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Page 20

by Sandra R Neeley

  Ignoring his questions, she asked the obvious. “How did I get here?”

  “I brought you here. Lore and I went to find you. Lily tried but she couldn’t feel you anymore. But I could. Your heart led me to you. And here we are.”

  “In your bed I’m assuming,” Luci said, her voice still a little weak.

  “Yes. Well, no. It’s our bed,” Murder clarified.

  “Ours?” Luci asked.

  “Yes. Everything I have is ours now,” Murder promised.

  “What about Phrygia?” she asked, almost as though she was afraid to hear the answer.

  “Phrygia is with her mate. As I was discovering that you are mine, she was discovering that Gaston is hers. She’s there, where she belongs.”

  Lucitari shifted a little, trying to raise herself from her prone position.

  “Here, let me help you,” Murder said, getting out of bed and hurrying around to her side to fluff her pillows and help her get situated.

  “Thank you,” Luci said.

  “Are you hungry? Want the bathroom? Anything at all, just let me know and I’ll do it,” Murder promised.

  “Thank you, Murder. I’d like to go home, now, please.”

  Murder froze in the process of tucking the covers in around her waist. “You are home.”

  “No, I’m in your home.”

  “I told you, Lucitari. It’s ours.”

  Lucitari didn’t answer, she just looked at Murder, trying to determine what she should do. She didn’t want to be here because his first choice had chosen another. Finally she chose the obvious. “You said you’d do anything I wanted,” she said calmly.

  “Except that,” Murder answered.

  “You promised.”

  “I lied.”

  Luci sat in Murder’s bed, with him watching her, refusing to take her home. “I don’t want to be second choice,” she finally admitted.

  “You’re not. You never were. And you can’t hold the fact that I thought Phrygia was mine against me. You put the very piece of you inside her that was meant to connect with me. I felt that part of you. I saw your eyes reflected in hers. I was drawn to you, only you, from day one. You kept yourself away from me so well, that I had no chance to consider you personally, other than knowing that being around you sent me into confusion and questioning all I thought I knew. You were in two places, Luci. Two women and I was drawn to both. One was you, the other was a piece of you. You can’t blame me for that.”

  Lucitari allowed Murder to speak, to get it all out. And he was right. But she was afraid now that she was faced with the very thing she’d avoided for most of her life. “You were so angry at the party,” she finally said.

  “Yes, I was. I’d just that moment figured it all out. And you behaved as though it didn’t matter all. As though you were just fine without me. And it hurt. I thought that perhaps it was because I’m who I am, and you were ashamed.”

  “Ashamed?” she asked, shocked.

  “Yes. I’m a gargoyle, a warrior, a protector. You… you’re an ancient. Why would you want to admit that you belong to me?” Murder said. “Then I got even angrier when I realized that Lore most likely knew and hid it from me for who knew how long. I felt betrayed by both of you,” he admitted.

  “He didn’t know,” Lucitari said. “Terrus knew, but only recently. I didn’t mislead you intentionally. I did it to save a girl who’d have perished horribly otherwise.”

  Murder nodded. “I know. And because you never wanted a mate, so giving that part of you away didn’t matter all that much to you.”

  “It’s not that I didn’t want one. I was afraid to have one. The way Acaelo manipulated Lore and Evangeline… he even used Danae against Lore. I just thought that if it was only me, no one but me would get hurt.”

  “I can understand that. But Acaelo isn’t alive any longer. He can’t hurt you or anyone else. And even if he was, I’m not Evangeline or Danae — Lily. I’m just me, Luci. And I love you. I need you beside me. You make me stronger, but at the same time make me weaker than I’ve been. And I wouldn’t change any of it. Everything happens for a reason, and this is our reason. Don’t walk away. Please, don’t do it.”

  “Murder, think about this. If we do this, it’s a huge change in both our lives. Something I certainly never planned on,” Luci said, still holding her fear close.

  “Are you ashamed of me?” Murder asked point blank.

