Sun & Shyne 2: School Daze

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Sun & Shyne 2: School Daze Page 5

by Sa'id Salaam

  “Yeah, alright. I got you, Sun.” Shyne nodded wickedly as she turned back to her friends. She led them up to her room then turned to LaDonna and demanded, “What the hell is your problem?”

  “Shyne!” Bryonna frowned at the outburst. “You see she’s upset!”

  “Look,” LaDonna said in a hoarse whisper as she dug into her pocket. What she produced caused her friends to reel backwards as if it were a snake.

  “Aww, man!” Shyne whined at the positive pregnancy test. “What about college? How could you do this?”

  “It’s not like I had a choice! My father doesn’t ask if he can come in my room in the middle of the night and molest me! He just does it!” She got out and broke down crying. For the next few minutes, the three girls cried a river.

  “So, why didn’t you tell your mother?” Shyne wanted to know. Her face was beet red but it wasn’t from embarrassment. It was pure rage.

  “My mother!” LaDonna huffed indignantly and rolled her eyes. “Remember that crackhead that pushed the other crackhead down to get in the car with that white man?”

  “Yeah?” she replied. The town had been turned into a hoe stroll with all the crack whores competing for tricks–dick sucking had become a competitive sport.

  “No aunts? Grandma? Nothing?” Bryonna asked.

  “Remember the crackhead who got pushed down? That was my aunt. My grandma lives in North Carolina but my father said I can’t go.”

  “Why would he?” Shyne growled with smoke coming out of her eyes. She didn’t need a crystal ball to know she would be moving down south soon because her father wasn’t going to be around much longer.

  “So, what are you going to do about, you know?” Bryonna asked.

  “I went to the drug store to get that abortion pill but they wouldn’t sell it to me. They said I’m too young. You have to be over twenty-one.”

  “I’ll take care of that,” Shyne offered. “I’ll take care of everything.”


  Sun came sneaking into his window just after 2AM after a night of sex, drugs and hip hop he was ready to hop in bed and get some sleep. Too bad Shyne had other plans.

  “What the?” Sun asked as he felt a strange texture on his bed. He didn’t like the answer Shyne gave when she flicked the lighter. The toilet tissue she’d lined his bed with caught fire and burned quickly

  “Te-he-he,” Shyne giggled as her brother beat the flames with his pillow. “Got time to talk now?”

  “Daddy!” Sun yelled. A moment later, their famous father stuck his head in the door.

  “What are you two…,” Killa began asking. He smelled smoke and directed the question to his daughter. “What are you doing?”

  “She tried to set me on fire!” Sun demanded. “Tell her to stop!”

  “Tell him to stop snitching,” the defiant girl said, mocking her brother’s whiny tone.

  “Shyne, stop trying to set your brother on fire,” Killa said dryly before going back to bed.

  “Shyne, are you crazy?” Sun wanted to know as he knocked the ashes from his bed.

  “Yes, but what’s your excuse. How could you get that, that…girl pregnant? I don’t want a thotler for a niece, crawling around twerking in a too tight diaper!”

  “You been in my weed?” he accused and checked his stash. “I don’t know what you talking ‘bout!”

  “Ella! She claims that you’re her baby daddy!” Shyne shouted, causing her brother to wince and grab his crotch at the mention of her name.

  “Shyne, that girl screwed half of Wyandanch. Ain’t no way she pregnant by me!” he assured her.

  “I’m not letting her have no baby by you!” she warned. “I’m not!”


  “Come on, Shyne. Let’s go driving,” Killa called once Asad arrived. They’d all gotten permits and it was up to him to teach them to drive.

  “Um, you guys go ‘head,” she replied, raising everyone’s suspicious. She usually bullied the boys into going first so not going at all was odd.

  “Go on. I’ll take her in my car,” Christi suggested. She could tell the girl had something on her mind. Her hunch was proved right as soon as the guys left the house.

  “Um, Christi, I, um, I need to talk to you about something,” Shyne began. “Only, you can’t tell anyone. Especially my father!”

  “Shyne, you are my sister. I love you, you can tell me anything,” Christi assured her.

