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Page 21

by Vanessa Garden

  Marko’s insomnia had gotten worse. He would lie with me and hold me in his arms until I fell asleep, and then I’d wake later to find him burning up a track in the stone floor with all his pacing.

  One early morning, when he’d fallen asleep at his piano, his head resting against the keys, I decided to tell him Lauren’s secret about the baby.

  ‘Marko…’ I stroked his cheek. He didn’t move. ‘Marko.’ I pinched his arm and he stood up, the stool falling away while he drew his daggers from their boot sheaths. His eyes were so bloodshot they looked as though they were bleeding.

  ‘Miranda, it’s you.’ He re-sheathed his blades and picked up the stool, before stumbling and crashing onto his bed.

  I sat down on the edge of the mattress, ready to tell him, but he spoke first.

  ‘We’ve got big problems, Miranda. The city is revolting. Last night they tore the moon down and rolled it into the Underworld.’ He turned onto his back and sighed. ‘Looks as though Damir will be the only new father in Marin,’ he added bitterly. ‘Not that he will be for too long.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Sylvia is mad that she hasn’t taken with a baby, and I overheard her telling Damir that he’d better deliver what he promised.’

  ‘She wants Lauren’s baby,’ I said, shivering with dread, recalling Lily’s words beneath the fountain.

  ‘I think your sister is in more danger than us,’ Marko said in a morose tone.

  ‘You think she’ll want Lauren gone after the baby’s born?’

  Marko took my hand into his. ‘Yes. I don’t expect she’d want the child’s real mother around.’

  My blood ran cold. ‘But then why would Damir go to all the trouble to bring my grandparents here, to make Lauren happy, when they’re going to do away with her in the end?’

  Marko sat up and shook his head. ‘I don’t know. That’s the part that baffles me. He creates this secure world for Lauren, yet he’s going to give away the baby. It doesn’t make sense.’

  ‘Do you think he might be getting cold feet? That he might actually care for Lauren and not want to hand over the baby?’

  Marko snorted. ‘Damir cares only for himself.’

  ‘I just spoke to Lauren now,’ I said, threading my fingers through his.


  I drew a deep breath and looked him right in the eye.

  ‘Lauren fell pregnant to her old boyfriend before she came to Marin. She’s not carrying Damir’s child.’

  Marko was silent for a long time before he finally spoke.

  ‘Who else knows this?’

  ‘Just Lauren, me and you.’

  ‘Good,’ he said, squeezing my hand and bringing it to his chest, over his hammering heart. ‘Damir, Sylvia or anybody else cannot find out about this. It would be terribly dangerous for your sister.’

  ‘So what’s the plan in the meantime?’

  Marko let out a raspy sigh and looked at me.

  ‘Robbie, Jonathan and I are planning something. But now that I know the baby isn’t Damir’s, we have less time. Two months or so less, depending how far along your sister was before coming to Marin.’

  There was a knock at the door and Marko leapt to his feet and pulled me behind him.


  ‘It’s me,’ said a familiar voice.

  ‘Come in, Rob. Miranda’s here, too.’

  Robbie stepped in, wearing his black guard’s uniform again: long black boots, daggers and all.

  ‘I’ve got good news and bad,’ he said. ‘Miranda, your grandparents are now fully awake and asking for you. They are surprisingly well, and understand where they are and who they are. They’ve even left their beds to take slow steps around the room.’

  I pecked Marko on the cheek and gave him a hug, then ran across the room to Robbie and did the same to him.

  ‘I’m going to go see them right now. Thanks, Robbie.’

  ‘Wait,’ said Robbie, catching hold of my arm.

  ‘Oh, right; the bad news,’ I said.

  ‘Lauren’s been sitting with your grandparents each day, and during this time she’s been talking to them.’

  ‘It’s okay; I know she has.’ Why was he so concerned with this?

  Robbie shuffled his feet and sighed. ‘She’s been telling them things, about her baby.’

  Marko swore and rubbed his forehead.

  ‘Damir dropped by, an hour ago, to visit your grandparents. Truth be told, he seemed to have genuine concern for them.’

  My heart stopped. I knew what Robbie was about to say.

