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Murder Page 4

by Sandra R Neeley

“Have you?” Enthrall asked.

  “Most definitely,” the Dark One answered.

  Enthrall took in the desk and chair, the black slate walls with trickles of petroleum and sulfur running down them. “It is a bit much, don’t you think?” he asked.

  The Dark One looked down at his desk, then the room around him. “It is not my taste exactly, but it does a fine job of intimidation when needed.”

  Enthrall didn’t respond, just watched the Dark One for any indication of why he’d chosen him for this purpose.

  “Why do you haunt my dreams, Philistine?” Enthrall asked.

  “Philistine? I am not a Philistine. Some think me a Philistine, but it is simply a place I hold until it is desired by another. I personally, have never been a Philistine, though they worshiped me.”

  “Why?” Enthrall asked.

  “Why do I haunt your dreams? I do not haunt you. I simply speak with you there. And you know well what I want. I want Sanctuary,” the Dark One all but snarled.

  “How could I possibly grant you sanctuary in a place filled with beings expecting me to protect them all?”

  The Dark One surged forward from his reclined position. “Because I have come to see the err’ of my ways. I have lived in my own personal Hell day and night for so long I cannot remember who I was prior. I brought this on myself. I blame no other than me. But it is not what I anticipated. I have grown to see this over time. I want out!” the Dark One bellowed.

  “I am not the judge and jury to decide your fate here,” Enthrall answered.

  “Perhaps not, but you rule Whispers. I can hide away there. Live in the sunshine like the Angel you granted sanctuary to. I can have a life. Any life.” The Dark One looked around his office. “This is no life.”

  “Then why did you bargain for it?” Enthrall asked.

  “I knew not what I asked for.”

  Enthrall let his eyes fall on the desk of bones, the chair of the same. He regarded the male before him, listened to the cries and wails that could be heard faintly permeating from all areas of this godforsaken place.

  “I can’t take the chance.”

  “Then why are you here?” the Dark One screamed.

  “I believe all deserve a second chance…” Enthrall started.

  “Then give me one!” demanded the Dark One.

  “I see nothing to indicate you plan to use your second chance for change. There is torment still happening, there are minions carrying out your instructions to maim and torture. There is suffering all about us,” Enthrall said.

  The Dark One looked at Enthrall as though he was completely out of his mind. “It’s Hell!” he shouted. “Hell is not supposed to be a picnic on the hill! Without suffering, it’s not Hell!”

  “I know that. But you’ve made no move to change how you do things!”

  “Are you sure? Are you really sure? Think you that I was unaware of the ancient visiting his angel, or my traitorous guard pining after her gargoyle? I knew it all! I know all! Yet I allowed it,” the Dark One answered.

  “It’s not enough. I have too many depending on my judgment of what is safest for them,” Enthrall answered, trying to really look at the Dark One and get a feel for his soul beneath.

  The Dark One flicked his fingers in the air, much like Lore did when he spoke absentmindedly. “I have no soul to see, vampire,” he said offhandedly, the thoughts in Enthrall’s mind clearly jumping to the forefront of the Dark One’s mind. “And what do you expect of me? I am locked away down here, and I have a job to do. I do it well, or I trade places with the next strongest of those under me. I have to maintain control at all times. You do not realize my control is what keeps all of you blindly living your happy little lives in balance, going obliviously about your mundane days!” the Dark One said, his face a feral sneer.

  Enthrall watched the Dark One, gravitating back and forth from I want out of here, and look how powerful I am and appreciate all I do for you. He could easily see that either side of the Dark One was justified. He just didn’t know which was the real one, and which was the side the Dark One wanted him to see.

  “I can’t pardon you. I can’t free you from this place, it is not within my power to do so,” Enthrall finally said.

  The Dark One stood from his desk and stalked around to where Enthrall had come to a stop just inside his doorway. “I deserve another chance. I am asking nicely. I. Want. Out.”

  Before Enthrall could answer, there was a commotion outside and a purple and silver mist began pouring into the room.


