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Page 22

by Sandra R Neeley

  “What’s so unusual is that it’s not constant. It’ll happen for a little while, then it stops for even longer, before it eventually starts up again,” Carolena said.

  “I think he was planning to spend the day with Felicity, Shane and Zeke in town. Have a nice day, have a meal at the cafe and just nose around, see if he can pick up any local gossip about new people in or around town,” Murder explained.

  “Hope he can find out who it is so that we can make sure they stop venturing so close to our homes,” Carolena answered.

  “Momma?” Lily asked, walking up to the small group. “Can I go take these flowers to the Dragon Tree? Uncle Lore said he’d go with me.”

  “Are you misting there?” Carolena asked, watching Lore talking to Evangeline across the way, most likely asking the same thing Lily was.

  “No, ma’am. It’s a pretty day. I thought we’d walk.”

  Carolena looked at Carnage who nodded.

  “Okay. Just don’t wander away from Uncle Lore. If you take too long we may already be at home, so just have Uncle Lore bring you there if the sun’s going down,” Carolena instructed.

  “I won’t allow her out of my sight, Carolena,” Lore promised walking over to them. “Evangeline will go home with Rowan if we take too long. Lily needs to visit her favorite tree, I think,” he said putting his arm around Lily.

  Carolena nodded. Lily had been out of sorts lately, quiet and becoming more and more withdrawn. She’d taken to writing down all her thoughts in a journal that she kept with her at all times.

  “I think you’re right. That always makes her smile again,” Carolena said.

  Lore met Carolena’s eyes and winked at her, letting her know he’d make sure Lily was okay.

  Lily leaned over to kiss her mother’s cheek and hug her Papa. “I’ll see you a little later,” she promised.

  Carnage watched his daughter as she walked away from the gathering with Lore walking at her side. She was becoming a beautiful young lady. Her silver hair glistened in the sun, and her eyes sparkled when she spoke. She was growing tall and while she was still only eleven years old, there were hints of the woman she’d one day become. She’d been sad lately and it broke his heart not to be able to make her happy again. They’d tried everything they could and she just seemed to feel lost.

  “She’ll be fine,” Carolena said, patting Carnage’s arm. “She’s beginning to outgrow the little girl stage. She’s just a little moody.”

  Carnage nodded and watched as she disappeared beyond the corner of Murder’s home.

  “Maybe she’s developed a crush on a boy,” Murder said to get back at Carnage for always irritating him to make blue mists waft from his nostrils.

  “Nooooo, boy!” Carnage snarled. “Nooooo!”

  Murder chuckled. “Could be! There seem to be more inhabitants showing up in Whispers every day. Could be one of them caught her eye,” Murder teased.

  Carolena shook her head. “Oh my goodness, let’s hope not! First, she’s only eleven. Second, they’d probably not live to make it back to their homes if they came calling,” she said, watching Carnage jump to his feet.

  “Boon! Staaay Momma,” Carnage ordered, before kissing the top of Carolena’s head and stomping off to follow Lore and Lily.


  Aubreigne sat at her kitchen table, sipping from a cup of tea as the sun went down. She and Deaumanique had spent the day canning all the vegetables they’d been gathering from their garden. She’d also managed to smoke and dry some of the meat they’d been finding on their doorstep. Aubreigne had made a stew out of a good bit of it, but they’d dried the rest for later.

  Deaumanique had already had her bath and was in her room reading a book that Enthrall had lent her for a book report that Carolena had asked for.

  Aubreigne spread the sketches out on the table to try to make sense of them one more time. She’d been getting a few at a time, then there’d be a period of months that she’d not get any. Just when she’d forgotten about them, they start to show up again. Sometimes they’d be left outside her home on her front step, other times they’d be on her bedside table or beside her teacup.

  She wasn’t sure if she should be worried or not. The thing that disturbed her the most were the ones she’d torn up and thrown away. They were here, and reassembled. They’d been pasted onto another sheet of paper, and had been left beside her teacup. Apparently, whoever was leaving them for her wanted her to have them even though she’d torn them up and thrown them away.

  She looked down at the rest of the sketches. One was of the same male, clawing at his face, his mouth opened in anguish. Another was of herself and Deaumanique, the male this time was faced away from them as he stood guard — making sure they were safe. Yet another was of the same male, with another almost identical male beside him, and there were flames all around.

  She didn’t know what they meant, but she’d about decided they all had one thing in common. They were meant to give her a message. She just wasn't sure what the message was.

  Aubreigne gathered up the sketches and folded them into one packet, then she placed them in the kitchen drawer beneath her hand towels. She was tired, it had been a long day.

