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Hunted_Book 2 Brides of the Kindred

Page 4

by Evangeline Anderson

  “So if you did call a bride that would be part of it—of your relationship, I mean? You’d always be…biting her?” She couldn’t help looking at his fangs again and feeling glad they were still small.

  “Only when we made love,” Sylvan assured her as though that made it all right.

  Sophie felt her stomach do a slow forward flip but she tried not to show her dismay. “That’s…uh interesting.”

  “And off the point.” Sylvan frowned, as though irritated with himself. “What I’m trying to say is, please accept my apologies and my best wishes for your health and happiness. I truly did not mean to bite you.”

  “It’s…I know it was an accident but…” She wanted to ask him more. Wanted to know why his fangs had grown when he kissed her. It wasn’t just his fangs that grew, whispered a little voice in her head and a wave of embarrassment swept over her.

  “Yes?” Sylvan looked at her earnestly but she shook her head.

  “It’s okay,” she mumbled, not meeting his eyes. “Seriously, I’m fine. Let’s just…leave it at that.”

  “I appreciate your willingness to put the incident behind us but I need to examine the wound.”

  “Why?” Sophie asked. “I know you’re a doctor…er medic but—”

  “I need to know how serious the injury I inflicted was.” He looked so stern that she tilted her chin up to allow the examination.

  “It’s not bad at all. See?” she pointed at her bottom lip which, to tell the truth, was still pretty sore.

  Sylvan cupped her cheek in one hand and leaned forward, studying her hurt lip. For some reason Sophie’s face got hot at the gentle touch and she had to close her eyes. What is he looking for? What’s taking so long? She wished he would hurry up and finish the examination. His hand was so warm and the feel of his skin on hers made her nervous. “Is…is everything all right?” she asked at last.

  “It appears to be.” He sounded cautiously relieved. “I nicked you pretty badly but I don’t think you got any of my essence.”

  “Your what?” She opened her eyes to see him looking at her intently. Blushing, she looked quickly away.

  “My essence. It’s…never mind. You should recover normally.” His voice dropped. “I would offer to heal it for you but I don’t think you’d care for my method of healing.”

  “What do you mean?” She looked up at him again but suddenly Olivia was standing beside her with a radiant smile on her face.

  “Hey you guys, looks like you survived the Luck Kiss after all.” She arched an eyebrow, clearly taking in the way Sylvan was touching Sophie. “Going for round two?”

  “No!” Sophie exclaimed, jumping away from the large warm hand cupping her cheek. “I mean…Sylvan was just, uh, examining me.”

  “So I saw,” Olivia said dryly. Then she grinned. “Well, I’m a married woman now. Do I look any different?”

  “You look more beautiful than ever,” Sylvan said, but he was looking at Sophie when he said it.

  “Thank you, Sylvan. That’s sweet of you.” Olivia smiled at him and glanced at Sophie inquiringly. What’s going on? the look said.

  Sophie shrugged her shoulders. I don’t know. She felt hot and uncomfortable, as though her twin had caught her and Sylvan doing something forbidden or wrong. Wanting to change the subject she gave her sister a hug. “Are you happy? Did you think…everything went all right?” She wanted to ask if Olivia thought she’d screwed up the Luck Kiss but she couldn’t exactly come right out and say it with Sylvan still standing there looking at her.

  Liv, as always, knew what she meant. “It was beautiful,” she said reassuringly, giving Sophie a squeeze. “And I’ve never been happier.”

  “I’ll be happy when this damn after-party is over with.” Baird came sauntering up behind her and placed a proprietary hand on his bride’s shoulder. The bright green sunlight made the gold buttons on his uniform shirt sparkle. “How long did you say we have to stay, Lilenta?”

  Olivia turned and gave him a reproving look. “You know, on Earth the reception sometimes goes on for hours. People dance and drink and celebrate all night.”

  “Let ‘em.” Baird drew her close and looked down into her eyes. “They can celebrate until the damn sun falls outta the sky for all I care. As long as I get to take you back to our suite while they do it.”