  “Hold her tightly,” Lore demanded, his hand gripping Murder securely, as he listened to a hundred pairs of boots pounding the ground just around the corner from them, bearing down on them.

  “I… wait!” Phrygia cried.

  “There is no wait! The decision has been made!” Murder growled. “You are mine!”

  “But what if…” Phrygia started, having had more centuries than not believing that her presence in Hell kept the world above in balance.

  “There is no what if! I have a mate! I have family. I love them all. If I believed that you joining the living world would throw us all into chaos, would I still be here? I’m Lore, woman! I am at my core selfish!” Lore shouted.

  Murder held her tight, as Lore moved them toward the energy he identified as Enthrall. “Close your eyes, Phrygia. You will not want to remember most of what you see,” Murder told her.

  Phrygia closed her eyes and pressed her face to Murder’s chest as she felt the ground fall away beneath her boots.

  Murder looked to Lore. “Enthrall,” he said.

  “We are on his trail now,” Lore answered.

  Moments later as Lore’s mists began to dissipate, Murder opened his eyes to find himself still holding Phrygia, and Lore’s grip on his own arm still iron tight, standing in the Dark One’s private office.

  “Truly?” Murder asked, irritation in his voice.

  Enthrall turned at the commotion their arrival had created, and Lore reached out, grabbing him with his free hand before again gathering his mists as they started to dissipate and whisking them all away from Hell as quickly and efficiently as he could.

  “Nooooo!” the Dark One bellowed. “Freee Mee!” he demanded on a scream.

  As the males and Phrygia disappeared before his eyes, the Dark One watched the remaining swirls, heavy with purple and silver churning where they’d just been standing — and he made a split second decision. He took a running leap and launched his body, throwing himself into the mists as they slowly faded, taking him with them.

  Chapter 5

  It had been days since Lore, Murder, and Enthrall had left Carnage’s home in search of Murder’s mate. It was early afternoon, and Carolena had just finished her lessons for the day with the children of Whispers. Most of the children of the community attended classes, but not all came every day. Some were needed by their families to help out around their homes, and those days they didn’t make it. But, that was okay, because Carolena knew they’d be back as soon as their chores were done.

  Some of the children, those Carolena was closest to, had stayed after and were playing with Boon and Lily, and sharing a snack. Anton, Shane, Deaumanique, Seth and Serena all sat on the deck with Lily and Boon snacking on orange slices, child sized sandwiches, and cookies, while relaxing after a day of lessons. Carolena smiled to herself as she enjoyed the happy children’s voices. But, then suddenly there were shouts and screams, followed by Lore soundly cursing Enthrall, and Carolena’s smile was immediately replaced by a scowl.

  “Do not ever fucking leave my side when we are in another realm! You were moments from being left behind, and where do I finally locate you? In the Dark One’s presence!”

  “I had a reason for being there! Had you listened to anything I tried to tell you before we left, you’d have known that!” Enthrall shouted back.

  “He is not without his own powers, Enthrall! He could have trapped us all there had he decided to!”
  “Well, he didn’t!” Enthrall shot back.

  “The both of you need to stop!” Murder demanded.

  Carolena ran back onto the deck with a pitcher of lemonade she’d gone to fetch in hand when she’d heard the screams and shouting.

  Shane came to her and took the pitcher from her before going back to the other children and trying to keep them calm and quiet while whatever unfolded, unfolded.

  “You’re a fucking fool! You cannot save everyone, Enthrall! Your little stunt almost got all four of us killed!”

  “No one was almost killed, and you better watch the way you speak to me,” Enthrall yelled back.

  “Could have been!” Lore answered, his voice an octave lower, his adrenalin surge beginning to taper off. “You were wrong, Enthrall! You know it.”

  “I was not wrong. I had to see for myself. And I did,” Enthrall answered, his voice a bit calmer as well, as his anger subsided.

  “You’re still a fool!” Lore snapped, his ire rising again.

  “Enthrall! It is done. We are all back safely!” Murder said, a hard edge to his voice.

