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Boss Romance: Boss #6

Page 17

by Victoria Quinn

  My father’s smile was huge through the phone. “I’m happy to hear that. I was hoping you wouldn’t drag your feet.”

  I didn’t have a chance to drag my feet. Titan didn’t even ask me to marry her, she just told me to. My big dick was buried inside her, and I’d just made love to her in a way I never did with anyone else. There was never really a choice. She wanted me, and she wanted to take me.

  Fucking sexy.

  “She loved the ring.”

  My father paused for a while. “I’m glad. Your mother loved it too.”

  “She told me she would never take it off.”

  “And neither did your mother. I wish Titan could have met her. They would have hit it off.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure they would have.”

  “Any details on the wedding?”

  “No,” I said with a chuckle. “We haven’t even gotten there. I’m not sure what she wants to do. Knowing her, probably something quick and simple, which is fine by me. But we aren’t skipping the honeymoon…”

  It was the first time I’d heard my dad chuckle in years. “I see where your head is at.”

  If only he knew what position I was in when I asked her to marry me.

  “Thank you for letting me know. I know the two of you will have a long and happy life together.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I’m sure we will.” It was still strange to call him that, but it was getting easier.

  My father paused again. “Maybe we could all go out to dinner to celebrate. I’ll bring Jax along.”

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll ask her.”

  “Let me know.” He hung up.

  I was just about to call Brett when I saw the article right on the front page of Google. Tatum Titan: Engaged for a Second Time in Two Months? They had pictures of her walking into her building sporting the ring I gave her. They had a close-up of the ring Thorn had originally given her, and they were comparing the two.

  Like they were comparing my love against Thorn’s.

  I’d thought our secret would have lasted longer than that.

  * * *

  I stopped by the studio and met with the journalist who’d interviewed me the first time. Just like last time, they had no problem getting me a slot on the air. To them, this was exclusive footage every other network would kill for.

  For me, it was a chance to set the record straight.

  They sat me down in the same seating area as before, and after a few questions, we were on the air.

  I was prepared to put every rumor to rest. I was prepared to come clean to the world, to open my heart and let everyone take a peek inside.

  John faced me, his square glasses on the bridge of his nose. “There are rumors going around that you and Tatum Titan are engaged. She was spotted walking into her building this morning with a diamond ring on her finger. Are the accusations true?”

  “Yes.” I didn’t smile as I spoke, but I felt the happiness in my chest. “They are.”

  John had been a journalist for decades, and even he was slightly surprised by my honesty. “Really? When did this happen?”

  “I came back from a business trip from California last night. The distance made me realize I didn’t want to be without her, not even for a day. So I asked her to marry me…and she said yes.”

  “Some people say it’s a little soon. Do you agree?”

  “I don’t care what people think.” I didn’t mean to come off cold, but that was how I felt. “I’ve been with a lot of women in my lifetime. None has been like Titan. I’ve known she was the one for a long time, long before she was ever mine. She said we’re soul mates, and I agree with her.” I was opening up my world to strangers, but I wanted everyone to stop their obsession with our lives. If they knew everything, there would be nothing left to be intrigued by.

  “She was engaged to Thorn Cutler a little over a month ago,” John said. “And their relationship lasted for over a year.”

  I knew those statements would be thrown my way. “She has a lot of respect for Thorn and still loves him, but when she met me, neither of us could deny what was between us. What we have is stronger than love.”

  John nodded even though there was no way he could possibly understand.

  “My father lost my mother far too early in life. He was the one who told me it wasn’t too soon to marry Titan. If I knew she was the one, it would be a disgrace to our love to wait just out of principal. So I’m not going to wait. I’m going to spend my life with her.”

  “Does that mean you and Vincent Hunt are on speaking terms again?”

  I nodded. “We’re working on our relationship. He apologized for the things he’s done, I’ve apologized for the things I’ve done. We both realize that family is the most important thing on this earth, and we need to put our differences aside. Our relationship isn’t perfect by any means…but at least we have one.”

  * * *

  I was sitting in the back seat of my car as my driver took me to Stratosphere. I’d finished my interview, dodged a group of reporters, and now sat comfortably behind the blacked-out windows of the car.

  Titan called.

  I pressed the phone to my ear. “Hey, baby. I’m on my way to Stratosphere.”

  The smile in her voice reached my ear before she even spoke. “I saw your interview.”

  My elbow rested on the door handle, and I kept my gaze out the window, picturing the way her ring sparkled at that very moment. It seemed pointless to explain my actions when my intentions were so obvious.

  “You controlled the narrative before someone else could.”

  “And to brag a little.”

  She chuckled. “I’m the one who should be bragging, Diesel.”

  Instantly, the warmth flooded through my body. The fact that she thought we were equals made me adore her even more. I got to marry the strongest and most intelligent woman in the world, share my life with her, and she thought she got the better bargain. It was a little ridiculous. “Now the whole world knows. They’ll probably talk about it for a day or two. Something else will come up, and they’ll forget about us.”


