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Page 6

by Ed Howdershelt

  "I'm simply pointing out that there were other options," said L'Sil.

  L'Tan caught the look of irritation on T'Var's face and said, "No more pointing, L'Sil. Can we anticipate their next move, T'Var?"

  "If they come up with something else, I can only assume that it will be unpleasant and that it will be aimed at us."

  "Have you told any of the crew about the virus attack?"

  "I've informed my key personnel that we're containing Eirania due to a threat of disease. I haven't told them yet that most of their home worlds may have been wiped out."

  "When do you plan to tell them the whole story?" asked L'Tan.

  "I'm still considering that."

  A knock at the door silenced the conversation. The doctor poked his head in the room and said, "Captain. A call."

  T'Var asked the doctor to wait the others, then excused himself and went to the nurse's station.

  Tapping the console's 'receive' button, he said, "T'Var here."

  The Tac officer said, "Sir, HQ is calling. Your eyes only. Do you want it sent down there?"

  "I'm alone, Tac. Go ahead."

  The screen displayed Admiral T'Pel's tired, grim expression. He began without the traditional communication pleasantries.

  "Captain T'Var, it's confirmed. On every affected world, the outbreaks began in educational centers. Eirania used students and their families as carriers."

  "On affected worlds? Then there are unaffected worlds?"

  "Yes. Apparently nine of their carriers failed to arrive at their destinations. Three worlds never received the virus. The passenger liner that would have delivered the infected Eiranians crashed during an emergency landing on Leimar's moon."

  T'Var received the news in stunned silence.

  Only three worlds left out of four hundred?


  T'Var shook himself out of his daze and said, "Yes, sir."

  "You'll have company within a couple of days. A goodly number of the remaining commanders waited only for confirmation before independently sending what's left of their fleets to Eirania. Ours was one of them, commanded by Admiral T'Bar."

  T'Var nodded. "Orders, sir?"

  Admiral T'Pel rubbed his face with his hands and sighed.

  "You're to join our fleet when it arrives. Just so you know, those orders come from our council, not from me alone."

  After a moment, T'Var said, "I understand, sir."

  The Admiral appeared to have something more on his mind, but he abruptly shook his head slightly and said, "That's all. Goodbye and good luck," before tapping off the connection.

  T'Var tapped the console and said, "Tac, the fleet is arriving soon. The council put T'Bar in charge of the battle group."

  "T'Bar? Sir, they only let him out of his cage for truly special occasions. What's going on?"

  "Can't say yet. Just meet and greet and call me when he calls us. He may decide to drop in, so give the bridge a wipe. After I've had a talk with him, I'll give the crew a full briefing."

  "Yes, sir."

  T'Var walked into L'Tan's room without bothering to knock.

  "L'Tan, the council seems to have agreed on a course of action. Admiral T'Bar is going to be here in a few days."

  L'Tan gazed steadily at him for a moment, then said, "I see. I suppose it's too much to hope for that he wouldn't feel a need to visit with me. He's perhaps the most boorish, overbearing man I've ever met."

  T'Var laughed and said, "I know what you mean, L'Tan. I'd damn sure rather he wouldn't visit me, too."

  L'Sil stood up, shocked.

  "You're talking about an Admiral! The highest ranking..."

  L'Tan irritatedly said, "Sit down, shut up, and don't pop off like that again. We know who and what he is better than you do, L'Sil. He made his rank by being the council's hatchet man, and that information isn't exactly a secret anywhere in the known universe."

  Equally shocked by L'Tan's words, L'Sil sat back down.

  T'Mar sat silent during the ensuing conversation between T'Var and L'Tan. They said nothing that he hadn't extrapolated for himself the moment T'Bar's name had been mentioned. Only the method of execution had been in question as of that moment.

  T'Var wrapped up by saying that he'd brief everyone aboard with a ship-wide announcement as soon as he'd spoken with T'Bar, then he left the room.

  Chapter Ten

  L'Tan clapped her hands to break the mood, then sat up, pulled her sheet away and swiveled her legs to hang over the side of the bed. She pulled several electrodes off her neck and back and tossed them on the bed.

