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Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)

Page 14

by Jayne Blue

  “Zig!” E.Z. shouted in my ear. “You hearing me, man?”

  “What? Yeah. I’m hearing you. What’s the world on her old man?”

  Gina DiSalvo’s old man was none other than Gino DiSalvo Sr., head of one of the largest crime families along the southern border. They were also one of our biggest contracts. My club, the Dark Saints, M.C. did a lot of the DiSalvo’s dirty work. Protection, gun running, and every once in awhile, we cleaned up old man Gino’s messes for him.

  “It ain’t good,” E.Z. said. “His old lady’s still running things.”

  Gino’s wife, Christine had taken over operations in the last few months since her husband had a stroke. She downplayed it to the public but she’d had to come clean with Bear, my club’s President. Truth was, Gino was probably permanently incapacitated. He was in a nursing home outside of San Antonio. Two weeks ago, somebody tried to take him out with a pillow to the face. Nobody saw anything, of course. That’s why I was here. Christine DiSalvo wanted to play things safer than sorry. If her old man was a target, it meant the rest of her family might not be safe. This was strictly a babysitting gig. Make sure little Gina stayed out of trouble until things cooled down for her family.

  Only by the looks of her, Gina didn’t know shit about what was going on back home. I watched her sashay around the corner. Damn. She was giving the frat boys a real show. I wished I had worn my leather cut. I had half a mind to throw it over her shoulders and pull her out of view.

  “Well,” I said. “It doesn’t look like his daughter has the first clue what’s going on back home.”

  E.Z. snorted in my ear. “I’m not surprised. Bear says she’s been sheltered her whole life. I’d bet my left nut Daddy’s little princess doesn’t even know how her family really makes their money.”

  Bitter laughter rose in my throat. Sheeit. I’d done my homework. Lake Meredith College was an elite, private university that cost six figures to go to. I wondered what Gina would think if she knew what paid for her tuition.

  “So what’s the plan here,” I asked. “You want me to pick her up?”

  E.Z. let out a sigh. “Nah. Stand down. Eyes only for now. Christine doesn’t want to spook her. She just wants someone close by in case shit gets hotter down here in Port Azrael. So keep an eye on her, but don’t make it look like you’re keeping an eye on her.”

  “Fuckin’ A,” I said. “I hope Mrs. DiSalvo’s forking over a nice load of cash for this one.”

  “Don’t you worry about that,” E.Z. said. “Just hold up your end. I know it’s a shit job, Zig. I told Bear one of the prospects ought to handle it.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I said. “I get it. Bear wants to make sure Christine DiSalvo knows she’s getting top shelf treatment.”

  “That’s about it,” E.Z. said. “We’ll make it up to you, man. That’s a promise.”

  I laughed into the phone. Yeah. This was a bullshit job. But, as I rounded the corner and caught sight of Gina DiSalvo’s tight little ass again as she headed for her next class, I decided I might not mind.

  “Check in tonight,” E.Z. said. “And thanks again, Zig. Bear won’t forget this.”

  I clicked off the phone and tucked it in my back pocket. Based on the schedule Christine DiSalvo gave Bear, I had a good hour before Gina came out of her next class. My Harley was parked in a shaded grove across the street. I headed there, fixing to wait.

  I made it halfway across the street when a soft voice reached my ears and made the hair rise on the back of my neck.

  “You planning on following me all afternoon?”

  I turned. Gina DiSalvo stood on the sidewalk, eyes flashing.

  “Aren’t you going to be late for class?” I asked. She got my blood pumping the way she looked me up and down. Gina stood with her hand on her hip, balancing her backpack on one shoulder. A tiny pulse beat a furious pace near her temple. It was the only telltale sign that I had her as unnerved as she had me. The rest of her was all cool eyes and sassy mouth.

  That mouth.

  She had full lips that curved up at the corners in almost a permanent smirk. I took a step closer, towering over her. At six four, I had a foot on her. Up close and personal, I hadn’t realized how tiny she really was. Short. Not skinny. The girl had meat on her bones in all the ways I liked. She had Sicilian fire in her eyes. They were dark, curious. She raised one, jet-black brow as she eyed me.

  “Did you think you were sly staring at me from across the quad?” she asked, undaunted by my presence. At least that’s what she wanted me to think. Her breath hitched just a little. A little blush crept up from the scoop of her tank top. I could see her nipples pebble beneath the stretchy fabric.

  Damn. I needed to get a hold of myself. Best thing to do after this was find one of the banger chicks that hung around our club and blow off some steam.

  “You should be careful who you hang around with,” I said, taking a bold step toward her. She didn’t budge but held her ground, defiant. Damn, she was sexy as hell. She might not have the first clue how her old man made his dough, but Gina DiSalvo had her father’s tough streak, that’s for sure. It was sexy, but it was also the kind of thing that could land her in real trouble, things being what they were.

  “Oh, you mean Gareth back there?”

  Gareth. Of course that was his name. I had a flash of jealousy. I wanted her to know mine.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Little fuck could use a lesson in manners.”

  Gina cocked her head to the side. “You think you’re the one to teach him?”

