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The Sin Eater (A F.R.E.A.K.S. Squad Investigation Book 5)

Page 7

by Jennifer Harlow

  I change out of my pajamas into jeans, my Wonder Woman t-shirt, leather motorcycle jacket, and slap on some make-up before retrieving a box from my closet. I’d hoped I’d never have to open this one again. Before I left Kansas I took some parting gifts. Silver handcuffs, silver nitrate MACE, two boxes of silver bullets, a Glock 9mm, and my baby Bette. I take all but her. Hard to conceal a machete in my purse unlike the rest. Just a precaution.

  Gaslamp hasn’t opened yet as the driver pulls up to the curb. I don’t even have to knock, the bouncer just opens the door without a glare this time too. The bartender smiles as I approach. Five months ago we almost killed one another and now she smiles at me. “Hello,” the bartender, whose name I can’t recall, says. “Let me call and let him know you’re here.”

  She does just that, and a minute later Neil, Connor’s second in command, walks down from the office. “Hello,” he says curtly. “Come with me. The meeting is about to begin.”

  “Meeting?” Great. Not only is a vamp gunning for me but now I have to sit in a meeting about it. Ugh.

  I follow Neil toward the back of the club then through the hidden hallways to Connor’s apartment. The vamp himself is already holding court at his dining room table. Four men and one woman sit at the table with Connor at its head. Not one vamp sports a smile, not even Connor when he lays eyes on me. I just get a nod. Not going to lie, it stings a tad.

  “Thank you for coming,” Connor says to me.

  Neil pulls out one of the empty chairs for me and I sit. “Yeah.”

  “My friends, this is Special Agent Beatrice Alexander of the F.R.E.A.K.S.,” Connor says. I don’t bother correcting him. “Beatrice, may I present Thomas,” the blonde man nods, “Edgar,” the Latino man nods, “Avril,” the curvy brunette woman smiles, “Sean,” the redhead nods, “Jack,” the man with the eyepatch smiles, “and of course you remember Neil.”

  “Hello. All.”

  “So where were we?” Connor says, sitting as well.

  “They made it look like arson, so not only are the Newport police involved, but I doubt we will receive a dime in insurance,” Jack says.

  “And the building today?” Connor asks.

  “They finally put the blaze out,” Edgar reports, “but I am sure it will be the same story.”

  “And the police?”

  “You will most likely have to speak to them at some point,” Neil says.

  “We are cooperating with them,” Avril says. “Day staff sent them all the files and paperwork they requested. We will do the same when the Oceanside department no doubt contacts us tonight. I—”

  “I-I’m sorry,” I cut in, all eyes jutting my way. “Can someone please tell me what you’re all talking about?”

  “Among other…troubling events, two of our CM Holdings recent real estate acquisitions burnt down,” Connor explains. “One yesterday, one today.”

  “And the other troubling events?” I ask.

  “Several of the restaurants and other establishments I own have received visits from every conceivable inspector following multiple anonymous complaints. Six have been shut down pending investigation. Not to mention the owner of the bistro, my friend Taylor, is missing,” he says as the sides of his mouth twitch.

  “Don’t forget the IRS,” Sean says.

  “How could I forget the IRS?” Connor says with a sneer.

  “It will take months,” Neil says, “before they begin investigating in earnest.”

  “Are the books clean?” Thomas, the blonde, asks.

  “As clean as they can be,” Avril says, “considering we all use falsified IDs and social security numbers. It is so hard for them to hold up to scrutiny in this day and age.”

  “We can hire, what do you call them…hackers to shore them up further,” Jack offers.

  “We should do that regardless,” Edgar says.

  “And you all think this is the work of Lady Antonia,” I say.

  “Of course. Especially in light of the fact she is asking questions about you,” Connor says.

  “This is ridiculous,” I say. “They attacked us. We just defended ourselves.”

  “We engaged in violence in her territory. She could use the mere fact we were in Los Angeles without her consort to begin this nightmare.”

