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The Dom Prize (The Dominants

Page 2

by Moore, Mina J.

  After my luggage was unloaded, I went to compensate my bellman and found that his tip had already been taken care of. He smiled reassuringly and closed the door quietly behind him. I dug through my purse and my fingers found the envelope from Mr. Stone. Okay, I was here. Now what? My doorbell rang and I wondered if it was him. Shit. I smoothed my hair back and answered. A tall man with a large bag stood on the other side.

  “Ms. Solaris, this delivery is for you, if you would please sign?”

  He handed me an electronic signature pad and I signed. What else could I do? I hung the bag from a closet door and unzipped. Holy crap! The red dress was stunning. Anxious now, I dug out the envelope and opened it.

  I have arranged to have dinner tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. Wear the dress. We will discuss the Terms and Conditions attached. Rest tonight. You will need your strength for tomorrow. Until then…JP Stone.

  My hand fell to my side. Until then? What the holy hell was that supposed to mean? What happened to I anxiously await your arrival? I was pissed.

  Slamming the note down on the table, I stomped into the bathroom. My anger abated some when I got a load of the huge Jacuzzi waiting for me in the corner.

  After a nice long bath, I ordered room service and phoned Karli. Then I proceeded to stay up until an ungodly hour watching cable. Rest be damned.

  DAY 2

  I was freaking exhausted! Piercing light streamed through and hit me square in the eyes. Because I had fallen asleep in the middle of Pretty Woman, the huge curtains hadn’t been shut so now I had to get my ass up and close them. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. Well that explained it. It was already noon.

  Gee…seven hours to go until I met Mr. Wonderful. The only thing that could get me moving was the thought of shopping the day away. I jumped out of the bed and took a quick shower. After a yummy breakfast, I slipped on my Uggs and made a beeline for the door. Four hours later that poor bellman was pushing a cart full of bags up to my room. I was in my element. Bags and bags of clothes, shoes, jewelry, scarves…what was I thinking? How was I going to get all this back to New York? My luggage was already overstuffed. Oh well. I would figure something out. Grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, I pulled out the black cocktail dress I had purchased. If Mr. Stone wanted to play, I was game.

  * * *

  I was pacing when the doorbell rang at precisely seven. Taking a quick glance in the mirror, I smoothed my pin straight hair and adjusted my strapless dress. Another note had been waiting for me after the shopping spree. Apparently, we were dining in the resort and I was to meet him at the bar. The same man stood waiting patiently when I opened.

  “Mr. Stone asked that I escort you. Shall we?”

  I nodded and took his arm. By the time we reached the lobby my heart was pounding a hole in my chest. He motioned toward the bar. There were three men in the corner he indicated. I looked back at him and he smiled. How would I know? I observed them all. Two of them sat while one stood to the side. He was tall and very well formed. Then he turned and my jaw fell loose. I looked back at my escort for reassurance. He only smiled and pushed me forward. “He is waiting.”

  I walked, or did I float, over to him? My chest swelled and I thought I was getting a bit lightheaded. The slight scowl on his face brought me back to the situation and away from his stunning good looks. His hazel eyes narrowed, studying my dress. Then he took a sip of his drink and smiled.

  “Gia, it’s my pleasure to finally meet you. Drink?” He moved and there were two chairs behind him.

  I sat, making a show of crossing my legs. When he glanced down I felt a zap of excitement run through me. God he was fine. Light brown hair, cut short with a stylish faux hawk in the front. He was dark which made those eyes pop out of his handsome face. He wore a black dinner jacket with dress slacks. His shirt was unbuttoned, no tie. Damn that was sexy as hell. “I’ll have a screwdriver, please.” I pursed my lips innocently. His eyes told me he knew what I was up to. Once I had my drink in hand, I felt much better. The liquid helped me relax and I became more confident. Until he whispered in my ear.

  “Lose the panties.”