  “Nah. I wouldn’t waste my time with a little shit like that.”

  Gina took a breath and smoothed the hair off of her face. We were standing in the middle of the road and a car slowed to get around us. The driver looked like he could be one of Gareth’s frat brothers. Whoever he was, he seemed to know Gina. He glared at me and rolled his window down. I gave him a hard look over my shoulder that made his eyes go wide. He swallowed hard and looked at Gina. She gave him a weak wave and he hit the gas, hightailing it out of there.

  “Did my father send you?” she asked.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Maybe her mother was wrong about how much Gina knew. So far, she’d made me quick enough and hit the nail on the head over why I was here.

  “I was just in the neighborhood,” I said, of course she knew I was full of shit. “Thought I’d take a little stroll and see how the other half lives.”

  “Right,” Gina said. She crossed her arms in front of her. “Still, you’re pretty far from Port Az. We don’t see too many Saints riding around up here. You planning on branching out?”

  I wasn’t wearing my cut, but Gina figured out who I was anyway. She’d grown up in Port Azrael where my club was based. Of course she could pick out my type. That, and I had Dark Saints ink on my left bicep, a kneeling angel with its wings folded behind it and a sword at its feet. She didn’t have to see my patch to recognize it.

  “Like I said, I was just in the neighborhood.”

  Gina’s eyes narrowed. She took a step toward me, bringing herself within a couple of inches of me. “Look, we can stand out here all afternoon making small talk. You can dance around me as much as you want. I know my father does business with your club. Why, I can’t fathom. But if you’re planning on hanging around, you think you could do it a little less conspicuously?”

  I scratched my chin and smiled at her. I had two days worth of stubble growing and I knew it made me look even rougher than usual.

  “And this,” she said, stepping around me. She went for my bike, running her long fingers over the leather seat. I felt a twitch in my groin. Just then, I had the hard urge to get her on the back of my hog and ride as fast as I could. I wanted to feel her chest against my back and her hands wrapped around my waist. Fuck. The absolute last thing I needed was to keep thinking about her this way.

  “You don’t like my ride?” I asked.

  Gina’s eyes glinted again. Oh, she liked it. Damn if that girl wasn’t thinking along t
he same lines as I was. Either way, it was dangerous for both of us. Gina DiSalvo had a rebellious streak, that was clear.

  “That’s a lot of machine,” she said. “How fast does it go?”

  “Fast as you want,” I answered, biting my tongue past the urge to call her baby. This was no damn good at all. Never mind all the rest of it, the girl was too young for me. She was nineteen going on thirty and trouble all the way around.

  “Hmm,” she said, gripping the chrome handle bars. She leaned over and checked herself out in my side mirror. Finally, she straightened and turned back to me. I crossed the street. Gina moved away from the bike. I climbed into the seat and slid on my sunglasses.

  “Take care, Gina,” I said. “I’ll see you around.”

  Her mouth opened, forming a tiny little ‘o’. She’d guessed right about why I was here. I think it just still shocked her a little that I knew exactly who she was.

  “Who are you?” she said. “Really. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about,” I answered. It was true enough for now.

  Gina got bold again and came toward me. She curled her fingers around my handlebar, brushing her pinky against my thumb. Electric heat sparked between us. I did the only thing I could think of to break the tension. I started the bike. The roar of the engine vibrated through my chest and I know it did hers. It made her suck in a breath and I couldn’t help but watch those luscious tits of hers rise and fall.

  “Who are you?” she asked me again. I decided it wasn’t going to do me any good to keep it from her.

  “Call me Zig,” I said then revved the engine once more.

  “Zig,” she said. The sound of my name on her lips sent heat shooting straight between my legs. “See you around,” she said.

  She stepped away from me. I shot her a smile and headed down the road.

  Don’t miss Dark Honor by Jayne Blue.

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  Love you,

  Jayne Blue

  If you loved Dark Temptation you’ll want to ride with Ryder – from my bestselling part Great Wolves MC series.


  Dad’s whole club was out there in the church pews. The Devil’s Hawks members were on their best behavior.

  Even if my mom wasn’t on another continent, I was pretty sure she wouldn’t have lifted a finger to help me anyway. She’d chosen her happiness over mine when she’d left Daddy and his club. I was on my own.

  I was the prized daughter of a ruthless outlaw, and he was marrying me into his favorite family that lived on the right side of the law.

  Officer David Wexler, was about to be my husband. The entire idea made me sick to my stomach. Daddy told him I was his so that was it. I belonged to the club, and the club was giving me to David.

  David and his father, The Judge, seemed to be thrilled about it. At least they smiled all the damn time. Daddy sealed my fate with a scowl. Sonny Maldonado did everything with a scowl. He only smiled when someone else was in pain. I’d learned that sad fact in the last few weeks.

  I looked in the mirror at the Pinterest perfect hair. Daddy had sent a hair and makeup lady over to the house to me this morning. My blonde hair, usually in a pony, or in some wavy disarray, was now coiled, shaped, and piled all over my head. It looked exactly like Daddy expected a bride should look. I didn’t look like me. I looked like a perfectly wrapped package.

