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Julian (Trinity Academy Book 4)

Page 11

by Michelle Heard

  Where is this coming from?


  “Can I have a moment alone with Jamie?” Carter asks Julian.

  I can see he’s reluctant to leave, but he does as Carter asks.

  Once we’re alone, Carter comes over to me and takes hold of my shoulders. “Now, tell me what’s really going on.”

  I shake my head and look down when the act I’ve worked so hard to put on, becomes too much to bear.

  Carter leans a little down to catch my eyes. “Talk to me.”

  “I’m terrified,” I say, harsher than I meant to. “I’m so terrified. What if this person hurts someone I care about because he can’t get to me? What if… ” My breaths come faster, and I cover my mouth to keep the sob back.

  Carter brings his hands up and framing my face, he gives me an intense look. “So, you thought it would be better to separate yourself from everyone? Did you actually think we’d allow you to do that?” Pulling me to his chest, he wraps me in a tight hug. “You’ve always been the one who took care of us. Let me take care of you now.”

  Pulling back, I shake my head. “I can’t, Carter. Della needs you. Danny and Christopher need you. Y’all have to go back to New York.”

  I glance down at the bandage around my arm. I can barely look at the cut whenever I have to clean it.

  “Some creep drugged me multiple times. He was in my suite, and I’m sure the cameras were planted by him. He has already tried to kill me once.” Bringing my eyes back to Carter, I shake my head as hopelessness threatens to engulf me. “He’s never going to stop. It feels like a shadow is following me around.”

  “All the more reason for you to stay here,” Carter argues. “Hayden and Max will be here soon. With them helping, I’m sure we’ll catch the guy in no time.”

  “I’m glad they’re coming, but do you think I’ll be able to live with myself if something happened to you, or to Julian, or to Mr. Reyes? What if something happens to Della because she came out here? You need to tell her to stay in New York.”

  I can see my words are starting to get through to Carter, and it makes me push harder. “Tristan can not grow up never having known his father. Your family should come first, Carter.”

  “You are my family!” Turning away from me, he rubs a hand over his face. “Fuck!” When he turns back to me, his eyes are shimmering with unshed tears, and it kills me to see him so upset. “I can’t just leave you behind, Jamie. Now more than ever, we need to stand together.”

  “What if he kills you?” I shout, my emotions overwhelming me. My legs give way, and I sink to the floor as a cry rips through me. “What if he kills me?”

  Carter drops to his knees in front of me and frames my face. “That’s not going to happen.”

  “You don’t know that.” I gasp for air, and wrapping my arms around his neck, I beg, “Please go home. I need you to be safe in New York with Della and the kids. I’m going to lose my mind with worry if you stay here.”

  Carter holds me so tightly it’s bordering on painful. His voice is hoarse as he says, “Don’t ask me to leave, Jamie.”


  The last couple of hours have been an emotional rollercoaster. Carter managed to calm Jamie down and talked her into staying at the mansion until Sunday.

  Leaning against the pillar where I’m standing on the porch, I watch Jamie sitting on a bench in the garden.

  “You should go talk with her,” Dad says as he comes outside with two cups of coffee. “Take one to Miss Truman.”

  Taking the cups from him, I smile. “Thanks, Dad.”

  I walk down the stairs, and when I reach the bench, Jamie doesn’t even look up.

  “My dad sends coffee,” I say, holding a cup to her.

  She takes the coffee, then stares down at it.

  “You’re really not going to talk to me?” I ask before I take a sip of the warm liquid.

  “What do you want me to say?” she asks, her voice sounding empty of all emotion.

  “Whatever’s on your mind.”

  Her head snaps up, and she gives me an angry look. “Really? Do you really want me to tell you what I’m thinking?”

  Taking the cup from her, I place it on the ground, along with my own. “Yes, I want you to really tell me exactly what you’re thinking.”

  She gets up and walks a couple of steps away, then turning back to me, she shouts, “I’m terrified out of my mind.”

  I get up and walk two steps closer. “Should I get more security?”

  “No, Julian! I’m scared for Della, and Danny and Christopher, and Carter.” She fists her hands at her sides as her breaths speed up. “I’m scared for you.” Her shoulders slump under the fear. “What if the person comes after someone I care about?”

  I stare at her as her words sink in. She just placed me in the same bracket as her family.

  Does that mean…?

  I close the distance between us and wrap my arms around her.

  How do you comfort someone when there is no certainty that none of their fears won't come true?

  You lie.

  “We’re going to get through this. We have more security than the president.”

  Jamie pulls back, and I can see my words have done nothing to ease her fears.

  Framing her face, I press my forehead to hers. “We’re going to get through this, and then we’re going to go on a date. When we agree the time is right, we’ll spend a night together, and you’ll still be there when I wake up. We’ll learn each other's faults. We’re going to get through this together because we both have something to lose.”

  Jamie closes her eyes as tears roll down her cheeks. “I can’t do that to you, Julian.”

  When she opens her eyes again, there’s so much heartache in them. It guts me to see her like this.

  She pulls away and wipes her cheeks, then first takes a couple of deep breaths before, she says, “You can’t go through that pain again.”

