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Hunted_Book 2 Brides of the Kindred

Page 14

by Evangeline Anderson

  And how in the world was she going to manage without him?

  Chapter Twelve

  This time the tingling pleasure in her breasts and pussy started at once and Kat had to clamp her lips shut to stop a moan. She squeezed the large male hands holding hers convulsively as the hot sensations rushed through her.

  It’s all right, she heard Lock whisper. Only instead of hearing him with her ears, she heard him…

  Inside my mind, she thought and heard Deep reply,

  Yes, we enter the mind of the focus, both of us at once.

  The same way you’d— Kat tried to cut the thought off but an image passed before her mind’s eye too quickly too stop.

  It was a picture she’d seen on one of those porn-for-women websites that were popping up all over lately. In it, two dark haired men were holding a blonde woman between them. One of the men was standing behind the woman, kissing her neck and his large hand was cupped between her legs. The other man was kneeling in front of her, sucking one of her nipples into his mouth and spreading her thighs wide to give his friend easier access. The girl had her head thrown back and her eyes closed in ecstasy as she allowed both men to do what they wanted.

  Well, well—not quite so resistant to being the “filling” in our sandwich after all, are you little Kat? Deep’s mental voice sounded like a hungry growl.

  Damn it—that’s just something I saw once. I didn’t…didn’t mean to send it to you, Kat protested. It’s not like I actually like it or anything.

  It’s all right, Kat. Lock’s mental tone was reassuring. We know you didn’t mean to. It’s hard to keep your thoughts to yourself when your mind is unshielded.

  It’s just…it’s not something I wanted you to see. Kat was mortified.

  I can’t speak for Lock, but it doesn’t bother me at all, Deep murmured. Only I picture it a little more like this… He sent the image back to her but this time he and Lock were the men in the picture and Kat recognized herself as the female between them. Her long red hair was down around her shoulders and her mouth was open in a silent moan. Looking further, she saw that Deep’s fingers weren’t just cupping her pussy, they were actually sliding into her, filling her, fucking her, opening her… Opening you for our cocks, she heard him growl. Spreading your soft little pussy so that Lock and I can fill you as one.

  Kat shivered involuntarily. Oh my God, I couldn’t! I could never…

  Deep, that’s enough! Lock’s mental voice was almost a shout and the image was abruptly gone. We’re trying to teach her to focus—not confirm her idea that we’re sexually depraved.

  I…I never said I thought that, Kat protested, her mental voice sounding breathless somehow. Between the tingling stimulation she was feeling the entire time they touched and the erotic imagery flying back and forth between the three of them, she was getting overheated fast.

  You didn’t have to say it. We can feel it, Lock murmured and she thought he sounded sad.

  But we feel your curiosity too, Deep added. You wonder what it’s like to be the center. To be pleasured and filled by two males at once…

  No, I never…Kat protested. I don’t…don’t want that.

  Not even a little? Deep sounded amused.

  No, not even a little, Kat sent, trying to make her mental voice firm and unyielding. Now are we going to look for Sylvan and Sophie or not?

  I second that. We need to concentrate on the task at hand, Lock sent. Kat, imagine that we are going to cast a net—a vast, all-encompassing net over your entire world. Deep is the seeker, he will get us to where we need to go and provide the power to generate the net. I am the finder so I will weave it, strand by strand and cast it over the target area.

  And what am I going to do? Kat asked, relieved to finally get off the subject of sex—especially scary-as-hell three-way sex.

  You’re the focus. When our net finds its intended targets, you’ll help pinpoint their exact location. You’ll focus in on their general area and generate an image we can all see. Deep’s mental voice was all business now, which made it easier to concentrate.

  Okay, I’ll try, I guess, Kat told them.

  As we build and cast the net, concentrate on Sophia, Lock sent. Remember your fondest memories of her. Try to get a clear picture of her in your mind.

