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Klitzman's Predators Book One

Page 10

by Paul Blades

  Estelle tired of her cross examination of the child. We rode in silence for the rest of the way. It was dark as we reached the house. I could see the lights on upstairs as we pulled up the long driveway. Inside, the door to the secret cellar would be sealed until the identity of the newcomers was affirmed. I blinked the lights twice and the garage door slowly crept open. I drove in and turned off the engine as the door slowly fell behind me. Well, pretend time was now coming to an end.

  Estelle jumped out of the car and opened the rear door. She motioned Cassie out as I opened the door to the house. Cassie followed Estelle up the short stairs to the kitchen carrying her suitcase and walked along into the living room. The shades were all drawn. Draco was sitting in an easy chair smoking. Florez was undoubtedly downstairs.

  Cassie looked around quizzically at the surroundings. She was an experienced young girl. She knew that where there were children, there were toys, little chairs, little books, bicycles in the garage. And if we were so rich, why were we living in this dump? She became visibly nervous. She eyed Draco like he was a dirty cat. Estelle came in and took Cassie’s bag and threw it on the sofa.

  Estelle was not about to waste her time with this little piece. She was tired, I was sure, and she had a little piece of fluff waiting downstairs for her, the hitchhiker from the day before. All the day’s excitement would mean a busy night for her.

  Without a word, Estelle strode directly across to the girl, pulled her around to face her and then slapped her across her cheek, the crack of flesh against flesh shattering the silence in the room. Cassie was lifted off of her feet and rolled over onto the floor. Her eyes sprang open like saucers, a large red mark already forming on her cheek. She began to cry out to protest when Estelle grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her in an expert hold. Cassie was lifted to her knees, her voice choking with the pain. Could she have possibly been prepared for this?

  “Now my little pretty, we will cut out the bullshit and get down to cases.” Estelle‘s eyes were burning brightly. She had probably been thinking about this for the last two hours. Cassie looked up at Estelle with shock and fear. Her eyes darted around the room. She looked at me and then Draco. Could she really believe that we would let Estelle do this to her? Estelle twisted Cassie’s arm a little tighter causing her to squeal with pain.

  “Oh, oh, please, you’re hurting me. Please, let me go” Her voice was plaintive, desperate. Estelle grinned and twisted harder.

  “Listen to me little one, shut your mouth and do what I say!” The arm twisted even more.

  Cassie winced with pain, her body contorted to compensate for the twisting of her arm. “I will, I will, please let me go, please!”

  Estelle now pushed Cassie so that her arm was almost to the back of her neck, Cassie’s face pushed down against the rug. Her squeal became a loud, painful, helpless moan.

  “I said shut your mouth.”

  Cassie nodded yes, tears streaming down her face. It was clear to her that something awful was about to happen.

  “Good. We’ll get along sweetie if you keep your mouth shut and you do what you’re told. Understand?”

  Cassie nodded again, her eyes clenched shut, her face white.

  “Now get up,” Estelle ordered.

  Cassie rose slowly, cautiously as Estelle lowered her arm, stopping when Cassie was halfway to her feet, bent over, looking down at the rug.

  “Now, you will do exactly as I say. You will not hesitate. You will not speak. Understand?”

  Cassie nodded, a slight whimper escaping her mouth.

  “Good, now you will stand up, put your hands behind your head. You will keep your eyes closed and your mouth open. And you will be silent. Now do it.”

  Estelle released Cassie’s arm and the girl gingerly rose to her full height. I could see the wetness of her face. Her body was convulsing with sobs. Her blond hair askew, no longer the neat and prim young lady. With her eyes jammed shut she slowly raised her hands over shoulders and behind her head.

  “Now spread your legs apart.” Cassie complied, pulling the skirt of the dress tight.

  Draco had gone back to his reading. His interest in women was individual. One on one. I had heard the agonized wails from behind his door at night back in Paliba. I had never seen him use a woman in public.