  “That’s quite enough!” Carolena shouted, her own voice rising. “There are children here. You can finish this elsewhere!”

  Lore and Enthrall looked around for the first time, realizing they had an audience. In addition to the children, Evangeline had ventured out to see what all the yelling was about.

  “Come, Evangeline, I am done here,” Lore told her.

  Evangeline went to Lore at once and stood beside him, her arms around his waist.

  Lore reached behind himself and placed a hand on Murder’s shoulder. He patted the male since he was still holding Phrygia to him in a vice-grip like hold, showing no sign of letting her go anytime soon. “May your female bring you as much happiness as mine has brought me,” Lore told Murder sincerely. He looked at Phrygia. “I am profoundly sorry for any offense I may have committed against you. I pray you find peace and love.” Then hugged Evangeline close to him as he swung his attentions to Carolena. “My most sincere apologies, Carolena. Please tell Lily we shall visit another day,” he said as his mists began to gather, so irritated with Enthrall he didn’t even notice Lily sitting right there on the deck.

  Enthrall just stood there, shaking his head. His eyes took in Murder standing there with his mate, watching him in turn, waiting to see what would happen next. Then he turned and met Carolena’s disapproving glare, before noticing Shane standing with the other children at the far end of the deck. When his attention returned to Carolena, she raised her eyebrows in question.

  Enthrall blew out a frustrated breath and offered a weak smile. “I didn’t say one single bad word.”

  “You didn’t need to. The entire tone of the conversation should have been either adjusted or held elsewhere,” Carolena answered.

  Enthrall pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes as he did whenever he was stressed. “I know that, Carolena. But not all of life is pretty and planned and balanced. Things happen, and unfortunately, people react.”

  He stopped rubbing his eyes and looked at Carolena. “I’m sorry it happened at your home, though. I’ll make every effort to be more respectful in the future.”

  Carolena regarded him for a moment, then really caught him off guard. “Why did you need to see the Dark One for yourself. And is the Dark One, who I think he is?”

  Enthrall didn’t answer right away. He was tired, frustrated and ready to go home. He had no tact left at the moment, so he told her the truth.

  “He is more or less who you think he is. Though not exactly.”

  “What does that mean? Is he Satan or not?” Carolena asked.

  “Yes and no. He bargained to be lord of his own realm with the last Dark One. And this is what he got.”

  “Why did you have to see him? Why would you take a chance that Lore thinks is as dangerous as he does?”

  Enthrall sighed. “Because he’s been visiting my dreams, begging for sanctuary. I had to see for myself if it was sincere or not.”

  “Based on a dream?” Carolena asked, raising her voice.

  “Not exactly. I’ve encountered him before. I was, and am, acquainted with him. He appeals to me for sanctuary from time to time. Then he goes silent for a while as he battles for supremacy against whichever demon or condemned soul sought to take his place when they sense his dissatisfaction, then once settled, he’s content for a while. Eventually he gets bored, and begins to seek a way out again.”

  “Then why did you go?” Carolena asked.

  “Mainly to support Murder. But also, because he won’t stop haunting my dreams. I can’t sleep peacefully anymore. I needed to see if he’s actually ready for his next chance, or if I should just ignore him.”

  “Why does he come to you?” Carolena asked.

  Enthrall held his hands out smiling. “Because I have Whispers, and he knows me — or knew me.”

  Carolena’s eyes grew wide. “And he wants to come here.”

  Enthrall nodded.

  “You can’t allow him to come here, Enthrall. Too many families depend on you. Your own included!” Carolena said.

  “I know. I know that. But I still feel bad. What if it were me who’d made a bargain, not understanding all it would entail and ended up trapped there? I’d want a second chance. What if he’s finally ready?” Enthrall said, his empathetic side clearly at war with his protective side.

  “What did you tell him?” Carolena asked.

  “I told him I’m not the judge and jury that can offer him a pardon. That has to come from somewhere else, but that his actions didn’t to me indicate a male that had been reformed and wanted a different way of life.”

  “Will you let me go?” Phrygia asked, struggling slightly against Murder’s hold.