  The rehearsal dinner last night was a preview for the rest of my life. David, my groom, was so smarmy with Daddy. The Judge acted like this was some sort of royal wedding.

  Royal bullshit. That’s what it was.

  David was sucking up to Daddy. Everybody sucked up to Daddy. I just tried not to throw up. Bile rose in my throat every time David put a hand on my shoulder or The Judge, and Daddy whispered to each other. I wasn’t a person. I was property.

  “It’s a good match.” Daddy wore his leather at the restaurant for the rehearsal dinner. He always had on his leather. The Devil’s Hawks logo, a hawk’s head, his president patch, his tattoos, all of it screamed outlaw. Yet there he was, marrying me to a policeman, the son of a judge.

  Daddy had told me the time and the place and ordered me to put a smile on my face. I raged and cried when he issued his edict. He sat stone-faced and then he spit on the floor during my meltdown.

  He told me the hair and makeup this morning was only part of my wedding gift, and no matter how red-eyed I was, I’d still be expected to stand and smile for pictures.

  Any girl would probably be thrilled with the movie star treatment I was getting on my wedding day.

  I wasn’t.

  Today, on my wedding day, I was wearing a bridal gown I didn’t pick out, to walk down an aisle of a church I didn’t attend, to marry a man I didn’t love.

  I actually didn’t even like him. At. All.

  Daddy had arranged it. He said marrying David Wexler was my duty to the family.

  “Wexlers are one of the keys to my operations. They’re loyal to the family. Just like you are. Cheech’s ass would be in the pen if it weren't for them.”

  Daddy said it more to himself than to me. Daddy wasn’t worried about convincing me. Cheech was his brother. I had no idea why Cheech would be in the pen. I didn’t want to know.

  Daddy was the president of the Devil’s Hawks as long as I could remember. People did what he said, or they were hurt or disappeared.

  He’d kept me on the sidelines of his life and his club while he ruled every decision about my life. My mother wasn’t with the program so she was cut out.

  Right, about now I wished I could be cut out too.

  I almost was. I went away to college. Those four years made me think I was free of the Devil’s Hawks. It lulled me into believing I could have a life. My own life.

  Daddy was showing me how wrong I was. How in control of everything he was.

  Daddy had evil deeds to do, and I was just a tool to help him do them. Everyone around him was in service to his vision of the Devil’s Hawks.

  “Daddy I can’t marry him. I don’t even know him.” When he’d told me what he was forcing me into, I’d felt the hot sting of tears roll down my cheeks. At the same time the cold realization that I didn’t have a choice settled into my chest. If Daddy said to do something, you did it. His club did. Everyone did.

  My mother’s only advice to me about survival was to look the other way. She said she didn’t want to know more and advised me to take the same stance. Play dumb about Devil’s Hawks she said. And I did. A teenage girl can easily only concern herself with her own problems. But I wasn’t a teenager anymore. This was my real life.

  That ignorance was now costing my freedom. I had no argument to make. I had no escape plan. My life was Daddy’s to use as he wanted just as much as the men who wore the Hawk’s cut.

  Fuck. That.

  I wasn’t going to sacrifice my freedom or my life for my Daddy’s evil group of bastard bikers.

  It was my life, and I wasn’t going to be a slave to Daddy’s club.

sp; For the last few days, I’d been playing along until I could figure something out.

  I wore the dress Daddy said to wear. I let David kiss me on the cheek at the rehearsal dinner. Thank God he wasn’t ballsy enough to kiss me on the lips in front of Daddy.

  And here it was my “wedding day.”

  I was fluffed, blow dried, curled, and glossed. They had waxed stuff, plucked stuff, moisturized me, and deemed me picture perfect.

  I was a perfectly groomed caged animal.

  Daddy had a couple of members drag me into the church.

  If I had a thought of running, Boone and Headlock were there to stop me.

  “You are the ugliest bridesmaids I ever saw.” I mouthed off. I probably shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help it.

  Headlock carried my bag and didn’t respond to my dig. I’d stuffed my bag with shit that had nothing to do with being on a honeymoon. I hope he didn’t think to look inside.

  “Just get in the fucking church.” Boone was cold. They were both there to intimidate me. But something about Boone did the trick. Headlock looked like a wild animal but Boone, he was a mass of muscle. He wore his hair and his beard long but not a hair on his head was out of place. He had his hair pulled tight, and his mouth pulled tighter.

  “Is that any way to talk to a bride?” I said, but I moved it along. I wasn’t sure if Boone or Headlock would hurt me. I supposed they would hurt me, but just not so you could see the bruises.

  Had to have those wedding pictures you know.

  We were nowhere near Southwood, Daddy’s territory. I knew that much. But I had no idea what town we were in.

  Daddy wanted it to be picture perfect. He also wanted it to be in a place that was totally unfamiliar to me so the remotest chance of me having a friend or a lifeline was extinguished. My bridesmaids were Devil’s Hawks for God’s sake he wasn’t about to risk me having a girlfriend or an old teacher help me out of pity.


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