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Green, Sharon - Mind Guest.htm

Page 23

by Mind Guest

  problem to face in those chains. As if there weren't enough without


  The two newly awakened girls went through exclamations of disbelief and

  protest much in the same way that I had, but only one of them tried to

  insist. She was laughed at and roughed up in a small way the same as I

  had been, and then there was movement at the door flap to interrupt any

  further messing around. Another heavy in black pants and golden yellow

  shirt entered, but he just stood there holding the flap. The next man

  in was of slighter build, wearing a pale yellow shirt, moving with a

  polished grace, light brown hair and gray eyes adding to his air of

  superior breeding. Behind him came a pretty blond female slave, wearing

  the same sort of outfit and wrist chains that the rest of us wore,

  carrying a small package wrapped in cloth. The girl hurried through the

  opening and moved quickly to one side, keeping as much distance as

  possible between herself and the male slave who entered slowly behind her. The man was big by almost any standard you care to use, and his

  chains were a lot heavier and wider than the ones used on females. He

  was followed by two whip carrying, armed men in dark gold, and he'd

  been given nothing but a faded green loin wrap to wear, a green that

  matched the color of the very brief cloth poncho his female counterpart

  was wearing. The other two girls and I were wearing white, but this

  girl and the man both wore faded green. The concept of color-coding is

  a lot older and more universal than most people know, but before I

  could think about what the differences might be, the newcomer in the

  light yellow shirt got the show on the road.

  "I see they are all awake and aware," he said to the two men who had

  entered earlier. "A prompt beginning is ever a good sign. Arrange them

  now, and prepare to take your own places."

  The man in pale yellow walked to a wooden chest, pulled out a thick,

  wool-like mat and several yellow pillows, then sat down on the mat and

  made himself comfortable against the pillows. By the time he was ready,

  the other two girls and I had been put into a row halfway across the

  room from the man, all of us on our feet and facing the man, all of us

  tinged with the flush of embarrassment. Being displayed like that was

  as horrible for Bellna as it was for the other two girls, but the grin

  the man wore showed he was enjoying the sight.

  "You are each of you quite lovely, slaves," he said, examining us one

  at a time in frank approval. "Your future masters will be pleased, most

  especially after you have completed your training. You will learn

  quickly and obey completely, else will you be punished as you have

  never before experienced."

  "You cannot treat me so!" blurted the girl on the extreme left, her

  voice quivering with emotion. The third girl stood between us, smaller

  than either of us, frightened from the roots of her hair to the tips of

  her toes. "When my father has discovered where I have been taken, he

  will bring his guard and destroy this evil place!"

  "There will be neither discovery nor destruction, slave," the man

  answered without anger, locking eyes with the pretty brunette. "Best

  you know that it was your father himself who allowed your capture, to

  provide a gift for his good friend who desires you in slavery. Your

  second eldest brother is now pledged in marriage to the daughter of

  this friend, an arrangement which will bring considerable benefits to

  your father. Your enslavement was but a small part of the bride price."

  The man's tone was so matter-of-fact that the girl just stared at him

  open-mouthed, knowing the truth when she heard it. Even if she managed

  to escape the chains she wore, she no longer had a home to return to.

  The man in yellow smiled faintly when he saw the point hit home, then

  he turned his eyes to the next girl in line.

  "You, slave, were foolish enough to be rude to a man of considerable

  position," he told her, watching as her trembling increased. "The

  haughtiness of your family place is to be made into slave obedience and

  a desire to please, and then you will be his. Your family now believes

  you to be dead, therefore may you also consider the matter of search

  and discovery closed."

  The small girl just stood there shaking, not even bowing her chestnuthaired

  head, probably due to being deeply in shock or as forced to

  believe the bitter truth as the first girl. The man in yellow let his

  eyes move over her small but lush curves another minute, and then it

  was my turn.

  "As for the last of our newest slaves, the matter is somewhat

  different," he said, smiling faintly as he met my eyes. Your father

  dared to attempt elevating you to a position which was not meant to be yours, therefore must another position be given you. In your instance

  discovery is, to a small extent, possible, and yet for you discovery

  would undoubtedly mean ultimate destruction. One who was enslaved, even

  for a brief time, would be totally unacceptable for the marriage you

  were pledged to, and the insult of your presence might well bring about

  war between your father and the father of your intended husband. Your

  father, surely as well aware of the point as any, would either have

  your life taken as quickly as you were found, else would you be sent to

  a far-distant retreat, there to live out your life in unrelieved

  solitude. As a slave, you will be spared both of those consequences."

