Book Read Free


Page 25

by Michael McClain

  Breq chuckled lightly. “Like I said I’d rather be here to help protect my people,” Breq said.

  “Sir, Commander Adja’s Cruiser the Relgoa just entered hyperspace,” one of the Tactical officers said.

  “You get that Admiral?” Bill said.

  Breq nodded as he spoke, “They’re about to bring power up on the other Cruiser in just a few seconds. They’ve already started the warm up cycle for the hyperdrive by doing a quick patch job before they started routing power to the main systems. So, she should be able to jump as soon as partial power is restored. I’ve had to appoint a temporary Captain as the whole bridge crew is dead and there’s no Bridge officers left.”

  “Okay,” Bill said. “That should be everyone then. I want everyone preparing to jump on my command. Recall all fighters…”

  “Sir, I’m picking up multiple events forming about six thousand meters out,” one of the Tactical officers said.

  “Ship types?” Bill said.

  “Unknown, they haven’t started to emerge yet,” the same Tactical officer said.

  “Admiral I suggest you get those people moving,” Bill said.

  “I see it,” Breq said. “All hands to battles stations. Captain, I suggest you have your fighters and light craft return to your ship. They’re no match for these guys.”

  Bill issued the orders for all light craft to land. “You sound like you’re sure of who is coming through,” Bill said.

  “Pretty sure,” Breq said. “The Invaru have been fighting these beings for the last five years and it hasn’t been going very well for us.”

  “Sir, the first ship has arrived and it’s the same signature as the ship that attacked the fleet in Euthara orbit a week ago,” the Tactical officer said.

  “Alright, bring us about and put us between them and the Invaru ships,” Bill said. “Bring all modified weapons online and spin up the special shields.”

  The Earth’s Revenge slowly turned away from the Wrath’s Revenge as she fell back. The Crystari wasted no time as they emerged, four ships all smaller than a cruiser, they all fired on the disabled Invaru Cruiser just as the Cruiser’s engines flared to life and a hyperspace portal started to form. Two of the bright beams found their marks and cut a swath of destruction across the engines of the cruiser. The other two beams glanced off the Earth’s Revenge’s shields as she slid in to try to protect the damaged ships and missed the cruiser by inches.

  The cruiser’s engines faltered as multiple explosion erupted from her aft section. The bow of the ship had just entered the hyperspace portal as it collapsed. Another explosion rocked the ship and sent it into a spin. As the bow of the ship came into view it looked like it had been sliced off. The explosive out gassing from the bow of the ship shoved the ship away from the small fleet as large fireball erupted from the port side of the ship just under her engines where the beams had cut deep into her hull. Then the ship swelled as if someone had put two pounds too much pressure inside her and exploded.

  “Escape pods?” Bill said.

  Dalliana shook her head with a solemn look on her face.

  “Son of a bitch!” Bill said.

  “Shields down to ninety-eight percent,” a tactical officer said.

  “No, massive power drains on our energy systems as we reported in the last battle,” an Engineering officer said.

  “Don’t get too happy that was a glancing blow,” Bill said. “Return fire, target the closest ship.”

  The Earth’s Revenge had been fitted with eight new guns that fired shells instead of energy. The down side was the weapons were bulky and required gunnery crews to man them. Limited ammo wasn’t as much a problem due to the size of the ship. The one system that hadn’t been installed yet was a new torpedo launcher system that fired a solid missile with a little bit of guidance electronics in it.

  From what they understood of this new enemy they converted just about all energy to their own use and could turn it back on whoever was shooting at them. Their ships were like large batteries that absorbed whatever was tossed at it. The theory was, you toss chunks of metal or plastics at them and all they could do is sit there and get hit. Their weapons wouldn’t grow in power by leeching power from enemy weapons. If you could toss it fast enough the forces involved would be like hitting it with a nuclear bomb and then some.

  What they were lobbing at them was high density plastics that had nanites in it. If it missed whatever they were fired at, the nanites would destroy the shell and themselves in less than five seconds. If they didn’t do this, the projectile would travel forever until it hit something, and if that something was a planet that could mean disaster.

