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Winds of Change (Delphine Rising Book 0.5)

Page 3

by Angela Sanders

  “Okay, but I have to clear it with Danielle first. I’m supposed to be staying over at her house tonight.”

  “Abby, she lives two doors down. I don’t think it’s going to be an issue,” he said laughing as Danielle walked up with our last drink of the night.

  “What are you two whispering about? Oh and Abby, whispering means talking softly where only one person can hear you. You’re a bit loud,” she laughed and handed me my Crown and Coke.

  “Wench. I’m spending the night at Danny’s, but since he’s right next door it shouldn’t be a problem, right? Your mom won’t ask questions?” I asked nervously.

  “Abbs, we’re talking about Helen – my mom – and no. I can always bang the door down if I can’t reach you on your cell. Wait – Danny – here, put your number in my phone just in case. Ya know, normal twenty-one year old girls don’t have to deal with this shit. Why are witches so special that we’re treated like children – well, female witches anyway? It’s bullshit,” she began to slur halfway through her tangent.

  We downed our drinks and headed for the door. I was hating my gorgeous boots by the second. My toes were squished and probably looked like a blistered, mangled mess. Oh shit! Danny’s going to see my feet tonight. I pushed that thought down, because as women, we had to sacrifice a lot for beauty, our feet included.

  Chapter 4

  We couldn’t catch a cab until we exited Bourbon Street and I couldn’t get to St. Peter’s Street fast enough. I was cursing myself internally for all those damn tequila shots Danielle made me drink. The more I walked, the worse I felt. Why I let her talk me into it every single time was beyond me.

  Before we crossed the street, I saw Crystal standing on the corner smoking a cigarette and glaring at us. That woman had serious issues – she needed mental help. I nudged Danielle and nodded to Danny to get their attention and let them know our little stalker was back. I had no idea what she was up to, but it couldn’t be good. I wondered if my magic would go haywire with all the alcohol in my system. If I had to kick some witch ass tonight, drunk or not, I was all for it. I’d had about enough of her games.

  “Hey bitches. I thought maybe you’d be smart enough to take a hint when given one,” Crystal shouted, leaning against a lamp post.

  “I know she didn’t just call us bitches and threaten us,” Danielle said, fuming as her hands began to glow a purple hue.

  “Yep, she sure did and I don’t know what kind of game she’s playing, but I’m seriously over it,” I replied through gritted teeth.

  “Girls, she’s not worth it. You have no idea what kind of shady characters she might have on standby waiting in the shadows. Screw her,” Danny said, trying to reason with us.

  “You need serious mental help, chic. Move along. I’m tired of seeing your face!” I shouted, ignoring Danny. I heard him sigh next me.

  In the next moment, a group of vampires flanked her and they didn’t look friendly. So those were the shady characters Danny was talking about? He could’ve just said: vampires. Damn. I was drunk and those assholes were fast. They were probably the shadows following us all night long too. Awesome.

  Crystal had a maniac smile spreading across her stupid face – she needed a good throat punch, but she was obviously a coward and used vamps to do her dirty work.

  “Vampires? Really Crystal? You’re that scared of a couple of witches that you resort to the equivalent of mob violence?” Danielle taunted.

  That only seemed to piss her off further as she shot a lightning bolt our way, narrowly missing my head. She had just pissed off the wrong witch. Don’t throw dangerous magic or threaten the lives of my friends – I was done messing around.

  Without another word, I stepped forward, conjuring a fireball in each hand, firing them in quick succession, one after the other at her shiny blonde hair. As the vamps advanced, I set their blood-sucking asses on fire too. Behind me, I noticed gold and purple streams of magic headed in the same direction, but I was too focused on hurling fireballs and driving that bitch back to care.

  Alcohol left my system quickly as I ignited all seven vampires with my flame. I heard Crystal scream from the alleyway as I continued to advance. Thankfully, no one was around to see our display of magic, but I honestly didn’t give a shit. I was blind with rage.

  Wind was whipping through my hair as I entered the alley and Crystal sat huddled in a corner, like the coward bitch that she was. I balanced a fireball in my hand and told her stand up.

