered, before he claimed her lips in a searing kiss.

  “Just Ella,” she said teasingly, when he at last let her take a breath.

  Killian brushed his hand across her cheek. “Aye… at last ye are mine, Ella of Clan MacLaren. We have been blessed tae have made our way back tae one another and I plan on never leaving yer side again.”

  “I will hold you to your vow, husband,” she said before she moved to lie on top of him. “Now love me again to seal your vow. I am done traveling through Time and have finally made my way home to you.”

  As Ella bent down to place her lips upon his own, Killian fulfilled the promise to his lady he made all those years ago in another life. He had promised her that love would find them no matter how much time would pass. Time may have been their enemy but Killian would now let Time quietly pass them by. He and Ella were now together. He would not ask anything more from Time than that…

  Thank you so very much for purchasing a copy of Love Will Find You. I hope you enjoyed reading Killian and Ella’s journey through Time as much as I had writing it. Reviews are the lifeblood of an Indie, self-pubished author like myself. I would sincerely appreciate it if you would take few moments to write a review at the retailer where you purchased the book, Goodreads, or BookBub. Even a few words that you enjoyed it will help. Thank you!

  Author’s Note

  How about a little history?

  Berwyck Castle is the central hub for all my medieval and time travel stories (and has a cameo in my Regency’s - A Family of Worth series). Early on, I told myself that the members of my MacLaren family/clan would always be grounded in the twelfth-century. One should never say never because while driving one day a major plot bunny invaded my head and the next thing I knew Killian of Clan MacLaren was in a time travel.

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  As noted in my other stories, Berwick-Upon-Tweed is the location I used in my debut novel, If My Heart Could See You, because it was right on the England/Scotland border. For whatever reasons, I changed the spelling to Berwyck in order to have free license to use the castle as I needed in order for the estate to fit my stories.

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  You may be wondering how I chose the locations of where Ella would live and/or travel. Funny thing is, I think it was sheer luck. Google Earth has become my friend and made it relati
vely easy to find neighboring estates near or close enough to Warkworth Castle where I have Riorden and Katherine de Devereaux living. Katherine, as you recall, is like a daughter to Ella and she would have traveled to Warkworth whenever she was able.

  * * *

  Founded in the late twelfth century by the monks of Meaux Abbey, Wyke on Hull was later renamed Kings-town upon Hull in 1299. Hull became a market town, supply port, trading hub, and a way for the monks to export their wool. The abbey was closed in 1539 by King Henry VIII. It was demolished (much like the castle at Berwick-Upon-Tweed), and the stones were used to build defenses for the town of Kingston upon Hull. The site of the abbey is a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

  * * *

  As for Hull Castle, I may have tinkered with time just a little as the keep wasn’t constructed by Henry VIII until 1542 to protect Hull from attack by France. Hence my reference to Faramond building a wall. The castle was constructed to defend the east side of town and to also ensure loyalty of the population. The castle was rectangular with brick and stone foundations and had two large curved bastions containing chambers on the west and east ends. The three story keep was located in the middle.

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  Hull seemed to fit my need to have Ella living on an estate near a waterway. Any references mentioned regarding the castle’s infrastructure in Love Will Find You is fictitious on the part of this author.

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  And this little bit of history would not be complete if I didn’t mention Conisbrough Castle where Ella resides for a brief moment in time. This particular castle was a medieval fortification in South Yorkshire. It was initially built in the eleventh century by William de Warenne, the Earl of Surrey, after the Norman conquest of England in 1066. The castle remained in the family line into the fourteenth century, despite being seized several times by the Crown. The castle was made up of an inner and outer bailey, the former surrounded by a stone curtain wall defended by six fortified towers and the castle keep. Any reference to this being owned by Henry de Rune is completely fictitious on the part of this author.


  Dearest Reader:

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  I would first like to take this opportunity to thank you, my dearest reader, for purchasing a copy of this novel. I feel like Love Will Find You became a work of love and after such a long drought for a full-length story from me, I hope you feel it was worth the wait. I really enjoyed writing Killian and Ella’s story and felt it was time to write something with an older couple. I figure if I’m still crying in all the right places after reading it multiple times, then I hope it will fill your heart with joy, too.

  * * *

  Congratulations goes out to Dee Foster! Dee won the auction to name a character in one of my books from the Buns & Roses fundraiser I attended in October 2019 in Dallas, Texas. You can thank Dee for “Isabel” who had more of a role than just one quick scene. Dee – I hope you like what I did with this character. One never knows… she could just happen to have a story of her own one day.

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  Thank you to Caroline Warfield who took time out of her own writing schedule to beta read this story. I sincerely appreciate all your efforts on my behalf.

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  A huge thank you to Jude Knight who is my editor for this project. Jude spent hours ensuring that all the moving parts in this story worked. Yes, I wrote myself into a corner on this one, but Jude is the one who really made it shine. I couldn’t have pulled this off without her. Thank you to the moon and back, Jude! You really are a Goddess among women!