  My core clenched with need. Holy shit! That was not at all what I was expecting to hear. I uncrossed my legs and felt the evidence of my arousal. “Right now?”

  He took another sip. “I want them in my hand. Go.”

  Was he fucking serious? When he didn’t blink but stared at me intently, I knew he wasn’t joking. I stood, knowing this was my first test. With a little smile, I turned on my heel and found the bathroom a short distance away. Locking myself into the largest stall, I slipped my panties down my legs. He wasn’t going to have much to hold on to. I wadded them into my fist and walked back out. Leaning against the bar, he talked on his phone and I had the pleasure of studying how his jacket stretched across wide shoulders.

  “That will be all. Thanks.” He ended the call and slipped his phone into his pocket.

  Smirking, he reached out. “You have something for me.”

  I raised an eyebrow and placed the black silk thong in his hand. That was our first touch. He ran his middle finger along my palm as he took the material. I stood mesmerized when he brought it up to his nose and inhaled deeply. For the first time, I was stunned speechless.

  Eyes flashing with desire, his hand fisted his prize possessively before slipping it in his pocket.

  “I think I’m ready to eat.” He smiled with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  He motioned toward the restaurant on the other side of the bar and I moved ahead of him. He had just taken an intimate piece of apparel from my body and held it to his nose! I was sure he got a good dose of how hot I was for him. My inner thighs rubbed me deliciously as I walked. I cursed. How the hell was I going to make it through dinner? My underwear was in his pocket.

  I tensed when his fingers stroked the small of my back. So far, he had barely touched me. It made me burn for him. I wanted him naked, skin to skin. He was teasing the holy hell out of me. I was so out of my depth here.

  They were expecting us and we were seated in a private booth. I groaned when my inner muscles pushed against my sex as I sat on the soft cushion. Would it be too obvious if I humped the chair? Taking the flute of cold water, I sipped when I really wanted to press it to my neck.

  He opened the menu and studied it calmly as if I weren’t self-combusting over here.

  “I will be ordering for you.” He peaked over at me form under his gorgeous long eyelashes. He was a teasing devil! Well two could play at this.

  “Sure. I’ll eat just about anything.” I leaned down, knowing full well my breasts were pushing against the strapless dress.

  His slow smile did wicked things to me and I could only imagine what he was thinking.

  “I’m glad to hear that, Gia.” He ordered the lamb roast with vegetables. Good choice. I loved lamb. I think he had called ahead because our dinner came out in five minutes flat. Something told me the whole perusing the menu deal was meant to taunt me.

  We ate in silence, making small talk a couple of times. It was infuriating. You would think a man would want to know you given the fact he was spending the next few days fucking your brains out. He wanted quiet? I could do quiet.

  * * *

  I was bursting with questions by the time dessert came. He ordered. What a surprise. The waiter set my peach cobbler down and I dug right in. It wasn’t like we were engrossed in meaningful conversation or anything.

  “This is how I imagine you would taste, based on your scent.” He closed his eyes as he swallowed.

  I almost choked, covering my mouth with a napkin. The man didn’t talk much but when he did… holy fuck. I glanced over and he was smiling. Bastard enjoyed provoking me.

  “Did you read the documents?” He asked

  Shit! I had totally forgotten about those. Focus Gia! That was kind of hard when the man went from tasting me to documents. Okay, how could I bullshit my way through this one? Here goes…

p; “I glanced over them.” I answered, folding my napkin needlessly.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Glanced?

  Now I felt ridiculously unprepared. “Yeah. Glanced as in read through?” I cringed when I saw the “bullshit” expression cross his handsome face.

  “Well, I think you need to do a little more than glance. Those documents will dictate how this relationship will go down.”

  Go down….hmmmmm. Get your head out of the gutter, Gia!!!

  “Ok. Can we just discuss it?”

  “Sure. Did you bring yours?”

  Double damn crap crap!!!