  The new shield system however polarized the point of impact to an almost mirror surface. It helped reflect their beam and didn’t take much power to do it. It stopped them from leeching power from ship’s shields and reduced the damage substantially; at least that was the theory behind it. According to the Invaru, the systems were still in testing phases and had yet to be deployed. Mike and Brad and a few modifications later had the Earth’s Revenge refitted and ready to go. Though she lost eight of her larger guns it seemed like a good trade off.

  Four guns on the Earth’s Revenge fired at the closest enemy ship. One of the projectiles missed and instantly disintegrated followed by a small explosion of the nanites self-destructing. The other three projectiles slammed into the enemy vessels sending it spinning and headed away from them. It was covered in a shimmering cloud that left a trail in space as the ship spun out of control.

  The crew cheered and Bill smiled as he watched the ship spin out of control. Then just as fast as the cheering started it stopped as the other three vessels opened fire. The Earth’s Revenge shields glowed in multiple spots as the enemy weapons sought to get through the shields.

  “Shields are down to seventy five percent,” one of the Engineering officers said. “Power drain is increasing as our shields weaken.”

  “Fire at will,” Bill said. “Order the Titan and all other vessels to retreat. Prepare to follow suit once all vessels have jumped.”

  “Shields down to sixty percent and falling,” one of the Engineering officers said.

  “Sir, the Crystari vessel we shot has regained control and is approaching our location,” one of the Tactical officers said. “I’m not showing any damage to the vessel Sir.”

  “None?” Bill said.

  “He’s correct, our weapons did nothing to the enemy vessel,” Dalliana said.

  “Impossible,” Bill said. “Hold fire, no sense wasting ammo. Bring us about and prepare to fold.”

  “I’m routing additional power to the shields,” Dalliana said.

  The surface of the Earth’s Revenge seemed to shimmer as the power flowed through the shields. The surface of the shield glowed less from the weapon impacts of the Crystari vessels.

  “Shield drain slowing but not stopping,” one of the Engineering officers said. “Seems like that also managed to stem the power drains too.”

  “Sir, the two cruisers have jumped into hyperspace,” one of the Com officers said.

  On the large holographic view screen Crystari weapons reached out and hit the Titan leaving several gouges along her hull. Bill looked over at the screen that showed Gilas to see him shouting orders.

  Audio suddenly came back up as Gilas was speaking, “What do you mean the fold drives are off line?”

  “They hit one of the main conduits Sir,” someone said off screen. “I’m trying to reroute power.”

  “I’m already rerouting power to the fold drives,” Tatiana said. “But, it will take the drives two minutes to warm back up before we can jump. You can try to restore power to the shields.”

  “Yes Ma’am,” the voice off screen said.

  “We’ll cover you,” Bill said.

  “No, get out of here Captain,” Gilas said. “No sense risking us both.”

  “Our shields have been modified and are holding…” Bill said. He was interrupted as the ship shuddere
d and let out a groan. Alarms went off as the holo screens blinked off and then back on as if they lost power for a second. “What the hell was that? Did we collide with something?”

  “Shields at forty percent,” one of the engineers said. “Massive power drain on the main reactor. The backup reactors have kicked in to take up the slack.”

  “How the hell did they do that?” Bill said.

  Crystari weapons struck the Titan again and several explosions erupted across her hull as the beams cut paths of destruction. One of her hanger doors was hit and the explosive out gassing spun her around as her engines failed and lights flickered off.

  “Main power offline,” Tatiana said. “Secondary power unavailable, main engines offline major damage to aft sections two through seven.”

  Just as Bill was about to speak Gilas’ face disappeared as the transmission was cut by the power failure. “Con, bring us between the Titan and Crystari vessels. I don’t want them having a clear shot. They’re using...” Bill said. He was interrupted as the power on the bridge blinked off for two seconds and then came back up as the Earth’s Revenge rocked this time as it was hit. “…her to power their weapons. Do not give them an open target on our engines if you can help it.”