  “I said, get up. Now! It wasn’t a request, bitch. You don’t threaten me or my friends, then attack us and not expect me to fight back. Get up or I’ll drag your scrawny ass out of that corner,” I yelled.

  She slowly uncurled herself out of the fetal position and began to stand. I heard Danny and Danielle coming up behind me, but I didn’t dare take my eyes off of Crystal – she was sneaky and dangerous. A bolt of electricity flew past my head before I knew it and I launched myself on top of Crystal, outweighing her by a good twenty-five pounds. Screw magic, she was getting an old fashioned ass whoopin’ and I wasn’t holding back.

  I held her down between my knees and commenced to pounding on her face – blood sprayed across my shirt when I broke her nose. After that, I decided to let it go. I’d done enough and definitely made my point. Danny and Danielle were at my back with magic at the ready if Crystal tried to make any sudden dirty moves.

  “I warned you. Don’t ever threaten me or my friends again. Stay away from Danny and leave Danielle the hell alone. Do I make myself clear?” I seethed, getting up and looking down at her bloody face.

  “You won’t get away with this. You have no idea what I’m capable of,” Crystal said, attempting to get up, wiping the blood pouring from her nose.

  “You crazy bitch, I just did. I suggest you keep your distance, otherwise I might have to tell your Daddy about your extracurricular activities. We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” I asked with an evil, sarcastic grin.

  That shut her stupid ass up. “I didn’t think so. Glad we could come to an amicable agreement. The next time I catch you lurking in the shadows or stalking us, I won’t be so lenient,” I said and turned toward Danny, grabbing his hand and stalked away, mad as hell.

  “Well, that went well,” Danielle cracked a grin.

  I wasn’t really in the mood to laugh, but it was Danielle and she always found a way to lighten the mood, regardless of the situation. She was like a bottle of sunshine, lighting up the room wherever we went. I decided to smile, somewhat forced, but a smile all the same.

  “Sorry Danny. I hate bullies and I won’t stand by when someone tries to attack me or my friends – it’s just not in my blood. I can’t,” I said, looking at the ground as we continued to walk.

  Were we ever gonna find a damn cab?

  “Abby, it’s fine. In case you didn’t notice, Danielle and I were right behind you the entire time, maybe not quite as fierce,” Danny smiled and continued, “but we had your back. No way was I letting you fight her and those vamps alone.”

  “Thanks guys. I appreciate it. I had no idea how bad she really was. Danielle, I take back what I said earlier – she totally deserved it and more. Bitch,” I stated.

  “What was said earlier?” Danny asked.

  “Nothing.” Danielle and I said in unison and began laughing hysterically.

  “Inside joke… I get it. You two are trouble,” he laughed.

  “Yep, that’s what they call us, “Double Trouble’”, Danielle told him.

  “It fits,” Danny said with a grin.

  “Finally, a freakin’ cab! Danielle, go hike up a leg or show some boob – get us that cab! I can’t walk another minute!” I shouted.

  Danny didn’t know what to think. He’d never seen the two of us in action, but secretly I thought he enjoyed our company. I was beginning to believe we’d make a good trio. I’d have to talk to Danielle, but I was pretty sure he was “cool” enough to join our little club – I was still drunk I decided.

“Danielle, the cab?”

  “Hang on to your lady parts, chic. That one was full, but the driver said another one was on its way,” she sniped.

  The longer we stood there, the more I realized I needed to calm down. I could feel my magic and blood pressure rising. I had known Crystal for a long time and she’d never had a problem with me until tonight. I was sure my mother would be receiving a phone call from Mr. Davenport because I bloodied his precious daughter’s face. The thought of what was to come irritated me further. I honestly didn’t care what he thought and I’d tell my mom as much.

  I knew I was supposed to be a role model for my sister and we spent a lot of time sparring and practicing magic, but Mom couldn’t possibly expect me to standby while my life and the lives of my friends were being threatened. I’d have to wait and see what kind of shit storm I would wake up to tomorrow.