  The shock Bellna was feeling brought a shudder to me, silencing me as

  effectively as the other two girls had been silenced. Everything the

  man in yellow had said to the girl he thought of as the Princess Bellna

  was true, and the cruelty of that truth was worse than a flogging. I

  felt abandoned and alone and helpless and betrayed and completely

  destroyed, all of it at once and all of it overwhelming. "I" was lost

  beneath the onslaught, and I sank to a sitting position on the floor,

  only peripherally aware of the fact that the other two girls had done

  the same thing before me.

  "And now it is time to truly begin," the man in yellow announced

  briskly, as though he were getting more than dull, uncomprehending

  attention from his three victims. "Two of you are as yet virginally

  untouched, the third used so little that there is scarcely a

  difference. We will begin by teaching you the truth concerning your

  bodies, yet first must another matter be seen to."

  He gestured in the direction of the slave female he had brought with

  him, and she immediately hurried with the package she carried to the

  two men in golden yellow shirts, who had been standing behind the line

  formed by the other two girls and myself. The third man in golden

  yellow, the one who had held the flap open for the man in light yellow,

  followed the slave to join the other two behind us, but Bellna's upset

  left me nothing in the way of curiosity as to what they were doing. I

  sat in an envelope of misery, one palm against the scatchy mat to lean

  on, both legs and their ankle chain to the other side, beyond even the

  thought of trying to escape. Because
of that, I found myself crying out

  in pained surprise with the other two girls when a big hand tangled in

  my hair and forced me to my knees.

  "Slaves are not permitted a sitting position save they be ordered to it

  by their master," the man in light yellow said mildly, looking from one

  to the other of us. "You will now be fitted with a device to remind you

  of this stricture, and also to remind you of the matter of punishment.

  You may proceed."

  The last was for the men around us, and proceed they did. One of the

  armed, whip-carrying men circled the male slave, crossed to the girl on

  the far left, then took a fistful of her hair when the man behind her

  released his grip. The whip man waited while the other took the girl's

  wrist chain, pulled it out between the two rings, wrapped it several

  times around the two rings, then used the metal tongue on her chain

  belt to hold the whole arrangement in place. The girl's wrists were

  then tight to her waist, having no motion-room at all, and the girl was

  even more frightened than she had been. She struggled in an attempt to

  free her wrists, getting nowhere of course, and then the whip man bent

  her low to the floor mat, her forehead not far from her knees. She was

  ready to be done, and it didn't take long.

  The man from behind her had thrust something into his belt while he was

  securing her wrist chain, and once he was through and behind her again

  he pulled it out. The something was T shaped and about two and a half or three inches long, of polished wood, as thick around as my little

  finger, and tapering slightly toward the uncrossed end. The cross-bar

  itself was less than an inch in length, and had a thin strip of leather

  runnin~g through a small hole in the center of the bar, where it met

  the body of the T. The man went down to one knee behind the girl,

  pushed the six inches of her poncho skirt out of his way, then brought

  the wooden something to her bottom. She screamed at the first touch of

  it, a lot more fear than pain in the sound, and again tried to

  struggle, but it was still a waste of time. The thing was slowly forced

  into her to the cross-bar, and then one end of the leather strip was

  tied to a similar thin strip already knotted around her waist under the

  cloth poncho. At a nod from the man behind the girl, the arined man

  straightened her to kneeling again so that the other end of the leather

  strip could be tied snugly in front. The girl was wild with fright and

  panting hard just short of hysterics, but she wasn't struggling any

  longer. The man in the golden-yellow shirt brushed her tiny skirt back

  down, the armed man released her hair, and then the two of them came

  toward the second girl and me.

  At that point struggling was no more than strength-wasting, but I

  couldn't tell the Bellna presence that. Because of her I struggled to

  keep my wrists from being secured to my waist, struggled to keep from

  being bent forward, and struggled and screamed when that wooden thing

  was pushed inside me. It was one of the most uncomfortable things ever

  done to me, but Bellna felt shattered by it. I was able to get most of

  the way back to control then, but I wasn't entirely sure that I wanted

  control. Every one of us had screamed and struggled, and slaves weren't

  usually allowed the luxury of emoting as they pleased. The man behind

  me was the one who had spoken to me when he and the second had first

  arrived, and he smoothed my skirt down once the front leather tie had

  been secured, and then looked at me with a faint grin. None of us would

  be getting away with anything, that grin said, and Bellna's tremor of

  fear sent a shiver through me.

  "You will now give me your attention, slaves," the man in the light

  yellow shirt said, drawing our eyes to him. The men who had put those

  wooden things in us continued to stand right next to us as we knelt on

  the floor mat, but we were no longer supposed to pay attention to them.