  “She could do it just because she is bored,” Avril adds. “Why does not matter anymore, Connor.” Avril takes his hand, squeezing it. Great. And ex-girlfriend. Just wonderful. “All that does matter is what we do now. Where is she vulnerable? Where can we—”

  “Uh, have you tried talking to her?” I cut in.

  “I beg your pardon?” Jack asks.

  Are they serious? “I just think that before you start World War III maybe you should pick up the phone and tell her our side of the story? Work something out before the bodies start piling up and you both get in trouble?”

  Connor contemplates this foreign concept for a few seconds. The others exchange glances. “Sir, word could have spread about her actions,” Neil says. “If we do not retaliate or face this head on, it could make us appear weak and not only to her.”

  “Or while you’re fighting this idiotic war that the King himself threatened you with death about beginning, and all your attentions are focused on said war, who knows what can crawl through the cracks you’re not watching?” I point out. “Heck, maybe she wants exactly this. You started the war. By taking me to LA, right? Allegedly. I mean do you have concrete proof she’s behind this? You start raping and pillaging then she can turn around and say it was all your fault. You’re a lawyer. Do you have proof that would hold up before this King?”

  “Do we?” Connor asks everyone.

  They all look at one another again. “We are still investigating, sir,” Neil pipes up.

  “That’s a no,” I say. “This is stupid, Connor. You’re playing right into her hands. Just call her. Remind her if this escalates you could both end up dead or exiled. And if she doesn’t listen then at least you’ve covered your butt. You tried to resolve this peacefully. That will count for something.”

  Connor surveys his advisers, most of whom remain neutral or contemplative. “Thoughts?” Connor asks them.

  “Perhaps she…has a point,” Jack says. “We should not rush to retaliation. Yet.”

  “We should build a case,” Edgar adds. “Exercise prudence.”

  “Give her enough rope to hang herself and hope the King finally takes her out for us,” Thomas says.

  “Not what I was going for,” I say to Thomas.

  “Neil?” Connor asks. “Avril?”

  “I think it is a risk,” Avril says. “If you ignore her, not only do we appear weak but also ineffective. In our world violence is met with violence. What happens when she begins targeting our people? They will be asking why, if we knew about the threat, we did not act before.”

  “I agree with Avril,” Neil says. “Antonia bloodied our lip. If we do not strike back, she will continue kicking us until we can never get up.”

  “Of course that’s how this whole mess began,” I point out, “and look where it’s got us. ‘An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.’”

  Avril rolls her dark eyes. “Thank you, Gandhi. He was assassinated, was he not?”


  Connor sits back in his chair, staring contemplatively into space as he soaks in all our advice. “No, Beatrice is correct. The most prudent course of action is deescalation or at least its attempt. Neil, do we have Antonia’s number? Please retrieve it, a phone, and a recording device. I want this call on record with you all as witnesses in case it is needed down the road.”

  “Yes sir,” Neil says, rising.

  Avril’s plump lips purse in disapproval. “And if she refuses our demands?”

  “Then…” he glances at me then her, “we shall discuss that later.” His eyes finally settle on me. “Beatrice, what precisely did Oliver say to you? I need all available information before I phone Antonia.”

  “I’ll play you the m
essage.” I put it on speaker phone for the table to listen to. Hearing his voice again the second time only twists my stomach one time and not into an unbearable knot like before. A crisis is a good way to keep emotions in check I guess.

  “That is all?” Connor asks.

  “Yeah. But it’s the only time he’s called me since…you know, so he must think this is serious.”

  “Of course it is serious,” Avril says. “We have lost millions in revenue and are under police and government scrutiny.”

  “Then it is in everyone’s best interest to end this now,” Edgar says.

  God I feel like I’m back at the F.R.E.A.K.S. when everyone hated each other with me as the unwitting catalyst. That started with romance too. I really, truly should become a nun.

