Book Read Free


Page 53

by Lawrence M. Nysschens

  I think we are going to change our lives.

  Anyway, I hope so.


  At home I find he finished the cold soup.

  I give him hot soup and fresh bread.

  Showered. Yep. The water still works. Dinner and TV and as usual one is tasteless, the other entertainment-less. Nothing to view until programming dies and the Hub appears.

  All of our Representatives sit in attendance. I again note the fancy suits, ties and the abundance of delicious food and drink on display.

  The President rises, sips a little red wine and with his usual dignity addresses the nation.

  “My Fellow Citizens,

  “I am here, though with a heavy heart, to address you tonight. Generally, I would not bother you at such a late hour but on this day, I feel I must.

  “Here in my hand is an Ultimatum purported to come from We the People. I doubt the validity of such a statement. Too broad and encompassing I’d say. Oh, wait! Am I not of We the People? But let me read this to you. I’m sure you will be as amused as I was.”

  He glances at his fellow Officials who smirk as he continues.

  “You will come to understand the nonsense written here and you’ll not wish to become anarchists. Those of Here-Born want us to swallow this all without so much as a protest. Yes, just swallow it hook, line and sinker and so become anarchists! I’m so pent-up at this monstrosity.

  “But...I will now read it.

  “We the People by a Legal expression of our wish for a Government vested in us, for the right to peaceful and fulfilling lives, to remove excessive taxes from the Statutes and get Government out of our lives, do hereby declare that all persons employed as Government workers and all Elected Officials must immediately resign.”

  He stares into the camera with his favored expression of incredulity, raises an eyebrow and continues.

  “A bare minimum of the hands-on Department Representatives and staff will remain at work until a new Constitution and Bill of Rights is drawn up, voted into Law, signed and enacted. One which We the People agreed to and voted into existence.”

  He throws his arms wide. Gazes around the Assembly at all the smirking faces and in his most solemn voice says, “Please fellow citizens stop this nonsense—you already have that Government.”

  The Speaker of the Combined Houses stands and says, “We will vote on this Measure.”

  Tears whelm in tune with my sinking heart.

  I knew it would happen this way.

  Still, I had hoped for something else.

  They all vote No.

  “The Measure fails.”

  Like I needed to be told.

  The screen goes blank.

  Minutes later, another a letter on my display addressed to us:

  Dear Citizens,

  Washington DC houses the Senatorial Hub and House.

  If you’d like to bring to their attention, non-violently, what your wishes are, please gather and march by in DC with signs expressing your wishes—be polite and well mannered. That’s a winner always and especially with the signs used.

  Taking into account that a passive protest will be violently attacked with many innocents arrested and charged we suggest between three and five million citizens arrive and maintain a continuous march-by.

  Best not to camp but instead rotate people daily and only a march by. Don’t occupy the buildings. Camping and occupying government property are illegal. It follows a law will be passed making a march-by illegal.

  We’ll deal with such a law when and if it happens.

  We suggest any who are arrested be replaced.

  Let’s not forget Food Vendors, Rest Room Vendors, Sanitation and Refuse Removers and Providers of Security. You are all invited and bring your services along.

  Again, please do not camp—but do keep marching.

  Washington DC awaits you.

  Thank you for your attention.

  Oh my! And the screen goes blank, and I head for bed with a glance towards the closet, he’s peeking out tonight. That’s a good sign. I point to the couch, but he closes the closet door.

  Oh well—to bed I go.

  This morning my commute goes by as always.

  But the screens are active when I arrive.

  Even my Supervisor watches, Skellumer too. It’s the Assembly again and it seems none of them had gone home. They are tired and grumpy.

  Coffee, muffins, and bagels await their pleasure.

  Many have their feet up and snooze.

  Those still awake watch the Treasury Bank account collecting taxes.

  They smile and nod victory nods.

  The screen dissolves and a new document appears.


  Of The Slave Master’s Sales Pitch And New Rights

  I download it to my Nomadi right off. I’m one-two-three damn sure altogether that I want this as part of my record.

  As an aside, I have stopped taking my required daily medication since I ran out. Must admit I am thinking a little clearer since and feel more energetic as well.

  As I read, I can’t help imagine the Founding Fathers of Here-Born arguing and shouting in their Halls of Government as they developed their Constitution, Bill of Rights and wrote The Letter.

  Here is what is on my screen right this moment.


  A Letter to all Here-Born citizens, current and future

  Dear Citizens,

  Amongst Mankind, there are those who are continuously dishonest and unethical in life. Sadly, they have always been amongst us.

  Through all our history they have given us war, destroyed economies, brought us slavery under the whip or sword or gun, under drugged and/or electronic control and under financial duress. And in more ways than can be quickly listed.

  No economy, religion, organization, group nor political system has to date been free of him nor her.


