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Full Figured 9

Page 20

by Carl Weber

  The poorly thought-out but well-executed gameplan of getting her sister’s husband to ejaculate in her the night before he left had worked. And now, getting official word from these doctors, she knew the second part of the plan obviously worked as well. She had conceived her brother-in-law’s baby. With a mixture of emotions racing through her mind, Tami still sat speechless.

  After being able to take no more of her mother’s threats of malpractice for the doctors relaying information she knew had to be false, Tami got out of her seat. Saying no words in the way of denial or acceptance, she casually strolled out of the meeting and returned to the peaceful tranquility of her room. Tami had to get her mind right and process what the therapist had said moments prior. If she didn’t have enough things going on in her chaotic life, this would definitely top them all. Placing her hand down on her stomach, Tori’s big sister smiled with complete satisfaction. She was going to have a baby—and not just any baby, but Vance’s.

  Her mother was gone. The therapist was off duty, and Tami was left with the truth. Living with the idea that she was going to soon be someone’s everything, the expectant mother went from being sad and confused to hopeful and elated. Even though she hadn’t spoken to her “baby daddy” since before he abruptly left to return home to his condo, Tami was convinced that if he knew she was carrying his seed, he’d abandon all hope of Tori getting better and run to her side.

  Going to the room’s closet, Tami put on the same tracksuit she wore when she originally checked herself into Warrendale. It was a little snugger now, but she pulled it off. Knowing she still hadn’t dealt with the demons that’d set residency in her head, Tami ignored their chattering voices. Unlocking the nightstand drawer that held her purse, Tami smirked as she checked herself out and headed toward the parking lot.


  Vance was weary but not broken. Despite character flaws that everyone had, his devotion to his wife was still intact. He made it one of his top priorities to visit her as often as he could and make sure fresh flowers were forever near her bedside.

  Since he had returned to his condo, Vance’s health had slowly started to improve. Initially suffering from some withdrawals from the various prescriptions he was on, not to mention the pills he was unknowingly drugged with, Vance was proud of the accomplishments he’d made since the tragic morning of the accident. The doctors had cut the full-length cast down to half its original size. Now, with the aid of one crutch, he was getting around like a champ. If it hadn’t been his right leg that was broken, he’d even be able to drive himself around. Luckily, his best friend and frat brother, Courtney, had his back. Whenever he needed a ride to here or there, Courtney was Johnny-on-the-spot.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else I can tell you. The machines are doing all the work for her. Now, even though we can keep them going along as you’d like, I want to make it clear that slowly, day by day, it’s taking a serious toll on your wife’s already damaged organs.” The main doctor explained several more scenarios that could occur as a small group of students looked on. “As I told you a weeks ago, when she was first brought in through emergency, her frame was so small that it was easy for her lungs to get punctured and other vital organs to shift. Had she been a little heavier in weight, who knows what trauma force she could’ve withstood.”

  Vance’s demeanor was solemn. With prayer in his heart, he kept hope alive while holding Tori’s tiny hand. With the doctors telling him it might be best to make sure his beloved wife’s affairs were in order, he was in complete denial and made them swear to do any- and everything possible to keep Tori among the living.

  With visiting hours close to being over, Vance called Courtney, informing him he’d be ready and down near the hospital entrance whenever Courtney pulled up.

  “Hey, dude, they got me pulling a hour overtime because some joker done called off sick. And you know we can’t slip on the patrol times on the highway.”

  “Hey, it ain’t no thang. I can grab a cab,” Vance announced, not wanting to be a bother to his homeboy. “Work is work. Get that money. I ain’t mad at you.”

  Courtney advised him not to call a cab. Quick on his feet, he came up with another solution that would kill two birds with one stone; especially considering his unplanned delay.

