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Christmas Wishes: The Love of a Marquess

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by Emily Williams

  Christmas Wishes: The Love of a Marquess

  Text and Illustration Copyright © 2016 by Emily Williams

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  First printing, 2016


  Love Light Faith, LLC

  400 NW 7th Avenue, Unit 825

  Fort Lauderdale, FL 33302

  Table of Contents

  Christmas Wishes: The Love of a Marquess

  Bonus Content

  Christmas Regency Romance Stories

  Damsels in Distress Regency Romance Stories

  Christmas Wishes

  Emily Williams

  Christmas Wishes

  Chapter 1: Charlotte

  England, October 1845

  The music was soft in my ears and I should have been dancing. I wanted to dance, but something was stopping me. The tight knot in my stomach wasn’t the issue, it was something else.

  “Charlotte, surely you are ready for a dance. Lord Tomline has been asking about you for the last hour.”

  Looking in the direction of the man she was talking about, I couldn’t help but wrinkle my nose. The earl may have been someone that many women were keen to meet and dance with. I was not one of those women. While he was rich, and even a little handsome, rumors about him made me uncomfortable. The rumors may have been untrue, but if there was any truth to them, Lord Tomline was the last person in the world that I wanted to dance with. He was a dangerous man.

  “No, I think I am going to enjoy some fresh air outside. It is getting quite warm in here.”

  All the moving bodies in the small drawing room made it seem stifling in the large house, but when the fresh air hit my face, I was able to breathe again. Elizabeth came out with me, though she kept looking back, which indicated she wanted to be in the midst of the party, not outdoors with me. She was there to see the Duke of Landry and everybody noticed their chemistry. The duke was a good man, and it was evident that he fancied Elizabeth.

  “Go back in, Elizabeth. I am quite all right out here by myself.”

  “Are you sure, Charlotte?”

  Her look was hopeful and I nodded my head that I was. The smile that spread across her face made me smile back, but when I turned around to look at the manicured gardens in front of me, a heartfelt pain formed in my chest. My thoughts turned to matrimony, as it was a topic Mama continually pushed. Lord Tomline was Mama’s first choice, but the thought of spending a lifetime with that man nearly brought me to tears. I wanted to marry for love, a concept foreign to my parents, who tolerated each other, but were never affectionate.

  The moon was bright and the glow transfixed my thoughts into a romantic dream. He snuck up behind me, and it was only when I heard a twig snap beneath his feet that I turned around with a start. He was so close to me that I took a step back. Anxiety overtook my senses, but I managed to portray a calm and collected presence, just as my governess had always taught me to behave.

  “Good evening, Lord Tomline. How are you this fine evening?”

  His dark eyes held mine so long that I looked away. It was as if he was trying to find a piece of my soul that he wanted to keep for himself. He was not supposed to be looking at me like that. He was too forward and the fact that we were alone made me even more nervous. Propriety was so important.

  “It is better now that I have had the privilege of finding you. You seem unwilling to dance, yet I have been saving a dance for you all night.”

  “So many were vying for your attention that I knew my presence would not be missed.”

  “You are wrong, Lady Charlotte. I only wanted your attention.”


  My answer was not elegant, but he caught me off guard. The dark grey eyes that held mine were hard to turn from, and it gave me a feeling of worry. Being along with him made me tremble, and I hoped he did not notice. My eyes began searching for an escape, but the only door was directly behind the earl. The internal instinct to escape welled up inside of me and became increasingly intense. Hopefully, he would let me pass. A part of me said he would not, but I still had to try.

  “Thank you for your company, Lord Tomline, but I must excuse myself. This evening is quite chilly and my shawl is inside.”

  I rubbed my arms for good measure as they were filled with bumps. The chill of the late autumn air was quite comfortable, but his presence brought about a coldness that was bearing down on my whole being.

  “You just came outside just moments ago, Lady Charlotte. Surely I can think of some way to keep you warm.”

  He moved towards me and his stature was a vast contrast to my petite frame. He seemed larger than life as he came closer, and though I tried to hide my unease, fear widened my eyes as I more eagerly searched for an escape.

  “You must stop, Lord Tomline.”

  A stranger made his way out onto the balcony, unaware that he had just saved me from Lord Tomline’s clutches. Waving in the stranger’s direction, I managed to say, “Thank you for coming to find me. I am ready for the dance that I promised.”

  The stranger must have seen my unease and played along with the rouse. He offered his arm and we walked back indoors. The tension held in every muscle of my body released as we walked back into the house. Moments earlier, the room I was standing in seemed so confining, but it had now become a sanctuary as I made my escape from the earl. I was thankful to be free of him and hoped I could avoid him for the rest of the evening.

  “My name is Mr. Joseph Barker.”

  Finally, I looked up into the man’s eyes that I had grabbed. He was rather handsome, but it was the bright green eyes that made my heart still. They were staring at me with the same intensity that the earl had, but there was no malice in them. Instead, his eyes were kind and welcoming. Butterflies filled my stomach as I managed to regain my composure.

