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Turn of the Pipes (A Redpoint One Romance)

Page 11

by Marlow, J. A.

  The center one scrunched her face, revealing lines telling him she did it often. She then smiled at both women. "Okay, now we know. Shall we?"

  "Thank you for your time," the second woman said.

  With that, all three turned and disappeared among the activity on the fairgrounds. Ignacio stood in the same place staring after them, the small computer held limply in one hand.

  He felt like he'd been steamrolled.


  "Sometimes I wonder when he has time to take care of the newts," Rachel said to Tish as she loaded her supply cart one morning. "Every time I turn around, there he is."

  "On the other hand, he is one of the main organizers and consultants on the pet show. It really could be coincidence," Tish said. "You know, with the types of failures that have been happening lately, I'm starting to think I need a supply cart, too."

  "Ask your bots. I'm sure there are extras around here somewhere." Rachel dropped a valve into a storage compartment in the cart. Then she stared at it, gnawing on a lip. "Thing is, even though he's always there, he doesn't come up and talk to me."

  "You've been really busy, too. I'm sure he sees that," Tish said. She slipped on her belt and came to stand next to Rachel's cart. "Worried about him trying to break up with you again?"

  "He really has bad widower's guilt," Rachel said.

  "Then go up to him, instead."

  Rachel grinned. "As you said, I'm busy, too. Every time I get a free moment and look around, he's gone again. It's as if he has a second sense about it."

  "Look, either do it, or stop complaining about it. I would prefer you did it. Then I wouldn't have to hear about your regrets for the rest of your life." One of Tish's bots circled at her feet, beeping up at her.

  "I think you're wanted," Rachel said.

  "We have several big repairs to make today." Tish pinned Rachel with a twinkling glare. "Talk to him. I dare you."

  Rachel prepared to respond with a comment about being childish teenagers to take part in a dare when she heard a familiar voice coming from the main maintenance platform. She stiffened. "Director Stemski?"

  Tish lost her smile. "I hope nothing else big broke down."

  Rachel rushed into the next room along with Tish. Director Stemski stood tall and dignified in his blue and gold uniform suit. Arthur looked as good in the jeans and t-shirt he wore out into the repair field. Rachel decided it must have something to do with the air of authority around each one of them. Both men were good at what they did and knew it.

  "It's not the committee I'm worried about, nor is it the reason I came down," Director Stemski was saying.

  "I understand. It's about the station in general," Arthur said with a nod.

  "That, as well, however still about the show. We need it to go on," Director Stemski said.

  "We've finished all the repairs in that location as well as finished multiple full inspections," Tish said, leaning up against a railing encircling the center round platform.

  "We didn't find any other big failures," Rachel added as she joined her.

  "Yet we did have a life-support issue in the general area a couple days later," Director Stemski said. He nodded towards where Damien leaned back in a chair sipping a cup of coffee. "Not laying blame, nor criticizing the wonderful and conscientious job all of you have been doing. Only trying to emphasize how important this show is to Redpoint One. It brings in a good amount of money to the local economy and good publicity."

  "And grant money," Rachel added. "I'd never realized how many scientists were here until recently."

  "Exactly, Rachel. It is good for this station, all around," Director Stemski said.

  "I think we're all on the same page with this," Arthur said. "First we ensure the pet show goes off without a hitch, then we do some deep investigating to find the source of the odd system failures."

  "The sooner the better on that last one," Rachel said. A massive failure in the sewer system two days before was not an event she ever wanted to repeat.

  Director Stemski saluted Arthur. "I'll leave this in your capable hands. Three more weeks and the pet show will be over."

  The moment Director Stemski disappeared, Arthur called out for everyone to join him at the platform. It didn't take long for the core maintenance engineers to gather together, along with many of the bots that looked to them.

  He paced from one end of the raised central platform to the next. "You heard the Director. The pet show takes place in three weeks. We need to make sure there are no problems on Ring Three. Except for emergencies, I want everyone to focus their time and energy on that ring. Keep your eyes out for anything unusual or out of the ordinary while you work and report it to me immediately."