  "Hated having those things stuck to me. We have things to do and life will go on, with or without the Eiranians. T'Mar, keep an eye on me, here, will you?"

  T'Mar got up to take her arm as she carefully levered herself to her feet. L'Sil gasped and bolted from her chair to grasp her other arm, but her intention was altogether opposite L'Tan's.

  "Lady L'Tan! You shouldn't be out of bed! The doctor said..."

  "The doctor is more of an old woman than I am, L'Sil. For that matter, so are you. If you aren't going to help me, let go of my arm."

  "But, ma'am..."

  "That's it. L'Sil, I realize you mean well, but you're being a hindrance. Sit down. Now."

  L'Sil let go of L'Tan's arm, but stood stiffly next to her and said, "I can't let you do this, ma'am."

  "You can't stop me, either, so go get my clothes from the closet. T'Mar, let go and let's see how I do before I get too far from a padded surface."

  T'Mar released her arm and watched L'Tan extend her arms for balance as she lifted her left leg, bent at the knee. When her thigh was perpendicular to her body, she slowly lowered the leg and raised her right leg in the same manner.

  T'Mar watched her for excessive shakiness or signs of pain, but all he saw was about as much instability as anyone would harbor while standing on one leg. As she raised her right leg, he noted how the sleek material of her nightgown contoured itself to he lines of her hips and thigh.

  That's where he was looking when L'Tan asked, "Well? What do you think?"

  T'Mar glanced up from her legs to her face and said, "I think you have damned fine legs, ma'am. How do you keep yourself so fit?"

  L'Tan laughed. L'Sil, predictably, gasped again and reddened considerably. L'Tan looked at L'Sil's reaction, then laughed again. She turned to face T'Mar.

  "Thanks. I needed that. What I meant was, how am I doing?"

  "Oh, that. Well, you're out of bed and standing up. Can you walk, too?"

  L'Tan took a few careful steps along the bed and back again.

  "I'm not hurting yet, but I'd probably better take it easy for a while. Things feel okay, but they feel a little different, too. That's as well as I can explain it. Where are my clothes, Captain?"

  L'Sil startled, then hurried to the closet. The doctor walked in without knocking and stopped dead in the doorway.

  "Don't say a word, doctor. I've had enough bedrest and bedpans."

  "Uh, so I see." He pointed to the electrodes on the bed and added, "The monitor was very upset when it thought you'd died."

  He went to her, leaned over to press a couple of points on the small of her back, and asked, "Did that hurt?"

  "Not much. A twinge. If it starts hurting without your help, I'll ask T'Mar to give me a backrub, okay? I'm getting out of here, doctor."

  The doctor stood up and said, "I can't agree with that decision, but I can give you something to take if you experience more serious discomfort. I can also arrange you some new quarters. Two bedrooms, because I want someone with you at all times for the next two weeks, at least."

  With a meaningful grin, he added, "You'll find out why when you've been on your feet for a while."

  With that, he headed for the door. As L'Sil laid L'Tan's clothes on the bed, L'Tan said, "Thank you."

  Both L'Sil and the doctor answered, "You're welcome," then glanced at each other.

  The doctor then continued out of the room. L'Sil stood nea
r L'Tan, wringing her hands gently. L'Tan noticed the unconscious act and turned to face her.

  "L'Sil, are you familiar with the comm systems on this ship?"

  "Yes, ma'am. I trained on them and we had the same equipment in the Consulate."

  "Good. We're about to enter into something that will leave an indelible mark on the Confederation and all who participate. I'll tell the Captain that I've released you to join his crew. Please keep me posted on any new or unusual developments as they occur."

  L'Sil's expression morphed from concern to shock at her dismissal from L'Tan's service as she heard L'Tan's request to be kept informed.

  "Then you aren't exactly... Uhm... Letting me go?"

  "Yes, I am, L'Sil. I have to, if I'm going to have eyes and ears on the bridge. You'll be far more important to me as an observer than an aide."

  L'Tan leaned slightly toward L'Sil and added, "This won't fool the Captain for even a moment, of course. He'll put you to work knowing full well that I sent you to keep an eye on things for me, but I think he'll be happy to gain a new crewmember who doesn't have to be trained to run a comm board."