  I was interested. I watched Estelle as she stepped away from her prisoner. For a moment she paused, contemplating the vignette. For only a moment. She reached into her pocketbook and pulled out a little ball gag and strap. She approached Cassie, whose trembling mouth gaped open as she had been commanded. Without ceremony, Estelle popped the gag into the girl’s mouth. Pushing aside the girl’s hands, she clipped the leather strap tightly about her head. Cassie’s eyes blinked open in surprise. Estelle noticed and, placing her thumbs beneath the girl’s jawbone, near the ear, pressed hard. Cassie sagged in pain and moaned through the gag. Her voice was deadened but her desperation was clear.

  “Eyes closed honey, get it?” Estelle held the girl poised, lifting her to her tip toes. Cassie sniffled and moaned in what I could only interpret as a definite yes.

  Releasing the girl, Estelle withdrew. The lights in the living room were dim, but I could see the sweat glistening on Cassie’s throat and forehead. Her eyes were clamped shut as she tried to get her heaving sobs under control. It was clear that she wanted to cry out, to plead with her eyes, but, restrained by Estelle’s brutality, she held herself together. She was already learning her lessons.

  “Harry, make me a drink, wouldja.” Estelle had reverted to her Midwestern twang. She plopped herself down in a chair next to Draco. When I returned a few moments later, Estelle was still staring at her young charge. The silence was undoubtedly driving the girl crazy as she wondered what was going to happen next. I was sure she could surmise that it wasn’t good.

  Suddenly Estelle called out to the girl again. “Okay, sweetie, now I want you to take off all of your clothes.”

  The girl jumped when Estelle spoke and resumed her quiet whimpering when the nature of the order became clear to her. She had probably considered the idea that this all involved the abuse of her body. But she was also probably quite confused at how this involved Estelle. But she really didn’t have time to speculate as the recollection of the painful experiences since she had entered this house were very fresh.

  Her eyes still jammed shut, her mouth distended in a grotesque ‘O’ by her gag, Cassie drew her hands down from behind her head and slowly began to unbutton the front of her dress. Her hands trembled as she undid button after button. Tears were flowing down her face and her legs were shaking. Her plain white brassiere was slowly revealed as the dress shirt was opened. When the buttons were all released, Cassie pulled the top over her shoulders and pushed it down to her waist. She hesitated only a moment and then pushed the dress to the floor. I walked over to remove it from her feet. She flinched at my approach.

  “Don’t worry honey, he’s not going to hurt you. Not tonight anyway.” Estelle laughed. She swirled her martini and downed it at one gulp. “Now the rest, dearie. We want to see what you’ve got in there.”

  The girl quickly pulled the cups of her bra apart and pulled it off of her shoulders. Her breasts jumped free, white globes, shuddering as they moved, large pink nipples, pointed and hard. I stood only a foot away from her and I could hear her breathing, deep, frantic. I took the bra from her hands. She then hooked her thumbs in the sides of her cotton panties and pulled them down to her knees. As she was pulling them from her ankles, she stumbled. I caught her, my arms reaching around her, my hand closing over her breast. Soft, firm ample, I stroked the nipple with my finger. The girl shrank as if trying to disappear inside herself. A man’s touch. A man’s unwanted touch. Her first, not her last.

  I took the panties from her as she regained her feet. Anticipating the order, she placed her hands behind her head again. As surmised from our interview at Vivian’s, she was somewhat flabby around the middle. Baby fat. She would soon lose it as she wa
s trained and groomed. Her pussy was covered by a thin sheen of delicate blond hair. I yearned to touch it, to part the lips and stroke the tender insides. Patience, I thought, it would come soon enough.

  “Well, honey, you’re going to do quite well. Good tits, nice legs. You’ll lose that paunch there and you’ll be quite a number. Turn around and let me see your ass,” Estelle commanded. Estelle had risen to her feet and approached the sniveling girl.

  Cassie turned slowly around. Her back was glistening with sweat. Her rear was pale and somewhat fatty. But an ample ass was a valuable asset to a slave, better to absorb the blows of the riding crop.

  “Well, I’d say you’re going to get a lot of attention there too, honey. I’m, sure you’ll get used to butt fucking real quick. You might even like it.” Estelle ran her hand down Cassie’s ass squeezing and pinching the bottom where it curved inwards, back towards the sweet little pussy in front. The girl jumped, but held her position. I assumed, but could not confirm that her eyes were still closed.

