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Klitzman's Predators Book One

Page 15

by Paul Blades

  Surrounded by invaders, our little Amy knew she wasn’t going anywhere. She looked around her furtively, getting a good eyeful of Remo’s bulk and then returning her gaze to us. Her eyes glanced quickly to her left at the telephone sitting on a small end table next to the couch and then to the wall behind us. I followed her gaze and saw the panic button alarm encased in the wall just past the entranceway. Draco saw it too.

  “Now, so you know, Amy, the alarm has been disconnected and the phone wires are cut. So let’s not have any heroics. You can try to jump through the window, but that looks like it would hurt a lot. And, since this isn’t the movies, you might not make it through. You would just get all cut up and we would be pissed as hell. So let’s just relax a little ok?”

  The girl nodded dolefully.

  I was now able to get a good look at our new friend. She was about 5’6, a little heavy boned, but shaped just right. She was wearing a dark red paisley robe, tied at her middle with a matching sash. I could see a pale green nightie underneath. The robe went to the floor, covering the tops of her feet which were bare. A nice turquoise polish was on her toenails, matching the nails on the tips of her hands. Her hair was straw colored, little ringlets at her forehead instead of bangs. No makeup, but her lips were dark red. Her eyes were green, but with a hazel tint. Her heaving chest, brought on no doubt by incipient panic, revealed an ample bosom. Well, we would see.

  Draco broke the silence. “Now Amy, we need to get a little comfy here and I think that you are a mite overdressed for the occasion. So I’m going to ask you to take off your robe so we can get a better look at you.” He waved the knife nonchalantly. “Of course, we can assist you if you would like, but we really don’t want a scene. Do you?”

  The girl was trembling, her arms wrapped around her, her eyes glistening with the onset of tears. She shook her head. She was smart enough to know that what was coming was coming and that giving trouble would certainly get her trouble.

  “W-what do you want?” she whispered nervously.

  “Oh, we’ll get to that,” Draco replied. “But first things first.” He pointed at her robe with the knife.

  Amy looked around timidly and then untied the sash to her robe. She then let the robe slip from her shoulders letting it slide down her arms. She removed it and held it in her hands before her, a futile attempt to cover up.

  “Just toss it on the couch, Amy, that’s a good girl.” Draco ordered. He had a real way about him. His voice was smooth and friendly, but with a cutting edge, like the stiletto he held in his hand.

  Once the robe was tossed away, Amy’s delights were more readily appreciated. Her legs were long and toned, slightly muscular. Her skin was pale. Goosebumps ran up and down her arms. The nightie, reaching down to just below the tops of her thighs, was translucent, giving a greenish tint to her skin beneath it. Her breasts, although veiled, revealed their shape and size readily. They quivered slightly, not large, but certainly ample. Her bush below was dark.

  “Oh, Amy, you’re not a natural blonde. What a shame,” Draco teased her. I could see Remo, behind the girl casting an appreciative leer at the globes of her ass. You could tell what he liked.

  The girl’s tears were flowing freely now, staining her face. Whatever was going to happen was certainly not going to be to her liking. How far would we go, what was really happening here? Was she going to die? I could sense her mind clicking away. Her lips were pulled tensely shut.

  Meanwhile, I thought, what was Genda up to? As if in answer to my thoughts, Genda’s face appeared from behind the corner of the hallway. His head nodded to his side, beckoning. Draco looked at me and I got the message. I stepped quietly from the room and followed him.

  We went down a short a short flight of stairs which led to a long hallway. Genda signaled me to be quiet and I followed him to the third doorway along the passage. As we approached I could hear moaning, a woman’s voice. A familiar sound. Someone was getting it on.

  We crept quietly to the doorway and I peered into the room through the slightly opened door. There was a large double bed in the center of the room, framed by ornate posts. On top of the bed I could see a female posterior hunched over, naked and gyrating slowly. A little further towards the head of the bed was another woman, long dark hair, slender of face, her eyes shut, grimacing in passion. Her legs were spread widely. The moans were coming from her. Well someone was having the breakfast of champions here. It looked like we were going to get a little bonus from our trip.