  Chapter 21

  Where are you hiding, beautiful?


  Julian tilts his head to the side, his eyes boring into mine.

  “Again?” he says, his voice too calm for the anger I see coming to life on his face. “Have you already decided you’re going to die?”

  My frustration only grows because I can’t make any of them understand. “No, but let’s be real for a second. There’s a crazy person out there who has tried to kill me before. We have nothing. No clues to who it could be. The odds aren’t exactly in my favor.”

  Julian gestures to the house. “The odds aren’t in your favor? How do you figure that? I have a small army guarding you! I’d say the fucker is greatly outnumbered.”

  “For how long? What if this person is never found?”

  “Then you’ll have to get used to living with protection.”

  “It’s that easy?” I ask, my fight draining from me. I’m exhausted to my core. “I can’t live like a prisoner, Julian.”

  For a moment, he closes his eyes as he tries to remain calm. “You won’t be the first person to have guards. Unfortunately, when you’re a member of certain families, it comes with the territory.”

  I hear what he’s saying. “Fine, but I’m still going back to school. I can’t just sit around and wait for him to strike.”

  “On Sunday, after dinner, I’ll take you myself.”

  “Will you get guards for yourself as well?” I ask.

  “Will it make you feel better if I arrange security for everyone?” he asks, the anger fading from his voice.

  “It will make me feel a hell of a lot better.”

  “Then, consider it done.”

  “Really?” I ask to make sure.

  “Jamie,” he moves closer to me, and pulling me back against his chest, continues, “I’ll do whatever it takes to make you feel safe. If that means starting a security company of my own, then so be it.”

  I let out a chuckle, and rest my cheek against his beating heart. “Thank you.”

  Julian />
  When we sit down for dinner, I forgo the head of the table and take the seat next to Jamie.

  Dad walks into the dining room and pauses when he sees me next to Jamie. “Oh, good, good.”

  I suppress a chuckle when he goes to sit at the head with a smile on his face. Stephanie takes the seat next to him.

  “It’s so good to have everyone here,” Dad says, and lifting his glass of wine, he toasts, “To family and new friends.”

  When the servers bring out the food, Dad asks, “Carter, how’s the publishing business?”

  “It’s good, Sir. We’ve just opened a translation department and hope to break into the European market.”

  Dad and Carter get absorbed in talking business, which has Stephanie asking, “Della, when are you due?”

  “In four weeks.”

  “Oh, wow, it’s right around the corner.” Stephanie smiles, then asks, “Do you know the sex yet?”

  “We’re having another boy. We’ve decided to name him Tristan.”

  “It’s a beautiful name,” Stephanie compliments her.

  While we enjoy the entrée, I notice Jamie’s leg jumping. Moving my left hand under the table, I place it on her thigh, which makes the jumping instantly stop.

  The dishes are cleared, and when soup bowls are placed in front of us, Jamie slips her hand under the table and taking hold of mine, she turns it over before weaving her fingers through mine.

  “Can you eat with just your left hand?” I ask softly, so the others won’t hear.

  “We’ll find out soon enough,” she jokes.

  Dinner is relaxing, and for a moment, I manage to forget about everything.


  Tomorrow Hayden and Max will come to see if they can help. I have only met them twice, but from what I remember, they looked pretty badass, so it feels like there might be a glimmer of hope in this nightmare.

  Not being able to sleep, I climb out of bed and walk to the kitchen. Switching on a light, I pour myself a glass of water, then lean back against a counter and take a sip.

  I’m deep in thought when Julian walks into the kitchen. He’s only wearing sweatpants, and the moment my eyes focus on his bare chest and abs, I spew the water all over the kitchen floor, then choke when a couple of drops go down the wrong hole.

  “I didn’t know you were up,” he says as he grabs a couple of paper towels.

  Clearing my throat to get rid of the burn, I place the glass in the sink, then crouch to help him wipe up the mess.

  “You could wear a shirt, you know,” I say, my voice hoarse from choking on water.

  Yep, it’s definitely not hoarse because I have a close-up view of his abs.

  “You could wear pants,” he shoots back as he goes to throw the paper towels in the trash can.

  Climbing to my feet, I yank my oversized shirt up and say, “I’m wearing pants.”

  Julian’s eyes drop down to my pelvic area, and then his eyebrow lifts. “You call those pants?”

  “Yeah.” I glance down at my shorts. Sure, they’re a little tight, but they’re one of my comfy pairs.

  A sexy smirk begins to form around Julian’s mouth, which instantly has me frowning. “What’s the grin for?”

  He slowly moves closer to me, then says, “You choked when you saw me. I’m just wondering why.”

  “Don’t let it go to your head,” I taunt him. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

  “Yeah, and if memory serves me right, you really liked the view the first time around.”

  And what a view it was, seeing him in all his naked glory.

  I begin to feel flushed from the memory of our night together and having him standing so close to me.

  Clearing my throat again, I do my best to keep my eyes on his face because one more look at his chest might have me drooling.

  Julian tilts his head and takes another step closer, which has our bodies almost touching. It’s close enough for me to feel the heat of his skin.