  “No! Not at all. You are strong, fierce, honorable, thoughtful, loyal, and the most perfect specimen of male I’ve ever seen. You’re kind and you’re resourceful. You are perfect, Murder.”

  “Good. Because, the thing is… even if you won’t have me, you’re stuck. I’m not going anywhere. And if you leave, I’ll follow. I’ll irritate Lore so badly that he takes me everywhere you go just to make me shut up. I’m yours, Luci.” He leaned over and looked her right in the eye. “Yours,” he said, raising his brows to emphasize his words.

  “I could just mist away, you know,” Luci said softly, dropping her gaze from his.

  “You could. And I’ll call for Lore. I’ll follow. Forever.”

  Luci looked up at Murder, still leaning down to look her in the eye. She decided to be honest. She took a deep breath, then let it out. “I’m afraid,” she said, crossing her hands in her lap on top of the blankets.

  Murder sat down on the bed beside her. “So am I. But we can be afraid together.”

  Luci looked up at him again. “Are you sure?”

  “Never been more sure. Are you sure that I’m your one?” he asked.

  “I’ve known it for so long it seems like I’ve always known,” she answered.

  “Then here we are,” Murder said, taking her hands in his.

  Lucitari looked at him for only a moment before squeezing his. “Okay. Yes. Here we are.”

  “Let me feed you,” he said, lifting her hand to his mouth to kiss. “You’ve been asleep for so long.”

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  “And if you ever do that again, run from me, and hide yourself away in a place you just almost became a permanent part of, I will find you. I will bring you home, and I will make you hear of it every day forever,” Murder threatened.

  “That makes me feel well loved,” Lucitari snarked as Murder threw back the covers to take her in his arms.

  “You are well loved. That’s why I’d track you down and punish you for leaving me.”

  “I’m still afraid,” she confided, placing her head on his strong shoulder as he carried her to the kitchen, making a stop by the bathroom for her when she whispered, ‘bathroom’ to him when he moved past it.

  Once she was back in his arms, he kissed her forehead. “So am I. But I know one thing like I’ve never known any other. You’re mine, and I’m yours. So we move through this however it feels right to us. No rush. Alright?”

  Lucitari nodded. “Alright.”

  As he entered the living room, then the kitchen and placed her in a chair so he could prepare her something to eat she smiled.

  As he prepared her food, he looked over at her. “What are you smiling at?” he asked.

  “I could have walked, you know,” she said. “I’m a little shaky from being away for so long, but I could have made it.”

  “But you didn’t have to. Because now you have me,” Murder said, cracking eggs into a skillet to make her breakfast.

  Luci teared up at his response. That in its simplicity was the basis of a mate. No matter what you did, or could or couldn’t do, it was much easier, because now there were two of you. You’d never be alone again. “Okay,” she said simply, trying to hide her tears.

  “I love you, too, Luci. We’ll be just fine,” he promised.

  Chapter 23

  A week later and life had pretty much returned to normal in Whispers. Murder and Lucitari were taking their time, getting to know one another, not rushing anything about their relationship. She spent every night in his arms, though they’d yet to make love and finalize their mating.

  The Dark One had not been seen, nor heard from, and it was assumed by most that Lore and Terrus had sent him back to Hell.

  Phrygia and Gaston had completed their mating, and they spent every waking moment together. She even went out with him to fish and shrimp from his pirogue. But this day, they were home when Murder and Lucitari arrived to see them.

  Murder landed on the pier that led to Gaston and Phrygia’s home, with Lucitari misting into place beside him. His hands grasped a large box, so large it was hard to see around it. He let out a sharp whistle, calling for any who may be near. The front door opened and Gaston walked out onto his deck.

  “Murder,” he called. “Ma’am,” he said to Lucitari.

  “Gaston. I trust you are well,” Murder said.

  “Vereh. What can I do for ya’ll?” Gaston asked.

  “We’ve brought a mating gift. Phrygia loved mine, and I didn’t know if you had one, but I thought, if you do, what’s one more? So, here. Happy mating,” Murder said, stepping off the pier onto Gaston’s deck, and setting the box down beside Gaston’s feet.