  “Good. I need you to get an abortion pill for me. I…what are you doing?” Shyne asked when Christi pulled out her phone.

  “Calling your father!” she huffed. “I can’t believe you!”

  “Chill, Chrissy! It’s not for me!” Shyne shouted snatching the phone away. “I can’t tell you the whole story, but you just have to trust me.”

  “I trust you. I do. Good thing, too, cuz I was gonna jump on Asad when they got back!”


  “Go faster! Why you driving so slow?” Sun whined from the backseat.

  “I’m doing the speed limit!” Asad shot back, keeping his eyes on the road.

  “You only have to do the speed limit when you see police! Tell him, Dad!”

  “I will not!” Killa shook his head. “Remind me never to let you borrow my car. Oh wait, you just did!”

  Killa directed Asad to drive to the park where he beat the boys in a two on one game of basketball. He was getting older but definitely still had. He let Sun drive home where a surprise awaited.

  “Wait the…” Asad exclaimed from the backseat when he saw the girl waiting on the front steps. The exposed flesh under and below her skimpy clothes made him blush. Killa, too.

  “Please tell me she’s here for you and not your sister!” Killa pleaded.

  “I don’t know why she’s here for me!” Sun replied.

  Shyne came out wearing a smug smirk on her face. “Hey, Asad,” she cooed and batted her eyes. Killa twisted his lips at being greeted second. “Hey, Daddy. Oh, Sun, I invited your friend over.

  “You play too much!” he shouted as his family left him alone with Ella.

  “Hey, baby daddy,” Ella sang, smiled and bounced happily. She had no idea who’d impregnated her this time, but out of all the men and teens she’d recently slept with, he was the nicest. Not to mention one of the few to actually enter her without a condom.

  “Um,” Sun replied since he couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “Want some pussy?” she offered since it was the only thing she had to offer. Deciding to drink, smoke and turn up had destroyed the infinite potential she was born with. “We can go on the side of the house.”

  “Um,” he repeated while shaking his head no. The thought of burning again made him cringe.

  “Guess what I’ma name our son! Sun!” she cheered and clapped.

  Shyne eavesdropped and giggled at his dilemma. It was quite funny to her, but there was no way she was going to allow Ella to have a baby by her brother.

  Chapter 10

  Shyne had decided to murder LaDonna’s father a half a second after she told her about him molesting her, and since her mother hadn’t protected her, she was going to get it, too. Being a crack whore made her easy to get at. Her dangerous profession had turned deadly.

  The clever girl used money as bait, literally, since she’d put a twenty-dollar bill on a fishing pole and now waited in the wooded area adjacent to the trap. It didn’t take long for her prey to show up.

  LaDonna’s mother hopped out of a trick’s car and spit his salty semen to the concrete. She planned on taking the ten bucks she’d earned straight to the dope man. Later on in the night, she would cut out the middle man and suck the dope man off for a rock or two.

  “Huh?” the addict asked when the twenty landed in front of her. Most of her money came with dicks attached, so she didn’t mind the string. She bent down to pick it up but Shyne reeled it in a little. The crack head gave chase just like planned. The cat and mouse game ended at Shyne’s feet. “That’s mine! I saw it first!�

  “Pick it up then,” Shyne shrugged.

  As soon as the woman bent down, Shyne slipped the garrote over her neck. To Shyne’s surprise the woman was more concerned with clutching the bill than the fact that death was creeping into her life. She died with the money clutched tightly in her hand.


  “I can’t believe your father let you spend a night out,” Bryonna exclaimed as they prepared pallets in Shyne’s room.

  “Don’t believe it, cuz he didn’t. He’s drunk as usual, passed out on the sofa. He’ll figure it out when he wakes up for his midnight snack and I’m not there,” LaDonna sighed.

  “Bastard,” Shyne growled. She could barely contain her rage until she could carry out the next part of her plan.

  “Sorry to hear about your mother,” Bryonna tossed out.

  “I’m not. My mother died years ago when she hit that first rock. That shell that was left walked by me a many a times and didn’t even see me.”