  Genda pushed the doorway open slowly. Everything was going fine until it creaked. The action on the bed stopped suddenly. A tussled, blond head peered out from behind the bare ass, the brunette’s eyes jumped open. Surprise!

  Genda and I stepped quickly into the room. The yodeler jumped up from the bed, as quick a reaction as I’ve ever seen. Pulling the comforter from the bed she tossed it into the air and sprang towards the screened doorway which led to a porch outside. She burst right through the screen.

  Meanwhile, Genda was struggling to push the comforter off of his head. The brunette was frozen in shock, the opposite of her quicksilver lover. I clicked open my pig sticker and crept towards her menacingly. Genda shot out the door after the Flash.

  The brunette crawled backwards on the bed, until her back was flush against the headboard. She was, of course, naked so I could see her deeply tanned body. Her breasts were small and pert, white and pale, the nipples hard, surrounded by dark and wide areolas. Her hands were pushing down on the bed as if to give her purchase in pushing the bed frame through the wall behind her. Seeing that Genda was in hot pursuit of the muff muncher, I took matters into my own hands, so to speak.

  “I’m only going to tell you once what I want you to do. If you give me trouble, I’ll stick you where it will hurt a lot. Got that?” The girl nodded frantically. “Now I want you to lie down on the bed, face down, towards me. Then you are going to put your hands behind your back. Any noise out of you and you’ll have some holes in hose pretty little tits of yours. Ok?” She nodded again.

  She nervously crept forward on the bed and lay down with her head towards me. Her moans had now turned to a little mewing whine. Just once, she stole a look at the open doorway, the screen burst out. I measured just how big a leap I would have to make to catch her, having foolishly approached from the wrong side of the bed. What a picture that would make, me and Genda chasing naked girls through the woods. Kind of like satyrs in the old Greek Myths. Draco would not be amused.

  Fear getting the better part of her, the brunette complied with my instructions, laying her long, thin body before me, placing her hands behind her back. Her delicate fingers twitched nervously in anticipation for what she surely knew would come next. Not wanting to disappoint, I pulled a long leather thong from my jacket pocket. Always good to be prepared. I knelt on the edge of the bed and swung my leg over the girl’s legs, pinning them beneath me. Putting the knife in my mouth, pirate style, I crossed her wrists and then tied them tightly with the leather strap, once up and down, once across and then back again. Nice and tight, but leaving a little room for circulation. Didn’t want these long, twitching fingers to fall off, did I?

  After securing her arms, I turned towards her legs. Enough running for today, I thought. I pulled another, longer strap from my pocket and addressed the girl’s ankles. I tied one end on her left leg and the other on her right, leaving about a foot and a half between them. I didn’t want to have to carry her after all.

  I paused for a moment, taking in my fine work. Her legs were warm beneath me and I could feel her squirm with discomfort. I ran my hands down her legs, a familiar feeling stirring in my groin. “Mmmm,” I thought,’ delightful.” Why not knock off a little piece right here? Well, if I wanted to die today I could do that. But maybe I’d just live a little longer.

  Discretion having won over ardor, I moved off of the bed and pulled the girl’s legs after me. My knife now back in my hand, I grabbed her arm with my free one and stood her up. She stood

about 5’9”, a couple of inches below my nose. It was good to be tall. Her breathing was quick and shallow as she stared into my face, fearing what would come next. I glanced around the room and saw a pair of little pink panties at my feet. Just what I needed. Reaching down without letting go of the girl’s arm I swept them off of the floor with the tip of my knife.

  “Now, open your mouth honey, I have a little present for you.”

  The girl looked with horror at the panties and then back at me. “We don’t want you making a lot of noise, dearie, so we have to shut you up. You’ve been good so far so let’s just keep this friendly.”