  “What is ‘dat?” Gaston asked, looking at the box, then up at Murder and Lucitari.

  “It’s a gift.”

  “Phrygia! Love, come see what Murder brought!” he shouted into the house through the open door behind himself.

  They could hear the soft footsteps as Phrygia answered Gaston’s call. Murder couldn’t help but smile when he finally got a glimpse of her. There was no trace of the frightened, traumatized woman he’d found in Hell. She was glowing, happy, and absolutely carefree.

  “Hello, Murder, Lucitari,” Phrygia said.

  “Hello, Phrygia,” Lucitari answered.

  “What is it?” Phrygia asked, running her hands over the box before smiling up at Murder.

  “A gift. To say happy mating, and we wish you both the best,” Murder replied.

  “It was Murder’s idea. He said you’d love it,” Lucitari explained, giving Murder all the credit.

  “Open it!” Phrygia said excitedly to Gaston.

  Gaston pulled a knife from his pocket and starting sliding it beneath the edges of the box covering the gift inside. Once he got it cut away sufficiently, the box fell to the side and Phrygia squealed.

  “It’s an Icebox!” she said, clapping her hands.

  “You loved mine, so, I thought you’d like your own,” Murder explained.

  “I do, I do, I do!”

  “I’ll go get my moneh, we can go tah town and get a hunk o’ice for it,” Gaston said. He walked over and shook Murder’s hand. “Tank ya, Murder. I ‘preciate it. It’s a vereh nice gift.”

  “You’re welcome,” Murder answered sincerely.

  When Gaston went back inside, Phrygia hugged Murder. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Not just for the gift, but for everything. I’d still be there if not for you.”

  Murder smiled. “No. I’d have come for you regardless. You didn’t belong there no matter who you belonged to.” Murder hugged her back for a moment, then let her go.

  “And thank you,” she said to Lucitari. “If not for you, I’d have never survived. Carolena explained to me what happened. What you sacrificed for me to live.”

  “There’s no thank you needed, Phrygia. You’re here with us, and that is thanks enough,” Lucitari answered, smiling at the girl.

  “I’m so happy for you both. You both deserve to be so happy and I’m glad it all worked out. I’m happy for all of us! I’m just happy!” Phrygia said grinning.

  “Alright, I’m readeh,” Gaston said, coming back out carrying a sack over his shoulder. “Here ya’ll are. Some shrimp for ya’ll dinner.”

  “Thank you!” Murder said, taking the shrimp from Gaston.

  “Got plenty all ‘da time. Jist let me know when ya’ll wanting some, yeah.”

  “We will, thank you,” Murder said again.

  Gaston reached out, linking his fingers with Phrygia. “We gonna be on our way, ‘den. Gonna take ‘da boat, okeh?” he asked Phrygia.

  “That’s fine,” she answered, grinning like a loon when Gaston leaned over and kissed her.

  “We’ll have room for the hunk o’ ice ‘cause Anton is taking his lessons at Mrs. Carolena’s.”

  “We’ll bring him a treat,” Phrygia answered.

  “Yeah, and treats for Mrs. Carolena’s little ones, too.”

  “Enjoy, Phrygia. And congratulations again,” Murder said.


  Murder sat on his back porch, leaning back, slouching in his chair while he watched the stars twinkling overhead. They’d had dinner earlier and now Lucitari was getting cleaned up inside. He wondered how many worlds existed on those stars and looked back at them when the skies were dark in their own worlds. He thought about his time with Lucitari so far. As strong and capable as she was, she was very innocent, and very inexperienced. She had no experience with males of any type except her brothers, and even those relationships were limited in their trust.

  He should have known. The strongest people were often the hardest to earn trust from. They stood strong against any threat, against adversity, against the world if necessary. And they stood strong because they never, ever left themselves open to any type of emotion. They kept themselves apart in order to remain strong, to be the person others perceived them to be. She couldn’t just come to him as any other female would. He’d had to earn her trust. It’d been a learning experience for them both.

