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He Who Dares: Book One (The Gray Chronicals 1)

Page 52

by Rob Buckman

  “You bastard! Let me go…”

  “Not on your life, Princess. You are going to get spanked, no matter what.” The Princess Royal said some very un-lady like words at that point, including.

  “You pathetic colonial reject! Pox infected, low life, gutter snipe.” She yelled as he ripped her lace panties off, kicking and fighting as Mike dragged her over his lap.

  As he did, she bit him on the thigh, hard, making him gasp in pain. Grabbing her hair, he pulled her head back and her teeth away from his skin. The struggle when on as he pulled her over the rest of the way over his lap, trapping her kicking legs between his. Now she was completely at his mercy, and he slowly and methodically spanked her. She bucked and struggled, yet she never let out a scream, or shouted for help, and other than few gasp of pain kept the punishment inside the room. Once he’d covered her bottom, he started down her upper thighs, until, with one last soft scream she went limp over his lap, and lay there sobbing. He stopped, unable to go on. Her tears his undoing, and lifting her up onto his lap, he held her close, stroking her hair and soothing her. She continued to sob and cry as he hugged her close, her arms immediately circling his neck as she buried her face again his shoulder. Mike sat on the edge of the bed, rocking slowly back and forth slowly, caressing her back and hair and making soothing sounds. At last, her lips found his and they kissed.

  “God, I love you so much.” She muttered as he lay back on the bed with her in his arms.

  “And I love you Milady, with all my heart and soul.”

  “I know.” She whispered.

  “Then why oh why did you treat me like that tonight?”

  “I had to, so you’d have a reason to spank me.” She bit her lips.

  “You did it deliberately, so I would?” He asked, a little shocked.

  “Yes, you spanked me as Lady Ann, and you had to do it when you knew I was the Princess Royal.”

  “You are getting way beyond me, Milady.”

  “It's like my father said, it puts us on an even keel.” Mike closed his eyes and shook his head.

  “You told the King that I, a Leftenant, spanked his daughter?” He groaned.

  “No, I told him you did it, thinking I was the Lady Ann.”


  “Yes, Oh!”

  “And what was his reaction?” Thoughts of firing squads sprang to mind.

  “That I somehow find a way to balance the scale so we could start out again on an equal footing.”

  “And your solution was to upset me sufficiently so I’d put you across my knee.” She nodded as she kissed his face. “Oh my Lord! I feel like a fool now.”

  “Don’t please,” she begged, “I had to make you understand that I belong to you, no matter what.”

  “I can see that.” He murmured, kissing her in return.

  “In private, I’m not the Ice Queen, I’m your... well, whatever you want me to be.” Rolling over he leaned down and kissed her bottom.

  “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Don’t you dare be sorry, if I need it, you now know that’s what you can do.” She winced slightly, as even his soft kiss hurt a little, but she didn’t mind. Mike reached over to switch the light off, but she pulled his hand back.

  “No, please leave it on, I want you to see all of me.” Her voice low and husky and filled with passion.

  “When I first saw you dressed like that my mouth went so dry I couldn’t say a word.”

  “Good, now show me how much you like it.”

  He did many times. They sent the whole night in one form of lovemaking or another or just rested and murmured softly until passion rose again. So immersed in each other that the passage of time had no meaning, and the dawn found them entwined in each other’s arms in a tangle of bed-sheets. Opening her eye sleepily, she moved her head slightly and whispered in his ear.

  “My love, do you think we should go down and get something to eat?”

  “I’m famished, can we order room service in this Royal Hotel?” He laughed.

  “Yes, but you have to leave soon and get back to your... well, whatever you are doing at the moment.”

  “I’m down at Davenport, as an inspector.” She gave him a puzzled look.

  “Anything you can tell me about, without violating Naval Security, or the Official Secrets Act?”

  “It’s nothing much, nothing top secret or anything. They sent me down there as Naval Inspector and to finish building a ship, except it's not like any ship you’ve ever seen.”


  “No, yes, some, it's the way she’s built, like a damn mini battleship.”

  “Sound interesting.”

  “Apparently, the Navy tried to build her about twenty years ago, but the project was scrapped for some reason. The hull was never completed, and she’s been sitting there on the slipway ever since.”

  “So, they want you to finish her and get her into space?”

  “That seems to be the plan, except I can’t get any of the major, or minor equipment I need to do it.”

  “That’s odd.”

  “You’re telling me, it almost seems as if the Admiralty wants to shuttle me off into some dead end job and forget about me.”

  “I doubt that Mike, too many important people are watching you.”

  “Oh, and whom would they be?” He chuckled. “Beside you that is.” She grinned up at him.

  “Can’t tell you, just that from what I know, this assignment isn’t just some dead end make work project. I have the feeling that this is a lot more important than you imagine.” Mike smiled and kissed her.

  “What have you heard?”

  “Nothing much, just a few things my father and uncle said.” She answered vaguely. “I suppose we have to get up and go down to breakfast.” She sighed, moving closer to him. “I’d love to spend the whole day here with you...”

  “Shush! I understand Milady.” His said, placing his finger across her lips.

  “...and one way or another I am going to find a way to do it, and soon.” She finished around his fingers.

  “Now, the question is, how do I get you back to the other side of the Palace without the whole place knowing what’s going on.”

  “That is easier than you think.” She giggled and picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Mary, it's time.” She hung up and kissed him. “You, sir, have to get out of bed, get dressed and escort me down to breakfast.”