  “Baird.” Olivia threw an apologetic look over her shoulder. “I’m sorry you guys—he’s incorrigible.”

  “Don’t apologize,” Sylvan said smoothly. “This is your bonding day. You should, ah, celebrate in whatever way you choose.”

  “I would but I hate leaving everyone alone.” Olivia bit her lip. “Especially you, Sophie. It’s been so long since we had any good sister time.”

  “That’s okay.” Sophie tried to smile even though she missed her sister more than she could bear. She wanted to catch up with Liv but it was clear her twin needed time alone with her new husband more than she needed a gab fest. “We’ll get other chances,” she told Olivia. “But right now I need to get home—I have to work tomorrow.”

  “Oh, has school started again already?” Olivia put a hand to her head where her blonde hair was swept into an elegant up-do. “I can’t believe it.”

  “First day tomorrow,” Sophie said. “And you know what a mess that always is.”

  “I must have lost all track of time up here planning the wedding.”

  “That’s what being in love will do to you,” Baird rumbled. Nodding at Sophie he said, “I’ll find a pilot for you, kin of my mate. I’d take you back to Earth myself but…” He grinned and nuzzled Olivia’s neck, his amber eyes glowing.

  “Baird!” she protested, laughing. “You are so bad. Leave me alone for a minute and go find someone to take Sophie home.”

  “I’ll take her,” Sylvan said unexpectedly.

  Sophie’s stomach did a flip. “Oh no, really,” she protested. “I couldn’t ask you to leave the party.”

  “I don’t mind.” He gave her a penetrating look. “I’d be pleased to take you back to Earth.”

  There was no way she could say “no” without offending him. “Uh, thank you,” she mumbled, trying not to think about being cooped up with the huge blond warrior in one of the tiny Kindred transport shuttles. “That would be nice…if you really don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” Sylvan assured her.

  Baird raised an eyebrow and looked at his half-brother speculatively. “Very well then, Brother. I charge you with the safety of the kin of my mate.”

  Sylvan nodded gravely. “I accept your charge. I will see her safely home.”

  Olivia smiled. “Sounds like it’s all settled then.”

  “I guess so.” Sophie smiled weakly. The whole “I charge you with her safety” thing seemed weirdly formal but maybe it was just a Kindred expression.

  “Give me one more hug before you go.” Liv disentangled herself from Baird and held out her arms. “Are you sure you’re all right?” she whispered in Sophie’s ear. “You look really upset.”

  “Do I?” Sophie made an effort to smooth out her features. “I’m fine really—don’t worry about me. Just go…have fun with your new hubby.”

  “If you’re sure.” Olivia drew back and looked at her eyes one more time.

  “I’m sure.” Sophie gave her twin what she hoped was a bright, sunny smile. “Just thinking about work tomorrow. The first day of school is always such a disaster. You know.”

  “Only from what you’ve told me.” Liv made a face. “I’d rather work in the ER or the med station any day than deal with a bunch of five year olds finger painting.”

  Sophie shivered. “Better finger paint than blood. I don’t know how you stand it.”

  Liv grinned. “Funny, that’s exactly what I was going to say to you.” She laughed and gave Sophie one more squeeze before letting her go. “Have a safe flight back and I’ll bespeak you on the Think-me later.” She glanced up at Baird who was staring down at her possessively. “Uh, much later.”

>   “No problem, womb-mate.” Sophia smiled and turned back to Sylvan who was watching her with an unreadable look on his face. “Are we ready?” she asked, trying to keep the nervousness out of her voice.

  “Certainly.” Sylvan made an ‘after you’ gesture with one hand.

  Sophie started for the edge of the sacred grove but he stopped her with a light touch on the shoulder. “Don’t you think we should get our footwear before we go?”

  “Oh, uh, right. Shoes, of course.” Feeling flustered, Sophie followed him to the area around the side of the grove where everyone participating in the ceremony had left their shoes. She slipped on the kitten heels she’d gotten to match her dress before learning that no shoes were allowed, and waited while Sylvan put on the tall black boots all the Kindred warriors seemed to favor. “You know, I thought of something I forgot to tell Liv,” she said as he was putting on his second boot. “Do you mind?”