  Aubreigne went to Deaumanique’s door and knocked softly. “Good night, Deaumanique. I’m going to have a bath then go to bed. Sleep well,” she called.

  “Okay, Mama. Good night,” Deaumanique answered.

  Her daughter was sixteen years old and had grown quite fond of Shane, Enthrall’s son. Shane was on Deaumanique’s mind much of the time. He’d gone into town with his family today, so she had no doubt that he’d be here tomorrow with a small gift or trinket for Deaumanique. He was a good, kind, young man. And if things continued as they had been, perhaps they’d actually be married one day. She certainly hoped so, because then she knew Deaumanique would have a very happy, very safe life as the wife of Shane Larocque.

  As she heated the water for her bath, she smiled to herself. It was one of pride, knowing she’d done well with Deaumanique. She was a good mother to Deaumanique, and always tried to exude the best image for Deaumanique to follow as she grew into womanhood. But just as quickly as it curved her lips, it faded. She was so unsure of her own tomorrows, so unsure of what the rest of her life would be like. She was lonely. And would only get lonelier as Deaumanique ventured out and made her own life.

  And she was still on edge from when the Dark One was here. She knew Enthrall said he’d been banished — sent back to hell, but she wasn’t so sure. She turned to take off her dress and hang it on the hook beside the door. Aubreigne walked over to the small shelf she kept her hairbrush on and frowned. She knew full well she’d left her brush there, yet it was gone. She shook her head to clear it of the thoughts that seemed to plague her so often of late. She lost things all the time. Things she knew she’d placed in a certain spot. Yet, when she went back they were gone.

  She chewed her lip as she walked over to the tub, stepping in and slipping her body under the warm water. She was worried. She knew without a doubt something was coming. Something was just biding its time. And in the meantime, it was playing a game with her — leaving her gifts, sketches, and taking her own personal items, like her hairbrush, in exchange. She laid her head back on the edge of the tub. She sighed, trying to let go of the tension she now lived with daily.

  There was nothing to be done but be grateful for today, and wait to see what tomorrow would bring.

  From The Author

  Thank you for purchasing this book. I hope that my stories make you smile and give you a small escape from the daily same ole/same ole. I write for me, simply for the joy of it, but if someone else also smiles as a result, even better. Your support is greatly appreciated. If you liked this story, please remember to leave a review wherever you bought it, so that more people can find my books. Each review is important, no matter how short or long it may be.

  See you in the pages of the next one!

  Sandra R Neeley
  Other books by this author:

  Avaleigh’s Boys series

  I’m Not A Dragon’s Mate!, Book 1

  Bane’s Heart, Book 2

  Kaid’s Queen, Book 3

  Maverik’s Ashes, Book 4

  Bam’s Ever, Book 5

  Vince’s Place, Book 6

  Whispers From the Bayou series

  Carnage, Book 1

  Destroy, Book 2

  Enthrall, Book 3

  Lore, Book 4

  Haven series

  Haven 1: Ascend

  Haven 2: Redemption

  Riley’s Pride

  Riley’s Pride, Book 1

  Standalone Novels


  Short Stories


  Only Fools Walk Free (available June 2020)

  About the Author

  My name is Sandra R Neeley. I write Paranormal, SciFi, and Fantasy Romances. Why, you may ask? Because who doesn't love a good romance, and the lack of reality in the story lines — because, well, normal is highly overrated, so Paranormal it is. I’m 56, I have two kids, one 33 and one 13(yes, God does have a sense of humor), one grandchild, one husband and a menagerie of animals. I love to cook, and was a voracious reader. Since I started writing, I don’t get as much time to read as I once did. I’m a homebody and prefer my writing/reading time to a crowd. I have had stories and fictional characters wandering around in my head for as long as I can remember. I’m a self-published author and I like it that way because I can decide what and when to write. I tend to follow my muse — the louder the voice, the greater the chance that voice’s story is next.

  I am by no means a formal, polished, properly structured individual and neither are my stories. But people seem to love the easy emotion and passion that flow from them. A bit of a warning though, there are some “triggers” in them that certain people should avoid. I’m a firm believer that you cannot have light without the dark. You cannot fully embrace the joy and elation that my people eventually find if you do not bear witness to their darkest hours as well. So please read the warnings supplied with each of the synopsis about my books before you buy them. I’ve got four series published at this time, Avaleigh’s Boys - PNR, Whispers From the Bayou - Fantasy PNR, Haven - SciFi Romance, and Riley’s Pride - PNR, a couple of standalone novels, several short stories, and much, much more to come. I’m always glad to hear from my readers, so feel free to look me up and say hello.

  You can find me at any of these places:

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