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Page 33

by Michael McClain

  “You are?” the Captain said.

  “My apologies,” Mark said. “I’m Captain Anders, Garrison Commander for Euroth and Atlantis.”

  “You can escort us to the gates and to the shuttle waiting on the other side but we’re not going to that ship,” the Captain said.

  “If that is Lady Opellissa’s desire, as she is the command presence here,” Mark said. “I was just sent in for back up by our ship’s captain.”

  “Mr. Hunter,” the Captain said.

  “No, he is unaware of your presence here, as he's not in the city currently,” Mark said. “It was Captain Taldage that gave me my orders. She explained to me that Lady Opellissa was talking to a rather thick headed Captain and might need support, her words, not mine.”

  “We’re not getting on that ship,” the Captain said.

  “Excuse me Sir,” Mark said. “But you have no choice.”

  “Oh?” the Captain said.

  “Not really,” Mark said. “You can either go along quietly for your own safety, or you throw a fit and I’ll drag you there myself kicking and screaming. Then when your shuttle is repaired, you can cry all the way back to the Crown City.”

  “So now it’s down to threats?” the Captain said.

  “Sorry, Sir,” Mark said. “You misunderstand, I’m not threatening you, I’m telling you that is how it’s going to be. The choice is yours.”

  “Do you really want to start a fight here?” the Captain said.

  “Not really, do you?” Mark said. He raised his hand and another thirty heavily armored Marines came out of the shadows. “You can either do your duty, and protect the Princess, or you and your men can die right here and the Princess can stay. I’ll send the Vids to the King so he knows what really happened.”

  “You don’t give a man a choice do you?” the Captain said.

  “Where it concerns the safety of that woman right there or any of the Commander’s bond mates, no, I don’t,” Mark said.

  “I could simply shoot her and this would all be over,” the Captain said. “Your Commander would be dead through the bond and I would be dead by your hand. I might even be considered a hero as things would then return to normal on Euthara.”

  Opellissa and Deatra both gasped.

  Mark’s eyes narrowed as he took in the Eutharan in front of him. Mark had little doubt that the Captain had been told by the King to kill Deatra as a last resort. It would actually solve a lot of problems for the King and his Royals. The King couldn’t just outright kill her and in a situation like this it would be said she was caught in the cross fire. He had to make a choice here and it needed to be the right one. Let them go or deal with the problem right here and right now. The only problem with the here and now was where Deatra was. He might not be able to get to her in time.

  Mark glanced at the Eutharan guards behind the Captain and saw the surprise in the eyes of all of them but one. He was the one that knew of this situation and wasn’t surprised by what the Captain said.

  ‘God?’ Mark said through his nanites.

  ‘God’s here boss,’ a deep voice said in Mark’s head.

  ‘You see the man sitting just right of the Princess?’ Mark said.

  ‘Yep,’ the voice replied.

  Mark saw a dot settle on the man’s helmet, it rotated colors as it went through the spectrum of light. You had to be wearing a special helmet or pair of glasses tuned into the weapon to see it. Something God transmitted to Mark’s nanites which set the frequency on his sunglasses.

  ‘Back one more man,’ Mark said.

  The light moved to the man Mark was watching out of the corner of his eye. “That him?’ the voice said.

  ‘Yep, I want him put down the second anything happens here and it’s about to go off,’ Mark said.

  ‘Roger, he won’t have time to fart before he drops,’ the voice said.

  Mark reached up and rubbed his temples as he tried to ward off the oncoming headache. Most humans hated using the nanites as they caused migraines and the severity depended on how long you used them. Some of the other races had no problems using them and would speak for hours. Andie had once told him, while treating a nasty migraine, it was to do with some type of harmonics, and they were working on a way to adjust the nanites to suit human brains.

  “You should be careful what you say Captain,” Mark said. “I take my job and the safety of my Commander very seriously.”

