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Favorite Coffee, Favorite Sin (The Marshall Family Saga Book 3)

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by Victoria Pinder

  "I push..." He placed his hands on hers and she melted as he caressed her body. "Chris clearly treated you wrong."

  Chris had never massaged her skin as a warm-up. Michael was exactly what she needed. Good. Tomorrow she’d convince herself she could forget her fantasy. She kissed his neck, and the saltiness mixed with cedar and adrenaline was heady. "Yes, you saw what happened today."

  He turned her toward the bed. She lowered herself onto the mattress but tugged Michael's blue pants. He dropped them and rest of their clothes on the ground. Then he joined her on the bed as he rolled off her underwear and his fingers massaged her apex.

  As he explored, her body became warmer and her head fell backward. To help, she unhooked her bra and flung it over him. Then he found some secret part of her that made her forget, except that he asked, "How does that feel?"

  "Mmm..." No talking as it held her onto reality and she was so close to the precipice of desire.

  He moved around and she realized he’d taken off his underwear. A second later, he was half lying on her, his weight against her lower half made her ache for more while he pushed a second finger inside her. "Then if I do this?"

  "What..." Her fiancé had expected her to give herself to him whenever he was in the mood, but he never took the time to spark this wonder. She blinked and stared at the blond-haired, blue-eyed man that expertly handled her. Michael definitely was living up to his reputation and her imagination. "That's nice."

  "I'm never nice." He playfully opened her legs wider and used his thumb on her nether-regions. She gasped. "Here, do you like this better?"

  "Mm-hmm..." Her eyelashes drifted closed.

  "Open your eyes."

  She followed directions.

  She couldn't do more than sigh at first as he continued to play her body like a maestro with his violin. "Why?"

  A small grin broke out on his face as he winked. "I want you to see me as I enter you."

  Then while she held her breath, she felt taken and welcoming to have him inside her. All she could see were stars as he continued to have total control over her. This must be what heaven was like. Michael was everything she ever dreamed about for this moment.

  "This is just the beginning." He set the pace.

  Tonight, definitely. Tomorrow no longer mattered. This was how it felt to be a woman.

  Chapter 4

  "Your phone is ringing."

  Calliope's head spun and her eyes burned from the brightness the moment she opened them. She closed her eyes to block out the sun from the window, but the sensation collided with her brain. Instead she turned and smelled the cedar scent of Michael, who laid beside her. "Huh?"

  He covered his eyes and sat up. Then he pointed with his nose. "Your phone is in your bag?"

  No, she shouldn't get it. Her brother would have too much to say. She took one more whiff of her lover as the noise of the ringing ruined her ease and she threw off the blankets. Her feet touched the chilled wooden floor which numbed the soles. The air conditioner must have been on full blast.

  She fumbled through her bag, found her phone and her silk robe. She quickly threw it on and glided toward the balcony and slipped outside to stare at the red morning sun and the blue waters of the Mexican Riviera. The humidity of the morning air warmed her fast as she answered, "Hello, Brandon."

  Without even a greeting, he said, "I'm coming to get you."

  She glanced into the bedroom window and the nakedness of Michael's sexy backside as he threw the sheets aside to make the bed. Another few rounds with Michael inside her would make her forget her past. The dream world where she was his tempted her to live in this fantasy and not just imagine Michael anymore.

  Somehow that bad boy was hers for a few days and this wasn't going to end. She shook her head and turned toward the beach again. "No. I'm fine here."

  "I shouldn't have sent you off with Michael Marshall last night, sis."

  The last person in the world to talk about dating the wrong person was her brother. She had met some of the most interesting characters that seemed more comical or dramatic or just strange who were his dates throughout the years. Her brother had claimed he was testing what was out there, which was the opposite of her. Michael Marshall's reputation was even worse, but the whispered rumors she'd heard had all been true. Last night was an appetizer and she wanted another sample before she had to return to real life. She shook her head and stared down the beach at a couple who had their daughter in the middle as they walked as a family. One day she'd find her own family, but that wasn't now. "He's been good to me. I want to stay here a few days. Go back to Miami as planned. I know you have that movie deal that's stressing you out."

  "Funding the movie with the controversy has been easy and that book sold millions. The director is fine and Matthew Morgan is set to star. It's finding the lead actress and the villain."

  Yes, Brandon's life was his own. He was her only family now, but he had worked out what his dreams were and went after it. She'd not have him bust into her train wreck and potentially mess up his biggest deal to date. Michael was better than she wished. She hugged her waist and heard Michael walk through the small house they occupied. "I know. You saved me already. I don't need you now."

  "Be careful near Michael. He doesn't do relationships and you've dreamed about one all your life."

  “Relax.” Her lips parted. She had also dreamed about Michael as the guy who would be hers, even back in high school, but she had kept her mouth shut then. There was no way through their chat she’d let her brother know that or that she was naked under her robe. "I've not..."

  "I'm your brother. Don't lie."

  "Fine." A light music came from the house. Michael must be doing something. She turned her head, stared at the beach and lowered her eyes. Michael didn't need to hear her as she placed her hand on her heart. "I promise not to fall in love and want to marry Michael Marshall."