  Rachel's attention should have been on Arthur. Really it should. The pet show was important, as were the strange problems they'd been having. All the maintenance engineers needed to keep attentive and watchful, in hopes one of them found the reason for the system failures.

  But, she couldn't, thanks to the three older ladies hovering at the front door leading into the maintenance platform, dressed in clothing more suitable in the tropics. Where did they get the brightly colored tropical shirts and skirts? Daisy must have made another find at a rummage sale. Good grief, each of them even wore flowers in their hair.

  "Everyone, start taking with you extra raw materials. Ask your bots for a cart, if necessary. Efficiency and safety are the keywords now. Let's get this station ready for the visitors," Arthur said.

  A few people turned to run back into the supply area, while others joined Rachel in staring at the women who still stood at the main entrance into the maintenance platform.

  Finally realizing some of the crew weren't moving or paying attention to him, Arthur turned towards the door, his eyes blinking fast as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

  "You are so doomed," Tish whispered to Rachel before she turned to disappear back into the supply room.

  Rachel wanted to escape along with her, but instead she forced herself forward. The ladies must be here for her, so she might as well take care of it before the women got in the way of the engineers heading out on their repairs.

  "So nice to see all of you today, but I'm about to head out on my shift," Rachel said. Her bot trailed after her, giving a questioning beep.

  "Oh, we're not here to interrupt you," Velda said. "You just keep right on fixing things."

  "You weren't at the last knitting meeting, so we knew you must be running all waking hours," Daisy said. "As well as interfering with the next date."

  Rachel ignored the comment about a next date, instead asking, "Then why are you here?"

  "To talk with Arthur, of course," Daisy said.

  "Considering how all of you are working so hard, we thought it should be a priority," Eddie said, reaching out to pat her on the arm. "It's the only way you'll ever have a free minute."

  Uh oh. Even conservative Eddie was behind whatever the women were planning. On the other hand, today she was also dressed in a mumu-style skirt. Certainly not conservative.

  "What can I do for you ladies?" Arthur asked, leaning against one of the taller consoles to look down at them.

  "Actually, it's what we can do for you," Velda said. She walked up to the central platform and handed him a flex-sheet. "You need new recruits."

  Arthur lost his composure, shock shouted out from all of him at the pronouncement. Even Damien stopped in the act of drinking his coffee to stare at the women in absolute shock. Rachel knew her expression must be the same.

  "Velda, no, you don't need to do this," Rachel started.

  "Of course we need to," Eddie said. "The department needs help."

  "The sooner the better," Daisy added. "It looks as if you were just visited by the Director himself."

  The flex-paper hung in Arthur's limp hands. "I appreciate your thoughts and concerns, but this is a physically demanding job. I'm sure your time would be better suited at other jobs."

  Rachel laughed out loud
before she could stop herself, realizing what Arthur had assumed. He glared at her, and she sputtered out behind uncontrolled laughs, "Boss, they don't mean them. Look at the paper."

  Arthur gave them all one last glance before straightening out the flex-paper and started reading it. His expression of shock returned. "You started recruiting for us?"

  The other two women started nodding while Velda said, "Absolutely. You need help, so we found you help."

  "They are quite interested in interviewing and perhaps a trial period," Eddie said.

  "They'll work out well," Daisy said with a firm nod. "Their interviews were excellent."

  Arthur pinned Rachel with a glare. "Is this for real?"

  "I'm afraid it is. I tried shooting it down a while ago, but apparently they will not be put off," Rachel said.

  This time she earned a glare from all three ladies. Velda gave her a very unladylike harrumph before saying, "Of course we aren't going to be put off. We worked hard to find the right types of candidates. Not easy, even in the population base we have at Redpoint One."

  "I appreciate the thought, but I have this taken care of. We do have procedures," Arthur said, trying to hand the flex-paper back.

  Velda would have none of it. She stepped away from the platform, pretending to not see Arthur holding it out. She turned towards the other two woman and said, "Bring them in."

