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Sun & Shyne 2: School Daze

Page 13

by Sa'id Salaam

  “Where we going?” Shyne asked when their father bypassed the front door and took them around to the cellar.

  It was self-explanatory when Killa used a key to unlock the locks. Sun peered over his shoulder to see the code as he entered it.

  “Sun and Shyne,” Killa said, seeing him trying to get it.

  “Why didn’t I think of that!” he said, shaking his head. He had been trying to get down there from the second Yolo told him to stay out of it.

  Killa led the way into the dark, dank cellar. He flicked on the lights and watched his children’s faces light up.

  “Oh my!” Sun exclaimed as his knees buckled. He leaned against a pillar to hold himself up as he scanned the room full of guns, knives and other killing apparatuses. He may have been trying to see it all but Shyne only had eyes for one thing.

  “Is that…?” she asked and floated across the concrete floor. She reached the flame thrower and hugged it like a long lost friend. “Can I keep it, Daddy? Please!”

  “Sure, you can, baby,” Killa agreed, knowing she would put it to good use.

  “What’s this, Pops?” Sun asked, slipping a DC 2000 over his head.

  “Don’t move!” Killa shouted, freezing him in place. He came over and gingerly removed the deadly device from his neck. He sat it on a table and hit the switch.

  “Damn!” Sun said, rubbing his neck where it had been seconds before.

  “Can I have one of those two?” Shyne exclaimed, wide-eyed with delight.

  “Sure you can, baby. You guys grab a gun so we can go to the city.”


  “You guys go in and check on your brother and grandma,” Killa said when he pulled up in front of Lincoln Hospital. “I’m going to the projects to see what I can find out.”

  “Okay, Daddy,” Shyne agreed and hopped out first. She led the way into the hospital with Sun on her heels. They were directed up to ICU where Grandma was sitting with Rico.

  “Damn!” Sun said when he saw his half-brother stuffed with tubes and IVs.

  “Hey, babies,” Diedra sang and took them both into her arms. “I’m sorry I missed your big day. I…”

  “It’s okay, Grandma,” Sun said with a squeeze.

  “I need to go home and change. You stay here while Sun rides with me in a cab,” Diedra directed.

  Shyne twisted her lips but kept them closed. She sat in a chair across the room and tried to ignore Rico. The noise of the ventilator stole her attention so she got up, went over, and looked down at him.

  “Wow, you look just like my fa- Daddy,” she said, accepting for the first time that they were related. She felt a warm tear run down her face and angrily knocked it away. She got the first one but it was followed by so many more, she gave up and had a good cry. “It’s not your fault,” Shyne finally admitted. “We going to find the people who did this and kill them. All of them, and it’ll be a beautiful death. Because they made dad cry and…cuz you’re my brother.”

  Shyne left the room to grab a soda and missed the smile that spread on her brother’s face.


  “Sup, yo? What happened?” Killa sighed as he took a seat next to Villain in the project’s courtyard.

  “X and Rico were out here getting money. They had a nice little operation going. Just them, no extras. They didn’t step on anyone’s toes and they did good business,” he explained.

  Killa nodded along to what he already knew. “So, why wet ‘em then?” he needed to know. “A robbery?”

  “You ever heard of the Black Mob?” he asked.

  “Yeah, they’re extinct!” Killa said. He would know, too, since he and Yolo murdered them into the past tense.

  “Nah, they back. They had sons, daughters, nephews and shit who started that shit back up! They all over the country and be on some get down or lay down type of shit.”

  “My sons wouldn’t lay down for no one,” Killa said truthfully which explained why they’d gotten laid down.

  “Exactly, that’s why they got hit up. Yo, you know they had love out here, so the streets are with you,” Villain said just as Sun escorted Grandma from a cab and into her building.

  “Nah, we got this. This is family business!”

  The End.

  Sun & Shyne 3

  Family Business

  Coming Soon!