  Her heart beat faster. Love was in the cards for all of them, if they wanted. Calliope, Brandon, Michael, and everyone deserved a happily-ever-after. In her last moments of life, she too wanted to say 'I love you' to her husband. Brandon must want that too one day. She twirled and stared through the open glass to see inside as she said, "Brandon?"


  Happy-ever-after must start with finding the people would make her life happy. The same would be true for her brother. "Take it easy. I know producing movies was the hobby that brought you joy, but lately you've been unhappy."

  "I'm bored, sis. There is a difference. Look, are you sure I can't convince you to return to Miami with me? I promise Chris won't bother you."

  Chris. Her body stiffened as she waited for a more visceral response from the sound of his name. Nothing came. She was quiet. Brandon and his future mattered far more at the moment. She narrowed her eyes. "Why, what did you do?"

  "Nothing that any other brother wouldn't do."

  No answer on what he’d done to Chris. As long as he hadn't ruined his own future over her stupid mistakes, then they were fine. She stilled. "Evading my question."

  "Absolutely just as you are with me."

  True. Michael's deep voice echoed in the house. Who would he talk to here? She adjusted her robe tie. "I'll be fine. I'm booking myself a massage and I want to walk the beach."

  "Fine, just remember you are not alone in the world. You have me."

  "Likewise, Brandon." The Campbell family might be small in number, but they were still strong. "Good luck with finding the actress you need."

  She hung up the phone. At least her brother wasn't going to show up and do anything. Life was peaceful here. As she stepped into the air-conditioned house, goosebumps grew on her arms. She followed the light flow of music that wafted down the hall and turned into the open kitchen next to the small living area. She leaned against a white post and stared at the plates of eggs, hashed browns, toast, cheese, walnuts, orange juice and coffee cups on the table. Her eyebrows widened. "What are you doing?"
r />   "Making us breakfast." He picked up a coffee press and brought it to the table.

  He stood in cotton pajama bottoms. She tugged her robe around her chest and then took a step closer to the breakfast nook. "Where did you get the eggs?"

  Then she caught site of the white trays on the counter.

  "Caught." He placed his hand on her spine and led her to breakfast. Embers of desire from last night rose in her though she didn't say anything. She listened to her heart as he said, "Room service just stopped with breakfast and a few clothes for myself."

  That explained the pants. She blinked. "Right. You never had a bag yesterday."

  He shrugged as he pulled out her chair for her to sit. Once she did, he settled her in and took the seat beside her. "I can get whatever I need delivered."

  Before he had the chance, she reached out and took the coffee press to pour them glasses. "Who will get your things you left on the ship?"

  As he took the glass from her hands, he said, "My sister or the cruise will hand over my belongings to a charity somewhere. Doesn't matter really."

  "That seems wasteful." Her face flushed and she looked away. Chris would have spent hours on the phone with the cruise line for his bags, not that it should matter anymore. She should no longer be expected to agree with Chris on anything, and they were Michael's bags.

  He shrugged as he scooped the jam onto his bread. "Many would say that is my entire life."

  "Doubtful." Michael Marshall added walnuts on top of his bread. He dug in and the joy in his eyes from that bite wasn't hidden. She buttered her slice but somehow didn't believe that she'd be half as excited about toast as he was. She ignored the thought and focused. "Aren't you running your father's company and making more money than he ever did at it?”

  He stopped moving with his bread and arm near his face. "How do you..."

  Good. She crossed her legs and stirred her coffee. He took another bite of his breakfast. Then she answered with her eyelashes lowered. "I read up on you. They are calling you, Michael Marshall, the new Whiz of Wall Street."

  He finished his toast and folded his hands in front of his face. "I've always been good at poker and reading people."

  This, she believed. She finished her plain toast and wondered what life would be like if she lived more like Michael, and took whatever she wanted. "What do you read in me then?"

  He refilled his coffee cup. "Callie, you're far more dangerous than you realize."

  "Why?" She batted her eyes and stared at him. If either of them were dangerous, she'd bet money it was him.

  "You're on course to recklessness, when we both know it's the last thing you truly want."

  “I’m never anything other than dependable.” True, but she hadn't expected Michael, who’d had any girl he ever wanted, to even care. Her own attraction to him had helped her sleep at night, but she knew better than to put stock in reality. Last night was for her, more about proving that she wasn't going to sit around and wait for her ex to ever come back. It was time to move on, but she'd never exactly been a wild child either. She sipped her coffee and wondered why it mattered what Michael said. Then she put the cup down and asked, "Why do you say that?"

  "If Chris knocked on our door and told you that everything was a mistake, that Roxanne wasn't pregnant with his child, how fast would you marry him?"

  Her heart felt like it stopped as her eyes widened. She never imagined that possible. The last time they had broken up, he had sworn he loved only her and realized it while dating others, but this time she couldn’t believe it, not again. This time, even if he returned, she'd be stupid to go back, again. Slowly she felt the heat of her skin radiate and lowered her head with a blush. She'd not leave Michael again. "I don't want that."

  "You changed your mind in a day?"

