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Trying to Survive (The Kiser #1)

Page 9

by Hannah Davenport

  “Thank you.” My thoughts stayed on Carlana until we arrived at Club Jade. Stepping out of the car, I nodded to Seth as he held the door. Bypassing the long line, I made my way to the front entrance with Gino slightly to my right and about one-step behind me. I’m a big guy and can take care of most things myself but I was determined that my six would be protected.

  “Good evening Mr. Withers.” The bouncer said as he removed the rope to let me pass. I saw a flash or two of light and knew the paparazzi must be close by. Ignoring them like usual, I walked in a headed straight for the VIP area.

  “Hey man, glad you could make it.” Matt said as he walked over. He had already had too much to drink. His eyes were glassy and his words were slurred as he staggered my way.

  “Me too.” Taking the drink from his hand, I took a swig and almost choked. It’s a wonder he was still standing. “Let’s go have a seat.” I walked passed him, noticing the women that had their eyes on me as I led him to our table. As my eyes scanned the room, they landed on a blue pair that was staring straight at me. She smiled seductively and I felt my junk harden and twitch. It only reminded me of how long it had been since I had fucked someone. I ordered my drink and then turned to Matt. “What’s up man?”

  “Carly, that’s what! That fuckin bitch dumped me! I thought we were doing great and she just up and says she needs space. She actually tried to give me the It’s not you, it’s me speech.

  Not knowing what else to say, I patted his shoulder and said, “Maybe she just needs a little time.” As I sipped Matt’s drink, my eyes wandered back to the blue eyes that caught my attention. I found her still staring at me so I let mine travel up and down her body, at least what I could see. Her straight blonde hair fell just below her shoulders. Her ruby red lips were lump on the face that held the perfect nose. Traveling down her slender neck, I found her perfect D breast that showed an ample amount of cleavage. Poking out from the side of the table was her long slender legs that ended with her five inch black stilettos. How women walked in those things, I have no idea. However, it did make me want to take her home just so I could bend her over the table.

  “No man, we’re done. She’s been pulling away for a while now, always saying she wants to spend time with her family. She just doesn’t like it here and is moving back home.” I pulled my eyes away from the blonde to look at Matt. Looking at him I realized, I knew, I was a terrible friend. Here he sat trying to talk to me and I can’t even pay attention. Well if I’m going to try to change, I’m going to start now.

  “Listen, there are plenty more women out there and you’ll find the right one for you. Let’s get you a coffee and then see what’s available?” I took a sip and tried not to look back at the blonde. It’s not that I wanted to get to know her, I just wanted to fuck her. Maybe I would before the nights over with.

  Matt just looked at me, and then a mischievous smile spread across his face. “I don’t need coffee.” He said as he leaned back and pulled a cigarette from his pocket. Placing it between his lips, he struck the lighter and took a long pull. I saw the waitress coming over, probably to tell him to put it out but when her eyes met mine, I shook my head no. Matt only smoked when he was extremely stressed out, and with my nod, the waitress turned around. The employees knew better than to challenge me. “You’re right, there are more fish in the sea, and Carly obviously wasn’t the one for me. Let’s get us some pussy tonight.”

  Matt was a good-looking guy. He stood at six feet tall and worked out with me five days a week. He had thick brown wavy hair and brown eyes. Women ogled him all the time, but with Carly in the picture he ignored it all, until now. A smile spread across my face, “Yeah lets!”

  My eyes found the blonde again and not only was she staring, but her friend was as well. “Come on Matt, let’s meet the two babes at the table over there.” We both made our way over and the blonde immediately made room for me.

  “Hi, I’m Cindy and this is Carmen.” She gestured to her… wait for it… her blonde haired friend. They both had had enough plastic surgery that they could almost be twins. My dick didn’t mind as it sprang to life once again.