  The traffic cleared up, and I was just down the street from her place. “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  “Then we can continue the conversation in my office.”

  I was excited to see the ring on her finger in public. It would be the first time she was open about her love for me inside Stratosphere. Every other time we were in that building together, it was painful professionalism. I might have to lift up her skirt and fuck her on the desk out of principal. “Alright.”

  I arrived minutes later and took the elevator to the top floor. I didn’t have any ownership of the company anymore, but that was about to change. It didn’t seem productive to buy out my share of the company again when I would own half of everything she had and she would own half of all my possessions.

  I ignored the smiles from our assistants and invited myself into her office. I shut the door behind me, not caring what the girls thought. Maybe I’d fuck her. Maybe I wouldn’t. They got paid either way, so it didn’t matter.

  I looked at Titan behind her desk, a queen without a crown. She finished writing a memo, her frame perfectly straight with her shoulders back. Her ring reflected the lights from the ceiling, casting gentle rainbows across the wall. She didn’t look exhausted even though we didn’t sleep last night. Her elegance was unbreakable, her poise unmatched.

  She set aside her pen and rose to her feet, dropping her tasks like they weren’t important. Normally, she finished whatever she was doing before she addressed me, probably because she didn’t classify anything I had to say as more important than whatever she was working on. But all of that seemed to change the second she put on my ring.

  She came around the desk, wearing a soft smile that was reserved only for me. Her hands reached my chest and slid over my jacket as she leaned into me and kissed me on the mouth. It wasn’t simple and quick, but a sensual embrace she would give me when I w
alked inside her penthouse after work.

  I liked the change. I liked being greeted like a lover even when we were at work. We used to sneak around and lie constantly, much to my annoyance. But now she wore her heart on her sleeve, not caring about all the eyes staring at us. Now I was the most important thing in her life—and she showed it.

  My hands squeezed her small waist as I pulled her farther into me. I loved feeling the swell of her tits against my hard chest. If I pulled her tightly enough, kissed her with a little tongue, I could make her nipples press through her bra and blouse and grind against me. She was in stilettos, shoes she wore as casually as slippers, and she was a little taller than I was used to. I still had to crane my neck down to look at her, my height exceeding hers exponentially.

  She rubbed her nose against mine before she pulled away, a smile still on her face.

  I loved being the reason behind that smile.

  “You looked handsome on TV.”

  “You think I always look handsome.”

  “True.” Her hands slid down my chest before she pulled them away altogether.

  “What did Thorn think?”

  “I haven’t talked to him yet. I didn’t know you were going on national TV and telling the world…”

  “I guess I should have given you a heads-up.” I was too busy being romantic to think twice about it. I figured she’d told Thorn the second she walked out the door that morning.

  “Did you tell your father?”


  “And what did he say?”

  “That he wants to have dinner tonight to celebrate.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “And he’s going to bring Jax.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Your brother?”


  “I’m excited to meet another Hunt. The other two I met are pretty great.”

  “But not as great as I am.” My arm moved around her waist even though she just stepped away from me.

  “Of course not.” Like she couldn’t keep her hands off me, she returned her hand to my chest. “I should get back to work. If I keep touching you like this, nothing is going to get done…”

  “Would that be the worst thing in the world?”

  Her eyes shifted back and forth as she looked into mine. “No, it wouldn’t. And that’s the problem.” She kissed the corner of my mouth before she stepped away. “I guess we’ll see what kind of headlines roll in…”

  “And ignore them.”

  She sat down in her chair, the same smile on her lips. “Sounds like a good idea to me. Did you want to get caught up with Stratosphere? I figured there was no point in getting our lawyers involved.”

  “I don’t think so either.” A year ago, if someone had told me I was going to marry the richest woman in the world, I wouldn’t have believed them. And then I would have cared about how it benefited me in the hierarchy or wealth. With her wealth combined with mine, I would be the richest man in the world. It was a goal I’d always wanted to attain, but I’d never thought it was possible. But the biggest surprise of all hit me next.

  I didn’t care.

  It didn’t matter how much money was in my bank account. My most valuable asset was right in front of me. She brought me joy that couldn’t be bought. She made me smile just by walking into the room. All the women I’d bedded before her were erased from my memory because they never happened.

  She was the only one.

  I took a seat, and we got to work.

  Not five minutes later, one of the girls spoke through the intercom. “Titan, Thorn is here to see you.”

  Titan didn’t hesitate before she answered. “Send him in.”

  Thorn walked inside in slacks and a collared shirt. He’d ditched the jacket and tie that afternoon, obviously spending his day with a more casual air. He obviously hadn’t been expecting to see me there because he nearly did a double take when he saw me. “I’m guessing the news is actually right this time?”

  “Yep.” She held up her left hand, showing her diamond ring. Despite the way Thorn and she had parted ways, I knew he would be happy for her. He’d always been a great friend to her, no matter what.