  Naked, surprised in an act of deviate sexual abandon, arms trussed behind her and a 7” slip of steel inches from her face, I guess the girl thought she might as well go with the program. She opened her mouth slowly, still mewing, her knees trembling. My rapier having done its duty, I clicked it closed and addressed the problem at hand. I stood right up to her, her breasts squeezed against my chest. Scrunching the panties into a, little wad, I held the back of her head and stuffed them into her mouth. Now cooperation is a relative term and she had opened her mouth a wee bit in response to my directive, but not enough for my concerns. It was with a little effort that I was able to wedge the panties inside. I must say, the brunette looked quite forlorn. Oh, well, you can’t please everybody.

  I couldn’t resist a little feel and so I messaged first one, then the other of her enticing mounds. They were a little larger than they had first appeared, probably because she had been hunching her shoulders to back away from me, each one a little more than a handful. Soft and firm, hot to the touch, her breasts heaved as she fought for air behind the mouthful of panties. She just stared at me in fright. Not what she had been thinking about a few moments ago. I was sure she liked it when Blondie rubbed her tits. She probably moaned and cooed with delight. But not now. All I got was mewing and whimpering. Well, enough fun, I mean Genda was outside somewhere running down the muff diver and Draco would want to know what I was up to. Back to work.

  Grabbing her arm I tugged my pretty captive towards the door of the bedroom. Once in the hallway I had her lie on the floor while I double-checked the rest of the rooms. Two other bedrooms and a bath. No one home. I stepped back into the hallway and assisted the girl back to her feet. As we approached the stairs I could see a little problem. A foot and a half was enough for walking, albeit little baby steps, but not enough to manage the steps to the main floor. Was I going to do some heavy lifting after all? Shit.

  I gave in to necessity and, after spinning the girl to face me, shoved my shoulder into her gut and lifted her up. She bent in half complacently avoiding what could have been a nasty bump on the head. I carried her up the stairs into the hallway and around the corner into the den.

  Draco was sitting comfortably in one of the easy chairs. A small pile of delicate green fabric lay in the center of the room. The girl, Amy, was nowhere to be seen. Neither was Remo.

  “Where’s Genda?” Draco spat.

  “He’s chasing down an Amazon,” I said as I eased my burden to the floor.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  “We caught this one and her girlfriend en flagrente delicto downstairs, but her girlfriend threw herself through a screen door and took off. Genda took off after her.”

  “Fuck, what a mess! Are you guys clowns or what?”

  “She was fast, she…”

  “Go help him for Christ’s sake. If she gets away we gotta book out of here.”

  I was about to comply when I heard a commotion at the front door. I heard it swing open, banging against the doorstop, and the sound of boots striking the hardwood floor. Genda appeared around the corner. He had the Amazon in tow. Saved by the bell!

  Genda dragged his burden into the room causing her to stumble down the short steps. He had her by her bushy blonde hair, and ignoring her muffled cries of alarm, dragged her to the center of the room. Her arms were pinioned behind her back, tethered high up with a lead going around her throat. Not good for the maintenance of a beneficial oxygen supply. Her body was covered with scratches, blood oozing here and there. Genda had jammed a short, thick branch between her teeth and secured it tightly behind her head. “This bitch bit me,” was all he said.

  Draco looked thoughtfully at the bleeding blonde. “Well, don’t let her strangle. Truss her up and we’ll get down to business here.”

  Genda shrugged. He pulled the girl to her knees and released the bonds around her neck. He pushed her to the floor and secured one end of a leather thong to her ankle. Looking around dumbly, he seemed lost for a moment. Then looking up, he got a bright idea.

  He lifted the girl from the floor by one ankle as if she were a featherweight and tossed the free end of the thong over the beam which ran across the middle of the room. Holding the thong’s end in one hand he reached out and grabbed the other ankle. Deftly, he circled the other ankle with the thong and tied it off. Blondie was strung up, upside down with her head barely touching the floor. She was going nowhere.

  In the meantime, the brunette was taking this all in. Her mewing had not stopped. Genda turned to her in annoyance. “Shut the fuck up!” he roared. The girl mewed all the more. Genda pushed her to the floor and untied one of her ankles. In a moment she was hanging upside down next to her partner.