  “No. I will not,” Murder replied, still holding her against him despite her squirming to get free, while he listened to Enthrall tell about the Dark One seeking asylum in Whispers.

  Just when Murder was about to ask Enthrall what safeguards he thought he could possibly put in place to guard against a male like the Dark One if he did grant him sanctuary, a female voice called up from ground level. “Carolena? May I come up?”

  “Of course, Aubreigne. Come right up,” Carolena called back.

  Carolena returned her attention to Enthrall. “I feel as you do about second chances. People change, people learn and grow, but I think you made the right choice in this circumstance. You can’t risk everything for one who can’t even give proof that he’s trying to change.”

  Aubreigne came into sight then, a soft smile on her face.

  “Mama!” Deaumanique cried out happily, running to her mother for a hug.

  “I missed you,” Aubreigne said, hugging the girl warmly. “Did you have a good lesson?”

  “I did. And Shane gave me some of his orange slices, so I had extra,” Deaumanique said, peeking back at Shane through her lashes.

  “That was very kind of him,” Aubreigne said, smiling at the boy. Then she turned her attention to Murder, who was holding a female to him, and Enthrall and Carolena. “Hello, Enthrall. Carolena.”

  “Very good to see you, Aubreigne,” Enthrall answered.

  “Hello, Aubreigne,” Carolena said, watching the love between the mother and daughter with a smile on her face.

  “Murder. It’s good to see you. I trust you are well?” Aubreigne said with an amused look on her face.

  “Hello, sweet Aubreigne. Yes, I am very well,” Murder answered, smiling at his dear friend.

  “Sweet Aubreigne?” Phrygia said, her voice muffled against Murder’s chest. She couldn’t help it. The fact that they were drawn to each other, despite the fact that she was actively lobbying against being here, made her jealous of another female’s relationship with him. Despite the fact that when in Hell the thought didn’t bother her at all. Since she’d seen him again, and been around him again, it made her jealous. Especially when Murder addressed this female as sweet.

bsp; “Yes. She is my friend, and she is very sweet. Too sweet, many males think to take advantage of her,” Murder explained.

  “Will you let me go?!” Phrygia asked, pinching Murder’s nipple.

  Murder yelped and released Phrygia, as he held one hand protectively over his accosted nipple.

  Phrygia turned around, so she could see the people around her. Her eyes took in a lovely female, with a long, silky, black curtain of hair. The woman watched both Murder and herself with a jovial sparkle in her eye. There was also another woman, apparently this one was Carolena, and a very handsome, though somewhat flustered male. She thought he was the same one that had traveled with them, but she’d kept her eyes closed so she wasn’t completely sure.

  “Hello,” Phrygia said, unnerved by how beautiful the first woman was.

  “Hello,” Aubreigne answered. “I’m very pleased to meet you…” Aubreigne stopped speaking, waiting for either Murder or the woman to introduce herself.

  “Aubreigne, Carolena, Enthrall, may I introduce Phrygia — my mate,” Murder said proudly.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you, Phrygia. I hope that we can be fast friends. Murder is a dear friend of mine and I’ve hoped for a mate for him for a long time,” Aubreigne said sincerely.

  Phrygia watched Aubreigne’s eyes as she spoke and detected nothing but sincerity there. “I hope so, too. I’m happy to meet you as well.”

  “Well, I suppose we’ll be on our way. Are you ready?” Aubreigne asked, speaking to Deaumanique.

  “Yes,” Deaumanique answered.

  Aubreigne, still hugging her daughter looked over at Carolena. “Thank you so much for allowing her to come. She really enjoys the lessons you teach.”

  “I’d miss her if she wasn’t here, Aubreigne. Thank you for allowing her to attend.”

  “You’re welcome. I don’t think I could stop her if I’d wanted to,” she said, smiling. “We’ll be going now, though, I have to get home in time to make dinner and bring the laundry in from the line before it gets dark,” Aubreigne explained.

  “Bye, Mrs. Carolena!” Deaumanique called as she walked toward the stairs her mother led her to.


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