  “Lady Charlotte Rowan. Thank you for allowing me to be so forward. You can imagine that I am quite embarrassed. I don’t typically—”

  Mr. Barker cut me off, once again responding to my unease. “I can’t say that I usually meet women in such a way, but I am thankful that I was drawn outside.”

  Color rushed to my cheeks, which he surely noticed.

  “Now, I do believe I promised you a dance, did I not?” he said as his smile reached his eyes.

  Looking down, he urged me to the moving bodies and started to twirl me around to the music. He was quite a good dancer, and before long I was breathless from excitement, forgetting the unfortunate encounter with Earl Tomline. Mr. Barker’s shoulders were high and I had to lift myself to my tippy toes when the dance brought us together.

  The music stopped playing and I stopped in front of him. The chatter started up again. After thanking Mr. Barker for the dance, he escorted me from the dance floor and I joined my cousin, Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth gave me an inquisitive look. Her gaze went from me to Mr. Barker. I sensed that she wanted to ask me about the dance, but kept quiet.

  “Elizabeth, I would like to go home. This evening has produced a whirlwind of emotions and I need to rest.”

  “Are you sure, Charlotte?”

  Her hesitance conveyed that she wished to stay at the ball. Not wanting to cut her time short with the duke, so I o
ffered to leave on my own.

  “You cannot go by yourself, it would be unseemly. Imagine what the gossips would say. ”

  Elizabeth was a loyal companion, and I was eternally grateful that we were so close. She had already danced twice with the duke, so he would likely be calling on her the following day. I insisted upon leaving and Elizabeth insisted upon leaving with me.

  I wanted to put as much distance as possible between myself and the Lord Tomline, so we quickly bid farewell to the hosts. Looking back at the dance floor, I saw Mr. Barker looking in my direction. He quickly looked away when my gaze met his. Secretly, I hoped that we would meet again, but having never seen him at any of the London parties, it didn’t seem likely.

  Getting our coats, I almost ran out of the duke’s home. It had been far more eventful than I was ready for, and getting back into the air helped a little. The night had been confusing and I was still trying to figure out the mess of emotions that I was feeling.

  “I cannot believe you were dancing with Lord Vaccos. You know that you are going to be the talk of the night. I do not think that he has ever been seen dancing with anyone but his sister at any party.”

  “Lord Vaccos? You mean Mr. Joseph Barker?”

  She looked at me a little surprised, “No, I mean Lord Vaccos. You know, the Marquess of Vaccos?” Elizabeth looked at me for some sort of recognition. Elizabeth whispered, as to not draw any attention to her next statement, “I have heard he has more land than my family. Surely, you know who he is.”

  “I suppose I know him now that I danced with him, but this is the first time we were introduced. Well, we weren’t exactly introduced.”

  After recounting the story, my cousin’s wide eyes betrayed her feelings. As Elizabeth’s gloved hand rose to the neck of her cream-colored coat, she gasped. “I can’t imagine what that would have been like. Lord Tomline was awfully bold to display such inappropriate behavior.”

  Elizabeth was shocked, not only at Lord Tomline’s behavior, but she was equally as shocked that Lord Vaccos had reacted so well to my improper behavior.

  The name, Lord Vaccos, sounded familiar, and I had heard it before, but I couldn’t untangle the legends with the man.

  “So what was he like?” asked Elizabeth.

  “Simply wonderful,” I sighed.

  Chapter 2: Joseph

  She left abruptly after our dance, leaving me to wonder what caused the fear in her eyes when I saw her on the balcony. Lord Tomline was standing too close to Lady Charlotte and her body language indicated she was uncomfortable. Did Lord Tomline threaten her? Did he treat her with disrespect?

  Her forwardness was completely inappropriate, but I could not turn away a young woman who was in such obvious need of help. I did not want to reveal my title at first, as I know most women find me to be cold, and I did not know if Lady Charlotte knew who I was.

  When Lady Charlotte relaxed, it was obvious that she embodied all the traits of a well-bred and well-educated lady. Her dancing skills were impeccable, as her feet moved across the dance floor with grace. Even through her gloves, I felt a warm, comforting feeling as we held hands while dancing. My heart encouraged me to ask for a second dance, but my mind would not allow the words to reach my mouth. Lord Tomline had obviously done or said something that was troublesome. I did not wish to add to her worries by presuming that she was also eager to dance again.

  Typically avoiding the social scene, I was glad that my sister had convinced me to attend the party. For if I did not, I would have never met Lady Charlotte. After our dance, I avoided the gazes of other women who wanted to dance. I could only think of Lady Charlotte’s dark brown eyes hidden behind long, black lashes.

  Between traveling and avoiding parties, I realized I had missed out on so much. It was time to get reacquainted with women in society, and I was going to start with Lady Charlotte Rowan.


  Lord Richardson wanted to travel back to the city with me after the ball, so I hoped that he would tell me more about the mystery woman. Who was Lady Charlotte?

  “So, tell me why, after all of this time, have you decided to dance with someone other than your sister?”