  Just then, Remo returned to the room with little Amy in front of him. She was naked, of course, and she was carrying a small tray with a coffee pot, some cups, a sugar bowl and a small pitcher of milk. Spoons rattled on the tray as she walked. Her face collapsed into a grimace as she saw her friends hanging bottoms up.

  “I see you have some friends over, Amy. Anyone else ‘hanging around? ’” Draco enquired.

  The tray started to shake a little more.

  “Maybe we’ll take another look around, OK? Remo, check out the upstairs.”

  Remo darted away. Genda followed him. “Coffee, Harry?” Draco asked.

  “Sure, a little milk please.”

  Amy placed the clattering tray on the table before the couch. She was sobbing silently. Awkwardly she poured two cups of coffee and placed a dollop of milk in one, a little sugar in the other. Draco had apparently already placed his order.

  Picking up the cups, she handed one to me and turned to give one to Draco. The cup was shaking visibly in her hand. “Now, don’t spill it Amy. A good hostess takes care of her guests, doesn’t she? If you got coffee on my new pants I would be quite upset.”

  Amy stepped carefully over to Draco and offered the cup to him. He took it.

  As she backed away from him, her sobbing became heavier and louder. Something was up. Was there someone else in the house? Someone she hoped would get away?

  Draco motioned to the girl and she slipped quickly to her knees. Without instruction, she placed her hands behind her head. I saw that Draco had begun her training already.

  We sat sipping our coffee for a few moments contemplating Amy’s delightful form. Her breasts jutted out nicely, pale circles around her nipples, maybe just an ounce of fat around her middle. Her knees were wide, as they should be, and her cunt lips peaked just beyond the dark bush of hair surrounding them. She did look good as a blonde. Perhaps a little work with a razor was in order. Without pussy hair, only her hairdresser would know for sure.

  The tread of boots in the hallway signaled the return of the mau maus. Surprise, surprise, a little, naked, dark haired girl was walking between them. Remo had her by the hand. She was a little, bony girl, black hair behind her head in a pony tail. Her lips were trembling, as was natural in these circumstances, her head down. Remo led her into the room.

  “She was hiding in a closet,” he said, releasing her as he pulled her into the room. The momentum carried her close to Amy. Amy’s sobbing increased, just below hysterical.

  “Now, Amy, who is this? Someone special?” Draco asked. “You shouldn’t have hidden her from us. We’re all friends here. Please introduce me.”

  Amy was in no shape f
or a conversation, but managed to spit out two words, “M-my sister.” Okay, almost three words.

  “Ah, how delightful,” Draco exclaimed, “a sister act.”

  “N-no, please,” Amy sputtered, “please, please don’t hurt her. Please let us go. I’ll tell you anything you want. Please don’t hurt us!” Amy was reaching into quite deep reserves for this.

  “Well, we’ll see what happens, Amy. Lets first calm down and have a little chat. It if makes you feel any better, we’re not going to kill you. You and your friends are much too lovely for that.” Draco turned to the younger girl, “What’s your name little one?”

  “Robin,” she whispered quietly, her head still bowed, too frightened to look up. She wore nothing but her pony tail holder as Remo and Genda had apparently relieved her of clothing before bringing her downstairs. She looked around eighteen. Her breasts were small and pointed. Her legs were slender, her hips wide. There was a small tattoo on her stomach just above her pubic hair. A butterfly.

  “Now, Robin, I want you to sit on my lap as I talk to your sister, be a good girl and come over here.”

  Robin glanced sidelong at her sister and then stepped slowly to Draco. As she got close he grabbed her arm and pulled her onto his lap. She was tiny but Draco was no giant either. She fit there nicely.

  Draco wrapped one arm around her shoulders and ran his other hand over her belly and then down her leg. She shivered at his touch but made no resistance. “You’re a pretty little thing, aren’t you Robin. Do you have a boyfriend? Would you like to be my girlfriend, Robin?” He was teasing her. He slid his thigh between her legs opening her for better access. Her arms were pressed behind her by Draco’s right arm and left shoulder. He caressed her right breast. “Very nice little tits, Robin,” he said. “If you would like, I’ll suck on them for you, would you like that?”


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