  “No. Can I follow along on yours?”

  He grinned and I was in no way reassured. “You can but mine is completed and somewhat different than yours.”

  He dug in his breast pocket and handed me an envelope. Something told me this was going to get pretty uncomfortable. I pulled the document out and started to read. Glancing up, I noticed he leaned back and made himself comfortable.


  Participant: JP Stone

  Identity: Dominant

  Type: SSC

  Medical Conditions: None

  Phobias: None

  H= Hard Limit

  S= Soft Limit (Soft Limit where not noted otherwise)

  Master Levels

  1 = Beginner

  2 = Intermediate

  3 = Expert


  In Private: Hair removed from the neck and back. Preferably up in a ponytail, braid or bun. Eyes cast down unless specified otherwise, hands clasped behind back at the waist unless specified otherwise.

  In Public: The submissive may be at ease as long as she is respectful in all aspects and follows direction associated with a Scene.

  Rituals: The Dominant expects the submissive to be on time and to follow the outline dictated for each Scene/Play. If the submissive has an issue she is to notify the Dominant in writing.

  Activities administered by Dominant and levels:

  Blindfolding - 3

  Kneeling - 3

  Restraints (any kind) - 3

  Handcuffs - 3

  Rope Bondage - 3

  Whips - 3

  Nipple Clamps - 3

  Spanking - 3

  Paddling - 3

  Sensory deprivation - 3

  Orgasm Denial - 3*

  Suspension - 3

  Movement Restriction - 3

  Fire Play - H

  Knifing - H

  Breath Restriction - H

  Sexual Activity:

  Vaginal - 3

  Anal - 3

  Oral - 3

  Threesome - 3 - F/F/M only

  Same Sex – 3 – F/F only

  Roleplaying – 3

  Other Conditions: Safe words to be discussed.

  Oh. Fuck. What the hell was I getting myself into? I must have paled because JP leaned over and handed me a cold drink of the alcoholic variety. I chugged it down and waited for the calm to settle over me.

  “Better?” He grinned.

  I nodded because my voice box wasn’t working. A couple more sips had some fiery juice straightening my backbone.

  “Okay then. I have some thinking to do here. Exactly what does the asterisk mean?”

  Why did I even ask? His face said it all.

  “It means I excel at that particular activity.”

  Lovely. I took another gulp. “I see.”

  I was squirming in my chair, not sure exactly what I was supposed say.

  Oh, yes Master, please suspend me from the ceiling and whip me raw?

  “Gia, I had a feeling you would be a newbie so this is an amended document. The full set is about four pages long and includes much more activity.”

  He waived the waiter down for another drink, thank you, God. How could there possibly be more? This was quite enough as far as I was concerned. I should have been more prepared. One website wasn’t going to include everything I would need to understand. Remedial BDSM for Idiots?

  “That makes me feel so much better.” I said sarcastically.

  He sat forward, elbows on the table. “That’s why we go through these negotiations, so you can add your limits, experience and what you are willing to try. Once you complete your documents you’ll feel more at ease.”

  I glanced at him from under my eyelashes. “I’m not submissive material. I have no clue how this is going to work.”

  His wolfish grin was scary. “There is nothing I enjoy more than a challenge, Gia.”

  “Touché, Stone. We are at an impasse then because I am right there with you.”

  The bastard raised his glass and clinked mine. “I’ll drink to that.”

  Then he winked over the rim as he finished it.

  Raising an arm, the check miraculously appeared at his hand. The exchange of credit card then signature ensued. He helped me up and I was once again reminded of my state of undress when cool air kissed my nether region. Damn it. Did I have to walk again? Yes.

  We got to the elevator. When I saw we were the only ones inside, I thought, he is going to try something. Wasn’t he? We’re in an elevator. Alone. I have no panties on…

  He pressed the top floor and stood back behind me. I couldn’t see him but I could sure as hell feel him. His heat burned my back. That’s how close he was. The need was excruciating. I wanted to lean back, rub myself against his hardness. Ding!