  Neil returns a few seconds later with a slip of paper and small recorder which he sets up in front of Connor. “Thank you.” Connor removes his iPhone from his pants before turning on the recorder. “Speaking is Connor McInnis, Lord of San Diego. With me are Neil Kilkelly, four other staff members Jack McCrory, Avril Norton, Edgar Gallego, and Thomas Neville, along with Special Agent Beatrice Alexander of the F.R.E.A.K.S. Squad. The time is 9:34 PM on June 11th. This is a live, unedited recording of my call to Antonia Sabatini, Lady of Los Angeles. I am making the call now.” He punches in the number on the paper. Over the speaker we all hear it ring three times.

  “The Crimson Lounge, Alejandro speaking,” a man says with a familiar Hispanic accent. “How may I help you?”

  “This is Lord Connor McInnis. I am attempting to reach Lady Antonia Sabatini on urgent business. Please connect me immediately.”

  The other end is silent for a few seconds. “You have a lot of nerve calling—”

  “Connect me immediately please,” Connor demands hard as granite. “Thank you.”

  More silence, then, “Pendejo.” But the hold message begins a second later.

  “How rude,” Avril says.

  “I think that was one of the men from the bistro,” I say.

  “I believe you are correct,” Connor says. “The one who put his hands on you.”

  “Didn’t have them on me for long,” I say with a hint of pride.

  The hold music cuts a second later. Showtime.

  “Connor McInnis, this is an unexpected…” a woman, I presume Antonia says with only a hint of an Italian accent.

  “Is it? I believe we have much to discuss.”

  “True, but that never made you pick up the telephone before. I believe this is an unprecedented circumstance.”

  “Well, we are in the technological age where connection is far easier. I am finally embracing that fact.”

  “Yet not enough to use this new skill set to call or email me to ask permission when you enter my territory,” Antonia says.

  “I did not see the need to bother you with such a triviality. And I need not remind you we reside in the land of the free. As a taxpaying citizen I am afforded the right to go where I please without permission.”

  “And beating my second bloody in an alley? I must have missed the news they passed a law in California that allowed assault.”

  “I am unsure what your man told you, Antonia, but there was a restaurant full of people who can attest your Mr. Wu physically engaged me first.”

  “After you called him the vilest—”

  “What was said is irrelevant. My freedom extends to speech as well. Your man assaulted me and his partner assaulted my date, a Federal Agent, I might add.”

  “Suspended Federal Agent so technically not an agent,” Antonia points out. “And what are you doing with her in the first place? I heard all about your little plan to force her into becoming your consort. Low, even for you, McInnis.”

  “My relationship with Ms Alexander is private and irrelevant to this discussion.”

  “Is it? Because it seems as if you are up to something again.”

  All eyes at the table move to me to gage my reaction, but I remain neutral.

  “You are a fine one to speak about subterfuge, Antonia. Two of my buildings destroyed by arson? Inspectors and the IRS plaguing me the past two days?”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about,” she says.

  “Of course you do not because that would be violating our treaty, which means I can contact the King who will strip you of your lands and titles.”

  “But you have no proof of my direct involvement or you would have phoned him already. Although the King might be interested in the few things I have dug up. However who needs that scrutiny again?”

  “I could not agree more,” Connor says. “With all this wondrous technology and connectedness it becomes harder and harder to hide anything, let alone our misdeeds. The King will learn of our war and strip us both of our lands before we inflict any true damage to one another. Which is why I am calling to propose a truce.”

  “A truce?”

  “No further escalation on either of our parts. We chalk it up to a simple misunderstanding and move on.”

  “We simply turn the other cheek?” she chuckles. “Who are you and what have you done with Connor McInnis?”

  “To be quite frank, Antonia, I have better things to do.” He glances at me. “Far more pleasurable endeavors I wish to focus my attention on than a pointless war with you. I am sure you do as well. We have traveled down this road before and it almost led us both to ruin. Nothing has changed since. If I, the truly injured party here, can forgive and forget, you can as well. You are a smart woman. Please see logic and agree here and now. Truce?”

