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Way I See It: an Email Novella

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by Chambers, V. J.

  Date: Mon 3 Feb 2003 3:50:02

  Subject: eric


  Actually, I don’t honestly know what is going on between Eric and me. I think he’s kind of cool, and he seems really into me, but I wouldn’t say we were dating. I wouldn’t rule out the potential, though. I don’t know why Mick is so into me. I mean, none of the other guys at our school seem to find me interesting at all, and for Mick to be so all about dating me kind of scares me. It’s not like I’m the face that launched a thousand ships or anything, you know? I know Mick and Tristan hang out sometimes. Does Tristan have any idea what Mick sees in me?

  It’s really weird for me, Dana. Maybe you don’t understand, because you’ve always got boys asking you out and stuff, but I have to tell you that I’m totally unprepared for two guys wanting to be with me at the same time when nobody else has wanted to be with me, ever.

  Eric wants me to go over to his house to watch Star Wars with him, so that we can talk about heroes this weekend. If I go, do you think I’ll be leading him on? I haven’t e-mailed him back because I’m not sure what to do, and I wanted to talk to you about it first so I could get some advice. I mean, Eric seems smart and cool, and Mick doesn’t seem either. But Mick has lots of money and he’s cute. I’m not a shallow person or anything, so it’s not like I want to date Mick, really, at all. But if my dad finds out that I’m not dating Mick, he will flip out. And Mick has a lot of friends because his dad employs a whole bunch of people in this area and they’re all really into kissing up to him and his dad. If I make Mick mad, I might make a whole bunch of other people mad, too. I guess I don’t really care about that. At least, I don’t think I do. I don’t know. I mean, no matter what happens, I’ll still have you as a friend. So I guess I really shouldn’t worry. Should I?

  Anyway, do you think I should go to Eric’s this weekend or not? I don’t want to break his heart or whatever. He seems like a really nice guy and I would hate for him to be hurt. That’s why I haven’t responded to any of his come ons before. I’m not really very good at responding to come ons anyway. I know how to say no, that’s for sure. Okay, well, again, I’ve written you a novel, so I’ll sign off. Tell me what you think about the Eric thing.

  See you tomorrow in school.



  From: Mick Menel

  To: Tristan Orndorf

  Date: Tue 4 Feb 2003 4:28:32

  Subject: wats going on?

  hey, tristan.

  i was wondering if u new wat wuz up with eric and sarah, b/c i am really pissed off about it and i am starting 2 think that stuf is rong with me and sarah b/c she is not talking to me any more and i saw her with eric at the bowling rink, wich made me kinda upset.

  the dude just snuck in on are game and just started talking 2 her and i didn’t like it all. if eric is trying 2 steal sarah from me i am going to have to kill that guy b/c he can’t do that she is mine. i won’t let any scraggly star wars geek get my wumun. and she is my wumun. she is only mine. i have wanted to get w/ her ever sense i saw her at the company picnick that my dad throws in the sumer. i have been thinking about her b/c she is the pretiest girl in the entire world and i won’t let anybody else have her but me. i kno u are freinds with eric so if u can talk to him and tell him to lay off i would realy aprecciate it, if u kno wat i mean. ok, dude. i will talk atcha l8er i am going 2 go play video games for a hour or so. c ya.


  From: Tristan

  To: Eric

  Date: Tue 4 Feb 2003 5:42:24

  Subject: What the hell are u thinking??


  heya, it’s ur buddy the tristman. i have been hearin some stuff from mick and i just gotta let u know that if ur planning on hookin up with sarah, u may have some serious trouble. dig? see...mick has it bad for ur main squeeze and it don’t seem too much like he’s gonna let up.

  so, dude, for ur own protection and whatnot, i would advise u to forget about miss thang sarah and move on. she ain’t worth it, aight? i’m just sayin this for ur own good, man, so don’t trip or nuthin. just wize up, huh? and leave that chick in a pile of dust. she is waaay more trouble than she is worth, dig?



  From: Eric

  To: Tristan

  Date: Tue 4 Feb 2003 6:12:32

  Subject: forget it


  Hey man, look. there is no way i’m giving up on sarah, so just forget that, okay? Mick Menel is a stupid ass who can hardly spell his name or walk and chew gum at the same time. People are only nice to him because they are afraid his dad will fire their parents and i think that is the stupidest reason to be nice to someone. you know what I think about sarah. you know!!! She’s been all I’ve talked about for weeks, so don’t tell me I shouldn’t see her, or I should forget about her.

  This is so like you, dude. The minute I get a chick to pay any attention to me, you get all weird. It’s like you don’t want me to have a girlfriend or something. let me tell you something, tristan, that dana chick of yours is no huge catch. you are only into her because she has a nice rack, and you think she’s kind of stupid and silly. I’ve heard you say it. So, that’s like incredibly shallow. i don’t want to date some chick i think is stupid, and i’m not gonna. So you date the brainless babe with boobs, and let me decide who i want to date, okay?