  “Well,” Shyne began, then stopped since she didn’t have anything nice to say. The woman died as undignified as she’d lived. “Oh, here.”

  “Is this it?” LaDonna asked and popped the pill into her mouth and swallowed it dry.

  “Girl, here!” Bryonna fussed, passing her a glass of water.

  “That’s it. We had to buy two since they come in pairs,” Shyne explained. “Guess the next one is for those girls who use abortions as birth control. Anyway, I’ll get us something else to drink.”

  Shyne came back with punch laced with sedatives. After presenting the drinks she turned up the music so that they could turn up. The three modest girls danced and giggled to the latest tunes. As planned, the exertion sped up the effects of sedative. Soon, all three girls were blinking and yawning. Two were sleepy, one was faking.

  “I’m so sleepy,” Shyne said, fanning herself with her hand.

  “Me…too,” Bryonna managed through a deep yawn. She didn’t even try to fight it. She just curled up on her pallet and went to sleep. LaDonna followed suit and stretched out and drifted off.

  “Showtime,” Shyne cheered in a whisper. She slipped some jeans over her nightclothes and prepared to go out into the night. Although there wasn’t much preparation since all she did was load her gun. She eased out of her window and dropped down. Right next to Sun.

  “Where you think you going?” Sun demanded, sounding like an older brother. It didn’t matter that he was only a few minutes older, he was till her big brother.

  “Where I’m not going is to some skeezer’s house to smoke and drink my brain cells away and have sex and…”

  “Oh,” Sun said embarrassed, then he noticed the pistol. “You need me to come?”

  “No, I got this,” she growled and set off. LaDonna only lived a few blocks over so she left her bike. Sun left with James to go smoke, drink and have sex with some skeezers.

  Shyne had borrowed LaDonna’s keys so let herself in. Her friend’s father was snoring loudly on the sofa just like she’d described. She started to murder him on the spot then changed her mind. Instead, she picked up an empty can from the skeletal remains of a twelve pack and tossed it at him before running down the hall. Once she reached LaDonna’s room, she ducked under the covers and waited. She didn’t have to wait long.

  “Huh?” the drunken man asked in a drunken stupor. He rubbed the place where the can had hit him while looking around the empty room.

  Finding nothing, he debated on whether to get another twelve pack or some pussy. Pussy won out, as it always did, and he hoisted himself off the sofa. He used the fact that he wasn’t the girl’s biological father as justification for raping her. It was a secret that her mother had taken to the morgue with her, that and the twenty-dollar bill that they couldn’t pry from her hand. At least if they had trap houses in hell she could cop a rock. The slab next to her was currently empty but she was about to have some company.

  “Hey, sugar,” the drunken man slurred as he opened the door. Naked except for his socks, he leaned against the doorframe in a sexy pose.

  Shyne peered through the dark and was disgusted by the nappy chest hairs over the pot belly over his big thick erection. She blushed at the sight of his penis and gripped the pistol under the girl’s girly blanket.

  “Let me get a lil taste,” he said, approaching seductively. He then climbed on the bed and crawled forward.

  “Okay,” Shyne giggled as she fired into his smile. She raised the pistol a little more and fired into his bald spot, blowing his brains onto his back. “Damn pervert!”


  “Good morning, sleepy heads! You girls been snoring like chainsaws!” Shyne said when her friends finally awoke late the next morning.

  “I’m still sleepy,” Bryonna complained and yawned. Neither girl had ever used drugs so the sedatives had knocked them out for the count.

  “Me, too,” LaDonna co-signed and rolled over to go back to sleep.

  “Y’all get your butts up so we can eat and hit the mall!” Shyne ordered.

  Her groggy friends got up to comply with their leader. Knowing it would take a minute, Shyne hopped on her bike and set off. She had one last bird to kill with her last stone.

  “Shyne? Hey, sis,” Ella greeted when she opened the door and saw her. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing much. I had an extra, um…xan…molly…ecstasy pill,” she said, fumbling through the little drug knowledge she possessed.

  “Looks like an oxy!” Ella smiled gratefully and popped the pill in her mouth. Shyne waited for her to swallow before smiling happily. Her work was done once the abortion pill went down the girl’s throat.