  It’s generally known and fully understood by all that excessive taxation will slow an economy and eventually destroy it.

  It is on our part dreaming that those imposing excessive taxation will realize the error of their ways and change when they note how excessive taxation hurts an economy, and thus the people.

  Because, if we know what excessive taxation does to an economy—so do they! Yet they impose it.

  Therefore, if politicians pass Laws that usher in excessive taxation in all its myriad of forms, their only purpose is to bring slavery to one-n-all under the whip of economic and financial duress.

  Therefore, anyone selling the idea that taxation beyond Schedule 1-4 is required; is selling slavery for you, for your friends, for your family.

  But be careful.

  They will tell you just how deeply concerned they are about your and others welfare and to help you they will need to tax someone else—excessively. Beware! That is the Slave Master’s most cherished sales pitch!

  Think of it as the Slave Master selling slavery to a slave. The other sales pitch the Slave Master uses is directed straight at the worker.

  Workers are told that owners and management are crooks and criminals who live by greed alone. That management must not be tolerated because they grow rich at the expense of the workers. Therefore, the worker must refuse to accept management offers and proposals...always.

  Yet success requires both the worker and management.

  And truly...all success lies in the hands of the worker, but not alone.

  Success requires close co-operation and good communication between the worker and management. Yet the evolving Slave Master encourages the Worker to refuse to speak with management and insists workers not tolerate Management one iota. And we all know that one-hundred percent intolerance is by definition—hate.

  And the evolving Slave Master encourages hatred between people with different views. Which people are required to work together for there to be a viable success, in any sphere, any activity—work or play.

  But when hate wins—manageme
nt moves on to other places, other endeavors. And for the worker the job has gone—never to return.

  This is when the evolving Slave Master offers more entitlements to entice the unemployed worker deeper into slavery.

  You’ll see and hear the Slave Master telling you to hate another or others more than before. Telling you that you can only be free by destroying the company who provides your work opportunities and that you not listen to anyone else and refuse to talk to or with those others.

  Yet. You will also find the Slave Master refusing to tell you and management what exactly they are doing and what their agenda is. And while they condemn Management they pass laws and regulations that make it impossible to have a business in your hometown, your County, your State and finally in your Country.

  Using laws and regulations, they send management fleeing to places where they can do business. So. While the evolving Slave Master promises you the worker freedom that freedom comes with a price.

  Those companies where you work move away and there goes your job never to return. And you end up with no job, no honor, no dignity as the price you paid for freedom. And this they hide from one and in a blinded lied to fashion one travels the road to becoming a slave—willingly.

  Our ancestors left Earth because of the International State of Emergency declared in 2026 though they left many hundreds of years later.

  As of 24th of July 4008, it is still being enforced. Which includes all Rights suspended, the Constitution overthrown and elections ended.

  Those in Office back in 2026 served for Life for there were no further elections and that is why they were so uncaring in passing laws against the Will of We the People. Their intention before the State of Emergency was the establishment of a dictatorship, but they referred to it an organized community.

  Increased taxes they promoted as a means to spread the wealth so that the poor and underprivileged may attain their deserved restitution. No such massive handouts to the poor were ever given.

  The poor simply got poorer.

  Instead, the money went to make themselves and their sponsors wealthier and to pay Government workers to run Government Programs. That is where and how wealth is distributed with only a pittance going to the poor.

  We of Here-Born have found satisfaction in a different way of life.

  For us, the only way to receive what is justly ours is by increasing our own economic value, each individual doing so personally. That is done with education, training and experience towards greater skills that lead to bigger paychecks.

  Therefore, it is written here in the Here-Born Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights that We the People do fully understand that Government will always attack Freedom.

  This is done through the undoing of a Constitution and Bill of Rights. And further! Via instigated mass rioting and by cutting communications media not favorable to Government. Via the Declaration of an Emergency and the suspension of Elections due to public disobedience and especially due to rioting.

  Which disobedience and rioting was, is and always will be provoked, sponsored, condoned, and support by those wishing to enslave We the People. And the war you will fight will not always be a violent one.

  Instead, and in particular with Socialists, they will attack from within with ideas alone. Weapons are no defense against ideas. Ideas breach armor, bullets, and bombs and enter minds moving from one to another.

  With ideas alone, Communists take control by organizing the community. The National or Nazi Socialist organize at the national level. Each uses violence as a means to an end. And continue the violence once empowered.

  They sell the same above. They repeat them over and over until a nation accepts them and then they take over control. That is when the horrors begin. Wealth is confiscated (stolen). Even their supporters are tossed out of house and home to wander the streets penniless.

  And so comes forced labor. Worked until you die. Always. Always!

  But why forced labor? Because they destroyed your economy first.