  After some idle chitchat and flirting, an hour later Matt and I escorted Cindy and Carmen out the front door to the waiting limo. Lights flashed as the paparazzi took pictures and screamed at us to look at them. The girls were more than happy to smile for the cameras but I looked straight ahead, at least until Cindy called my name and I turned my head. Swearing under my breath, I ushered her in the limo and followed behind her. Matt and Carmen climbed in after us. There was no way he was driving home tonight. Giving him a stern look I said, “Remember Matt, you know the rule.” He looked up and nodded. Good. Gino climbed in last before we headed home.

  As soon as we entered the penthouse, Matt had Carmen pushed up against the wall with her dress up around her waist, his mouth and hands were everywhere. I chuckled, as I led Cindy down the hall. Closing the bedroom door behind me, I stared at her for a moment. The only thing I felt was a desire to fuck, to relieve the pressure that had been building in my balls. Looking at her, I said with authority, “Strip.” Slowly undressing and trying to be seductive, I felt almost bored watching the show. I didn’t want games or romance, I just wanted her naked. “Leave the shoes on.” Her eyes flashed to mine as she worried her lip between her teeth. I could never figure out why women did that. When she finally stood before me naked, I undid the belt on my jeans. Unbuttoning and then unzipping my pants, she watched my every move waiting to see the prize. I pulled out my dick and stroked it a couple of times while staring at her. When she looked away from my dick and found my eyes, a smile spread across my face. Pointing at the floor in front of me, she dropped down and crawled on her hands and knees. I didn’t have to tell her to suck it as she took my cock in to her mouth and sucked like she knew exactly what she was doing.

  Letting my head fall back between my shoulders, I moaned as my hands gripped her hair. When I felt the familiar tightening in my balls, I grabbed her hair tighter as my hips thrust automatically as I fucked her mouth. As my orgasm ripped through me, I held her head to me as I came in her mouth. “Swallow it! Ah that’s it, swallow it all!” I said with grunts.

  Picking her up, I carried her to the bed and laid her on her stomach. Opening the nightstand drawer, I quickly retrieved a condom while looking at Cindy. She was watching my every move. Using my teeth, I tore open the package and slowly rolled it down my dick while staring in to her lust filled eyes. I plunged a finger in to her pussy just to make sure she was wet enough. I may be dominant in the bedroom, but I wasn’t in to pain. As I plunged one, then two fingers completely inside her drenched pussy, she moaned. I twisted my fingers and then added another. She moaned as I finger fucked her until her orgasm overtook her. I grinned as I watched her jerk while she called out with a loud moan. Turning her over, I gathered her juices as I pushed a finger in to her ass to make sure she could take me. I could tell she had done this before, because she didn’t require much stretching. While she was still riding her orgasm, I slowly pushed my cock in until my balls slapped her ass. I normally didn’t go for the ass, but something about this girl, maybe the look in her eyes or how responsive she was, I just knew she would like it. I also knew it would be tighter around my cock so I took a chance.

  “Oh yes! Oh yes! Fuck me!” She moaned as I started moving at a steady pace, slowly building up speed. I didn’t want to hurt her, but with her every moan I increased my thrust until I was pounding in to her with all my strength. I had one hand on the back of her neck and the other one holding her hair and giving it a little tug. I pounded her relentlessly until I cried out with my release. I vaguely remember her coming as well, but I was too caught up in my own.

  Placing my elbows at each side of her head, I let my weight rest on her back with my cock still buried in her ass as I tried to slow my breathing. It didn’t take long and when I pulled out, I removed the condom and threw it in the bathroom trash. Walking back to the bedroom, I grabbed
my pants and pulled them up. “Wow! That was amazing Colin!” She grinned as she rolled onto her back.

  “Would you like a drink?” I thought I’d try to be polite for once.

  “No thanks. I still have a buzz from the club.” I sat there and looked at… what was her name? Oh yeah, Cindy and I felt empty inside. My mind immediately thought of Carlana and I winced. Apparently, I thought about her all the time unless I needed to fuck, and now I’m thinking about her again. I rubbed my chest feeling something there. It was uncomfortable and unfamiliar. The only thing I knew for sure was that Cindy needed to leave.