  "No," she said fast. For someone who never cared about anyone, Michael clearly knew how to aim his questions. She re-tied her robe as she thought that she had left his side once and perhaps that had hurt him, though she doubted it. "It's been coming for a while now. I didn't want to say yes. It was like a whirlwind that brought me to Mexico and now that I'm out, I'm thinking more clearly than I have in months. Last night, with you, I became free."

  "Sex doesn't make you free."

  “You’re free and you’ve had at least four women in your bed since New Year’s.”


  “Eva, Brenda your Valentine date, Maria, who you took to the Heat game, and Amelie, who I met with you on South Beach.”

  “I didn’t have sex with all of them. It was just Eva. The rest hadn’t interested me.”

  “They were all beautiful.” Her eyebrows arched as she rested her hand under her chin. "You've had lots of it in the past and I would say you're free to do whatever you want in your life."

  "When you have my reputation and past, you're never free. People assume the worst."

  "No." Michael had slept with half the cheerleading squad. In college, he'd gone from cheerleaders to sorority girls all over the campus. And every morning, he’d had breakfast with her. She had longed to be his though she had Chris. Michael had always seemed shocked that his own bravado had earned him that many women, but she had been ‘just a friend.’ Then his father had died two years ago and now Michael dealt with how his father’s schemes destroyed trust, everyday, but still he picked up the remnants of the financial system his father had helped ruin and Michael faced daily distrust because of what his father had done. None of this made Michael the worst of the worst though. What happened to him was more sad than anything else. She scooted her chair closer and placed her hand on his arm. "Even my brother thought you were redeemable, Michael. He'd have never sent me off with you if he thought the worst."

  "Or he was too happy to get rid of a man not worthy of you that he figured you'd take care of yourself. That's not exactly trust."

  Not worthy? Her brother would never say that. He'd simply called Chris a multitude of names, but those words were Michael's. He had to know that he was better than he made himself sound. "It's not distrust." He shook his head. "I don't care about your brother's opinion of me. I only care about yours."

  He leaned closer.

  She could recall those dimples of his in her deepest sleep. She closed her eyes and remembered how she’d burned last night as she’d cupped those sexy indentations on his face. She swallowed. "Then I'm happy we're friends."

  He became silent and withdrew. Was it possible that he saw her as more than just a one night stand? Probably not, but her pulse quickened. Right now she shouldn’t ask. One day she might be ready for more with Michael, but for right now all she needed was friendship and good sex. Anything else would confuse her and besides, this was all Michael had to offer her.

  Chapter 5

  The way Michael stared at her made her sense he'd like to rip her robe off her and take her again. Her inner core was warm just imagining the scenario, right here on the kitchen table. It was better if they did something besides make out. She swallowed and asked in a rushed tone. "Want to go to the beach? Did room service pack you a bathing suit as well?"

  He winked at her and her skin felt energized. Right now she needed to breathe. She tightened her robe and wished she had gotten dressed. How she acted near Michael was completely out of character for her. Until yesterday, she’d always done what was expected of her. It was ingrained in her bones to simply agree, but she’d become a different person overnight. It could be the aftereffects of her botched wedding or it was Michael. She couldn’t think on it too long right now. "We can stay here and just use our pool. Then we can swim naked."

  Her face felt flushed. The last thing she needed was to think about last night. She sat straight to create some distance. "So all you bought were those pajamas?"

  "No. A few other pieces and more condoms."

  Wow. Right now she had no idea. Michael Marshall confused her. She had lied to herself, as usual, but also to him on what he wanted, which is that they were friends with benefits, but in he
r mind's eye, when she didn’t blink it away she imagined a road trip in a convertible with the top down as Michael drove them near the ocean on some crazy adventure. She spent years dreaming about how they might live happy-ever-after, but that was impossible. She stood and glanced at him. "I need a few hours to relax and close my eyes. Last night, you were…demanding."

  He stayed in his seat but winked at her. "I bought shorts that can be used to go into the ocean. Rest is fine for this morning and makes this afternoon much more appetizing."

  Confusion rang as she took one more gaze at his strong shoulders and then walked to her room. The few minutes alone chilled her and she cleaned up fast and went to her bag to get her clothes. In her suitcase, she shuffled through her new clothes she’d bought for her honeymoon and stopped to ponder the yellow bikini or her usual black one-piece swimsuit. The bikini was to show Chris that she was willing to try new things. With Michael, she'd wear it just to see the gleam of approval in his eyes. She dropped her old one-piece and told herself honestly this was still a new beginning, but with Michael.

  No. The thought made her stop, but then she heard Michael close a door in the kitchen area. She finished dressing as she told herself her new beginning was for her to be alone.

  She found her cover-up and flip-flops. Once she was done she popped her head into the living area and saw Michael in cotton shorts and a white tee shirt, sitting as he stared at a laptop. "What are you doing? Where did you get the MacBook?"

  "It's a good hotel and they had one available."

  "So you trust the hotel with your financial information, but you don't risk your heart ever."

  "It's not a risk when I can sign out."

  She came closer and saw how he stared at her curves. "So you don't care about hackers. Got it."


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