  She’s quiet for a few seconds. “You are up to something. I can sense it. It has to do with that—”

  “All I am up to is attempting to save the lives of my subjects who will be caught in the crossfire of our insipid war. And you should know I am recording this conversation. I am coming to you in peace. That is all I desire in return. Antonia, I will put my proposal in writing. I will have it notarized. I will sign it in blood. Just…agree and we can go back to attempting to forget the other exists. Peace?”

  More silence. Oh, come on, lady. Just say it. “Peace,” Antonia says.

  Everyone’s shoulders slump with relief. Connor even smiles. “This is for the best. Without question.”

  “Just stay out of my territory from now on.”

  “I will try my utmost. Have a wonderful evening, Antonia.” He hangs up.

  “I cannot believe that actually worked,” Neil says.

  “Only time will tell if it truly did,” Avril points out.

  “I believe her,” Connor says, turning off the recorder. “It truly is for the best for all parties involved.” He smiles at his war council. “Excellent work, all. Please continue monitoring the situation, and keep me apprised, but the worst is over. You know what to do.”

  “Yes, sir,” Neil says, the first to rise.

  Unsure what else to do, I stand with the rest of them, Connor included.

  “Beatrice, will you please remain behind?” Connor asks.

  “Uh, sure.”

  Avril smiles at me as she passes, but it’s about sincere as the one I give her. The others just ignore me as they leave the apartment. When the front door finally shuts, I avert my eyes to the ground. We’re alone, and I have no idea what to expect. What to say. Connor has no such qualms.

  “I am truly, truly sorry for dragging you into my mess,” he says as he slowly moves toward me, stopping less than a foot away.

  I gaze up at his contrite face. I think he actually means it. “It’s okay. I’m a mess magnet. I’m just glad it’s all settled. Thank you for listening to me.”

  “I am glad you were here to be the voice of reason. I believe a few of the others were thinking the same thing but were hesitant to voice their objections.” He smiles down at me, a weary smile. He’s had a long couple of days. “I am you are here for multiple reasons, your calm head the least among them.” Tentatively, he raises his hand, hovering it an inch from my cheek before finally touching me. Even though
his hand’s cold, it’s still nice. Sweet. “I wanted to phone you. I did. But with the maelstrom…I thought it best to shelter you from it as best as I could. It was not because of…”

  “What happened in the limo?”

  “Yes. I was also not sure if you desired for me to contact you.”

  “Yeah, I…” I chuckle, “wasn’t sure either.” I roll my eyes. “I guess, to be totally honest, asking me what I want about anything right now is like asking a deaf person to appreciate a symphony. The tools just aren’t there. And this…whatever we have going on is so outside my wheelhouse, if I didn’t already feel like I’ve been living on Jupiter, what happened in the limo would boost me into orbit. I’ve never had a one night stand before. When you didn’t call I just assumed that’s what it was. Part of me was relieved, part of me was pissed at us both. All the crappy girl questions plagued me. Did you think I was ugly? Did you think I sucked in bed because you didn’t orgasm? Did you not orgasm because you think I’m ugly? Did I scare you away with breaking the champagne bottle and glasses?”

  “I am honored you thought about me so much when we were not together,” he says with the crinkle-eyed grin. In this moment I’m glad I get to see it again.

  “Not like I had anything better to do,” I say. “The point is…I guess I don’t have a point. Or a brain. Or courage. Or a heart.” I chuckle. “You don’t by any chance know the Wizard of Oz do you?”

  “I am afraid not. But I can clear up any residual confusion, at least on my end.” Connor leans down, softly kissing me on the lips. I don’t stop him. The moment his lips touch mine, I don’t want him to. With one kiss any doubts I never wished to experience this again evaporates. “I enjoy your company. I enjoy…your body,” he says, drawing his free hand under my shirt against my bare back, his fingers caressing me with a feathery touch, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. “And since I am shockingly the first of my kind you have deigned to take as a lover…” He unhooks my bra, my nipples already erect from his voice and the anticipation, “you should know a vampire can last hours,” those expert fingers move forward to my now free breast, gently cupping it. My breaths stops again. “My record is six and we only stopped because she begged me to.”


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