  The Captain grinned and took a step back. His hand lanced out and grabbed a handful of Deatra’s hair and yanked her forward. “Care to test my resolve?” the Captain said. “I don’t make idle threats.”

  The sound of six swords leaving their scabbards filled the air as Opellissa and her guards drew their weapons. “Careful Captain,” Opellissa said. “You’re treading on very dangerous ground. You not only threaten my sister’s life you threaten mine and my bond mate’s.”

  “Put your swords away,” the Captain said. “I know how deadly you are with them, you might even be able to get me before I kill her.” The Captain’s hand tightened its grip on Deatra’s hair as his other hand drew his side arm. He shoved Deatra down so she was kneeling before him and put the pistol to the back of her head. “One move, one twitch, and she’s dead. I want you and your men to disburse, we’ll make our own way to the gates and out of the city. I want no more interference.”

  Mark watched as the guards that had once accompanied the Captain started to back away. They were unsure of what to do and it showed in their face. The only guard to keep his position was the one targeted by God, he was grinning as he fingered his rifle. He stepped sideways so that he had a clear shot at Deatra in case something happened to the Captain.

  “Looks like you’re losing support,” Mark said. His eyes never wavering from his intended target, the Captain.

  The Captain looked back at his men that were backing away. “Hold your position, that’s an order,” the Captain said.

  “We didn’t sign up for this,” one of the guards said. “We’ll not be a party to the Princess’ murder.”

  Mark took that moment to act. The Captain was distracted and it was the perfect time to make his move. God’s shot took off the head of the last remaining guard as silver flashed in front of Mark’s eye a second before his armored fist closed around the Captain’s neck.

  The Captain let out a howl that was cut off by Marks hand closing off his windpipe. Two bloody stumps where the Captain’s hands should have been came into view as the Captain’s eyes widened in surprise. His legs buckled but Mark’s suit made little effort to keep him held upright.

  Mark was surprised by the sudden loss of the Captain’s hands and he looked back over his shoulder to see Opellissa standing there with her sword already put away. She gave him a nod as she glared at the Captain. The pop filled the air as the Captain’s neck snapped and his body hitting the ground was even louder.

  Mark looked at the remaining Eutharan guards. “Who’s next in command,” Mark said.

  They all looked at each other and then one of them took a step forward. “That would be you Sir,” the Guard said. “We want to claim right of asylum. We had no idea that this was going to happen and we do not agree with what the Captain did. We also don’t want to serve a King who would assassinate his own daughter.”

  “Thank you Captain Anders,” Deatra said. She turned to the body of the Captain and spat on it and kicked it one time for good measure. “Piece of shit!”

  Mark couldn’t help but snicker. “Princess,” Mark said. “It was my pleasure, and might I add, good to have you back.”

  Deatra turned her attention to her sister and ran up to her giving her a big hug. “Thank you so much,” Deatra said. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Your highness’s,” Mark said. “I need to know what to do with them.”

  Opellissa looked at Deatra who looked back at her. “You’re the big wig here Sis,” Opellissa said. “Up to you but I would like to make a suggestion if I can.”

�Of course,” Deatra said. “We’re both First Tier.”

  “I know but you’re first rank and I’m second rank,” Opellissa said. “Anyway, I say move them to the ship and get them locked down and debriefed and then a full medical. Then let the interrogators at them. If they pass that, allow them to join the ranks if Mark says it’s ok.”

  “You have a lot to learn about Jon,” Deatra said. “But, yes, I agree with your suggestion, and I’ll leave it up to Mark to make the final decision. Right now I would like to get back to my quarters and get cleaned up.”

  “Of course your highness,” Mark said. “Form up escort duty. Jack and Ryan, take a small detachment and escort our guests to one of the unused racks. They’re to be treated as guests, is that understood?”

  “Yes Sir,” they both said as they saluted.

  “Give them an idea of what they’re getting themselves into if they join the ranks,” Mark said. “Answer any questions they have as long as it’s not classified.”

