Sun & Shyne 2: School Daze

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Sun & Shyne 2: School Daze Page 4

by Sa'id Salaam

  “No such thing as luck, just divine decree. Everything that has happened or will happen has already been written,” Shyne preached.

  Killa and Sun took a moment of silence to process the jewel she’d dropped. Finding nothing to refute it, they nodded in agreement and accepted the truth.

  “Proper planning prevents penitentiary stays,” Killa freestyled. “See, now what they should’ve done was get a pretty girl to lure their victim somewhere secluded. Nice and quiet, no witnesses or cameras and did the do. But, what do I know?” Killa retreated upstairs to let his kids ponder over his suggestion. He stopped short and listened for their reactions, with his nosey ass.

  “Pops talking like he know the streets,” Sun chuckled but still juggled the words in his head.

  “I know, right!” Shyne laughed. “Actually, though…it’s not really a bad idea. Boys lose their minds over girls. I wonder why?”

  “I mean, it makes sense but…where we going to find a pretty girl? Christi is pretty but she ain’t bout that life.”

  “Sun! Really?” Shyne huffed indignantly.

  “Sun, what? Wait…you?” he frowned at the suggestion. “You’re not pretty! You’re Shyne! But…that just might work!”

  “It will work! I’ll catch them on the block and lure them to the park…,” she said, laying out the plan while Sun and Killa nodded. “Leave it up to daddy to come up with a plan! I wonder why they call him Killa.”

  “Probably cuz he be talking people to death,” Sun cracked and cracked up. Shyne joined in and snickered at her comedian father.

  “That’s what’s up,” Killa laughed to himself as he went upstairs. His children had no idea who or what he was and that was just fine. They would find out soon enough. They were just like him and one day they would join the family business.


  It had taken five years after Yolo’s death for Killa to sleep in the bed they once shared. The sheets were the only thing that had been changed. Everything else was exactly as Yolo left it when she’d set out to kill Sincerity. Except for the diary Shyne had claimed but didn’t read and the .40 cal Yolo had kept under her pillow.

  Killa smiled at the fond memories of the vigorous sex they’d shared as he waited on his children to sneak out. Once the hard working Christi fell asleep, they would make their move and so would he.

  “Eww!” Shyne grimaced at the thot in her full length mirror. She shook her head at the nipples poking out through the halter top that showed off her belly. She pulled her panties out her butt but the tiny cut off shorts forced them right back in. After pulling a wig on, she crept downstairs to meet her brother.

  “What the hell you got on?” Sun growled in a whisper. He loved seeing girls dressed slutty, except for his sister, that is.

  “Bait,” Shyne shot back in a whisper. “Now let’s hurry up so I can get out of this crap!”

  “I’m telling Asad!” he huffed and led the way outside. He hopped on his bike and rode off towards the ambush spot.

  “Tell him! He ain’t my daddy!” Shyne said defiantly after her brother was out of earshot. She pulled her panties out once again and walked towards the store.

  Sun had their only gun but Shyne was just as deadly with the butterfly knife she had in her purse. In fact, they were better off getting shot by Sun than stabbed by Shyne. To her dismay, she only saw Bar-kim standing on the block. She waited for him to finish selling a rock to a rock head then made her move.

  “Peace, g-g-g-g,” she stuttered, but couldn’t get the word out. He was a man, not God, so he wouldn’t be called God by her.

  “Sup, Ma. Oh shit!” Bar-kim smiled then flinched in fear when he noticed who she was. He shot his eyes around, hoping not to see Asad with her. He was real tough when he was with his friends or firing from a speeding car but alone, he was pussy.

  “I said peace! I come in peace,” Shyne sang, holding her hands up. It took everything she had and more not to laugh at him when she saw him in the light. The light skinned thug had a swollen purple jaw and a black eye with a bright red blood clot in it. The boy’s face had more colors than a box of Lucky Charms.

  “O-o-okay,” he said, scanning the streets to be sure. Once he was, he turned on the charm, tried to that is, because how charming can you be with a black eye and a fat lip?

  “Where’s yo’ partner?” Shyne asked, hoping to kill two birds with one stone. Actually, kill two thugs with multiple shots.