  ‘He was sitting with your grandmother, holding her hand, of all things, and she started to say what a wonderful man he was.’ Robbie turned to Marko. ‘She said not many men would agree to take on an already pregnant woman.’

  I covered my mouth. ‘I would have thought her weakened state, and the Alzheimer’s, would make her forget things.’

  ‘The crystal blankets have strong healing properties,’ said Marko. ‘Just living in Marin encased in the crystal is enough to start healing the brain. It’s the same power that encourages the compulsion to stay.’

  ‘So what did Damir do?’ I asked, panicking for Lauren.

  ‘He took it eerily calmly. I couldn’t see his face, but I heard him ask your grandmother to get some rest; and then he left.’

  ‘We have to do something right away,’ I said, looking at Marko.

  But before we could talk further, a woman’s hysterical scream tore down the hallway and headed towards our room.

  Seconds later somebody banged against the door with their fists and shouted, ‘Miranda!’


  LAUREN BURST INTO the room, golden strands of her hair stuck to her face and tears streaming down her cheeks.

  ‘Damir knows it’s not his baby!’ she shrieked, clutching at her stomach. She turned to Marko. ‘He’s mad—and now he’s coming for you. He wants to arrest you for lying about the moon. He’s sending guards now.’

  I gripped Marko’s arm. His muscles were hard like rock beneath his shirt. He covered my hand with his and looked deep into my eyes before he bent forward and whipped both daggers from his boots.

  ‘Take Lauren and hide. You know where I mean, Miranda.’

  Robbie raised his sword. I ran to the table and snatched up a steak knife. Adrenaline raced through my veins.

  ‘I’m not going anywhere,’ I said, when I returned to Marko’s side. ‘And I’m not letting Damir know about the secret door.’

  Lauren clutched at her belly and made whimpering noises, and I stood in front of her and spoke over my shoulder. ‘I won’t let them hurt you or the baby. And besides, Sylvia wants your baby for herself; so I don’t think she’ll mind who the father is. No-one will touch you.’ Though I meant every word I wasn’t sure how I’d protect her if she needed protecting. How would we four, one of us pregnant and another half blind, fight a group of guards?

  Footsteps exploded down the hallway towards us, like a herd of rhinos. My heart thundered just as loud.

  ‘Marko,’ said Robbie in a tight voice. ‘You have to leave. You have to leave Marin. It’s the only way to save you. Go to the chutes, now!’

  Marko, his steely eyes fixed on the door, shook his head.

  The footsteps came to a sudden halt, the silence deafening. I could hear the throb of my pulse in my ears so loudly it ached.

  The doors burst open.

  Damir entered, unarmed, his face calm, his eyes murderous. When his gaze rested on Lauren, I thought I saw a glimpse of something soft—affection, or maybe injured pride—but he quickly turned his attentions to Marko and Robbie, who both stood motionless, weapons ready.

  A mass of guards followed Damir into the room, gradually filling it with their bulk. I stepped back, pushing Lauren behind me until we hit the wall.

  Damir smiled. ‘Robbie, I heard what you said. Thanks for giving me a good idea for my brother’s punishment. Banishment will suit Marko perfectly.’

  The guards chuckled, their faces cruel.

  ‘I’ve done nothing wrong,’ said Marko calmly. ‘Except put Marin’s interests before my own.’

  ‘The moon was a hoax, just to win the people over and get your crown back.’

  ‘I didn’t need to get my crown back. You abandoned Marin and fled to the mainland. I’m still the king.’

  ‘No. You let the people of Marin believe they could have children after two decades without.’ He made a tutting noise with his tongue. ‘They’ve wanted babies for so long. You’re a sick man, brother, playing with their hopes and dreams like that.’

  Marko moved his neck slightly, so that it made a cracking sound. ‘Says the man who cuts women open for his disgusting, kinky mermaid pleas—’

  ‘Arrest him!’

  Lauren screamed and scurried away to hide behind the piano. My hand shook as the men moved forward in a line towards Robbie, Marko and me. As I raised my blade it glinted, reflecting the chandelier above us.

  The guards stared at me and Robbie with amusement, and with the focus off Marko he used the opportunity to attack. He thrust his dagger at the man closest to him, connecting with another blade.