  I jumped, the low sound alarming me. The same beautiful scenery greeted me when we walked out. Somehow it wasn’t as magical as it had been at first. Sexual frustration much?

  He urged me past my door and over to his. Those fingers were on my back again. Once there, he opened and I stepped inside…and was promptly slammed against the opposite wall. One hand shut the door while the other worked the button to his pants. Reaching around my lower body, he hiked me up, pushing my thighs apart and around his waist.

  I was more than ready, sans underwear, my sensitive parts rubbed against his lower abs. He growled something but I didn’t hear. Maybe it was the loud buzzing in my head.

  “Hold on.” He snapped gruffly.

  I did what he asked, snaking my arms around his strong shoulders. His nose sank into the cleavage of my dress. He licked at the swell of my breast. My nipples hardened painfully, pushing against the satin material. I wanted them out. He must have heard because next thing my zipper was coming down and I was freed.

  “Oh God…” I moaned when his tongue grazed first one and then the other nipple.

  My core began to clench and I knew I was going to come without him inside me.

  “Oh no you don’t,” he whispered then slammed into me with one plunge.

  I screamed. Loudly. I’d wanted him there all night. The sensation of friction without relief had driven me insane. He moved me up higher so that he could move out all the way and then drive back in. He was huge, his length stretching me to the limit. And I loved it. My head pushed back against the wall, eyes closed. I knew he watched so I let my emotions fly. The orgasm hit me hard, throwing me into round two as he pulsed inside of me with his own release.

  “Fuuuuuck.” He moaned.

  My head rested on his shoulder. We were both breathing hard. Pulling away from the wall, he walked us over to the bed, still inside of me. I loved the feel of the real thing and not some latex casing. I was glad part of the agreement requested we both provide a clean bill of health and use of proper contraceptives.

  He laid me on the huge bed and pulled away, adjusting my dress to cover my privates. I couldn’t explain what happened next but one thing was certain. If I were a man I would’ve decked him one.

  “That was a free pass. Disobey me again and you’ll know first hand just how good I am at denying your pleasure. The bathroom is to the left if you want to clean up.” He talked while adjusting his slacks. “We’ll begin the real stuff tomorrow, eight sharp. Wear the fucking dress I bought you and don’t forget the documents.” He ordered then walked out of the room.

  What the he
ll? So far I had been brutally teased, reduced to sitting in a fancy restaurant with my snatch out and then pummeled against a wall like some two bit hooker. I was seriously beginning to have doubts about this whole Dominant thing. I just wasn’t the “do as I say” type.

  He was unbearably arrogant, and what a prick! I guess he had a role to play and he was doing a dandy job of it. Maybe this was my punishment for not wearing the damn dress. Already I was defying him. I smirked.

  DAY 3

  What a waste of freaking time! All the primping I’d done to get myself ready for dickhead made me want to scream. I’d even gone as far as letting the girl at the salon wax my cha cha. To the lengths we women went only to be beaten back down to our rightful place. Well, they picked the wrong invitation out of that roll about cart four nights ago. I was possibly the worse choice in the entire room. Hell, Gorilla Granny would have been better. How Karli thought this would work was beyond my comprehension.

  My annoyance faded as I sipped on my delicious, expensive cappuccino ordered straight from room services on Mr. Stone’s tab. It wouldn’t be the last thing I ordered either. My doorbell rang ten minutes later with a scrumptious five-course breakfast. It was a beautiful morning and my view was stellar. Newly fallen snow sparkled like glitter outside my window and the mountains stood out in the bright morning sun. Already, skiers were getting their equipment ready to hit the slopes. I settled in my chair by the largest window and dug into my breakfast. The red dress caught my attention when I glanced across the room and pissed me off again. I got the whole I dominate you bullshit, but did he have to be such a bastard?


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