  Campus Slut

  By Q.P

  © 2015 Q.P

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

  Chapter one

  “Oooh, Daddy! Take it easy, it’s so big.” I moaned as Mr. Roberts pushed his tiny penis inside me. To make what I said seem believable, I didn’t roll my eyes, giggle, or anything when I said it; instead I raked my nails down his back and inhaled deeply. Mr. Roberts is by far my favorite customer. He always insists that I call him Ralph, but I never do. He’s as old as whoever my dad is, so Mr. seems more appropriate.

  Mr. Roberts pays well, but he has a small dick and cums super quick. All of that adds up to being number one on my list. He’s a far cry from... Uh hold up.

  “Ooh yeah daddy! It’s so good. Fuck me, please fuck me!”

  Ok, so yeah back when I first started I had to deal with some ole big dick, cheap ass, wanna get in your stuff and try to pound it into oblivion ass niggas. Oh yeah, don’t let me forget the nasty ass niggas who wanted to put it in my mouth and ass. Yeah, some of these niggas are straight nasty!

  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind getting freaky, but a nigga gotta pay me and pay me well to do it. See the problem with black dudes is they always want something for free. They always wanna try to smooth talk you into giving up the goodies with game. When I first started that shit use to work on me, until I had had enough of the bullshit! Hell, at one point in time I was even stupid enough to let a nigga actually pimp me. Me, Alicia Jones, ATL’s finest!

  That stupid shit happened back during my sophomore/junior year. Now I’m a senior. Not only am I a senior I’m also a business major, so I run me. That’s right, I’m my own boss now. I don’t consider what I’m doing as selling pussy. I ain’t nobody’s whore. I look at it as me being a service provider. I’m like the internet. They charge you to get on; I charge you to get off. I don’t feel no kinda way about the shit either. Why should I? I’m not the only chick at school doing it. The difference is that those other chicks fuck for free or for peanuts. Take that bitch Tanisha, for instance, she’s supposed to be all that, but she fucks to ride in nice cars. Stupid Bitch! All a nigga gotta do is pull up in something imported and he’s in. And what about Deloris? She fucked a nigga just cause he had good hair! Can you believe that? Shit could’ve been a damn texturizer for all she know, yet she let the nigga run up in her. Bitch's shoes turned up but she’s fucking for free!

  Mr. Porsche must have had a big ass dick cause, Tanisha walking like she sore and shit. I hope Deloris made that El Debarge looking nigga wear a condom cause I heard his nasty ass is burning.

  The next day we all went to the West End Mall and those hoes couldn’t buy shit. I ended up having to buy them broke bitches lunch. Picture me letting a dude do me like them! I tell you right now… oops hold on one more time.

  “That’s it! Cum for me! It’s your pussy, please cum for me.”

  “You like it? Say my name! Call me Ralph!” He screamed about to bust.

  “Mmm Mr. Roberts.” I moaned as he pushed all the way in. I believe his balls slid up in me too as small as they are.

  “Argh!!!” The trick groaned as I rubbed his back while he pulsated his cum into a condom. Mr. Roberts is sweet. It’s funny that he’s one of my customer considering I used to work for him. He owns a small collection agency on Briarcliff and I use to do temp work for him.

  We were both surprised when he showed up at my hotel room. He answered my internet add and his credit card was approved for the thousand dollar fee I charged. Like I said I’m a business, Merchant accounts business, c
hecking, and accounting software. A.J. LLC, service provider.

  It’s all good now, but it wasn’t always like this. In the beginning… Man… Mmph! Ok, I’ma tell y’all about it, but don’t judge me.

  Chapter 2

  Most women probably have fond memories of losing their virginity. Some to their high school boyfriend after prom, some during a romantic rendezvous, and some, like my cousin Aisha, lost it on their wedding night. Then again she’s Muslim; so she doesn’t count.

  Me, I lost mine like a lot of young girls in the hood. Actually lost ain’t the right word, “Stolen” is more like it. I’m not the only one who’s had it happen either. The fucked up part is most times it’s at home by some sorry ass family member.