  Therefore, it is declared an Inalienable Individual Right that at any time Laws are enacted which violate our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and this Letter; from the date of their enactment such Laws are here today and for all Eternity Declared to be Illegal Laws and Unenforceable.


  Any Freedom gained must be fought for on every day of every person’s life. Once gained it must be defended.

  This does not always require violent conflict.

  The First Defense is education. Education freed of Government control of its teachers, its Institutes, and its curriculum. But primarily by an education in and of our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights and this Letter. Then as well in factual and honest History where the student is allowed to discover his or her own lessons learned.

  And all these can only be understood if the basics of reading, writing, and mathematics are taught in a way which requires a student’s skills be measured in his or her application of them out in life—while still a student. Teach too the skills of honest research and data analysis for these two skills are one’s armor against falsehoods and insidious lying.

  The Second Defense is our Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction.

  The Third Defense is the right to fight back which includes armed self-defense. This does not suggest nor condone initiating violent attacks upon another or a group. This condones self-defense only.

  Keep in mind that ill-intentioned persons, those who wish to be our Slave Masters and/or their minions can sound civilized, even heartwarming and beneficial to oneself. They can even be well-mannered, reasonable, logical or raving mad.

  They will creep up on you over decades by dumbing down education, filling entertainment and news broadcasts with false information, decrying and condemning any and all who dare insist on good moral conduct. Let alone the Constitution or the Law of the Land.

  These black-hearted and ill-intentioned persons will erode justice in defense of those who support them. They will abuse Justice and the Law to destroy any who challenge them. Their explanations will sound reasonable and so it sneaks up on you in a manner that appears to give one more freedom.

  But there are none, neither supporters nor protesters let alone the minions, who will escape the evolving Slave Master once he’s empowered to rule over us. None will escape him—no matter how much you may have assisted the evolving Slave Master to attain power or what you were promised.

  Therefore, the right to personal self-determined decision and choice is the Right of all citizens. The Right to be individually responsible for self or others by choice is an Inalienable Right for All.

  Added to the above is the Right to create jobs. This includes freedom from Government regulations and interference. Never again will government intrude upon the creativity of the entrepreneur nor the enterprising person, nor those who wish to carve their own business paths.

  Furthermore, all citizens owning businesses, small, medium, large companies and corporations have the Right to Create Programs for the Employment of Government employees who refuse to obey illegal orders.

  This removes the threat of being fired and then being unable to support one’s family—for all government employees. This allows as well for citizens in times of oppression to know that those left in government are abusing the laws of the land and are thus criminals.

  Websites should go up so that government employees may apply in secret and all parties know that new training may be required and so most starting salaries will merely cover an applicant’s monthly bills and costs of living.

  Citizens! It is not possible to Flee to Freedom.

  Eternal vigilance is a must in every life and every day of your life.

  Teach it to your children. Teach it well. Never assume they know of what is written here or of what Freedom is or what Slavery is—in all its insidious forms.

  And may you never need violent conflict to resolve t

  And may you never find lost your Right to defend your Life and that of Family and Friends.

  And from this day on you have in your hands the Right to Defend your own Sanity—forever.



  Of Stepping Up And Taken Down

  This morning my Supervisor is noticeable by his absence. The one at home seems to be doing much better, but I have no time to ponder as, throughout our offices, screens display that same black screen and static snow. A terse message appears, and my heart thumps painfully.

  Dear Citizens,

  Go to your Nomadi and vote Yes or No.

  Yes, means you still wish to continue providing your current Government with tax revenues.

  No means you no longer want to support your current Government, which is dedicated to governing for the few by penalizing the majority.

  Thank you.

  Voting begins.

  No one works. We stare at screens on which are two counters. One counts the votes climbing the other displays the Tax Revenues increasing on the Treasury Account.

  Like, everyone, I sit watching both numbers going up and up.

  My Supervisor arrives and prowls the hallway coffee in hand.

  BA remains off and our offices smell fresher. Even thinking of BA makes me mad. Imagine. Paying for air when there’s more than enough to go round. How important that Letter from Here-Born’s Founders has been for them.

  Come noon, tax revenues start to slow. If BA went down fast what’s going to happen to our Government when or if the money stops? Wait.

  Another scene from Washington DC.

  A large crowd marches by the Senatorial Hub. Police face them and cordon off a no man’s land between the marchers and the Hub entrance. A counter turns on: one-hundred and eighty thousand people in but a few hours.

  My Supervisor paces. His footsteps elicit squishing sounds from the carpet. He is still busy chain smoking and chain coffee-ing. His Nomadi held tight to his ear, his eyes on me. I scratch the itch that his stare elicits.

  After looking at the screen for some time but not actually seeing it anymore, something yanks at my attention. I focus as Poip emerge from the Hub and take up formation behind the police.


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