  The others stood back and grinned lazily while they watched, all except for two guards: one, who zeroed in on Robbie, who had his head cocked to one side, listening keenly; and another, double my size, who homed in on me.

  ‘Robbie! A metre away at two o’clock!’ I shouted.

  Robbie lunged at the man, but my view was suddenly blocked by the big guy who was heading towards me.

  ‘Don’t embarrass yourself, Don. You should never draw a dagger on a lady,’ shouted Damir, who stood back and watched it all but did nothing to stop it.

  Don tossed his dagger from one hand to the other, a worried frown on his face, before he took a step back. ‘I was only going to scare her,’ he said with a shrug.

  I stabbed at the air in front of him a couple of times, and laughter broke out. But it soon stopped when the man Marko was fighting keeled over and clutched at his chest, moaning, blood spurting out of him like merlot from a split wine keg.

  Robbie and the guard were on the floor. Blood dripped from a thin wound on Robbie’s neck, but he still had the strength to roll the man onto his back before he straddled his waist, raised his dagger and thrust it into the man’s heart.

  ‘To your left, Robbie!’ I shouted, as another guard advanced towards him. Robbie slashed at the air, his dark eyes wide, desperate to see.

  Marko was now fighting two men. Despite this, and despite the fact he hadn’t slept in months, their blades couldn’t touch him.

  ‘Stand still,’ Robbie shouted, and I turned to find him being circled by five men, while he knelt on the floor stabbing at air.

  ‘Robbie. They’ve surrounded you!’ Without thinking twice I plunged my knife into the back of the nearest guard circling him. The blade sunk deep into the flesh and I quickly drew it out, staring in shock at the blood dripping from it.

  The man roared, and Damir started laughing hysterically.

  ‘What’s happening?’ Robbie shouted, as the men turned their attentions from him to me, and the man I’d stabbed.

  The injured man reached around and touched his wound, then raised his bloodstained fingers at me.

  ‘You fucking little bitch.’

  Wincing, he moved towards me, blade spinning in his palm.

  I screamed before leaping up onto the bed, from where we were at least the same height. Hiding behind the wooden bedposts, I dodged the man’s jerky stabs. The wound had weakened him. Over the man’s bald head I could see Marko, now fighting three men. Sweat poured from his temples and his movements were becoming laboured.

  ‘Oh fuck this,’ the man shouted, before he took a wide swing and slashed at my middle. My arm took the blow and the cut burned like fire. I fell back onto the mattress and watched as red blood pulsed out of my arm in a long, thin line.

  The mattress squeaked as the man climbed onto the bed.

  Ignoring my arm, I seized Marko’s crystal lamp and raised it above my head. I could smash it into the man’s skull, I thought to myself. The very idea turned my stomach; but it was kill him or be killed.

  Rolling over, and wincing at the burning cut on my arm, I raised myself up onto my knees and waited for the moment to bring down my weapon. The man knelt over me.

  ‘Put that down or—’

  He didn’t have time to finish his sentence; a huge guitar appeared from out of nowhere and smashed against his head.

  Lauren stood behind him, brandishing the broken guitar with wide-eyed shock.

  ‘I found it under the bed,’ she said.

  Two guards seized her by the arms, then me. We thrashed and fought until Damir parted the crowd.

  ‘Let them go, both of them. This woman is carrying—’ He paused and glared at Lauren, and then his face softened. ‘She is carrying my child.’

  As soon as I was released I rushed over to Marko and Robbie, both of whom were now arrested, arms pinned behind their backs. Robbie’s chest had been cut, and blood soaked through his black shirt.

  Marko had been cut down the side of his face all the way to his ear. Blood ran down his neck also. I wasn’t sure if it was the same wound re-opened or a new one.

  ‘Oh my God, Marko, you’re bleeding everywhere. He needs a doctor,’ I shouted at Damir.

  ‘I’m alright, Miranda.’ Marko’s voice was calm, but I could tell that he was scared because his entire body was shaking. I stood on tiptoes, wrapped my arms around his neck, pressed my face to his and promised I’d send for Jonathan and the others.