  My story ain’t no different, except it wasn’t no sorry ass uncle or trifling cousin. It was my beloved big brother, my hero, who ‘stole’ my virginity. Wait a minute, before you go calling child protection services; check out what happened. Y’all tell me cause... Umm… yeah just hear my story out.

  I lived with my mom, Stacey, who was the diva of all divas. She was so fly and so pretty. The way she carried herself was so regal that you would have thought she was the Queen of England; not a hotel maid. Although she was stunning and probably could’ve used her looks to get anything she wanted she was a hard worker. As a matter of fact, ole girl worked her pretty self to death to provide for me and my older brother. My brother Mark was ten years older than me and very protective. He had a fit when I started to develop at ten and was fully developed by twelve.

  I used to love for him to chase the opposite sex off; especially the grown ass men. It wasn’t like they were smiling at me or anything, but they did stare lustfully. I drove him crazy with my big ass titties and my mom's hips, plus I wore the littlest and tightest shit that I could. “She’s twelve!” My brother used to yell putting them on blast.

  My brother had two problems and both cost him dearly. First off, Mark loved him some women and they in turned loved him back. How could they not, considering that he was a tall, light, pretty boy. His looks allowed him to have a slew of women; which included at least two baby mommas that we knew of. Mark’s other problem was that he loved to drink. He started drinking at 15 and pretty much stayed drunk ever since. Although his drinking cost him time and time again. He had multiple DUIs and wrecked cars to go along with them, yet none of that mattered to him. None of that made him stop.

  His drinking and womanizing problems often went hand in hand. He’d go out to the clubs get drunk and take girls home. At one time he started living with one of his baby mommas, so he would bring his chicks back to our house; like our shit was a damn motel or some shit.

  My mom worked from eleven to seven, so as long as he got them out before she got in it was all good. However, there were times that Mark got so drunk that he would be laid out in the living room naked when momma got home. It would be so funny! She would throw cold water on him or take pictures of him passed out. Then curse his ass out real good.

  Sometimes I would sneak out and watch Mark have sex with the girls. Poor thing would be so drunk that he couldn’t even get it up a few times. However, those times when he did used to have me soaking wet from listening and watching. I know that sounds nasty, but it’s the truth.

  One night he stumbled into my room pissy drunk smelling like he had taken a bath in alcohol instead of drinking it. He fell onto my bed and went to sleep. When he fell he landed on top of me, and since he was so big I was pinned to the bed and couldn’t get up. I ain’t think nothing of it; wasn’t the first time I slept in the bed with my brother. Only this time things were different. This time he put his hand under my nightgown. I tried to push it away but he kept putting it back.

  “What the hell you doin’? Boy stop!” I said.

  “You know you want it, that’s why you came!” He said.

  “You drunk!” I said trying to stop him from fondling me.

  Next thing I knew, my big brother, my hero was inside of me. I squirmed trying to get from under him but he was just too heavy. I was a virgin; his dick was huge and it hurt so badly. It felt like he was tearing me up inside. When he finished he slumped over and went back to sleep; still inside of me. There was nothing that I could do, so I just laid there. My brother had just raped me. I didn’t know what to do or what to say.

  When seven o’clock rolled around I begin to panic; knowing our mother would be home shortly. My mother would have killed us both if she found us like that. I finally managed to work my way from under him when he rolled onto his back. His pants were at his ankles and he was covered in the blood of my virginity.

  As mad as I was, as hurt as I was, I couldn’t bring myself to leave him like that. I went and got a soapy rag and washed the blood and semen from him and then myself. I struggled to get his pants up just before my mother walked in.

  “I see your drunk ass brother here!” She announced as she stepped into the house.

  “Where he at?” She asked since he was absent from his usual haunt, the living room sofa.

  “He up in my room,” I said meekly. I was so scared she could just look at me and tell what happened. “He was sick again.”

  “Ok, I’m going to bed,” she said and walked off. “Tell him get his sorry ass home ‘fore his crazy girl start calling here.”