  Tami had the radio blasting. Having been laid back, chilling for over a month in the quiet surroundings of Warrendale, she welcomed the ear-piercing sounds her factory speakers were kicking out. With both hands on the steering wheel, she drove cautiously, knowing that she had an extra passenger riding with her: Vance’s seed. In good spirits, Tami was hell bent on not letting any of the many voices inside her head rain on her parade. Delusional, she hoped her brother-in-law would take her in his arms and tell her he was praying for their soon-to-be bundle of joy to be a boy. Tami was on cloud nine. The expectant mother was ecstatic. She was only miles away from surprising her “baby daddy,” and nothing could make her happier.

  “Okay, Shawna, you can turn left at the next block then go like two blocks down and make a right.” Vance’s mind was back at the hospital and focused on what the doctor had told him about Tori. He wanted to make conversation with the nurses’ aide who had driven him home, but he was not in the mood. The more idle conversation she started, the more Vance ignored her.

  Shawna, not needing a brick house to fall on her head, knew his wife’s ongoing health issues and decided to let him be. Even though she was off the clock, she was still dressed in her uniform. Her normal routine would be to change at the hospital and get herself together for come what may, but Vance needed her, so she happily obliged.

  Following his directions. she was almost at the driveway that belonged to his condo. Turning in and parking as instructed, the curvaceous, brown-skinned beauty made mention that he lived out in the boondocks where Freddy and Jason hung out. For the first time since he’d gotten in her car, Vance smiled and even laughed a little.

  Just as she turned off the engine, her cell phone rang. Stepping out of her vehicle, she pranced around to the passenger door to assist him in getting out.

  “Dang, thanks, girl. I appreciate you.” Vance allowed her to hold one of his crutches as he attempted to balance himself.

  Holding her cell to her ear, Shawna giggled, telling Vance it was no problem and she always had his back when need be. As he hobbled, making his way to the front door of his condo, Shawna popped her trunk, getting out a small Hello Kitty overnight bag. Informing the caller she was about to go inside the condo and jump in the shower real quick, she ended the conversation. As Vance closed the door behind them, neither he nor his houseguest had any idea they were being watched and heard from the moment that they pulled up.

  Oh, so baby daddy wanna play it like this, huh? Like I don’t exist or my feelings don’t matter?

  Tami couldn’t seem to make herself get out of the driver’s seat and act an outright fool on the man she loved. She held on to the steering wheel as if her life and sanity depended on it.

  Don’t do it! Don’t do it! Please don’t do it!

  Here he was looking all healthy and handsome, pulling up in front of the condo she held down for him when he was messed up. She was his backbone when he needed one.

  Ain’t this about nothing! What nerve!

  And to add insult to injury, he had the nerve to be with one of them shit-starting nurses’ aides from the hospital who had always been giving her the evil eye.

  Not this bitch of all bitches! He moved his fake ass out our house acting like he didn’t need anyone anymore, and obviously that’s not the case. I swear I wanna snap! I see dudes like him can’t be trusted.

  Tami was infuriated. Her mouth grew dry. She had a lump in her throat. She fought to control her emotions but couldn’t. How dare Vance play her like this? He must’ve taken her for some sort of a fool, but today he was gonna learn about the consequences of cheating on his baby momma. And as for the wannabe cute whore he had up in the condo bragging about taking a sho
wer, she was gonna feel the fever as well.


  Tami’s patience with Vance and his bullshit had worn thin. Her warped mind was working overtime. She tried to calm herself down but couldn’t. The man she loved was on the other side of the steel beige door committing what she deemed as the ultimate sin: cheating.

  As her fist balled up, her taste for vengeance heightened. Tami’s knees grew weak and wobbled as she stood. Banging on the door like she was the police executing a search warrant for a serial killer, she was enraged. The force of her thunderous pounds caused the frame to shake and a few neighbors to peek out from behind their curtains. Attempting to twist and turn the doorknob, the scorned female had to even the score. Her soul wouldn’t let her do otherwise. Thoughts of her man behind the locked door doing God knows what to that scandalous female she’d recognized from the hospital made her seethe with anger. The angry vixen had blood boiling in her eyes. Revenge embedded deep in her heart was evident.