  As the girl listened to Estelle, the future was now becoming clearer. Not what she had signed on for at all.

  The door to the basement swung open and Florez stepped into the room. His black eyes darted over the spectacle in the living room. Even Draco had raised his head.

  “A newbie eh?” Florez quipped. I could tell that his hands were itching to feel the length of her torso, the inner parts of her thighs. Mine were too.

  “Take her downstairs Florez,” Draco ordered. “Put her in bed three. Make sure you quiet her down too. And listen. Hands off. Got it?”

  “Sure Draco, sure. I mean that’s the rule, eh?” Florez chuckled.

  Florez stepped forward to the girl whose back was to him. He quickly pulled her hands from behind her head and joined them at her back. He pulled a length of cord from his pocket and pulled it tight around her wrists, joining them. Her eyes popped open and then shut again and I heard a gurgle of fear from behind her gagged lips. Confinement was a lesson in subservience. Cassie was getting her first.

  Florez pulled the girl around by her shoulders. He looked approvingly at her belly and breasts. He grabbed a fistful of Cassie’s hair and pulled her towards the stairs. She stumbled, still clenching her eyes tightly as Estelle had ordered. She was smart. And that would help. She would not be able to avoid pain, but she could lessen it. If she stayed smart.

  Florez pulled the naked girl by her hair through the door and began to lead her down the stairs, down to her future. I followed Florez downstairs to make sure that the girl made it safely to her bunk. Florez had her bent over double as he pulled her down the flight of stairs down to the landing and then over to the hidden door to the cell within. He popped the panel open and unlocked the door. He pulled her over the threshold and into the dungeon.

  I would never get used to the idea of half a dozen or so naked, hooded and bound, beautiful, young women lined up in beds along the walls like patients in a public hospital ward. Most of the women were quiet. One or two were straining at their bonds, their hands chained to the wall behind them, their legs spread wide apart. The soft leather of the bracelets and anklets while protecting the skin, also made slipping out of the bonds more difficult. The leather was pulled tight to the skin, tighter than metal could be and, when mixed with the girl’s sweat, tightened even further. These women were here to stay. Even if you could slip one off, there were still three more to remove before you were free of the cot. Then the hood which was locked on around the neck. Then the locked door. And then Estelle or Florez or Draco, waiting at the top of the stairs. No. These women were not going anywhere without permission.

  Cassie’s eyes had finally opened and she stared in disbelief. Well, I wouldn’t have believed it either. She probably had never seen so many naked bodies at one time other than perhaps in the locker after gym. But those were girls. These were women, fully developed, thinned and shapely. The only one close to Cassie’s age was the hitchhiker. The others ranged from about 22 to 25. If Cassie had had any doubts about her fate, they were now dispelled.

  Florez pulled the girl over to the corner and commanded her to sit. As he did, I walked over to Estelle’s hitcher and unlocked her bonds. I would take her upstairs to Estelle. The girl’s body bore welts and bruises from her session with Estelle the night before. I did not remove the hood, but just reattached her wrists behind her back and led her by the arm to the door and the stairs above. Estelle met me at the top and crooned happily when she saw her little friend as she called her.

  “Oh my goodness, what have you brought me Harry.” The girl stiffened in my arms. “I think that I will retire with my little friend here for some fun and games.” Estelle grabbed the girl by her nipples and squeezed. The girl moaned and flinched from the pain. Her knees gave out and I supported her with my arms. No doubt the memory of her “fun” with Estelle the night before was very unpleasant.

  “Harry, be a doll and help Florez put the babes to bed,” she asked, eyeing her toy. “I’ll let you have a piece of my darling here a little later, after I’ve warmed her up a bit, okay?”

  I was grateful indeed. The warmth of the girl’s naked body against mine had really charged my engines.