  Jack nodded as Ryan chose four more Marines for the detail and started collecting the Eutharan weapons.

  “I think we have this, Captain Anders,” Opellissa said. “Why don’t you see to our guests. My girls and I can escort my sister to our quarters. Why don’t you come by later to make sure she’s settled in and have dinner with Jon and us.”

  “As you wish,” Mark said. He bowed to Opellissa and Deatra before turning and taking command of the guest detachment. He knew perfectly well that Opellissa and her girls were up to the task. He had seen them sparring with the troops, and so far, it was her girls five, troops zero. God help anyone who ran into those women when they were pissed.

  Deatra walked over and sat down next to Jon and leaned her head on his shoulder as she sighed in a contented manner. Despite Jon knowing this was going to cause troubles for him, he was very happy to have Deatra back.

  He slipped his arm around her waist. “So, happy to be back?”

  “Undoubtedly,” Deatra said. She looked up at him and gave him a smile. “You have no idea what it was like running around the palace doing things of State while being kept from you.”

  “Oh, I have some idea.” Jon gave her a grin back. “Probably a bit like dealing with various problems here in the ADF while my voice of reason was lost to me.”

  “A bit like that, I would imagine,” Deatra said.

  “So, what do you think of the new additions.” Jon motioned his head towards the three women sitting in the kitchen chatting away.

  Deatra looked over to where her sister sat chatting with Jon’s other two wives. “My sister, I’m not surprised about. Kelly caught me a bit off guard, I don’t think I was expecting that. I was saddened by the news of her loss. Taking that into account it actually makes me happy to have her here. Not to mention, I’m a bit excited to have kids running around.”

  Jon smiled at the thought himself. Then got a serious look on his face. “Speaking of kids, Sam was inquiring about you.”

  “How is she?”

  Jon shrugged as he answered the question. “As well as can be expected. She just about lost it when Oojoung almost died. It took a lot of work from Nefeit to get her calmed down, and even then you could tell the kid was still rattled.”


  “Actually they’re both doing fine. Terri has returned to her command ship in orbit to correct a few problems there while she is getting back on her feet. Oojoung is in his quarters under strict order to do nothing strenuous for the next few weeks. Of course Sam is staying there to help him if he needs it. I have four Special Forces on guard outside his room just in case they’re needed.” Jon shifted as he tried to get a bit more comfortable. “At first I wanted her here but then I saw how much she wanted to be there. So, in the end, I allowed her on the condition that she makes daily reports on his condition to me.”

  “Already in training.” Deatra grinned at Jon in a way that made his heart flutter.

  “I guess, I just want her to understand that she has responsibilities, and that she has to follow what she’s told. She might only be seven, but I think she understands there’s reasons behind the restrictions I impose.”

  “My father thought he had a great victory when he learned that the Matriarch of the Ga’sahde had fallen in battle. Oojoung was just a bonus to him, he was assured by his advisers that she was dead.”

  “He doesn’t know,” Jon said. Anger flashed briefly on his face at the thought of his sister lying dead somewhere. “Not many people know she’s still alive, and he has no idea how close he came to death.”

  Deatra sat up straight as she looked at Jon’s face for any clue of what he meant. “You were ready to attack him by that point?”

  Jon shook his head. “I averted an attack on the Crown City. The Ga’sahde sent four ships to blast the city to dust. It took all my rank and power to stop the attack. That is something that Terri is fixing right now. The Captain of the task force was not in much of a talking mood when she arrived. The only thing that saved the city was that I was able to wiggle enough reasoning into her to hold back her actions. That, combined with my position in the Ga’sahde, managed to advert a disaster.”

  “It would have ended the situation we have now,” Deatra said as she leaned back into him.