  Her eyes shut tight, Kat did as he said. Sophie…Sophie…Always so shy, so sensitive…I remember that time in fourth grade when that bully made you cry. Liv and I wanted to beat him up or go to the teacher…But you stood up to him on your own instead. We were so surprised but he never bothered you again. And your art—so beautiful, so delicate. You’re so talented but you spend your time teaching children instead of pursing your own career because you love them so much. Sensitive too—remember that time Liv made you watch The Exorcist with her? You couldn’t sleep for a month! You always hated horror movies or anything scary…Selfless and giving, you’re always there when I need someone to talk to or just to hang out…

  The memories went on and on, filling her mind with love and affection, making her almost cry with emotion. Sophie please, don’t be dead or gone beyond my reach. Let me find you—you and Liv were always the sisters I never had. Please…

  We’re ready, Lock sent softly, interrupting the flow only a little. The net is cast, Kat. It’s up to you to feel the location of Sophia and try to focus in on her.

  All right, she sent back. But how do I start?

  Feel the net—feel our power and let it flow through you, Deep instructed her.

  Taking a deep breath, Kat tried to do as they instructed. And then she saw something amazing…

  It was the Earth—a round blue and white ball floating in space, just as she had seen it from the Kindred shuttle window. And it was covered with a glowing net made of golden light, so beautiful and bright it almost hurt to look at it. But despite its brilliance, or maybe because of it, she couldn’t look away.

  It…it’s beautiful, she whispered to both brothers. Breathtaking.

  Thank you. Lock sounded as though he was smiling. We were taught by the best.

  Your mentor would have been proud, Kat told them.

  Or surprised. Deep sounded amused. If he knew we were using an unmated female as a focus. Speaking of which, Kat, now it’s up to you. You need to narrow our search—feel the net and see if you can find your friend.

  Concentrate on moving in closer, Lock added. If they’re anywhere in the net you’ll feel them as a kind of tugging in the corner of your mind. Once you feel that, try to focus on where it’s coming from.

  And don’t worry if you can’t get very close to their actual location, Deep added. It’s a very difficult skill to learn. Even if you can just verify that they’re alive and somewhere on the planet it will be a good start.

  Got it. Taking a deep breath, Kat concentrated on the net. Its shining surface covered the entire globe but she could still see the shapes of landmasses and oceans through its golden threads.

  She looked at Florida first but she felt nothing at all from the long, peninsular state. However there was something further north… The tugging, follow the tugging… Suddenly it was as though she was a bird flying high and fast above the world. Cities and lakes and rivers sped by under her invisible wings, going faster and faster…

  Kat? Lock sounded almost panicked. Kat slow down, you’re going too fast…

  Let her, Deep commanded. Let her, Lock. She’s onto something. Let her follow it.

  Kat ignored them both. The sensation of flying was immediately addictive and she could feel herself getting nearer and nearer to her target. Mountains! she thought as she flew over craggy peaks. There was a winding road cutting through them and a large green directional sign she could almost see on one side of it. Blu…idge…kway, she caught. And then, just below her, a steaming heap of wreckage.

  Oh no. Oh God. She stopped suddenly, hovering over what was obviously the remains of the shuttle.

  So they did crash. Deep’s mental voice was flat.

  That does
n’t mean they’re dead, Lock sent. Do you feel them there in the wreckage, Kat?

  No. She felt a huge measure of relief. No, I don’t. They’re further on, somewhere else.

  And then she was flying again, going even faster, zeroing in on her target, feeling the tugging in her mind she knew was Sophie.

  Sophie! Sophie, where are you?

  Don’t worry if you can’t see her exact location, Lock began. It’s very rare for a focus to be able to pinpoint—

  There—she’s in that cabin on the side of the mountain, Kat interrupted him excitedly. I can feel her!

  Can you show her to us? Deep asked.

  Deep, you know she won’t be able to. No focus—

  Here. There was something strange outside the cabin—something with red eyes filled with hunger—but it wasn’t what she was looking for so Kat ignored it. Instead, she dove in through a wide crack in the wooden door, which looked like someone had kicked it in. Maybe Sylvan had forced his way inside?