  As for tonight, I was spending time alone with Danny… That thought brought on a whole different kind of emotion – lust. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to sleep with him, but I definitely wanted to explore the possibility further. He seemed to know who and what he wanted. I was still in shock that it was me. I wanted to do a happy dance in the street, but thought better of it.

  Strong arms wrapped around me from behind and I began to relax a little. Danny seemed to calm my raging thoughts with only a touch. His kissed me lightly on the cheek as we waited another few minutes for the cab to arrive.

  “It’s here. Come on love birds, time’s a wastin’ and I need my beauty sleep,” Danielle said, interrupting my thoughts.

  We piled into the cab, “St. Charles Avenue,” I told the driver and leaned my head against Danny’s shoulder. Man he felt good and smelled of soap and magic. I drank him in – our magic linked in a way that I had never experienced before.

  By the time we arrived at Danielle’s house, she was snoring obnoxiously with her mouth wide open. I snapped a picture for later. Paybacks. I shook her a few times trying to wake her and all I heard was inaudible mumbles. Not good – we had to get her out of the cab and into the house.

  I decided on the last resort, she’d want to kill me tomorrow, but it was my only solution at the time. I knelt down in front of her, outside of the cab, and zapped her with my magic. It was harmless, of course, but it felt like a quick taser buzz to the leg. I stood up and inched back, waiting for her to come up swinging. She opened her eyes with a jolt and glared at me like a woman gone mad. I took another step back, threw my money at the cab driver, thanking him again as Danielle jumped out and slammed the door.

  “What in the actual hell, Abby? I know you didn’t just zap me!” Oh, she was pissed…

  “We couldn’t get you to wake up and there was no other way. It’s not like I could carry or drag you into your house. Sorry girl. Love you,” I said, smiling and scrunching my face in a way that begged for forgiveness.

  “I’m damn well awake now. Thanks. Son of a…” she replied, rubbing her leg.

  “Fine, whatever… you’re forgiven. I would’ve done the same thing and taken pictures to boot,” she evil laughed and hugged me. I smiled inwardly thinking of the picture I’d just taken with her mouth hanging open, drooling… I’d text it to her tomorrow – surprise!

  Chapter 5

  After we made sure Danielle got in the door safely, without stumbling, we continued down the sidewalk, hand-in-hand toward Danny’s house. My heart was pounding like a drum as silence stretched between us. Silence only made my mind go in a thousand different directions, attempting to play out what was about to happen between us. If I was being honest, I was scared to death; not of Danny, but the fact that I didn’t know what to expect.

  I had never had a real boyfriend before, I only dated here and there, but never anything serious. Danielle had tried several times to set me up on dates with guys she felt I would hit it off with, but I just wasn’t interested. I worked too much in the shop and Mom needed my help. Boyfriends were the last thing on my mind, until now…

  “What are you thinking about?” Danny asked as he unlocked the front door.

  “Oh you know, the weather,” I looked at him and smiled.

  I was so nervous inside, I didn’t know what to do with my hands. If he started kissing me again the way he did at the bar, I knew I’d be a lost cause. Staring into his eyes was bad, very bad… Our magic would collide like a firestorm and life as I knew it before Danny would only be a passing thought.

  “The weather?” he chuckled.

  “If you knew what was going through my mind right now, you’d think I was a raving lunatic,” I said as I stepped into the living room.

  Shit, I forgot to take off my shoes!

  “Hang on a sec, these boots have to come off. I’m sure your mom would appreciate not having dirty boot prints across her hardwood floors,” I panted as I tried to remove a boot standing up, hopping on one foot back to the foyer. I was a hot mess.

  Danny was laughing hysterically, most likely at my not-so-graceful acrobatics. Those damn boots were a bitch to get off. I finally plopped my butt on the floor and yanked off the remaining boot, wanting to throw it out the door.

  Exasperated, I looked down at the floor where I sat cross-legged, feeling light-headed again – those damn tequila shots. That’s when I noticed the forgotten blood on my halter top – Crystal’s blood. Gross! Well, it was ruined; I liked that shirt, and it boosted the girls just right without being too over the top.