  Not wanting to divulge Lady Charlotte’s forward behavior, I gave an answer that would save her reputation. “Well, she is quite beautiful. Also, I noticed her outside with Lord Tomline, and it seemed as if she needed an escape.”

  He nodded his head and smiled. “Can you blame her?”

  “Not really,” I answered laughing.

  Everyone knew about Lord Tomline’s reputation, not just the women. He was known to take liberties with young women, and he liked the highborn. The respectability of it didn’t seem to matter. Some men were appalled by his behavior, others seemed to dismiss it.

  “Well if he has his sights on her, it won’t be long until her uncle agrees to the match.”

  My heart ached for the Lady Charlotte. Obviously, she was being subjected to a fate she did not desire. He was a rude and uncouth man that did not deserve such a delicate creature.

  “Why would you say that, Richardson?”

  “Lord Tomline’s wealth of course. Lady Charlotte’s father, the Earl of Granston, died two years ago and the estate has fallen into disarray. His heir, Lady Charlotte’s brother, is only twelve years old, so he is of no help. The Marquess of Lissenton has stepped up to help with finances to help bring the estate to its former glory. However, it seems as if Lady Charlotte comes with no dowry.”

  Lord Richardson was direct and honest, but sometimes it was a trait that was hard to stomach. I did not want to hear about Lady Charlotte’s dire situation.

  “How are you privy to such intimate information? And, do you really think she would marry such a man?”

  “I know the Marquess of Lissenton well. He is Lady Charlotte’s maternal uncle, and he has expressed his eagerness for her to marry so she is no longer a burden to her mother.” Lord Richardson paused before he continued. “It seems as if Lord Tomline is her best option. Women will do what they need to, just like us.”

  “I suppose,” was my only response.

  “Why are you asking so many questions about Lady Charlotte? So many of the women there tonight will bring a fortune with them when married.”

  Not wishing to continue the discussion, I just smiled. Wealth didn’t matter. I had plenty of money. What mattered was the nature of the woman. Spending my life with someone I feel indifferent towards is the reason I avoided the London Season and other parties as much as possible. I wanted someone who awakened my senses and encouraged thought-provoking conversations. Rich and beautiful women were bountiful in my social circle, but not one of them had piqued my interest, until I met Lady Charlotte.

  “You are too picky. That is why you are not married yet and have no heirs.”

  I did not respond. Lord Richardson was married when he was twenty-six, and after nine years of matrimony, the boredom was apparent in his demeanor. With two sons, Lord Richardson had fulfilled his duties to his family at the expense of his happiness. His wife remained in the countryside while he stayed in London much of the time.

  “I just want to be happy. You know what they say about an unhappy wife, Richardson.”

  “Yes, but they say nothing about the happiness of the husband. Why do you think that is?” I had a feeling that he was talking more about himself than anything else. “I will tell you why Vaccos, because if we do not like our wives, we can always enjoy the company of mistresses.”

  His statement didn’t deserve a response. Everyone in London knew that Lord Richardson was not a faithful man. My standards were higher. Marriage is a union that depends upon honesty and faithfulness to succeed. Lord Richardson was unhappy, and it was largely due to his lifestyle choices.


  The pitch-black driveway to my London townhome welcomed me after dropping off Lord Richardson. The words of Lord Richardson continued to play in my ears, but my mind kept bringing me to thoughts of Lady Charlotte’s smile as she danced

  The house was dark, but I did not bother with a lantern. I knew I would be home late and told the butler and my valet that it was not necessary to wait up for me. Dodging a table and a settee, I found the staircase and made my way to my room.

  “My lord, do you need anything?”

  I stopped and searched for my valet in my dark room, with only the glow from the fire providing any light. I wished he had not stayed up and waited for me as I wanted to be alone.

  “No, thank you. You are dismissed.”

  I saw his figure nod in my direction as he walked out the door and closed it behind him. Lady Charlotte enveloped my thoughts, so I made a decision to call on her the next day.

  It did not take long after I had undressed and crawled into bed for her to leave my mind and join me in my dreams. Although the sentiment of loving someone immediately always seemed like complete rubbish, now I wondered. I do not know if it was love I was feeling, but the next day when I woke up I was thinking of her and I was apt to take it as a sign.

  The sun had just risen and I ate breakfast quickly as the carriage was prepared. Finding Lady Charlotte would not be difficult, or so I hoped. From Lord Richardson’s conversation, it seemed as if her family was well-known. The estate would be easy to find with a little inquiry.

  As assumed, it was not difficult to find the Granston estate. Upon arriving, I first noticed that the grounds were in an unruly state. What Lord Richardson had said about her family’s financial issues must have been true.

  Knocking on the door, I was surprised when a young boy answered, instead of a butler. “Well, hello, you must be Lord Granston. I am here to call on Lady Charlotte.”

  Instead of announcing my arrival, the young boy wanted to know who I was. He seemed protective.

  I did not want to reveal my name. “I am looking for Lady Charlotte. Is she your sister?”


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