  “I don’t think you understand. Thousands of people would have died, including you and I. Me through the bond and you because that is where you were. It was one of the reasons I think the Ga’sahde Captain stopped, in some roundabout way she knew. All because of your father and the flaunting of the rules set forth hundreds of years ago. And because he wants to be the savior of the Eutharan people. At least that’s how he wants people to see it, even though that is the farthest thing from the truth.” Jon kicked his feet up on the little table that sat in front of the couch he was sitting on.

  “My father has a big ego, but I don’t think he would do anything to hurt the people outright,” Deatra said.

  “You have no idea,” Nefeit said as she entered the room. “I’ve been to the ruins, and I know what Jon knows. That’s where we were when you were being liberated.”

  “So, you were right?” Deatra said as she sat up again. She was looking at Jon, searching for an answer to her question.

  “And more,” Jon said as he nodded his head.

  Deatra’s face paled at the thought of what could be so bad. How could her father profess to be something he wasn’t. She knew him, he was a harsh man, but he wasn’t an evil man. “What is going on? Is it really that bad?”

  Jon reached up and touched his com-link and said, “Put him through.” He stood up and straightened his clothes and then glanced back at Deatra. “You’re about to find out.” Kelly and Opellissa filtered in from the other room and sat down on either side of Deatra as Nefeit sat down in a lone chair close to the couch.

  She reached over and put a hand on Deatra’s knee as she spoke, “It’s good to have you home.”

  “It’s good to be home,” Deatra said. She put her hand on top of Nefeit’s hand and gave her a huge smile. “I hope you took care of our husband while I was away.”

  “Not I,” Nefeit said as she gave Deatra a evil grin. Her eyes flicked over to Kelly. “But, someone else made him right at home I would say.”

  Jon froze as Kelly coughed and turned red.

  “Good, I wouldn't want to think of him all lonely and cold in that huge bed.” Deatra gave Kelly a wink and a smile which caused Kelly to only blush deeper and Jon to clear his throat.

  “Oh, I don’t think he was cold or lonely,” Nefeit said. She looked over at Jon who’s ears were bright red.

  “Wow, I missed all the good stuff,” Opellissa said. “I wondered why it took you so long to come talk to me. I guess you had your hands full.”

  Jon cleared his throat and glanced back at the women as he spoke, “Excuse me, this is important business, so could you all either take it to another room or be quiet?”

  Even though they were snickering to themselves, they quieted down
as Jon let out a long breath to regain his composure.

  On the main view screen in their living room, the King’s face appeared and before he could say a word Jon said, “Lucy, you got some 'splaning to do.”

  Chapter 20

  Desperate Measures

  Jon watched the King as he stared back. The King's face was a mixture of anger and concern. Even though he tried to hide it, and he did so very well, it showed. Jon put his hands behind his back and started to pace a bit as he thought about how he wanted to begin the conversation.

  “I see you’ve managed to get what you wanted.” The King indicating Deatra as she lounged in the back ground.

  “Well that makes it simple,” Jon thought as he stopped pacing and turned to look at the King. “No, what I wanted was for none of this to happen. I wanted us to all get along, and for you to accept my help and that of the Ga’sahde. But you seem to have this knack of putting yourself before those around you, even your own family. This whole farce of the bond not being legit and how I forced it upon Deatra, which, as you know, is utter bullshit.”

  The King let a small smile creep across his face. “That has yet to be determined young man. You sneaking her away and holding her there only points to the fact that my concerns on the matter are justified.”

  “She’s free to go. No one is holding her against her will.” Jon turned to look at Deatra.

  “Says you.”

  Jon waved his arm at Deatra as he stepped aside to let the King have a good view of his daughter. “Feel free to ask her yourself.”

  The King arched his eyebrow as he looked at Deatra as an unspoken question.

  “I’m staying with my bond mate father. This is where I belong now.” Deatra shifted nervously as the King’s gaze hardened and his face flushed slightly.

  “I could order you back.” The King said in controlled anger.

  “You could, but this time I won't go. I’m staying here and there’s not much you can say or do to change my mind.” Deatra folded her arms across her chest in defiance.


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