  I walked back down to the basement and entered the cell. I could hear whimpering from the other end. The cell formed an “L” and so the other end was not in my view. As I turned the corner, I could see Florez holding Cassie by the hair, bent at the waist, her head touching her knees. Her legs were spread and Florez was stroking her cunt, his fingers spreading and caressing the folds of skin on either side, the middle one manipulating the bud at the top. His thumb was in her ass.

  Cassie’s was whimpering and crying beneath her gag, the sound masking my entrance. I felt revolted at Florez. I had let my role playing get away with me. All sense of decency and compassion had left me. For the public good they had said. Do what must be done to learn the secrets of Klitzman’s empire. Do what you have to do. I would and had. But for a moment I felt human again: shocked at the rape of an innocent girl. I grabbed Florez by the neck with my right hand and pulled him to his feet. With my left I let him have it.

  Cassie fell to the floor as Florez smashed against the wall. Stunned for a moment, he recovered quickly, fire coming from his eyes. His knife was out in a second. Stupidly, in my anger I had forgotten the knife. All of a sudden I regretted my loss of control. Yes, this girl was suffering. But no more nor no less than she would be if I had not been here. Draco, Estelle, Vivian Burgess, they would have processed and enslaved this girl with or without me. I was jeopardizing the destruction of the greatest criminal conspiracy in history because of my sentimental compassion for this girl. Even if I had killed Florez, this girl was now either a slave or she was dead. Draco and Estelle would see to that. And now I might be dead myself.

  Florez grinned stupidly at me as he swung his knife back and forth before him. I backed up slowly, looking from the corners of my eyes for a weapon. Suddenly, Florez lunged. As he did, his foot caught on the edge of one of the cots and he tumbled to the floor in front of me. I stomped my foot on his wrist, forcing the knife from his hand. He howled in pain.

  I kicked the knife away from him with my other foot. His other hand grabbed for my leg. I dropped my knee on his back. He howled again. Suddenly I felt a cold steel object right behind my ear. I hear the distinct sound of a hammer being cocked. I froze.

  “What the fuck is this?” It was Draco.

  “Just a little fun between the boys,” I replied rather jauntily considering my position. Florez had stopped howling and was struggling to get out from under my knee. Slowly I let him up.

  “This bastard is going to die very soon!” Florez hissed at me.

  “I’m the one who decides who lives and dies here, Florez.”

  Draco slowly removed the gun barrel from my ear. He then noticed the girl sprawled on the floor. He said nothing. But he knew what had happened.

  “Harry, get this broad to bed. Florez, get upstairs and get to
bed yourself. We’re driving to the checkpoint tomorrow to get set up the transfer. I want you up early and sharp. And if I find you guys fighting again, I’ll kill you both. Got it?” I nodded and Florez smiled weakly.

  After they left I directed my attention to the girl on the floor. She had crawled to the corner and was sobbing uncontrollably. I walked over to her and grabbed at her arm, to lift her to her feet. She fought me wildly, striking her head against the wall several times.

  Taking a page from Estelle’s book, I slapped her across the face, twice. This had the desired effect as she stopped struggling and collapsed in my arms. I pulled her over to the table and chair and sat her down. She needed to be sedated as quickly as possible and so I belted her into the chair and then removed her gag. She sputtered as the gag was removed. Before she could speak, I grabbed the bottle of mush from the table and plunged the end into her mouth. Its end was long and fluted so that her tongue could not bar the flow of liquid. It came with a mouthpiece which effectively prevented her from pushing the liquid out of her mouth. Because her hands were bound, I was free to hold the bottle with one hand and, with the other to hold her throat, pushing her head back.

  “Drink Cassie, drink. It won’t harm you,” I told her. “It will help you sleep. Put all this away for a while. You must drink.”

  She looked into my eyes. I don’t know what she saw there, perhaps a remnant of the compassion I had felt for her a few moments ago. But whatever it was she began to calm down. She drank.

  I let her have a good dose. She would nod off in a few minutes so I hurried to complete my tasks. I pulled her to the shower and rinsed her down. I freed her hands from behind her back and let her rub her wrists. She looked at me with her soft, misty eyes. I could see the thought of a plea forming in her head. I gave her a stern look which dissolved her intent.


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