  L'Sil brightened slightly and nodded. She wasn't fooled, either, but she realized that this was perhaps the gentlest way L'Tan could have chosen to let her go.

  "Yes, ma'am," she said. "I believe I do understand. Should I leave now?"

  "Not yet."

  L'Tan pulled her into an embrace that lasted a few moments, patted L'Sil's shoulder as she released her, then said, "Now you can go. Thanks for your help and your concern, L'Sil."

  L'Sil was slightly flustered, but she managed, "Yes, ma'am," before she turned to leave the room.

  L'Tan watched her go. As the door closed, she heard T'Mar ask, "What about me?"

  Turning to face him, L'Tan asked, "Are you feeling left out? Want a hug, too?"

  T'Mar looked her up and down once and said, "I'm sure I'd enjoy one of your hugs, L'Tan, but I was referring to whether or not I'd be reassigned, too."

  "Not unless you want to be. I'm weak as a kitten and sore as a boil already, T'Mar. I just didn't want her to see it. She'd start squeaking again."

  She let herself down gently into one of the chairs and sighed.

  "Hell, I don't particularly want you or anyone else to see it, either, but I'm not in a position to refuse all assistance at the moment. Besides, I saw the look in your eyes while you were staring at my legs. That look felt good, T'Mar."

  She watched his reaction to her words flit across his face.

  "Don't misunderstand me. I'm not keeping you simply as a potential bedmate, or even assuming that you'd go for that idea. I'm expecting to need assistance in a number of ways, once I'm out of this hospital room and functioning again. What do you say, T'Mar?"

  T'Mar looked at the way the nightgown outlined her legs and figure and the way light shimmered on her shoulders and his eyes found their way to hers.

  "I'd say that what was just an interim job seems to have become a real blessing, L'Tan."

  "Thank you. I've never been called a blessing before. I'm going to need a hot shower before I put on new clothes. Spongebaths just don't seem quite complete to me."

  "I'd be happy to scrub your back, but the door doesn't have a lock."

  L'Tan smiled. "Shove the bed in front of the door and just scrub gently, T'Mar. Very gently."

  He nodded sagely and lifted a finger as if to punctuate her words.

  "Right. Gently. Very gently. I can do that."

  L'Tan laughed again as T'Mar pulled, then pushed the bed so that it was endwise to the door. He toed the wheel locks down and turned to her.

  L'Tan put her hands together and lifted her arms above her head, wiggled her fingers at him, and said, "I'll need some help getting out of this gown."

  T'Mar doubted that, but was smart enough to keep his doubts to himself. He grasped the hem and gathered the gown upward until it was a double-handful of fabric around her shoulders, then lifted it over her head and completely off her.

  L'Tan kept her arms together above her head and smiled at him.

  "Still think I'm a blessing, T'Mar?"

  T'Mar's gaze began at her eyes and ranged to her ankles, then returned to her face. She was almost his height and proportionately well-structured, solid without being scrawny.

  "Oh, definitely," he said. "Without a doubt."

  He tossed her nightgown on the bed and began removing his clothes, tossing them on the bed, as well. L'Tan smilingly watched as he undressed.

  When they were both naked, she led the way to the shower.

  Warm, slick, wet, and wonderful, thought L'Tan. She moved slightly to let the hot water pound on her shoulders and neck.

  "I haven't been able to take a shower since the day the Consulate fell, T'Mar. I haven't felt really clean for that long. Do you think we can use up all the soap?"

  "Maybe not, but we can try. Up against the wall, milady. I have a loofa and I know how to use it."

  "Indeed," she said, turning to put her hands on the wall. "Okay, ready. Just listen for screams. Even the water hitting my back seems to hurt a little."

  He looked at the faint bruising still remaining from her ordeal and said, "I'll be careful."

  T'Mar began with her hair, standing to one side and using the time to let the hot water spray work on her back. Tilting her head back to rinse her hair, he leaned to kiss her upturned lips, then went back to work.

  "You've done this before," said L'Tan, in a slightly accusing tone.

  "Once or twice," admitted T'Mar. "But they were all no more than practice for this moment with you, of course."