  Lay the fuck off!!!


  From: Dana

  To: Sarah

  Date: Tue 4 Feb 2003 6:40:12

  Subject: well

  okay, sarah, i’ve given it alot of thought and if u like eric as much as u seem 2 (u talked about him all day at lunch) then u should definitely give it a shot, because u can’t let stuff like this slide. u only live once. carpet diem or whatever, u know?

  i haven’t talk to tristan yet, but 1nce he finds out how much u seem 2 like eric, he will totally think it is cool. he was just worried about his freind, u know?

  Oh, i have been meaning 2 talk 2 u about that silly part of your email where u got all stupid and said boys weren’t into u. don’t be so rough on yourself girl. u are a very pretty chick and the only reason guys at this school don’t fall all over u is that they are scared of u because your really smart and they don’t know how to act around u. seriously, u are really really pretty. so stop with the silliness and wise up! okay? and never say stuff like that again!! And who the hell is the face that lanched a thousand ships? would u stop with that stuff? I swear, sometimes u make no sense whatsoever.

  Alright, girl, well i have to run, so go for it with eric and don’t worry everything will work out. BFF



  From: Sarah

  To: Eric

  Date: Wed 5 Feb 2003 4:14:22

  Subject: We’re on!

  Dear Eric,

  Well, I told my dad that I wanted to go watch Star Wars this weekend with one of my friends and he got all excited because he loves Star Wars and he wanted to know if we were going to watch the whole trilogy or just the first one and a bunch of other stuff. I think my dad sometimes feels out of sorts because he’s in a house with all girls: me, my sister, and my mom and he really loves it when one of us wants to get into some “guy” stuff. Anyway, he said it was fine and that I could come over after school on Friday, but I have to be back home by midnight.

  Is that okay? I’m sorry I can’t stay out later, but my parents are kind of strict. If I leave right after school, I should be able to be there by about 3:30, so that would give us a pretty long time, like 7 or 8 hours. Is that too early? Should I come over later? I don’t want to smother you with my presence.

  Um, e-mail me and tell me when I should stop by and if you want me to bring anything. I guess I’ll see you then. B


  To: Sarah

  From: Eric

  Date: Thurs 6 Feb 2003 5:06:11

  Subject: Cool


  Hey, that’s great. Totally come over as soon as you can, because then we can watch more movies if you want or we can just talk for a while...

  Unfortunately, my dad is going to be there, but he said we can use the TV in the den and order pizza, so hopefully no one will bother us, especially my stupid dorky older sister, Cassandra. She heard about us dating and she totally flipped out. she’s like this actress or whatever, and she’s really dramatic. So, she’s all like “your dating the chick Mick Menel is after. I see doom in the future for you, eric. you will lose all your friends and this relationship will crumble”

  I tried to explain to her that we were so not dating, we were just hanging out to watch movies and maybe something would come out of that, but maybe not too, so she was being silly.

  But she’s in college, and she thinks she knows everything, so she just insisted that she was right and could see the future. Now every time she sees me she’s like “Doom! I see doom”! She’s such an idiot. My dad told her to stay away from us, so hopefully she’ll go out and like worship her stupid boyfriend Paul, who’s a musician and always stupidly tan because he spends so much time in the sun.

  Anyway, enough about my family. I’m sorry. sometimes i just get really upset with them. I’ll see you on Friday. Bye!

  i’m out,


  From: Sarah

  To: Eric

  Date: Thu 6 Feb 2003 7:33:21

  Subject: Right on!


  Hey, don’t worry about complaining about your family. My family gets on my nerves all the time too. Like, my little sister Trina is always on the phone with her boyfriend (even though, if you ask me, she’s too young to have a boyfriend) and my dad never gets on her case as much as he gets on mine.

  I’ll see you tomorrow then. I’m kind of excited. Have a great day!


  From: Dana

  To: Tristan

  Date: Thu 6 Feb 2003 7:34:21

  Subject: hey

  hey my little tomato,

  i told sarah that she should go and see eric because she really, really seems to like him. do not worry about her breaking his heart or whatever, because i have talked to her and she is definitely not into doing that at all. she really likes eric.

  i think they are going 2 hang out and watch movies tonight. but u probably already know that since u are hanging out with eric and i’m sure he is talking about it.

  what are u doing tomorrow (sat)? I was thinking maybe we could hang out or go have dinner or something? I haven’t seen u in a while and i miss u!!!!



  From: Tristan

  To: Eric

  Date: Fri 7 Feb 2003 4:04:33

  Subject: dude.

  Eric, dude, this is totally not cool or whatever, man. look. do u realize what Mick Menel could do if he got really pissed?

  Man—the dude has connections and sarah’s dad works for him, okay? for the sake of her, atleast, do not continue to pursue the chick, huh?