  I just sat on the sofa deep in thought. I had mixed emotions, I didn’t know if I was supposed to be mad or what. Did I just get molested? Should I call the police or tell someone? He was drunk, so was it really rape me? Then there was the thoughts of pregnancy. I was fourteen and had already started having my periods, so I just knew I was pregnant. He didn’t have on a condom and he had cum inside of me

  “What’s up big head?” My brother asked cheerfully when he emerged some hours later. I ain’t even speak! I just frowned up, like I can’t believe this nigga acting like ain’t nothing happen! Like he ain’t just fuck me, his lil sister.

  “What’s wrong with you?” He asked like he ain’t know.

  “Say where shawty go?”

  “Shawty who?” I spat back.

  “That chick I came with last night, where she go?” He asked looking out the front window.

  “What chick? Who are you talking about?” I asked now getting confused myself.

  “Shit, I don’t remember her name, but man!” He exclaimed shaking his head.

  “Man what?” I said really getting heated.

  “You wouldn’t even understand lil girl”, he laughed and stood to leave. “I’ma fall through later if you still tryna go to the mall.

  “The mall? What Eva!” I said. I couldn’t believe he was acting like ain’t nothing happen. He even tried to give me a kiss on my forehead like he always did, but of course I wasn’t with that; not after he fucked me.

  I made up my mind that I was gonna say something. I was gonna wait until he came back, my momma was awake, and tell. I never got the chance. Mark fell asleep at the wheel on his way home; he hit a concrete medium and died instantly. He didn’t have on a seat belt, so he went through the windshield and got cut almost in half. We couldn’t even open his casket at his funeral.

  My period came that same morning we buried my brother.

  Well, that’s how I lost my virginity. To this day I don’t think he even knew it was me. My brother was so drunk he ain’t know who I was.

  However, the next time I got molested that nigga knew just who I was; his damn stepdaughter!

  Chapter 3

  I hated Tim from day one! I remember him looking dead at my breast when my mom first introduced us. From that day on every time I looked up he was looking at me like my breasts were talking. I had just turned sixteen when my momma married him. After that every chance that nigga got he took his shirt off. I ain’t gonna lie; the dude was fine, but he was my momma’s husband so ewww! I had to stop wearing my lil shorts around the house. My momma told me to wear my robe like I was the one showing out for him.

  As soon as my momma left for work I went to
my room. Tim always found a reason to need to talk to me about something. It was always, “Where’s the remote” or “have you seen my cell phone”. Of course he had to compliment me every chance he got. “Oh you look nice”, “you so fine”, or “why you ain’t got no boyfriend?”

  Over time he got more and more sexual towards me. He started asking me questions like have I had sex yet and did I like to get my pussy ate? I should have told on his ass then, but I didn’t. My momma was so in love and I didn’t want to hurt her. When he realized that I wouldn’t tell on him he took that as a green light to go further. I shouldn’t have been surprised when he finally walked into my room naked. My momma had just pulled out the drive way and here this nigga come.

  “Oh my God! What do you want?” I exclaimed as he barged while looking at his dick.

  “Just chill shawty” He demanded as he pulled my sheet off exposing my legs. I was terrified he was about to rape me, but he didn’t. He just stared at my legs and masturbated.

  “Mmm… look at them pretty yellow legs!” He said stroking his long penis.

  I was so wet! I’m saying though, I was. Finally his knees buckled as he began to cum. I watched in amazement as thick globs of semen spurted out the end of his dick, and shot in a high arch across the room. When I didn’t tell, he came back again the next night. This time he played in my coochie while he stroked himself. He shot his hot cum on my legs and stood to leave.

  “Um, Tim.” I said while he was still shaking from the orgasm. “I need some new tennis shoes.”

  The next day I got my new shoes and later that night he ate my pussy. The next night, after I received my new necklace, we had sex for the first time. Mind you now, I never gave him permission. I never said yes nor did I say no. He just did it. Since he wanted me so much I made him buy me stuff to have me. All I had to say was Tim “I need”, and he’d buy it; then fuck me. He was spending so much of his money on me my momma soon felt it.


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