  They’re both here. Both alive, she reported, feeling an immense surge of relief. And yet…Something’s wrong. Look at Sophie’s face—she’s scared to death. As she hovered over the room like a noiseless, unseen bird, she saw her friend, who was wearing nothing but Sylvan’s blue uniform shirt. Sophie was edging toward the bathroom with terror in her large green eyes. Turning her attention to the big Kindred warrior, Kat thought she could see why.

  Sylvan was crouched in the middle of the room, glaring at the doorway as though he was waiting for some threat to come bursting through it at any moment. And the look on his face…

  Holy crap! Kat shook herself mentally. Look at him! What the hell is going on? I haven’t seen anything that scary since the last time Liv and I had a horror-movie marathon.

  They must be in danger and he’s preparing to defend her, Deep sent.

  Looking like that? Kat asked. Because Sylvan was no longer recognizable as the utterly logical, slightly cold male she’d met on several other occasions. Now his eyes were blazing and his fangs were fully extended—and who the hell knew those things could get so long in the first place? They weren’t the pretty, petite little points that movie vampires had—these were freaking weapons and it was abundantly obvious that Sylvan could wound or even kill with them. No wonder Sophie looked scared. She hated that kind of thing.

  The urge to protect is incredibly strong in us, Lock sent. When danger threatens a female we have claimed as our own, it induces a state of altered consciousness.

  Have you ever heard the term “berserker rage?” asked Deep.

  My God! Kat couldn’t stop staring at Sylvan. Shirtless as he was with his broad shoulders hunched and ready to attack, he looked like a mountain of muscle—a mountain of very lethal muscle. What is he going to do? she couldn’t help asking.

  Whatever he has to in order to keep Sophia safe. Deep’s mental voice was grim. It’s like we told you, Kat—he’ll die protecting her if necessary. But he’s not going down without a fight.

  No, I guess not, Kat murmured. Uh, do all of you—all Kindred—get that way when someone you’re protecting is threatened?

  Actually, it’s rare to see such an extreme response unless it’s our mate who is in danger, Lock said. But yes, the protective rage is part of the Kindred biological makeup. It can turn any warrior into a killing machine—inciting us to violence like nothing else.

  Kat couldn’t stop the feeling of unease that settled over her at his words. So all of you have this…this other person inside you? Like the incredible Hulk or something?

  The incredible who? Deep asked.

  This guy—he got shot up with too much gamma radiation so he turns huge and green and angry whenever someone pisses him off and…Kat shook her head. Never mind. It’s a pop culture thing. You wouldn’t understand.

  Actually, I’d say that pretty much sums us up. Lock sounded thoughtful.

  Aside from the turning green part, anyway, Deep said dryly. Threaten our chosen female and prepare to die. It’s a lesson many have learned the hard way.

  I bet. Kat shivered.

  You should be glad to see Sylvan’s response, Lock said gently. Obviously he cares for your friend—cares deeply—if the rage has come over him. He will protect her or die trying.

  And a Kindred warrior is not easy to kill, Deep added. Especially one in the grip of the rage.

  Kat wanted to say more, to see more. Who or what was threatening Sophie? And why was Sylvan being so protective of her when Sophie had been sure he didn’t even like her? And how—

  Suddenly, she was being pulled back like a rubber band that has been stretched to the limit and then let go.

  No, wait! No, no, no! Please!

  But the world was rushing outward and away from her, the shining net fading as the blue and white Earth receded into the distance…

  And then she was back, stuck in her own body which suddenly felt horribly tired and weak. “God!” she gasped and her legs gave way under her. She would have fallen for sure, but four strong hands held her up and a deep voice was whispering in her ear.

  “It’s all right, Kat. You’re all right. You just overdid it, that’s all. You’ll recover in a moment.”

  The world spun around her and Kat closed her eyes to shut it out. When she opened them she found herself lying on the extra long couch with her head in Lock’s lap and her feet propped up on Deep’s knees. Both men were staring at her anxiously, which made her feel incredibly nervous for some reason.

  “What…what happened?” She tried to sit up but the brothers held her down gently but firmly.