  “Of course not.” He gestured for her to go on ahead.

  Sophie ran back to the sacred grove but her sister’s name died on her lips. Baird’s broad back was already receding in the distance as he carried Olivia away. “Uh, looks like Baird took matters into his own hands,” she said, laughing nervously as Sylvan came up behind her.


  “Okay, so…” Sophie wasn’t sure what to say. “Uh, I guess we should go get some Take-mes, huh?”

  She’d ridden on one of the two headed animals—which looked rather like the push-me/pull-you from Dr. Dolittle—for the first time on the way to the wedding and wasn’t exactly looking forward to repeating the experience. It was a bumpy ride made worse by the fact that the front head of her Take-me kept flirting with the back-facing head of Jillian’s.

  Sophie had no idea how to tell which Take-me was male and which was female or how in the world they mated since they didn’t appear to have any reproductive equipment. But the attraction between the two animals had made getting to the sacred grove a slow and uncomfortable process. They kept stopping to twist their necks together and staring lovingly into each other’s purple eyes until Sophie had wanted to scream. In the end the problem had gotten so bad they were almost late to the wedding.

  Well hopefully Sylvan and I can find some that aren’t in heat or whatever it was that made them such a pain, she told herself. But I swear to God if they make me late getting home…All she wanted to do after the stressful day was relax with a glass of wine and take a long hot bubble bath. And no stupid alien horse in the mood for love was going to get in her way—at least she hoped not.

  They went to the area where the Take-mes were kept—a long row of small box-like structures that looked more like dog kennels than stables. The animals, which were native to Twin Moons, were able to expand and contract their mass at will, which meant they could be kept in small areas. But to Sophie’s dismay, there was only one shaggy green animal standing outside the row of Take-me stalls, munching grass with both heads.

  “Where did they all go?” She looked around, hoping to see more. Maybe they had made themselves small and were hiding in one of the kennels? But when she bent down to peer into the small dark box-like structures they were all empty.

  “Probably in use by the other guests. It doesn’t matter—one Take-me can carry us both.” Sylvan was standing right behind her and his deep voice in her ear made Sophie jump.

  “Oh!” She put a hand on her heart. “You scared me. I…they can take that much weight?”

  “Easily.” He frowned. “If you don’t mind riding with me, of course.”

  “Oh, uh…” Sophie had a sudden mental image of riding on the shaggy green animal with Sylvan behind her. The way the Take-me’s backward bending legs moved meant that it swayed a great deal. There would be no way she could keep from touching him—in fact she would be practically surrounded by his muscular bulk as they jostled together on the animal’s broad back. I’ll be pressed up against him, what if he puts his arms around me? For some reason the thought made her hot and cold all over.

  “Well?” Sylvan asked and Sophie realized she’d been taking way too long to answer.

  “No, no—of course I don’t mind,” she said hastily. “I’m sorry I was just…just thinking. But of course it’s not like I mind touching you or being close to you or having you close to me or—” Realizing she was babbling, she stopped abruptly.

  He raised an eyebrow and looked at her for a long moment. “Of course, if you’re really in a hurry we could just take a transport tube straight to the docking bay.”

  “We can?” Sophie felt a rush of relief. “There’s some other mode of transportation around here? Why don’t you use it all the time?”

  “Well, it’s actually used more for transporting small equipment around the ship than people.” Sylvan was heading away from the Take-me stables as he spoke and Sophie hurried to keep up with him. “And it’s not very comfortable. But it only takes about five minutes whereas riding a Take-me will take us close to an hour to get to the edge of the ship and the docking bay.”

  “Oh, well let’s ride the transport-tube. Absolutely.” Sophie smiled brightly. This was perfect—not only would she get home and into a warm bubble bath sooner but she wouldn’t have to be pressed up against Sylvan in a way that was sure to be horribly embarrassing for them both.

  “Here we are.” Sylvan came to a stop in front of a large tree.

  “We are?” Sophie looked around in confusion. “Where’s the transport thingy?”