  “Shields down to ten percent,” Dalliana said. “Main power offline, auxiliary power plants on line. Dispatching repair crews to section three, deck five.”

  “How long until main power is back online?” Bill said.

  “About ten minutes sir, we have a blown conduit relay,” one of the Engineering officers said.

  “Ten minutes my ass,” Bill said. “You tell them to get the conduit repaired now and I don’t care what it takes.”

  “Sir, the Wrath’s Revenge is moving to intercept the Crystari,” one of the Tactical officers said. “It looks like they’re trying to shield us.”

  Bill’s eye switched to Breq’s face on one of the screens. “Just what do you think you’re doing? I’m ordering you to retreat and remove yourself from the field of battle.”

  “We’re giving you time to get the conduit repaired,” Breq said. “However, you broke up on the last part of that message. Can you please repeat message?”

  “I’m ordering you too…” Bill said.

  Breq interrupted him, “Captain?”

  “I’m here,” Bill said.

  “Get him back,” Breq said. One of his arms moved and suddenly the screen went blank as a smile crossed his face.

  Crystari weapons hit the Wrath’s Revenge and her shields flickered and failed as one of the beams passed completely through the ship. Lights flickered off and on as she tried to settle in a defensive posture. Her engines flickered off and on leaving her a drift.

  Those same weapons reached out and crushed the Earth’s Revenge’s shields. They dug ten foot deep paths of destruction across her hull damaging multiple decks. Atmosphere and crew members were blown into space. One of the beams cut across one of the main engines cutting through the protective case.

  Emergency doors all over the ship slammed shut to protect the crew. Radiation from the engines poured down into the different compartments in the lower decks before the emergency doors reacted. Fifty crew members died in seconds as the radiation burned them to a crisp.

  Bill was looking at the display of the Earth’s Revenge on a holo screen. Over half the ship was blinking red or yellow showing damaged sections. It wasn’t good another shot or two and the ship would be destroyed.

  Crystari weapons struck the Earth’s Revenge again. Some of them finding the same spots and cutting completely through the ship. Others gouging deep into her hull in places where there were key systems.

  “Targeting nearest Crystari vessel and putting guns on auto fire,” one of the Tactical officers said. “Power failure, rerouting secondary power to weapons, going to take me a few minutes.”

  By now the Crystari ships had changed targets to the Wrath’s Revenge and were brutally cutting chunks out of the hull. The ship was so large it was taking time to do any substantial damage. Even with all the damage to the ship her power came back on line and she started to move towards the Titan.

  “Have Admiral Breq back Sir,” one of the Com officers said.

  Breq’s face blinked into existence on a flickering screen.

  “Glad to see you’re still with us,” Bill said.

  “Same to you,” Breq said. “We have our hyperspace engines ready and are prepared to jump at your convenience. We’ll take the Titan in tow as we enter.”

  “Just got the engines back online,” Bill said. “We’re free to jump whenever you’re ready.”

  “As soon as we pass by the Titan and snag her we’ll be jumping,” Breq said. Breq stumbled as his ship was struck again.

  “Another hit like that and we might lose the engines,” a voice off screen said.

  “Just hold it together for another ten seconds,” Breq said.

  The Earth’s Revenge swung up directly behind the Wrath’s Revenge. Beams sliced into the aft of the Earth’s Revenge cutting completely through the fold drives. Explosions rocked her as damage control attempted to compensate.

  “Sir, fold drives are offline, prepping hyperspace engines,” the Com officer said as his hands flew over the panels around him.

  “Make this fast Admiral,” Bill said.

  “Grabbing the Titan now and jumping,” Breq said.

  “Right behind you,” Bill said.

  Both ships began generating the portal need to make the transition to hyperspace as the Crystari weapons continued to pound the Earth’s Revenge. One of the beams cut through the main conduits to the hyperspace drive at the last second and the portal collapsed just as the Wrath’s Revenge jumped.