  As I sat there thinking of Carlana, the silence became uncomfortable. I really didn’t have anything else to talk about. After a couple minutes of awkward silence, I said “Want to see if Matt and your friend have finished?”

  “Fine,” She said as she hurriedly put her clothes on. As we walked to the living room, we found Matt with the woman and he still had her pushed up against the wall and his cock buried inside her as he pounded her with everything he had. His hands gripped her shoulders and he pushed her down as he thrust his cock in. We watched as he finished, both screaming their orgasms loud enough that the doorman probably heard.

  He hadn’t even pulled all the way out when I turned to Cindy “Are you sure you don’t want a drink?” She nodded as Matt turned and grinned, just noticing us in the room. “Hey man, you need us to leave?”

  He looked over his shoulder and grinned, “No, I’m finished.” I couldn’t help but laugh. I know I’m an asshole, but this is new for Matt. Turning back to the woman he said, “Thank you sweetheart.” And then kissed her forehead. Matt pulled out and the fucker walked over and took a seat on my couch naked!

  “You need to put clothes on.” I pointed to the pants that were laying in the floor. Matt pulled his pants on, as the silence grew uncomfortable again.

  “We should go.” Cindy said.

  “Probably a good idea.” I said but was still trying to be nice and failing at it.

  “Can I stay for a while?” Carmen asked, looking at Matt.

  “Sorry, no. This is his house and his rules.” Asshole is blaming it on me. I laughed aloud at the thought and received glares from both women. I escorted them to the door where Gino was waiting to escort them outside.

  Turning back to Matt and taking a seat on the couch, I couldn’t help but smile at him. “What?” He asked.

  “Real smooth man, blaming it on me. Did you really want her to stay longer?” I got up to pour myself a scotch.

  “No! I just thought she would leave easier thinking it was because of you and not me.” He laughed. “God, I haven’t had sex like that in a long time. Carly and I rarely made love and it was just a quickie before we went to sleep. I think I’ll enjoy playing the field again.”

  “Good.” My mind wandered back to Carlana. “I called the woman today, the one that took care of me.” I looked up from my glass to a smiling Matt.

  “You did? How did it go?” He sat forward as if he was afraid he’d miss something.

  “It went good, actually it went great.” I laughed. “She called me an asshole and basically teased me the entire time.”

  “You like her.” It wasn’t a question, but I answered anyway.

  “I really enjoyed talking to her. She’s funny and honest, it’s very refreshing.” Smiling, I stared down into my drink as I remembered our conversation from earlier. Yeah, I liked her a lot.

  “Was she excited when you called her, you know because you’re Colin Withers?”

  “She doesn’t know who I am or where I’m from.”

  “What! How is that even possible?” Once again, I thought back to our conversation and found myself smiling even more.

  “She basically thought I was a conceited asshole for thinking that everyone knew me. She only knows my first name, and she wouldn’t tell me where she lives. However, I had Gino do a background check and I know she lives in Abingdon, VA.”

  Matt started laughing. “I would love to have heard that conversation. I can’t believe you didn’t tell her who you were. Are you going to call her again?”

  Thinking about her and the way we talked to each other, “Yeah, I think I will.” Actually, I knew I would.

  “Well I’ll be! I never thought I’d see the day when you were actually interested in someone.” His face fell and I could tell he was concentrating on something. “Man, you can’t keep getting photographed with women, what if she finds out who you are and thinks you’re dating someone.” He sat there thinking, “What about what’s her name… you know who I’m talking about. I can’t think of it but we call her Cruella.”

  I laughed, I couldn’t help it. Cruella fit her well. “I have a date with her next week. I also have a meeting with Ellis set up. I need him to help me secure my business before I can tell Cruella to fuck off.”

  “Just be careful.” With those words, I nodded and took another drink.

  Chapter 12

  Back in Virginia!

  “Hey mom, who were you talking to?” Austin asked as he came in and took a seat on the couch.

  “Nobody.” I said as I got up to refill my wine glass.