  “At your command, Milady.” He laughed and kissed her.

  “You know, you are the only person to call me that, and I like it.”

  “My grandfather insisted that I be brought up like a gentleman, as much as I hated it, and made sure I knew all the formal manner of address.”

  “And what would you have rather been doing?” Mike slipped out of bed and padded across the room, naked, Ann’s eye following him.

  “Out hunting, or exploring by myself.”

  She watched him climb into the shower, and with a giggle quickly stripped off her stocking and velvet collar, the only things she had left on and trotted across the room. Before he knew it, she was in the shower with her, snuggling up to him under the water. He tried to protest, but it was useless with her lips on his, and that led to other things to do with soap and slippery skin.

  “You taste yummy!” She breathed, standing up.

  “Oh my!” He gulped his legs shaky.

  “Wash me, please?”

  “Yes, Milady.” He did very carefully all over, working slowly down her body with the sponge.

  Reaching up, she grabbed the shower pipe, sighing as he went lower. Then he reached up and took a razor from off the self and Ann gulped, knowing what he was going to do. The soft hum of the razor filtered through the sound of the water, and without conscious thought, she opened her legs to his touch.

  “Ohhhhh!” She sighed as he finished.

  “That’s much better.” He breathed, and kissed her.

  It was the Princess’s turn to get shaky legs this time, a
nd as he stood, she let go of the pipe. She wrapped her arm around his neck, crushing her lips to his. At last, they came up for air, and they both sighed.

  “That’s the way I want you to keep it from now on!”

  “Yes, sir.” She answered in a soft voice, her eye shining. It was as if he’d claimed her for his own.

  The Princess Royal she may be, but he’d left little doubt who was in charge, and she loved it. Reaching down, he cupped the cheeks of her bottom and slowly lifted her, skin sliding on wet skin as her legs wrapped around his waist, their hips joining as he entered her.

  “Oh yes!” She murmured, gently biting his shoulder. Mike moaned deep in his throat, holding her tight.

  After a while, they got out of the shower, and found someone had come in, left a tennis outfit in the dressing room for her, and taken her other clothes with them. Mike lifted an eyebrow in question when he saw it, and she smiled.

  “Mary, my maid left it, now it will look as if I came by and picked you up to escort me to breakfast. After which I will go and beat the stuffing out of Taffy on the tennis court.”

  Obviously, her maid knew she’d spent the night with him, and undoubtedly saw them in the shower together. Mike blushed, hoping it wasn’t at a particular moment. The Princess saw the blush and smiled.

  “Oh, don’t worry about Mary, she’s been with me since I was a little girl. You couldn’t get any secrets out of her with hot irons.”

  “I was thinking more about your reputation, not mine, Milady.”

  “I know you were my love, and it's sweet of you to worry.”

  “We shall have to take great care in future, or it will become common knowledge.”

  “True, we won’t be able to do this every night, sadly, but I’ll find a way to meet you.”

  “I hope there are a few other people you can trust?”

  “Oh yes, a few that I know of.” Her grin said more than she was telling.

  Duly they exited the room to find Mary waiting for them outside, and walking behind, she followed them down to breakfast, a happy smile on her face. Finally, her little girl had grown up, and found a man she could love and respect, she thought. Now she was satisfied that she’d done her job well. If anyone should dare ask, she was willing to swear on a stack of bibles that her ladyship had spent the night in her room, alone. Sleeping, and had only just dressed and walked over to pick up her escort. The talk at breakfast was lively, as more of the group came in. For Mike, he found it very informal, even after the King came in and joined them. There was none of the usual pomp here, and other than a ‘Good morning your Majesty’ nothing else was said. The King started a hot conversation going on the merits of fly fishing as a means of relaxation. Without realizing it, Mike found he was comfortable and not at all ill at easy as he thought he’d be. He did keep his glances at Ann to a minimum, and she did the same.

  “It would appear, that the ice Princess isn’t as frosty this morning, Mike.” Seaford whispered as he leaned over.

  “No, she seems in a good mood for a change.”

  “She should be in a wonderful mood after she’s beaten the tar out of Taffy at tennis.”

  “Does he let her win?”

  “Good heaven no, my old son, that would never do. You have to give your best performance, or else.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He answered, quickly suppressing a smile. He did see the Princess wiggling in her seat a little, and as they finished and stood up, he went over to pull her chair out and take her hand.

  “It itches, Mike!” She hissed softly, her face coloring slightly.

  “I know, but you will get used to it, won’t you.”

  “Yes, sir.” She giggled. Mike took his farewell then, kissing her hand. He wanted to crush her, and cover her face with kisses, yet he knew he didn’t dare. Ann said goodbye, but there was a slight note of sadness in it, then left quickly and went over to grab Taffy by the arm.

  “Ready for your morning beating, Taffy.” She asked, looking back over her shoulder at him.

  “I’ll try to give you a run for your money today, been practicing while you’ve been away, your Highness.” He gave his best long-suffering look, hoping she’d take pity on him.

  “We’ll see about that.” As breakfast ended, Mike took is leave, bidding farewell to everyone, and went upstairs to pack.

  He had no idea when he’d see her again, but they both understood that. A ubiquitous London taxi was waiting for him at the side gate as he came out, and he headed back to Waterloo Station and the Mag-lift train to Davenport. Only time would tell where their relationship would go. Getting comfortable, Mike drifted off to sleep thinking of her perfume, and her body against his.





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