  Thorn walked around the desk, his hands in his pockets. He let out a low whistle. “That’s a nice diamond.” He took her hand and examined it closer. The diamond was significantly smaller than the one he’d bought for her, which had probably cost him millions. Mine was a fraction of the price, but that didn’t dilute its value. “It suits you.” He dropped her hand and gave her a smile. “I guess I thought the story was bogus because I saw it on the news before you told me.” Even though he kept his expression friendly, his tone was accusatory.

  “I didn’t tell her before I did it.” I didn’t want Titan to take the heat for something I did. “And then I came over here directly afterward to talk about it. She didn’t have any time.”

  Thorn’s eyes shifted to me for a moment before he turned back to her. “Well, in that case, congratulations.” He extended his arms.

  She moved into his embrace and hugged him tightly. Her smile was gone, but a much deeper reaction took place. The approval of this man meant everything to her, like he really was a brother to her.

  It would be easy for me to get jealous, now that she was officially my fiancée. I could get more possessive, more irrational, more territorial, and I probably would, but it was unnecessary to feel that way toward Thorn. If anything, I should be even more grateful for him. He was family to her, so he would be family to me too.

  Thorn pulled away first. “Diesel did a good job picking that out.”

  “It was his mother’s,” Titan said quietly as she glanced at her ring again.

  Thorn turned back to me, a meaningful expression on his face. His features were as hard as usual, but there was a distinct softness too. He turned back to her before he gave a slight nod. “That’s nice.”

  “It is.” She lowered her hand again, but her thumb rubbed the band. She couldn’t stop touching it, treasuring it. She didn’t do that with her first ring. Whenever she was home, she never wore it.

  “So, does that mean I’m the best woman or whatever?” Thorn asked.

  “Actually, I was going to have you give me away,” Titan said. “If you agree.”

  Thorn’s expression completely softened, sharing an expression he only showed her behind closed doors. I’d never witnessed it before because I’d never been a member of his inner circle. But now he didn’t care if I saw his vulnerability, his heart on his sleeve. He gave her a heartfelt expression, becoming more than just a hard man. His throat shifted slightly when he swallowed. His gaze darted away quickly before he held her expression again. “I’d be honored, Tatum.”

  Titan’s eyes gently built up with tears, but before Thorn could notice, she blinked quickly and reabsorbed the moisture. Crying wasn’t a habit for her. She considered it a sign of weakness rather than a natural emotion.

  “Does that mean there will be a wedding?” Thorn asked.

  I spoke because Titan seemed overwhelmed. “We haven’t talked about it yet. But I’m sure it’ll be something small, something private.” Titan knew a lot of people, but I couldn’t picture her wanting them all to witness the happiest day of her life. She was fiercely protective of her privacy. I didn’t want anyone there either, except a few people. A big party seemed pointless to me. It was about the two of us, not hundreds of eyes staring at us.

  Titan had enough time to swallow her emotion altogether, hiding it like it had never happened in the first place. Thorn didn’t seem to notice, and that was the difference between the two of us. I knew her well enough to spot the subtle changes in her mood. He didn’t pay nearly as much attention. “Vincent wants to get together for dinner tonight. Diesel’s other brother is going to be there too.”

  “That sounds nice.” Thorn slid his hands into his pockets.

  “I’ll let you know when and where.” She crossed her arms over her chest, her brilliant ring still noticeable.
br />   Thorn cocked an eyebrow. “I thought this was a family thing.”

  She cocked her eyebrow in return, a slight smile on her face. “And you’re family, Thorn.”

  * * *

  Brett was already there when I took a seat in the booth. Anytime we met for lunch, it was always at the same sports bar we’d been going to for years. Instead of having a nice lunch, we preferred to fill our stomachs with beer. He grinned at me, knowing exactly why I’d asked him to meet before I even said anything. “Congratulations.” A beer was already sitting in front of me, so he clinked his glass against mine. “Took you long enough though.”

  I was too happy to care about the insult he just gave me. I took a drink from the glass before I set it down again. “I meant to tell you, but everything happened so fast.”

  “It’s okay,” he said. “I heard everything from your lips—on TV.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “What was that about anyway?”

  “I knew the rumors and headlines would be worse than the truth, so I decided to take control of the narrative. There’s nothing left to be intrigued by if everything is out in the open. I just want people to accept Titan and me so we can move on with our lives and be happy.”

  “Titan doesn’t seem like the kind of woman who cares what people think.”

  She cared when it affected the people she loved. “She does care…a little.”

  Brett drank from his glass, and we shared a moment of comfortable silence. My brother and I had always been close, and we shared the kind of intimacy that was innately real. Sometimes we didn’t need to say anything to each other, but we still enjoyed each other’s company. I had a similar relationship with Pine and Mike, but not to the same extent. “We’re getting together for dinner tonight, a small celebration. You should come.”

  “Who’s we?” he asked.

  I knew what he was really asking. “Vincent will be there. Jax will be too.”


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