  Rachel echoed all the others in another shock. She asked, "You brought them here?"

  "Of course we did. Where else would we bring them?" Daisy asked as Eddie disappeared around a corner, completely seriously without any duplicity showing on her face at all. Rachel had been around the Naughty Knitters Club to know how their minds sometimes worked. They thought Rachel had a problem, and were determined to do whatever they could to solve it.

  Before anyone could stop them, two men came to stand in the doorway.

  "Meet Gaetan Zamora and Kayo Yamanaka," Velda said, first pointing to a tall dirty-blond young man, and then to a shorter muscular asian man.

  While both men looked pleasant enough with friendly faces, they were both plainly nervous. She didn't envy them being put on the spot in front of practically the entire main maintenance crew. Glancing back, she realized every rear door was filled with curious people.

  Her bot beeped up at her.

  Rachel nodded, whispering to it, "I know. It's time to go."

  Arthur turned back towards the rear of the platform, saying in a raised voice, "It's time for everyone to go."

  The platform became a hive of activity and noise as carts were produced, and a few people headed out past the women of the Naughty Knitter's Club. The two men stepped out of the way, one of them wearing an expression as if they expected rejection.

  Or perhaps she was reading too much into the body language. The men would be fine. At the very least the ladies would drown them in coffee, tea, and cookies afterwards, no matter how today went. The ladies were great with helping people deal with disappointment.

  "Please get the cart," Rachel said to her bot.

  Her bot took one look at the entrance before turning to head for the back. That was when Rachel noticed other passing bots were doing the same. Checking out the two men as they went back and forth.

  Bots usually ignored the humans around them unless they'd attached to one in particular or they wanted something. Otherwise, they concentrated on their repairs with a single-minded focus. The two men stood on the maintenance platform, therefore of interest as possible partners.

  Arthur must have noticed the bot attention, as well, because he said, "Fine, I'll conduct an interview. Gentlemen, wait for me over there," and he gestured to the break-room. "Ladies, I'll take it from here. I'm sorry to be rude, but we are in a time-crunch."

  "Oh, we're fine," Velda said with a big grin like that of a cheshire cat. Rachel wanted to roll her eyes. Of course Velda was happy. She'd gotten her way. "Ladies, off to the B and B. I want to try a new recipe."

  The ladies disappeared as Arthur leaned towards Rachel. "Are they always like this?"

  "Nothing stops the Naughty Knitter's Club," Rachel said. "You were just hit with both barrels."

  Arthur glanced towards the break room. "If it results in two good candidates at once, I'll almost be willing to overlook it."

  "Careful, Boss. Give them the slightest encouragement-" Rachel let the threat hang in the air.


  "WILL YOU STOP it," Paul yelled.

  Ignacio turned his attention from the view outside the window back to the table-top he was holding in place. "What?"

  Paul's face appeared over the lip of the table on the opposite side, glaring at him. "First, you almost dropped the top on my head. Second, twice you've been nearly run over by forklifts. Third, she'd not here."

  "She's still working on the pipes. She's around here somewhere," Ignacio said. He adjusted his grip on the table, holding it higher. "For the record, the forklifts were driving too fast."

  "Yeah, right." Paul disappeared under the table again. "I asked the Damien fellow that is double-checking the show life-support systems with his new apprentice. Apparently she's down below tracking down a clog."

  Oh no. He'd put Irvine back in his big enclosure again, thinking he'd found his new escape route. What if he'd been wrong? What if Irvine were the new clog Rachel was chasing down?

  Paul appeared from under the table again. "Legs attached. I can tighten them without help. Now, go home."

  "I'm fine. There's plenty that still needs doing," Ignacio said, setting the table down on the floor.

  Paul pointed a finger at Ignacio's chest. "No. You, home. Go check your newts. You are distracted and getting in the way."

  "I'm doing fine," Ignacio said, scowling at him.