  Impatiently waiting for a response, Tami tapped her foot, trying to once again to calm herself down. Using the palm of her hand, she smashed it to her forehead over and over.

  God, please let this man hurry up! Please don’t make me think he’s in there with his hands on that tramp! Please, God, I’m begging you!

  Seconds later, Vance swung open the door as if he was expecting someone else. Shocked to see Tami of all people standing evil-faced in his doorway, he was at a loss for words. He’d been told by her parents that she was supposed to be locked up in some sort of nuthouse, but here she was, live and in living color.

  Looking like she was ready for war, no words were exchanged between the two as Tami raised both hands. She pushed them on his chest, shoving an already unbalanced Vance out of the way. The fact that her man fell backward off his crutches and hit the floor meant absolutely nothing to the angry female on a mission.

  Not caring if he broke his neck or other leg in the fall, Tami stepped over him. She had more pressing business than making sure her baby daddy was good. Tami was in search of the forever neck-rolling, gossiping shit-wiper who was constantly eyeballing her. If she thought she could just whisk in and steal her baby daddy, she had another think coming.

  Vance was dazed. He hardly had an opportunity to get back on his feet after being trampled by a rambunctious Tami. Wobbly, using the aid of one crutch, the wounded Que made it into the living room. This entire day had gone from bad to worse in a matter of mere seconds. First the team of doctors delivered the tragic news pertaining to his wife, and now this: her crazy sister had just barged in acting renegade. Vance’s world felt like it was crashing in.

  He couldn’t believe his ears. He heard what sounded like two wild cats going at it, fighting for their lives. Following the piercing trail of screams, yells, and accusations, the crippled condo owner was soon led in the bedroom. Finding his wayward sister-in-law and Shawna boxing it out, he was speechless. Not knowing who to grab, and, in a naked Shawna’s case, where to grab, Vance stood back outta harm’s way.

  Of course this tired tramp is already in the shower. She couldn’t wait to get comfortable in my man’s house. What damn nerve! I’ma kill her!

  Tami could easily hear the water running in the bathroom. Intent on murder, she burst in. Met with a thick, misty steam and a sweet-smelling fragrance of body wash, she fumed. Immediately spotting the girl’s overnight bag wide open and a few of her personal items on the sink made Tami even madder.

  Oh, this skank think she getting her ratchet ass together to sleep with my baby daddy? Oh, hell naw! I’ll cut the bitch first!

  Without further hesitation or remorse, Tami yanked the curtain to the side, allowing more steam to fill the tiny room. Tearing half of the decorative plastic off the flimsy rod, the deranged pregnant female went directly in for the kill. She’d caught her victim at a disadvantage, naked and soaking wet. Shawna had soap lathered up on her near-perfect body, but to Tami, it didn’t matter. There was hell to pay, and Shawna’s bill was due in full.

  The big-boned menace then made her presence known. No words were passed as the two locked eyes. There were none needed. It was apparent what was going to take place.

  You dirty piece of gutter trash. You got me all the way messed up! You not just gonna bounce all up in here like it’s all good!

  Not caring if the sleeves of her tracksuit got drenched, Tami felt her rage intensify. Snatching the stunned young woman by her long weave, she wrapped her fingers around every strand to ensure a better grip. Ready for an all-out street brawl, she roughly skull-dragged Shawna out of the hot shower, kicking and screaming.

  “You little bitty whore, you got me messed up,” she shouted loud enough to wake the dead. “You didn’t get the memo? Vance belongs to me! He’s my man. Not yours and not my sister’s, but mine!”

  Shawna’s skin was glistening with beads of water and traces of soap as she hit the hard marble bathroom floor. Although she had no idea what the true situation was between Vance and his sister-in-law, at this point it didn’t matter. Shawna was hood to her heart, and the fight was on as she quickly realized that if she didn’t get over the embarrassing fact that she was nude, Tami would most certainly mop the ground with her face.