  My eyes jump to his chest before bringing them back to his face. When I see his irises darkening with the same desire that’s spreading through me like a fire, I forget that we’re standing in the kitchen.

  “This is a bad idea,” he murmurs as he lifts a hand to the back of my neck.

  “Yeah,” I agree, my breaths already speeding up with anticipation.

  His other hand clamps down on my hip, and as he pulls me closer, he lowers his head to mine. The moment our lips touch, I bring up my hands to frame his jaw.

  I’m overwhelmed by his scent, something citrusy, which is probably from the body wash he uses. Feeling his chest press against mine, my body shudders, and I move my hands to his hair.

  Julian nips at my bottom lip, and it makes my heart rate spike. I part my lips, and his tongue immediately sweeps into my mouth, drawing a needy moan from me.

  When Julian slips a hand up the back of my shirt, and his fingers brush over my sensitive skin, I push my body hard against his, wanting so much more.

  “Oh shit,” I hear Della’s surprised voice.

  Julian instantly breaks the kiss, and we both glance at the entrance to the kitchen, but Della’s nowhere to be found, probably having rushed away to give us privacy.

  Julian lets out a chuckle and dropping his head, he presses a kiss to my neck, then whispers, “Busted.”

  “Yep. I better go after her and explain.” Reluctantly, I pull away from Julian.

  “What are you going to say to her?” Julian asks, his eyes still resting on me filled with intense desire.

  “The truth.” I drop my eyes only for them to land on his golden skin.

  “And that is?” he asks as he lifts a hand to my jaw, and then rubs his thumb softly over my bottom lip.

  Holy cow, if he doesn’t stop, I’m going to forget about wanting to talk with Della and drag him back to my room.

  “We… ah… spent a night together,” I stumble over my words because all brain activity is solely focused on Julian, and how he’s making me feel. “That the kiss just happened… and I’m not sure… what it means.”

  Julian moves his hand down to the side of my neck, and then he leans in and presses a soft kiss to my lips. Pulling back, his eyes find mine. “Hopefully, it means there’s still a mutual attraction, and we’d both like to see where it will lead?”

  I begin to nod and agree, “I’ll tell Della that. It’s less complicated.”

  The corner of Julian’s mouth lifts. “When you’re done talking with your sister, and you can’t sleep, come to my room.”

  My eyebrow pops up, not having expected the offer even after we just shared a hot kiss.

  My reaction has Julian saying, “To sleep, Jamie. Just to sleep. Let’s take it slow this time.”

  I smile, appreciating that he’s willing to move slow. Walking toward the entrance of the kitchen, I warn him, “You might regret the invitation because I’m a restless sleeper.”

  Chapter 22


  Staring out of my window at the dark night, I replay what just happened over in my mind.

  For a moment, I doubt myself, wondering if I made a mistake kissing Jamie.

  It felt right, though.

  Why hold off until the perpetrator is caught? It might take months.

  I’m done fighting the attraction I feel for Jamie. Yes, she’s much younger than me, but she’s like no other woman I’ve ever met. She challenges me, never backing away from an argument.

  There’s a soft knock at my door, and when I glance over my shoulder, Jamie pushes the door open.

  “Does the offer still stand?”

  Seeing the unsure look on her face, I turn around and gesture at the bed. “Of course.”

  She steps inside the room and shuts the door before she glances at the bed. “Just to sleep, right?”

  A smile tugs at my mouth. “Just to sleep.”

  Walking to the bed, I sit down on the right-hand side as it’s closest to the door. Stretching my legs out, I grin when
Jamie slowly inches her way closer, and giving me one last look, she pulls the covers back and climbs inside.

  Snuggling into a pillow, she mutters, “I’m probably not going to sleep.”

  I lean over her and switch off the lamp on the nightstand. Drawing back, I hear her exhale a deep breath.

  Making myself comfortable, I lie on my back, and it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dark.

  “What did Della say?” I ask, curious to know if she approves or whether I have to prepare myself for a backlash.

  “She just wanted to know if I’m sure about starting a relationship with you.”

  Turning onto my side, I look at Jamie. “And? Are you sure?”

  Her tongue darts out and she wets her lips, before answering, “To be honest, I haven’t thought that far. The kiss was unexpected.”

  “It was,” I agree. “But now that it’s happened, how do you feel?”

  “I don’t regret it.” Her eyes search my face. “How do you feel about the kiss?”

  I reach out a hand to her and brush some of her hair back. “It felt right.”

  Our eyes lock, and having her in my bed, makes my need for her rush back.

  “And now I regret having said we’ll only sleep tonight,” I tease her.

  “Yeah?” She moves closer. “Why’s that?”

  Letting out a chuckle, I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her body against mine. “Lift your head.” She does as I ask, and I push my arm under her. When she rests her head by my shoulder, I lean closer and press a kiss to her mouth. “Time to sleep.”

  “You didn’t answer my question,” she argues.

  “I’m not going to.” Turning my face to her, I inhale the fresh scent of her hair, then whisper, “Sleep, Jamie.”

  Holding her tighter against me, a smile plays around my lips.

  This feels right.


  When I wake up, it takes a moment before I realize my face is pressed to Julian’s chest, and I’m drooling on him.


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