  “Okay, bye-bye,” she sang and rode her bike away.

  Chapter 11

  Christi and Herbert had worked side by side for a little over a year. They spoke casually and stole glances when they could. She was so focused on work and raising the kids that she never dated. The now thirty-year-old virgin was now starting to feel the pressure.

  “Let’s grab a bite some time,” Herbert finally suggested. The tall handsome man was unmarried with no children, which made him a perfect candidate.

  Christi didn’t go on many dates because of her high standards which included no wives, no girlfriends, no baby mamas, drugs, alcohol, or drama. Those who actually got a first date with her never asked for a second since she wasn’t fucking.

  “Yes!” she blurted before her mind could say no. It was already in the air so she went with it. “Sure, why not?”

  The future couple exchanged phone numbers to set a future date. After a couple of weeks of conversation, it was time to spend time together. Instead of dinner and a movie, she invited him home to meet the family.


  “How do I look?” Christi asked nervously as she prepared for her date. Who better to ask than Shyne, the in-house diva?

  “Turn around,” Shyne ordered as she scrutinized the cute dress. “Make sure you ain’t showing off no booty!”

  “Yeah right,” she laughed. Having so much more to offer than tits and ass meant she could dress like a lady and still impress. “I think you’re going to like him. I think I like him.”

  “Don’t worry about me. It’s Dad and Sun that you need to worry about!”

  Killa and his son sat stone-faced in the living room awaiting her date’s arrival. Both had other things to do but had put them off to screen the suitor. Sun was meeting up with his friends while Killa had to go kill someone. He’d tracked down one of the pedophiles from the laptop in New Jersey and planned to pay him a visit.

  “I got it!” Killa announced when the doorbell began to chime. He marched over and snatched the door open, startling Herbert.

  “Hello, I-I-I. um…um,” he stuttered and stammered when the big pistol in Killa’s hand made him forget why he was there.

  “Oh my gosh! Stop it! I’m so sorry,” Christi cried, coming to his rescue. She moved Killa aside and escorted him inside. “Don’t pay my father any mind. He’s…”
/>   “Crazy,” Killa interjected.

  “And it runs in the family!” Sun added, rising to his full six-foot stance.

  “I…um,” the man repeated. “Nice to meet you all.”

  “Nice to meet you, too,” Shyne spoke up since the males wouldn’t.

  The mood lightened immediately once Killa and Sun departed. They sat at the rarely used dining room table for a home cooked meal.

  “That was wonderful,” Herbert complimented after swallowing the last bite of salad.

  “Now for the main course,” Christi said proudly. If he loved her mixed salad, he would lose his mind over her baked ziti.

  “I’ll help you,” Shyne announced and went into the kitchen with Christi.

  Herbert locked in on her backside as she walked away. She was young, just like he liked them. Herbert stole glances at Shyne every chance he got. Every time she looked up, he looked away. Still, he made her uncomfortable with his creepy looks

  “That was great!” Herbert complimented once more. One, because he wanted to be polite and two, because it really was.

  “Now for dessert!” Christi cheered happily. If the way to a man’s heart was truly through his stomach, then she was halfway there.

  “I’ll help,” Shyne offered again to get away from the man’s stares.

  “I got it. Keep Herbert company,” Christi ordered and floated into the kitchen.

  “You’re very pretty,” Herbert said just above a whisper so that Shyne could her but Christi couldn’t.

  “I know but if you hurt my sister, I’m going to set you on fire,” Shyne replied matter-of-factly.

  “I like it hot!” he replied and winked.

  Christi returned with her homemade pound cake before Shyne could respond.

  “I hope you like it,” Christi said as she placed a slice in front of him.

  “I do,” he said, staring at Shyne’s breasts. He couldn’t say that he hadn’t been warned.


  Christi was all set on her date so Killa set off on his. The 1-800-Killa website kept him so busy that he hadn’t had time to get to the names on the laptop that Shyne had given him. So when someone named J.R in nearby Deer Park posted that he had a six-year-old for sale, Killa couldn’t pass it up.


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