  Now standing toe to toe, they boxed their way out of the wet floor area and into the bedroom. Shawna, exposed for the world to see—or at least Vance, who’d just come in the room—started bucking as if her life depended on it. As the two feisty women went back and forth throwing haymakers that could probably knock the average man out cold, Vance didn’t know what to do. Each female seemed to be having a turn at being the aggressor and getting down on the other.

  Vance believed he should intervene and break it up; however, he didn’t have the strength to physically do so. As he stood over to the side yelling at them to stop, he was trying to understand why Tami was even at his condo in the first place.

  “I know you ain’t over here trying to be with Vance. I can’t believe this madness. Bitch, I’ll kill you up in this damn condo! You gonna learn today!” Tami’s face was full of anger. Over the top, she wildly swung her balled-up fist, connecting with Shawna’s jaw.

  “Who in the hell you calling out their name?” Shawna blurted out while still exchanging blows. “You must be crazy or something. Don’t nobody want your damn sister’s husband!”

  “Guess what? Fuck my little sister and fuck you too.” Tami was running out of steam, and Shawna could easily tell. Taking advantage of her overweight attacker’s shortage of breath, the innocent nurses’ aide went in for the kill. Raising her bare foot, she tried kicking Tami in the stomach but missed her mark.

  Tami was outdone. She took it upon herself to take two steps back from the impromptu battle royal she’d started. “Oh my God, you tramp. You trying to kill our baby?” she screamed out as both a statement and question. Going into what she thought was self-preservation mode, one of the many voices in her head stepped up, taking control. As her mind had several internal fights taking place, she saw herself losing even more of a grip on reality.

  On the verge of blacking out, she felt like Shawna was trying to snatch everything she’d worked for out of her hands. Tami couldn’t let that happen. Vance was hers, and no one would come between them. Tami had to end any thoughts or designs Shawna had on her man. Evilly, she reached for one of Vance’s many fraternity paddles that proudly hung on the wall. Ripping the leather strap off the nail, Tami raised the purple-and-gold painted wood over her head. With all her might, the delusional female brought it crashing down across Shawna’s temple and jawline.

  Hearing the cracking sound of a bone or two breaking, Tami felt satisfaction watching Shawna fall to the floor. Her now unconscious victim lay naked, still semi-wet, and bleeding from the mouth. Tami’s bizarre accusations continued as she focused her sights on Vance.

  “Why would you have her here in the first place? I don’t understand why. The last few months don’t seem like they even mattered.”

Yo, hold up, Tami. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you hit that girl with that bullshit? I know they said your ass done gone crazy, but damn! What in the hell?” Vance grabbed the one crutch he was using and started hobbling. He tried walking over toward Shawna to see if he could help her in any way before he called for an ambulance.

  “Oh, so you just gonna run over to her like she so important? You just gonna act like she more important than me? I guess it’s like forget about me and our baby.” She roughly yanked at his arm, causing him to fall to the floor once more. She was obviously zoned out on some sort of power trip as she stood over her baby daddy. Instead of nurturing the seed growing inside of her, Tami socked herself in the stomach in defiance.

  “Baby.” Vance had heard her say the word “baby” a few seconds ago during the fight, but it’d gone over his head until now. “Yo, Tami, what the hell you mean, baby—let alone our damn baby?

  “Wow, I never seen it until just now. I guess your sister was right when she said you was never wrapped too tight. I guess you just been playing at being normal. You a straight loon!”

  Tami’s hair was all over her head. Shawna had scratched her face in several places and swollen one of her eyes damn near shut; yet Tami felt she was a goddess in Vance’s sight no matter what he was saying.

  “Vance, sweetheart, I love you and our baby, so stop saying those things. We were meant to be together, a real family. Me, you, and the baby! It’s our destiny.”

  “All right, listen up, you crazy bitch. On everything I love, you need to go back to that place and get your mind back straight, because you over here bugging! You done jumped on an innocent female and knocked her out cold with a damn paddle. And for what?”


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