  “Hey Danny, wanna help a girl out over here? I don’t feel like getting up,” I asked, with a slight grin.

  “Your wish is my command,” he said, quickly pulling me up, so our bodies were touching in the most intimate of ways.

  Blinding heat radiated throughout my body. “Is it getting hot in here? Do you have the air conditioning on? Oh and I need another shirt – blood, see? I asked, pealing myself from his insanely hot grasp.

  “I don’t think you’ll be needing a shirt –”

  “Oh yes I will,” I half shouted, cutting him off without thinking, getting another laugh out of him.

  Somehow, I had become the comedy relief. Okay, I was acting like a school girl who’d never been kissed. My nerves were getting to me and I needed to calm down.

  “I was only teasing, Abby. We won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. I’ve waited this long to be with you, I can wait until you’re ready. It’s whatever you want.”

  “A drink would be good… yeah. That’s what I need – what do you have?” I asked and he walked over to the bar and pulled out a bottle of Sky Vodka.

  “Will this be okay? I know you don’t like much whiskey except Crown and we’re fresh out,” he grinned with a wicked gleam in his eyes…and those dimples again.

  “Cran and Vodka will be fine, thanks. I’m just a little nervous, sorry,” I admitted.

  After he made my cocktail, we sat on the couch together with his arm stretched across the back. “There’s no need in being nervous. I just want a chance to really know you, not the witch Abby, but the real Abby,” he said as he handed me my drink.

  I sipped my liquid goodness, thinking about what he had said and realized I was acting irrationally. I was a grown woman with the man I had only dreamed of being with for at least the past two years. I was over letting my nerves bring me down.

  I sat my glass down on the coffee table and reached for his shirt, pulling him close. We were nose to nose. “I’m a basket case and sometimes a little crazy. Do you think you can deal with that? Oh, and Danielle comes with the package. She’s my best friend and we spend a lot of time together. So, if you want to be with me, you’ll have to get used to having Danielle around as well,” I threw out my terms.

  “I already knew all of those things, and yes I know I can handle it and then some. I told you before, this isn’t some kind of fleeting one-night stand. I want you, Abby and all of your crazy quirks too,” I kissed him before he could say another word.

  Our magic was insane as it came together in one big explosion of pyrotechnics – my
body was tingling all over and the connection I felt was out of this world. Danny parted my lips, exploring my mouth and licking my bottom lip, then plunged deeper causing me to gasp in my throat. I was coming undone… He slipped his hands in my hair, drawing me closer – we couldn’t get enough of each other.

  I slid down onto the couch, not breaking the kiss, as Danny explored my body with his hands. His touch caused a violent inferno deep inside my core; I was lost in that man and there was no going back. We sizzled and cracked with power as our magic ignited. Danny moved my shirt aside to lightly touch the side of my breast and it was all I could do not to flip him over and have my way with him, but I knew it was too soon.

  Danny noticed the change in me and stopped ravaging my body to look in my eyes; his were smoldering a dark shade of blue. I could get lost in them if I allowed it.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “Perfect, more than perfect… I just think we need to slow it down a bit. We’re getting out of control and I don’t think I can stop myself if we go any further,” I admitted.

  He smiled with his sexy dimples and said, “I understand, but I want you to know you’re amazing and I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I realize that now and I’m happy – truly happy, believe me, but I’ve been a drunken mess, then a fighting lunatic and now a sex-crazed maniac all in one night. My head’s spinning,” I said laughing at myself.

  Danny was still lying on top of me during our little chat and I felt every hard muscle of his gorgeous body pressed against mine. I hoped I was making the right decision. The little Abby devil on my shoulder kept saying, “Go for it!” while my rational mind was screaming, “Wait!”

  “Okay hot stuff, get up. Maybe we should have some coffee and sober up a bit. Or a cold shower?” I said, laughing.

  “Shower, naked, you? Abby… you’re gonna have to stop with the naked references. I’m only just a man,” he got up and clutched his heart in a joking manner.


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