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  Thank you to my daughter Jessica who continues to be my sounding board when things just don’t click in a story. I don’t know what I’d do without her to my run ideas by her even though I usually change things around in order for my voice to be heard. Thank you, Jessie.

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  Thanks to my mother who continues to patiently wait for another book to cry over. I love you, mom!

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  Thank you to my wonderful supporters in my Timeless Knights & Maiden’s Facebook street team and also my public group, The Historical & Time Travel World of Sherry Ewing. All your efforts on my behalf to get the word out about my books don’t go unnoticed. I sincerely appreciate all your support and your friendship.

  * * *

  Until the next time, I hope to have new material coming your way soon and I look forward to reading your posts on our mutual social media outlets.

  With warm regards,

  Sherry Ewing

  Other Books by Sherry Ewing

  Medieval & Time Travel Series

  * * *

  To Love A Scottish Laird: De Wolfe Pack Connected World

  Sometimes you really can fall in love at first sight…

  Lady Catherine de Wolfe knows she must find a husband before her brother chooses one for her. A tournament to celebrate the wedding of the Duke of Normandy might be her answer. She does not expect to fall for a man after just one touch. Laird Douglas MacLaren of Berwyck is invited to the tournament by the Duke of Normandy. He goes to ensure Berwyck’s safety once Henry takes the throne. He does not expect to become entranced by a woman who bumps into him. Yet, nothing is ever quite that simple. Not everyone is happy with the union of this English lady and a Scottish laird. From the shores of France, to Berwyck Castle on the border between their countries, Douglas and Catherine must find their way to protect their newfound love.

  * * *

  To Love An English Knight: De Wolfe Pack

  Connected World

  Can a chance encounter lead to love?

  Sir Charles de Grey is in turmoil. He cannot forget the Scottish lass he kissed in Caen, but her jealous spite toward the lady he was sworn to guard infuriated him. Living at Berwyck Castle, he is torn between his desire for Lady Freya and his need to rebuke her sometimes reckless behavior. Leaving her almost tears him apart, but it might give him time to recover some balance.

  Lady Freya of Clan MacLaren didn’t expect to become blinded by love until she became quickly besotted on first seeing the English knight in Caen. How quickly everything fell apart when she defies him! Even worse, when he begins to show signs of returning her feelings, he receives a message from home that will tear them apart. Defying him again may put an end to any chance they may have together, but what other choice does she have when he leaves her?

  Can the fragile love they found blossom into something more or will circumstances beyond their control continue to provoke behavior that keeps them apart?

  * * *

  If My Heart Could See You: The MacLaren’s, A Medieval Romance (Book One)

  When you’re enemies, does love have a fighting chance? Amiria of Berwyck vows to protect her people by pledging her oath of fealty to the very enemy who has laid siege to her home. Dristan, the Devil's Dragon of Blackmore, has a reputation to uphold as champion knight of his king. Lies, treachery, and deceit attempt to tear them apart, but only love will bring them together

  * * *

  For All of Ever: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time (Book One)

  Sometimes to find your future, you must look to the past… Katherine dreamed of her knight all her life yet how could she know she’d be thrown back into the past? Nothing prepares Riorden for the beautiful vision of a strangely clad ghost appearing in his chamber. Centuries keep them apart but will Time give them a chance at finding love?

  * * *

  Only For You: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time (Book Two)

  Sometimes it’s hard to remember that true love conquers all, only after the battle is over… Katherine has it all but settling into her duties at Warkworth is dangerous to her well-being. Consumed with memories of his father, Riorden must deal with his sire’s widow. Torn apart, Time becomes their enemy while Marguerite continues her ploy to keep Riorden at her side. With all hope lost, will Katherine & Riorden find a way to save their marriage?

  * * *

  Hearts Across Time: The
Knights of Berwyck (Books One & Two)

  Sometimes all you need is to just believe… Hearts Across Time is a special edition box set that combines Katherine and Riorden’s stories together from For All of Ever and Only For You.

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  A Knight To Call My Own: The MacLaren’s, A Medieval Romance (Book Two)

  When your heart is broken, is love still worth the risk? Lynet of Clan MacLaren knows how it feels to love someone and not have that love returned. Ian MacGillivray has returned to Berwyck in search of a bride. Who will claim the fair Lynet? The price will be high to ensure her safety and even higher to win her love.

  * * *

  To Follow My Heart: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time (Book Three)

  Love is a leap. Sometimes you need to jump… Jenna Sinclair is dealing with a horrendous break up with her fiancé when she finds herself pulled through time to twelfth century England. Fletcher Monroe has spent too much time pining away for a woman who will never be his until a strangely clad woman magically appears. Torn between the past and the present, will their growing love survive a journey through Time?


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