  “Relax awhile longer,” Lock urged her. “You’ve just had a very intense experience.”

  “Intense?” Deep laughed. “I’ll say. I’ve never seen or heard of a focus being able to get so close so fast. And to stay there for so long, too! That was amazing.”

  “No, it wasn’t.” Kat put a hand to her head which was beginning to throb. “I didn’t even get their exact location. Although I think the sign I saw might have said Blue Ridge Parkway. But I’m pretty sure the parkway runs through several different states. So what good is that?”

  “It’s damn good, believe me,” Deep assured her.

  “And you don’t have to worry about finding their exact location. Deep and I will use what you gave us to extrapolate it when we join with each other later,” Lock explained. “Truly, Kat, what you did was amazing. I’ve never seen its like, even with our old mentor and he had been a focus for over sixty years when he trained Deep and myself.”

  “Yeah, I feel really amazing.” Kat rubbed her throbbing forehead. It was funny, she could almost feel their admiration like sunshine on her back, but it didn’t do a thing for her head. “Is it normal for joining to give you such a headache?”

  Both brothers looked concerned. “No, not at all,” Lock said. “Maybe your head hurts because it’s all new to you?”

  “Or maybe you just went too fast.” Deep chuckled. “Never saw a focus rush right to the spot like that. Usually it takes forever to get to where the target is. But you just went right to it.”

  “That ‘target’ is my friend,” Kat reminded him tartly. “And it looked like she was in a pretty tight spot.”

  “They must have crashed somewhere in the mountains and made their way to the cabin,” Lock said thoughtfully. “At least they’re someplace they can defend. Don’t worry, Kat—Sylvan will protect her.”

  “Lock is right.” Deep patted her legs in what he probably thought was a soothing way. But his hand happened to land on her bare skin and Lock was already touching her bare shoulder.

  “Ah!” Kat jumped as the strange connection she felt when she had skin to skin contact with both of them at once suddenly sizzled to life. Great, now I not only have the mother of all headaches, I’m horny too. How is that even possible? God, I so don’t need this right now.

  “What’s wrong?” Deep asked at the same time Lock said,

  “Are you all right, my lady?”

ine, just fine.” Kat scrambled up and off the couch and this time they let her. “I just…I need to get out of here.”

  “And go where?” Lock asked reasonably. “It’s very late now. Do you have anyplace to sleep?”

  “No, but I can find a place.” Kat was already headed for the door.

  “Wait.” Deep was suddenly in front of her and she wondered how such a large male could move so fast. “Don’t go.” His voice was harsh but his black eyes were almost pleading. “Not…not after what we shared. Stay with my brother and me tonight.”

  Kat’s heart was suddenly in her throat. The need in his dark face was intense—overwhelming and so palpable she could almost feel it. Her heart started pounding triple time and she didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry, I can’t. Can’t stay,” she whispered, trying desperately to think of an excuse. “I…somebody has to tell Olivia what’s going on. I mean, if she and Baird ever finish… uh, ever finish,” she ended lamely.

  “Kat…” Lock came up to her, standing shoulder to shoulder with his brother. “I can sense your unease, it rolls within you like a wave about to break. But—”

  Kat rounded on him. “Wait a minute—what do you mean you can sense my unease?”

  “I can feel it. Here.” Lock tapped his broad chest. “The same way I sense my brother’s emotions.”

  “As can I,” Deep rumbled.

  “But…but we’re not joined anymore,” she protested. “We’re not even touching.”

  Lock shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. We had an intense joining.”

  “Very intense,” Deep rumbled and the hunger was back in his black eyes again. A hunger so vast and deep Kat felt like he might gobble her up in one mouthful. It felt like…Oh my God, I’m feeling it! Feeling him—just the way Lock said he could feel me.

  Come to think of it, she could feel Lock as well. There was an emptiness in him, a yearning so sharp it almost brought tears to her eyes. It was like there was a piece missing out of his soul. A piece that was exactly her shape and size…

  She stared at both of them. “What the hell is going on here? Is this a permanent condition?”


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