  As for the fuckin rest of ur email, where u call me shallow and whatnot, get over it dude. i’m happy with the way stuff is in my life and i don’t need u to tell me how to live my own life or whatever. so just stay out of my business, cause if u keep up like this, I don’t know what’s gonna happen, okay?


  From: Sarah

  To: Dana

  Date: Sat 8 Feb 2003 12:54:42

  Subject: oh my god!!!!


  You are not going to believe what happened to me last night!!!!! Okay, well, I went over to Eric’s like I told you I was going to and I get there and we watch Star Wars. (Which is actually a really cool movie, believe it or not. It’s like a fairy tale in space. It’s not all stupid and science fiction like. The girl in it is really cool. She shoots guns and stuff. But this is beside the point. Never mind). When the movie was over, we ordered pizza, and Eric asked me if I wanted to watch the Star Wars sequels. So we start The Empire Strikes Back. I really wanted to watch it, too, cause I really liked the first movie, but it was starting to get dark at that point and Eric didn’t turn on the lights or anything, so it was all dark and we were alone in this room watching this movie....

  Eric kissed me!!!!!! I know this is totally no big news to you, considering you’ve had boyfriends before and been kissed already, but you know that I never have and that was my first honest to goodness kiss! It happened. Dana, I never thought it would happen. I mean, I know you tell me that i’m pretty and stuff, but you’re my best friend; you’re supposed to say stuff like that. I always thought there was something wrong with me that I just couldn’t put my finger on. I didn’t know if it was because I was too smart, or if I was ugly or what.

  But anyway, Eric thinks I am really pretty!! And he’s smart too!! So, we’re like perfect together. And I don’t care what anybody says, I am the happiest girl in the world! We are officially seeing each other and I actually have a boyfriend. Augh! I have to stop typing now so that I can go think about Eric for an hour.

  Bye! LYLAS,


  From: Dana

  To: Sarah

  Date: Sat 8 Feb 2003 2:02:36

  Subject: That is great girl!


  hey, i am so happy 4 u! u deserve to be happy. u are a great girl. u are really smart and really pretty and really fun to be with. i am glad eric recognizes that in u! Congrats!

  well, this is so cool. Now we are two best friends dating two best friends! Do u realize how awesome that is? We can go on fun double dates and hang out alot together and everything is going to be awesome!

  i am really really really really happy 4 u.



  P.S. i know what u mean about the thinking about eric for an hour thing. When i first started dating tristan I had to give myself little breaks of time to think about him or else he just took over whatever i was thinking about and i couldn’t get anything done!!!!


  From: Eric

  To: Tristan

  Date: Sat 8 Feb 2003 3:48:09

  Subject: (none)


  for your information, as of last night sarah and i are officially together, so just deal with it, okay?



  From: Tristan

  To: Dana

  Date: Sat 8 Feb 2003 4:11:16

  Subject: hey

  hey doll—

  i’m sorry sweetness, but i’m not gonna be able to hang out this weekend. i’ve just got too much homework and stuff. next weekend for sure though, huh?

  did u know that eric and sarah are officially dating? i just found out. eric and i are having a little bit of a squabble, because i just don’t think the boy should be dating miss thang S. i know she’s ur best friend, doll, but i just don’t think they’re good for each other and i don’t like how fast this is moving. look, dana, how well do u know sarah anyway? as well as i know eric? well, trust me, i know that eric and sarah are not going to make a good couple. i can feel it and if u could just take my word on this and try to discourage sarah from dating eric, then everythang would be alot phukin cooler, dig?

  aight, chick, well, i gotta let u go. i’ll talk to u soon. stay sweet!


  From: Dana

  To: Tristan

  Date: Sun 9
Feb 2003 11:28:44

  Subject: Re: hey

  no i will not tell sarah to stop dating eric. she is really happy and she deserves to be happy. this is her first boyfriend and she is in love, so u shut the hell up, tristan!

  also, don’t think u can ask me for favors when ur blowing me off for the weekend. homework my ass. u never do homework.

  i talk to u waaaaay....



  From: Dana

  To: Sarah

  Date: Sun 9 Feb 2003 1:34:06

  Subject: my boyfreind is a bastard

  U will not believe what tristan just asked me to do! He said that u and eric weren’t right for each other and that i should try to break u guys up. what a dick! i cannot believe it.

  and then, he blows me off this weekend with some lame excuse about homework. i haven’t seen him in like a week and he has barely even emailed me. how dare he be like that? how dare he? like, i’m not even flipping important to him? oh my god, he has so hurt my feelings. I am not speaking to him until he apologizes!

  From: Sarah

  To: Eric

  Date: Sun 9 Feb 2003 1:50:32

  Subject: Did you know?

  Did you know that Tristan told Dana to try and break us up? Why? What does he have against me? What’s wrong with Tristan? I thought Tristan liked me!


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