  ‘No. It ends here. I don’t want anybody to get hurt. No more bloodshed,’ he whispered, gently stroking my injured arm. His eyes were on the four lifeless bodies on the floor, and then on Robbie, who was swaying from the loss of blood.

  ‘Free the handicapped one,’ said Damir with a sneer. ‘He’s of no use to anyone.’

  ‘He’s not handicapped; you’re the handicap. You’re missing all the vitals—a brain and a heart and a soul!’ I said.

  Damir frowned, then smiled and rubbed his chin pensively.

  The guards let go of Robbie and he fell to his knees. Lauren ran over to help him, but Damir took her by the arm and led her away.

  Her big, beautiful blue eyes sought mine and she shrugged, helpless.

  ‘Don’t you hurt her,’ I shouted at Damir, tears in my eyes, blurring the scene of disaster around me.

  Damir let go of Lauren for a moment and walked to Marko, putting his face right up against his, nose to nose.

  ‘Say goodbye to your girlfriend now, little brother, because this is the last time you’ll see her before you’re banished and sent to live on the mainland.’

  Marko’s face twitched, his nostrils flared, but he said nothing. Damir stepped back, smug and swollen with power.

  ‘Take him to the dungeons,’ he ordered the guards.

  I pressed my face into Marko’s neck and kissed him several times, tasting his coppery blood and salty sweat. ‘I’ll get you out, I promise. This is not goodbye.’

  He stared at me, his eyes dark and shining as he was yanked out of my arms. ‘Don’t fight, Miranda. Don’t waste everyone’s lives on me. Take care of yourself and Robbie. Promise me.’

  I shook my head as the guards started to drag him away.

  ‘No. We’ll come for you.’

  They left Robbie and me in the room, like worthless scraps.

  ‘We have to check on your grandparents,’ said Robbie, rising to his feet and wincing.

  Lauren rushed back into the room, took Robbie’s arm and wrapped it around her shoulders.

  ‘Lean on me,’ she said.

  ‘What are you doing back here? What about Damir?’

  ‘Forget Damir. He trusts me. The guy is in love with me, okay?’

  Robbie tried to jerk away, but staggered and nearly fell. ‘I won’t lean on a pregnant woman.’

  ‘Just do it,’ said Lauren
, not budging.

  He sighed and relented, and I held the door open as they hobbled out together. I quickly grabbed some flannels, wet them and followed close behind.

  ‘Nana! Pop!’ Lauren called out, as she and Robbie entered the room.

  The piercing scream that followed drove straight through my heart.

  I raced into the room and stood beside a frozen Robbie and Lauren.

  The beds were empty.

  My grandparents were gone.


  I STUMBLED OUT into the hallway, calling their names. Nearby guards either laughed or looked away, their eyes uneasy. One of them asked Robbie if he needed medical assistance, but Robbie waved him away and hobbled along with Lauren.

  My arm, though it still stung, had stopped bleeding; so, at my insistence, Lauren allowed me to help with Robbie by draping his other arm over my shoulders. He winced with each step, but the blood on his shirt didn’t appear to be spreading.

  At the main doors of the castle, we were met by two guards who drew their daggers.

  ‘Why the weapons?’ asked Robbie, using his perceptive hearing despite his injured ear. ‘Marko was arrested. We have no beef. Damir let us free. This woman here is carrying the king’s child.’

  They glanced at Lauren and frowned. ‘Are you okay, miss?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said, in a haughty voice, despite having birds-nest hair, a tear-streaked face and Robbie’s blood smeared across her dress. ‘We’re taking Robbie home to treat him there, with his own medical supplies. Oh, and we’re looking for my grandparents.’

  The young guard offered Lauren a winning smile. He seemed pleased to be able to help her. ‘We saw them being escorted out of the castle, by Jonathan and Jordon, only an hour ago.’

  ‘Good,’ Lauren said, nodding.

  A sigh of relief whistled through my teeth. If they left with Jonathan and Jordon then they were safe.

  ‘Damir’s in a mood. Trust me, you don’t want to anger him any more than he already is,’ said Robbie to the guard, knowingly. ‘Just let us through.’

  The guards shared a look and sheathed their daggers. ‘Thanks for the tip,’ they said to Robbie before stepping aside to allow us through.


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