  He gave her his one-sided smile and pressed part of the tree’s bark. “Right here.”

  To Sophie’s surprise the entire trunk of the tree faded and became as transparent as glass. Sylvan pushed something else and there was a whooshing sound. Suddenly a cylindrical compartment rushed up and lodged itself in the trunk of the tree. It reminded Sophie of the old fashioned telephone booth she’d seen in a museum once, only it was smaller…much smaller.

  Sylvan pushed a third thing—she couldn’t tell what since the entire trunk was transparent and nearly invisible—and a side panel slid open, allowing them access to the tiny tube compartment.

  Maneuvering carefully, Sylvan ducked his head and somehow managed to fit his tall frame inside the small space. His broad shoulders were pressed against the walls and when he stood Sophie could see there was less than an inch of clearance between his spiky blond hair and the ceiling of the compartment.

  “I’m afraid it’s a bit of a tight fit.” He shrugged apologetically—or tried to—there was no room even for such a small movement in the confining space. “Well?” He gestured as well as he was able. “Getting in?”

  “Uh…” Sophie stood staring for a moment. Sylvan was so big there was barely any space left inside. She was going to be pressed up against the length of his hard body, in a much more intimate way than if she’d agreed to share the Take-me.

  “Are you all right?” Sylvan frowned.

  “Fine.” She hesitated. How do I get myself into these things? “I’m just…uh, wondering what’s the best way to get in.”

  “Just come in.” Sylvan gestured a touch impatiently. “Unless you’d rather ride the Take-me after all?”

  “No, I guess not.” It’s only for five minutes, she lectured herself. You can stand anything for five minutes, no matter how embarrassing it is. Maybe if I squeeze up against the wall…

  Hesitantly, she stepped into the tiny cramped space. With a sinking heart, she found that there really was no way to stand without touching the big warrior. In fact, though they both maneuvered politely and exchanged embarrassed apologies, she wound up plastered against his chest with her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry,” she said, trying to look up at him. But they were so close the top of her head bumped his chin. “Ouch!”

  “Are you all right?” She could feel the rumble of his deep voice in her entire body—it seemed to vibrate through her in a way that was strangely pleasant and incredibly awkward at the same time.

  “I…I’m fine.” Sophie was doing her
best to stay calm but she had never liked confined spaces. A fact she remembered only after the door slid shut, trapping them both in the slender cylinder. “I’m just…a little claustrophobic is all.”

  “We’ll be there soon,” Sylvan said comfortingly. “Hold on—this can be a little bumpy.” He pressed something on the wall and the transport tube started with a jerk. Then it rushed straight up at an enormous speed, making Sophie feel like her stomach had been left behind in the sacred grove. She squeaked in surprise.

  “Are you all right?” he asked again.

  “I’m fi—” The car jerked sideways with a suddenness that made her gasp. The transport tube was like one of those scary rides that traveling carnivals brought with them—the kind that Olivia loved and Sophie hated. They always had names like “the double wheels of doom” or “the falling star” and they jerked you all around and used centrifugal force to plaster you against the wall. Only in this case she was plastered against Sylvan and hanging on for dear life.

  Previously she’d been trying to keep at least some room between them—pushing her pelvis out as far as she was able to avoid making intimate contact. But now mortification had gone out the window in favor of self-preservation. Sylvan was the only thing to hold on to as the tube jerked and lunged through the bowels of the Kindred Mother ship and Sophie wasn’t about to let go.

  Please just let me get through this, she prayed, her eyes squeezed shut. Please, please, please and I swear I’ll always ride a Take-me from now on. Or maybe I’ll just walk. Yes, walking is good…walking is great. I’ll never go anywhere again except on my own two feet. I—

  “Sophia? Sophia?”

  Gradually she became aware that Sylvan was calling her name and he sounded worried. Arms like warm steel cables were wrapped around her shoulders and a large, warm hand was stroking her hair.

  “Uh, Sylvan?” She dared to look up and this time their heads didn’t collide.

  “It’s all right,” he murmured, looking relieved that she’d answered him. “The tube has stopped. We’re there.”


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