  Paul wasn't put off by the scowl for a minute. He pointed towards the door. "Yeah sure. Go home. Check on Irvine or the babies."

  Ignacio paused. Checking on Irvine might be a very good idea, to make sure he hadn't disappeared. Plus, the babies and their parents.

  "I'll see you later today," Ignacio said. He better check on Irvine right away and contact Rachel if he found him missing. The little excuse to call her during work hours put a spring in his step as he headed towards the door.

  "Take the day off," Paul said from under the table as Ignacio left.

  Not likely. Ignacio couldn't remember the last time he'd taken a day off. Didn't know what he would do with one. Going on a vacation alone would only bring back all the good vacations with his wife. He'd avoided them ever since her death.

  The implications of the thought hit him as he arrived home. No. Surely he'd taken a vacation somewhere in the five years since. A holiday weekend?

  He couldn't think of even one. No little break or time away, not even to go and visit family.

  Even to him, it sounded sad. Why wasn't he doing more out and about? The automated systems he used in the newt enclosures meant he didn't have to be there every minute. He took in grad students and apprentices all the time for work experience, so it wasn't as if he were a solo project and overworked. Not unless he wanted to be.

  Ignacio made a pass through the warehouse. All was well in newt and salamander world. All Silky babies accounted for. Irvine sunned himself in the artificial light, spread out on top of a rock at the top of the waterfall. A pair of Pointed Spear Newts appeared to be starting their mating ritual, meaning he might have another litter on his hands in a few months.

  He wanted to call Rachel. She would find the odd dances of the newt mating rituals amusing. With it came the realization he wanted to share so many things.

  Such as the next date. He could honestly say he looked forward to it. No way would he try to avoid it this time. For once he resented Redpoint One. He only wanted a date, a few hours of her time. Was it really too much to ask?

  When he heard the front door chime, he ran for it, the irrational thought that somehow Redpoint One had heard his mental wish and granted it. Instead, he found himself facing one
of the strange women from a few days ago, the ones who asked what kind of meal he liked.

  "Hello, Ignacio. Ready to go?" the dark-brown haired woman asked.

  He blinked at her. "Who are you?"

  It was her turn to blink. "I didn't mention that before? I'm Eddie Gilmore. I volunteer at the refuge along with Rachel."

  "Oh, of course. What can I do for you?" he asked.

  "Come with me," she said.

  He had the feeling of getting flattened again. "Why?"

  "Rachel," Eddie said, looking at him as if he were mad.

  "Rachel needs me?" Ignacio asked, his heart speeding up. Maybe she needed help at another pipe.

  "Of course she needs you, although I don't think she fully realizes how much. Come on. Don't dally." Eddie turned away, gesturing him to follow as she walked away.

  Ignacio wasn't sure if he should be worried or content himself to be happy Rachel needed his help. Either way, he would be there. Perhaps they could have a few minutes to talk while they worked. It would be a poor excuse for a date, but it would have to do.

  He grabbed a jacket and rushed to catch up with the woman. "Ms. Gilmore, should I bring any tools?"

  "It's Eddie, and why would you bring tools?" She glanced up at him out of the corner of her eyes. "What a silly thing to ask. What good would tools do?"

  When he thought about it, he realized the woman was right. Rachel carried plenty of tools in that cart of hers. She probably only needed him to hold something in place. Although, maybe he should have grabbed an apron instead of a jacket. Who knew what sorts of things Rachel got into while in the midst of repairing.

  Eddie turned into a space between two of the warehouses and waited for him to catch up. "Don't get lost, now."

  The wall hinged forward and Eddie disappeared into the corridor behind. He followed, but he didn't feel comfortable about it. Not at all.

  "Should we be down here?" Ignacio asked as the door closed and latched behind him. He'd heard about the miles and miles of hidden passageways and hidden rooms in Redpoint One. Like many, he'd gone to see the horror film supposedly inspired by the station. He'd discounted it, as he'd lived on it for years without any odd thing occurring, but he wondered. Did anyone get lost and never to come out?


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