  "The devices placed within you are for the dual purpose of teaching and

  punishment, and will be withdrawn when your lessons have been

  adequately learned. Should those devices be allowed to slip from your

  body before that time, you will be beaten and the device will be

  reinserted, to be kept within you for many, many more days. Therefore

  are you to be alert, for there will be no exceptions to the additional


  The man paused to let his threat sink in, and the small girl next to me

  whimpered in misery, voicing what all three of us felt. The device we'd

  been fitted with was allowed some small degree of movement despite the

  leather holding it in place, only we didn't know how far it could go

  before it slipped out altogether. Under those circumstances the only

  thing we could do was use our legs or heels to push it back in, even

  though all we wanted was to be rid of the filthy things. We'd been put

  in the position of having to make sure our own punishment continued.

  "Now to the matter of your bodies," the man went on, gesturing at the

  same time. The pretty blonde slave hurried to him and knelt where he

  indicated, showing nothing but absolute obedience and an eagerness to

  please. The men tugged her green poncho loose and pulled it off over

  her head, then smiled faintly at the gasps of embarrassment from his

  captive audience. "As you see, a slave shift is easily removed from a slave, allowing her

  master access to her body," he lectured, running his hands lightly over

  the girl's body. "The body of a slave is the property of her master,

  his to do with as he wishes, just as he wishes. The slave may not deny

  him, just as you will not deny the men who own you or any man who

  stands as master to you. You are no longer high born and untouchable,

  no longer the owners of your own bodies. The sooner you accept this,

  the less punishment you will find."

  There were gasps again as the man in the yellow shirt began to

  deliberately arouse the slave under his hands, making her writhe and

  moan where she knelt. Her chains clinked faintly as she moved

  involuntarily, her eyes closed and her head went back, her nipples

  hardened and her knees spread wide, his hands taking the very soul from

  her. In no more than a minute or two she was more than ready to do

  anything asked of her, but the man wasn't there to ask.

  "Slave arousal is easily achieved by a master," the man said in his

  casual way; ignoring the sobs coming from the slave he gave no rest to.

  "Are you able to feel the touches on your own body, the warmth

  beginning deep in the center of you? Do your breasts tighten with the

  desire to be touched as I touch this one? Heed the voices of the

  stirrings within you, for you, too, will be required to respond in such

  a way."

  I could hear the heavier breathing of the girls to my left, knowing

  they were beginning to be aroused just as Bellna was. I tried to fight

  the feelings but it was impossible, and moving in discomfort did not

  more than shift that device around. It was starting to make me feel

  strange, somehow, and that was helping to distract me from control.

"Now you must see one of those things designed to give you relief," the

  man said, still working the girl as he turned his head to nod at the

  two armed men. One of them drew his sword and placed it in the middle

  of the male slave's back while the other gave his attention to the

  faded green cloth around the man's loins. One short tug, one strong

  pull, and the cloth was gone to another, deeper set of grasps. The

  slave was hung like a vair stallion, and even I found myself impressed.

  "This slave is well equipped to use any female given him, yet he,

  himself, is not aroused," the man said, finally taking his hands away

  from the girl. "Should this slave wish to be given that which she so

  desperately needs, she must give that one whatever pleasure he desires.

  Slave, go to the other slave and beg to please him."

  The girl whimpered at the command, clearly afraid of the big male

  slave, but she was too far gone in need and also even more afraid of

  disobeying. She struggled to her feet with difficulty, hurried to the

  male slave, put her arms around his body, then moved against him.

  "Master, I beg to be allowed to please you," she whispered, kissing at

  the hard male body she rubbed against. "Ask me anything, anything! So

  long as I am allowed to serve you."

  "You may assume that he has commanded you to waken his body," the man

  in the light yellow shirt told her. "Accompany him to the mat, and then

  obey his command."

  The male slave didn't seem to be in a very cooperative mood, but he

  couldn't have had access to women in his state of confinement, and the

  pretty blonde slave was very eager to please him. He hesitated a long

  minute, but finally put himself down on the floor mat. The girl

  followed him down, moved to his far side so as not to block our view,

  then went to work on him with hands, lips and mouth.

  "Oh, look!" gasped the small girl to my left, horror and fascination in

  her tone. "He grows larger yet! Never have I seen such a thing!" "Rest assured that it is a thing you will see much of from now on,"

  chuckled the man in the light yellow shirt, watching us rather than the

  two slaves. "You will come to think of the sight as the most glorious

  thing you are able to accomplish, and will strive with all of your

  being to accomplish it as often as possible. In no other way will you

  find any measure of happiness."


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