  Murder closed his eyes and thought of Lucitari. She was stunningly beautiful. And she was strong — practically a goddess. But she was kind, too. And thoughtful. And gentle when she played with Lily and Boon. She was all he ever wanted in a female, and he’d wait as long as it took for her to be ready.

  He opened his eyes and gazed up at the stars again. His brow creased and he lifted his head from where it rested on the back of his chair. He smiled. Murder sat up and opened his eyes wide. He laughed out loud, and the smile was pretty much permanently in place on his face. He got to his feet walking a few steps away from his chair, still looking up at the sky. The blue tinged midnight sky.

  He heard a pebble skitter across the slate paving stones of his back porch and turned at the sound. “I didn’t realize how much I missed the blue until I just saw it overhead.”

  “I didn’t think to replace it until I saw you out here stargazing.”

  “I love you, Luci,” he whispered, watching her perfect face with all the love he felt for her showing in his eyes.

  “I love you, Murder,” she said quietly.

  Murder watched as different emotions moved across her beloved features.

  Lucitari smiled uneasily. “This won’t be easy for me.”

  Murder took two steps toward her. “What won’t?” he asked.

  “This, us. Making it official,” she answered.

  His smile dropped. She was talking about finalizing their mating. About giving herself to him, and finally claiming him as hers. “I’ll go as slow as you wish,” he promised.

  “What if you change your mind?” she asked.

  “What if you change yours?” he asked.

  “It’s impossible. You are part of me just as my hand, or my heart is part of me,” Lucitari said.

  “As it is with me. You are part of me, Luci. You are my heart. You make me whole. I will not ever change my mind. My mind even is yours.”

  Lucitari’s lower lip trembled slightly, but finally she nodded. “I don’t want to wait any longer. I want to jump in with both feet because if I wait, I’m afraid I’ll pick everything apart and question everything…”

  Lucitari wasn’t able to finish her sentence because Murder had advanced on her, taking her in his arms and covering her lips with his. He tasted her lips for the first time, moaning at the sweetness of them.

  As her hands came up to hold his head to her, the rumble in his chest let her know how much he loved her touch. He slid his tongue across hers and Lucita
ri sucked her breath in, dropping one hand from his head to wrap around his waist and pull him closer to her.

  Slowly he started walking backward, keeping the length of her body pressed against his. His kissed her lips, slowly, seductively. When he pulled away to look down and be sure that he’d be laying her in the soft grass instead of the slate paving stones, she whimpered at his loss.

  Murder smiled at her and stroked a thumb down her face. “I have waited all my life for you and never even knew I was waiting,” he whispered, kissing her throat on the last of his words.

  Murder took her in his arms and slowly lowered them both to the soft, cool grass. “If you approve, I want to claim you right here, in the grasses of our home, with the stars of the ancients twinkling above us, smiling down on us as we fulfill our fate. As we make the most sacred promise that two mates can.”

  Lucitari was completely laid out on the grass, with Murder lying beside her, holding the upper half of his body above hers on strong, smooth, sexy arms. She ran her hands over his biceps, then her fingertips up over his shoulders and her thumbs across his cheekbones as she stared into his eyes. Lucitari licked her lips as she waited for Murder — her Murder — her mate, to kiss her again.

  Murder smiled, his teeth and fangs bright white in the moonlight against his dark skin. “This is the part where you tell me yes or no, my Luci,” he whispered as he looked down into her face.

  Lucitari looked surprised. She smiled widely. “I can still say no?” she asked.

  Murder raised his eyebrows. “You can. I will chase you to the ends of the Earth and back. I will hound you every moment of every day until you finally give in and gift me with your heart, if you do. But it is your right to say no, if that is what you want.”

  Lucitari smiled, peeking up at Murder through her lashes. “Don’t you know the reason I’ve hesitated for so long?” she asked.

  Murder nodded. “You were afraid. You thought…” he stopped not wanting to say too much since she was on the verge of giving herself to him.

  Lucitari nodded. “I was afraid because I knew you the moment I saw you. And you didn’t see me at all. No male has held that power over me. But without any effort at all you did.”


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