  “He with his baby moms. He told me you let him tap that,” Bar-kim said, licking his lips. He winced in pain when his tongue hit the split.

  “Hit what?” she asked naively. She was familiar with the phrase but was totally confused at how it could apply to her.

  “That fat little ass you got on you,” he said, reaching out to turn her sideways so he could get a good look at it.

  Shyne flinched at his touch and almost pulled the knife. A last second glance around saved his life when she saw cameras. It didn’t save it for long, though, because he was still dying tonight.

  “Oh yeah…um…you wanna…um,” Shyne stammered, trying to get the words out. “You wanna tap it, too?”

  “Hell yeah!” he shouted back and snatched her by the arm. He was leading her down the block so quick that she had to jog to keep up. “Ain’t nobody at my crib!”

  “Wait! Let’s go to the park instead. I, um…I like to do…it…outside.”

  “Okay,” he said and switched direction. He didn’t care where he did it as long as he got to do it. Shyne finally understood the power of the P.

  “Come to poppa,” Sun chuckled from his hiding spot as his sister led their victim into the park. The full irony of the statement escaped him.

  “Over there,” Shyne said, directing him towards the pavilion closest to the woods.

  “Let’s get it!” Bar-kim said, pulling his dick out. Shyne snatched her head away before the sight of it reached her eyes.

  Sun popped up and fired off a couple of rounds into his torso. He knew Bar-kim carried guns so he didn’t play with him. Killa would have had a wisecrack or two if it were him. Bar-kim landed on his ass as Sun stepped from the woods. He raised the gun to his forehead and…

  “Wait!” Shyne yelled. “Hold on. Tell my brother what Born told you.”

  “Who?” he whined. Hot lead had a way of making people forget shit. At that moment, he didn’t even remember ever meeting anyone by the name of Born.

  “Your friend, Born! Tell him what he said!” Shyne said as she flipped her knife open.

  “What, that he hit that?” Bar-kim quickly remembered.

  Sun actually growled like an animal upon hearing the assault against his sister’s honor. He wasn’t the only one.

  “Okay, bye-bye,” Shyne said and cut his throat from ear to ear. “Let’s go.”

  “Let’s,” Sun agreed. He then pulled his bike from the woods and waited while Shyne climbed on behind him. Bar-kim choked himself trying to keep his blood in his body as the twins rode away.

  “Amateurs,” Killa fussed as he lowered himself from the rafters of the pavilion. Bar-kim looked relieved to see someone until he saw the gun in his hand.

  “You have to excuse my kids, they’re just getting started,” he explained before he emptied a full clip into his face and head. “Now that’s how it’s done!”

  Chapter 8

  Sun awoke the next morning feeling like a champ. Two of the three people who’d violated his family were now neighbors in the morgue. It was just a matter of time until the last one joined them. His thoughts shot to Ella and her pizza oven vagina as he marched down the hall to the bathroom.

  “Yeeeooww!” Sun screeched as he tried to pee. Instead of urine, nothing but flames shot out. He grabbed his penis tightly to shut off the fire and ran down to his mother’s room, where his father now slept.

  “A-yo, Sun,” Killa said, twisting his lips at his son standing there with his dick in hand. The cold sweat on his pained face said all that needed to be said. Killa keeled over with

  Christi and Shyne heard the commotion and came running to investigate. Sun turned away as his sisters came into the room and looked around.

  “We heard a woman scream,” Christi said as she looked around.

  “That was no woman,” Killa cracked up all over again. He was laughing so hard that Shyne and Christi backed out the room and left the father and son alone.

  “Dad, I’m on fire! I need some ice or…or…or a fire extinguisher!” Sun pleaded.

  “No Sun, go get dressed. You need a doctor,” Killa advised as he rolled out of bed. “Nothing flammable, though.”


  “So…got hold of a bad piece of pussy, huh?” Killa asked, breaking the silence as they rode up Straight Path to the clinic.

  “It sure felt good,” Sun recalled, still squeezing himself through his pants. “Guess I should’ve used a condom, huh?”