  L'Tan laughed and moved to let the hot water hit her neck. Tilting her head back had made the muscles complain slightly. She rolled her head to try to loosen them and said, "Oh, of course. Well, at least I can expect a competent job of it, right?"

  "Definitely, ma'am. I paid lots of attention in class and I'm known for enthusiasm."

  "I can see that. Uhm, well, I can feel it nudging my hip, anyway."

  "Um-hm. See? You inspire me. I'm about to do your back. Relax."

  T'Mar poured some shampoo on the loofa and gave her back a soft swipe with it to see how she'd take it. L'Tan stiffened in anticipation at first, but soon relaxed in the absence of additional pain.

  After a few minutes of stroking her back, T'Mar moved to her arms and then her legs, using long, luxuriating strokes of the loofa and his hands and plenty of soap. As he returned upward along her legs, he let the loofa wander enough to draw a gasp from her, then moved further upward to wash her belly and breasts.

  "I think I'm pretty clean now, don't you?"

  T'Mar said, "Probably," and moved to stand directly behind her and let his member slide between her legs. "Are you saying that you're ready to get out?"

  L'Tan looked down at the tip of his tool protruding slightly from between her legs and moved a bit further back from the wall to accommodate him.

  "No," she said softly. "I'm not ready to get out."

  As he began a long, slow slide into her, he kissed her back softly, then her shoulders, and then her neck. L'Tan couldn't quite turn her head far enough, so he kissed her ear and her cheek and finished his plunge into her.

  "I hope you aren't in a hurry," he said. "I don't like to rush these things."

  L'Tan drew the nails of her right hand gently up his thigh and said, "Mmmm... No, don't hurry. I've had so much to do these past few months... Ooooo... That I've been neglecting some things."

  T'Mar kissed the back of her neck and said, "Well, now you have no excuse to neglect those things."

  L'Tan chuckled softly. "I guess not. You fill a woman pretty well, sir. It may be hard to imagine taking a shower without your help from now on."

  "Don't even try. I'm an aide, right? So, I'm aiding you."

  L'Tan laughed aloud and asked, "Is that what we're going to call it?"

  "Ab-so-lutely. You're already among my favorite employers ever, miLady. In a little while you're going to
be at the very top of that list."

  She laughed again and said, "Well, I think I can guess when that will be. Oooo..! Good spot, there. A very good spot. Do it again that way."

  He repeated the motion a few times and was rewarded. L'Tan came hard, almost losing her balance. They staggered for a moment, and keeping them upright caused T'Mar to lose his concentration. Events got away from him.

  "Oh, damn. Sorry," he said. "It's that time..."

  L'Tan shoved back as he shoved forward and the two were locked together as T'Mar's orgasm came upon him and she found herself in the throes of a second one.

  Some moments later they had eased themselves to the floor, still enjoined, and he gave up the last of himself into her. When he'd ceased bucking within her and had begun to grow smaller, L'Tan disengaged herself and turned around on her knees.

  She kissed him warmly and fully, then sat back on the shower floor and leaned against the wall.

  "You look pretty wonderful wet," said T'Mar.

  He leaned to kiss the inside of her knee and stroke her legs.

  "You say the nicest things," said L'Tan. "That feels good, what you're doing to my legs."

  "It's supposed to. That's why I'm doing it. Don't want you to lose interest."

  L'Tan laughed sharply, then she tensed and, with a hissing breath, arched slightly away from the wall.

  "Not likely," she said between clenched teeth. "Not likely. But I have to be careful about laughing like that, so stop making me do it."

  She was grinning when she said it, but seeing her pain, T'Mar decided to take the suggestion seriously for the moment.

  "Why don't you turn around and let the water hit your back for a while, L'Tan? I'll rub a little and maybe we can help you get better a little faster."

  She slowly and carefully did as he suggested, arranging herself under the spray. T'Mar gently kneaded her back and shoulders, now and then leaning to kiss the area under his fingers.


  "Better," she said. "Much better, actually. I'm going to hate to leave this hot shower for the cold, dry world outside."

  "Then don't think about it until you have to. There's no shortage of hot water and I don't have anywhere else to be today. Besides, there's a shower in your new quarters. We can move you and your stuff in and put you right back in to soak some more."


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