  “Well that sucks,” Bill said. “Dalliana, evacuate the ship and eject your core for later retrieval.”.

  “Sir?” Dalliana said.

  “You heard me,” Bill said.

  ‘All crew abandon ship,’ Dalliana’s voice said echoing everywhere in the ship.

  “Sir,” Dalliana said. “I’ll eject once you’re secure and on your way.”

  “I’m going to set a collision course and follow in a shuttle,” Bill said.

  “Then I’m staying with you,” Dalliana said.

  “Command override Alpha-Delta-Five-Three-Zero-One, Turn on locator for AI core and eject,” Bill said.

  “Sir, I protest this ac…” Dalliana said. She was cut short when her core was ejected and took off at sub light speeds towards Hope Station.

  “Too much damage I can’t get the weapons to come back on line,” the tactical officer said.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Bill said. “All of you evac to a shuttle and get out of here, I’m going to set a collision course and then be right behind you. It might stop them from following the other ships and evacuating crew.”

  Once all the bridge crew was gone Bill sat down at the Con station and started the ship on a collision course with the nearest Crystari vessel. He sat watching the main screen as his ship turned and started for the vessel.

  Crystari weapons started firing on the fleeing crew as if they were fish in a barrel. Bill growled and adjusted the Earth’s Revenge’s course to shield all the vessels he could. He stood up and tapped the auto pilot button on the screen in front of him.

  Bill turned and ran for the transport tube and just as he was about to enter it he heard the mono tone computer say, “Auto pilot disengaged.”

  Bill ran back to the con stumbling a few times as the ship took hits from the Crystari ships. He sat down and found the problem immediately and started working on rerouting the control systems.

  Kelly’s face popped up on the screen in front of him. “Bill? I just heard is everything ok?” Kelly said.

  “Hey, how are you and the kids doing?” Bill said.

  “Bill where is everyone?” Kelly said.

  “I had them evacuate the ship. She’s taken too much damage,” Bill said. He sighed as he found no way around the damaged systems. He start
ed manually making course corrections to keep the ship between the enemy and his crew. The pounding the ship was receiving began to take its toll as systems started shutting down. Gaping holes littered her hull all over the place.

  “What are you still doing there?” Kelly said. Tears were already filling her eyes.

  “Hey now, I’m just setting the auto pilot,” Bill said.

  “It’s worse than you’re letting on isn’t it?” Kelly said.

  Bill looked up and slowly nodded as he spoke, “I’m not going to make it home. I want you to stick close to Jon and his family.”

  “Bill please don’t,” Kelly said.

  “Shhhh,” Bill said. “It’s ok, I knew what I signed up for when I took the job. Even if I left now they would just shoot my ship down. This is the only way I can save most of the crew and protect you and the kids.”

  The Crystari vessel he was trying to ram shifted position at the last second and fired its guns. The beam cut deep into the ship as it raked the hull from its mid-point to just under one of the main engines. With the mounts of the engine cut it swung partially free and slammed into the ship. Causing the ship to start an out of control spiral as explosions erupted along the large gash in her side.

  Bill raised his hand and placed it in front of the screen as he spoke, “I love you and I have always wanted to marry you.”

  “I know, I love you too,” Kelly said as she raised her hand to his.

  “Shay and Shawna or James and Marius,” Bill said.

  “What?” Kelly said.

  “The names for our kids,” Bill said. “Those are the ones I want.”

  Kelly started crying uncontrollably.

  “Hey it’s ok, you’ve made me happier than I’ve had any right to be,” Bill said as he smiled. It was the last thing Kelly heard.

  The spinning Earth’s Revenge managed to catch two of the Crystari vessels as Bill worked the thrusters to change the spinning ships course. The resulting explosion of the Earth’s Revenge combined with the two Crystari vessels was visible from the ground on Euthara.

  The last two Crystari vessels slammed into each other from the explosion’s initial concussion wave with enough force to crack their hulls and they started venting what looked to be atmosphere. Both vessels jumped at the same time to escape the full force of the explosion's concussion wave.


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