  “Uh-huh.” He was looking at me with knowing eyes. “Why are you acting weird?” He just kept looking at me and it made me nervous.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I came back to the living room with my glass of wine, and took a seat. He still watched me.

  “Why don’t you tell me? I thought we were honest with each other.” I looked up at him and thought I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes.

  “Fine. I was talking to a man on the phone.” I watched him stiffen but it didn’t last long.

  “Who was it?” He asked with part curiosity and part hesitation.

  “It’s a little tricky.” I took another sip of wine while trying to compose my thoughts and pick my words carefully. “His name is Colin. He texted me about a month ago and only said Good Morning. Today he texted me some and then called tonight.”

  “Colin.” He slowly turned the word over and over with his lips and I could tell he was trying to remember if he had met anybody with that name. “Where did you meet him?”

  “I haven’t.” Before I could say anything else, Austin started firing questions.

  “What do you mean you haven’t? How’d he get your number? Why would he call you if you’ve never met him?”

  “Slow down! I don’t know. I think he texted and called by accident and we just ended up talking. We decided that since we didn’t know each other we could just talk freely. He doesn’t know where we live and I don’t know where he lives. It felt kind of like meeting a stranger and having a conversation. That’s all. I’ll probably never hear from him again.” I felt bad about lying to him because it hadn’t slipped my notice that he called me Carlana several times. However, after seeing the concern and worry on Austin’s face I knew I had to alleviate what I could.

  “So it was just a random caller that you ended up talking to?” Worry clearly written on his face.

  “Yes, and I actually enjoyed it.” I went to take another sip of wine, but found it empty. Chuckling to myself, I didn’t even realize that I had drained the whole glass just to get through this conversation. “Why are you home early?”

  “It’s not that early.”

  “You’re eighteen Austin, and it’s 9:30.”

  He smiled, knowing I was right. “Kaitlyn has been nagging me. She wants to be my girlfriend. I like going out with her, but I don’t want to make a commitment. I enjoy jamming with the guys and I will be going away to college this fall. She’s already trying to get me to stay here and go to a community college. I like her, but I’m not ready for any of that. I’ve thought about staying closer, but that’s so I can help you out, not because of her. Anyway, I just took her home early before we had a huge fight.” I laughed, I couldn’t help it. “What?”

  “You are so much like your father. He hated fighting and would just ignore me if I was mad
, which only made me angrier. I could not get him to fight with me. Now about college, you are not going to a community college. I want you to go where you want to, not because you’re close to me. I’m fine. Actually, I have been better than fine this past year but you know that. Life is to short Austin and you need to make yourself happy and I’ll take care of me.”

  Putting his arm around my shoulders, he pulled me in for a hug. “Thanks mom. I love you.”

  “I love you to.”


  What is that noise? Waking up from a deep sleep, I heard my cell ringing. Glancing at the clock, I can’t help but almost panic. Who would call here at 11:30 at night? Something must be wrong! I grabbed the phone, “Hello?”

  “Carlana? I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t wake you.” My panic feeling instantly drained away but was quickly replaced with excitement. He called again! Something about his voice made my gut clench and my breath hitch.

  “Colin?” Sitting up in bed, “No, it’s fine. Everything okay?” I propped my pillows up so I could sit comfortably.

  “Is it a bad time to call?”

  “You do know it’s 11:30 right? And it’s Wednesday.”

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t even think that you might have to get up early and go to work. I’ll let you go.”

  “No, it’s fine. I don’t have to get up in the morning. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing really.” It didn’t sound like nothing.

  “First of all, you can’t call me at 11:30 and then say nothing’s wrong. Second, I thought we agreed to be honest since we don’t know each other anyway. Remember?”

  I could tell he was thinking. Maybe it wasn’t easy for him to talk. I sat there silently letting him collect his thoughts. The one thing I’ve learned living with men is to just give them time. “I remember. I have a meeting tomorrow and I keep going over what I should say. Because of this, I can’t sleep and it’s driving me crazy.”


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