  “Yes, I guess you should’ve used a condom!” Killa agreed. He was happy to see his son had learned from this lesson. Sometimes it takes a man’s dick to be turned into a flamethrower for him to learn. Killa parked in the lot and took his son inside the clinic.

  “Dang!” Sun proclaimed at how packed the waiting area was. Wyandanch was dealing with a nasty case of Chlamydia being shuffled around town like a dirty deck of cards.

  “A-yo, Sun!” James called across the waiting room, holding his hand up. “She got you too?”

  “Go on,” Killa urged when he saw that his son was conflicted. “I’ll be at the house if you need me.”

  “Okay,” Sun said and gave him a pound. He waited until he left before walking over to his friend. “Sup, yo?”

  “Would say I’m chillin’ but my dick is on fire. Woke up and found it melted to my leg!” the point guard joked.

  “Man, Ella gave me something,” Sun moaned as he sat beside him.

  “Like moms, like daughter. Her moms burnt me, too,” James sighed.

  “Speak of the devil,” Sun announced as Ella and her mother were escorted in by a health department worker and police officer. Their names had been given by so many teens and men that a production warrant had been issued so they could get treated.

  “I knew that pussy felt a little too hot!” James said, shaking his head.

  “Yo! You heard about that dude Bar-kim?” Sun asked. He wanted to get a feel for what the streets were saying. He held his breath as he awaited an answer.

  “Yeah, I heard he got his head cut off!” he exclaimed. The thing about rumors is that they get bigger as they traveled. Sort of like an avalanche. Everyone who passes it adds a little bit more to it.

  “I heard he was beefin’ with them dudes in Amityville,” Sun said, adding his contribution. In doing so, he shifted the blame to the next town.

  “That’s what I heard, too!” James announced. It wasn’t a lie since he had really just heard it.

  An hour later, both left with doses of antibiotics in their asses and complimentary condoms in their pockets. The two smoked a blunt of loud and hit the park.

  Born and five or six other five percenters stood under the pavilion where their partner had been killed. They blew trees and poured out some liquor on the bloody concrete in his behalf. Had Sun been armed, the town would have been short five or six more five percenters.

  “Can’t believe my sister got a baby by that lame,” James griped, looking over at the guys.

  “Who?” Sun asked.

  “Born. Made her name him Born Supreme Wisdom Junior. I just call him Junior,” he answered. “You would think a god could buy some diapers.

  “Word, word,” Sun nodded thoughtfully. “Where he stay?”


  “Heads!” Shyne called out hopefully as her brother flipped a coin in the air. It was the only way to settle the debate over who got to murder Born. Shyne was hot about her name being slandered but Sun was even hotter. He felt like it was his right to kill him since men are the protectors and maintainers of women.

  “Damn it,” he fussed when the quarter landed on heads. “Two out of three!”

  “Not! He’s mine,” Shyne smiled, rubbing her hands together deviously. “Now, how should I give it to him?”

  “It’s gotta be brutal,” Sun suggested while their nosey father eavesdropped.

  “Oh, it will be,” Killa said as he walked away.

  The kids would have to wait until everyone went to sleep before they could sneak out. Then they’d have to ride their bikes over to the Southside to break in and kill the teen.

  Not Killa, though. He didn’t need have to sneak out and he had a car and plenty of weapons.

  “Eenie, meenie, miney, moe,” Killa sang over a display of pistols. He smiled when the nursery rhyme ended on a .50 caliber Desert Eagle. It really doesn’t get any more brutal than that. “I sure hope none of his friends are over,” Killa lied as he rode over to Born’s house. In truth, he hoped that the liars were having a meeting so he could murder them all. They were supposed to be gods so they could just resurrect themselves.

  Killa counted six heads as he drove slowly by the house. He circled the block and came back around to park in the driveway. He shoved the hard cannon into the pizza delivery hot box and approached the door. The chatter inside ceased when he rang the bell.

  “Who?” Born barked and grabbed his pistol from the coffee table. Killa just shook his head at the glaring contradiction. If this dude was god, wouldn’t he already know who was at the door?

  “Pizza!” Killa shouted and prepared to shoot through the bag.

  Born snatched the door open with his gun by his side. That really wasn’t a good place for it. Killa could have gunned him down but held back.

  “One large pepperoni!”

  “Gods don’t eat no swine!” Knowledge shouted, causing Wisdom and Understanding to nod along with him. Born sat the gun down and sat.

  “They must have screwed up the order,” Killa guessed as he eased his way inside. “You guys can have it free then.”

  “Well, now that’s a different story!” Wise said, jumping to his feet.

  Killa tugged on the trigger. The huge round ripped through the hot box, picked Wise up and slammed him into the wall. Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding tried to run but Killa made them turn flips as he shot them.

  “Wait!” Sincere pleaded with his hands up.

  “Nope,” Killa replied and sent a slug through his palm and into his face.

  “Peace, god,” Born begged as Killa reloaded a fresh clip. He was shaking so hard, his gold chains rattled. “Peace!”

  “Nah, pieces!” Killa corrected and proceeded to take him apart piece by piece. Shot him in his arm, leg, leg, arm, and head. So much for that black man is god bullshit.


  Killa was amused to see the look of bewilderment on his kid’s faces the next morning. The twins had snuck out last night and rode their bike across town to find nothing but a crime scene. All the yellow tape and black body bags made it looked like a Pittsburg Steelers game.

  “Morning, guys…what’s wrong?” Killa asked as if he didn’t know.

  The twins looked at each other knowing that they couldn’t tell the truth. “Um…cramps,” Shyne said and held her stomach as she walked out.

  “Yeah, cramps,” Sun repeated and did the same. Their father’s laughter rang in their cars as they went back upstairs.

  “You guys can be so weird!” Christi declared.

  Chapter 9

  Bryonna and Shyne walked up to the corner store for chips, soda and candy, all things that would put pimples on their pretty faces. News of the murders of Bar-kim and Born provided a job vacancy that was quickly filled by other dealers. A group of teen thots pranced to and fro looking for attention.

  “Eww,” Bryonna groaned at seeing jiggling butt cheeks in front of them.

  To make the scene even more gross, the girl turned and showed a slight baby bump under her halter top. That was bad but it got even worse when the girl turned and saw Shyne.

; “Hey, Shyne!” Ella cheered and bounced. She bounced a little too hard, causing one of her titties to pop out. Shyne spun around, looking to see who else was named Shyne, but Ella ran up and hugged her, killing those hopes. “Hey, sister-in-law!”

  “Sister-in-law?” Bryonna laughed then processed what it could mean. “Eww!”

  “Um…” Shyne replied since she had no idea what she meant. She did know that the girl’s deodorant wasn’t working so she squirmed out of her musty embrace.

  “Where’s my boo? I keep calling him but he don’t never answer his phone! I need to talk to him A.S…um…T,” she declared, putting a hand on her stomach.

  “I-I-I,” the stunned girl stuttered.

  Bryonna caught Shyne when her knees buckled. They both watched Ella swing her butt cheeks as she pranced away.

  “Let’s go to your house!” Shyne’s friend said, turning her body in that direction.

  “I need to go to the clinic! That girl touched me,” Shyne reeled.

  As they turned to leave, they saw an associate of theirs leaving the pharmacy. The girl looked right through them as if in a daze. She stepped off the curb right into the busy traffic.

  “LaDonna!” Shyne screamed as cars skidded and swerved to avoid her. She and Bryonna risked their own lives to snatch her back on the sidewalk.

  “What…the…heck…is wrong…with you?” Bryonna shouted in her face.

  It took a few blinks for the girl to focus.

  Shyne immediately assumed she was on drugs and got mad. Her small circle of associates didn’t do drugs, boys or anything else that could dim their bright futures. Birds of a feather flocked together and there would be no chickens in her flock. Bryonna saw that LaDonna was distressed and pulled her along with them.


  “Excuse me, guys. Let me talk to my brother for a minute,” Shyne said when they reached her house. Sun was just leaving the house to get in the car with James when they arrived. “Sun! Hol’ up, I need to holla at you for a sec!”

  “Nah,” Sun laughed. Her little friends were cute but square and he had no time for squares. Not in a town full of girls ready to turn up. And turn up they did. They turned up pregnant, turned up with STDs and some turned up dead.


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