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Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1)

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by Samantha Britt

  Will of Fate

  Dual Court Kiss Book I

  Will of Fate: Dual Court Kiss I

  Copyright © 2015 by Samantha Britt

  Cover art by AmpersandBookCovers

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction.

  Any resemblance between actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.



  To Tracy,

  There is so much to say, I cannot possible write it all. I suppose I should begin with saying thank you for always being willing to drive me to the bookstore and funding my reading adventures throughout my childhood. You enabled my imagination to grow and thrive in a wonderfully supporting home, never questioning my silliness. I cannot express how much your support has helped me accomplish everything I value in my life. I will be forever grateful for you.

  I love you, Mom.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35


  “A bitter song no more will have been sung,

  than when light and dark meet in the form of one,

  the life those love disappears in the midst,

  dual souls guide the rest with a mixed court kiss.”

  Prophecy of the Wise Ones

  Original Text


  Reign of King Orlin and Queen Loa, Summer Court

  Reign of King Kalan and Queen Penia, Winter Court

  Part I

  Chapter 1

  24 years ago…

  Bang, Bang, Bang!

  With bleary eyes, Eilian rolled to his side to look at the clock on his nightstand. He scowled at the glowing red numbers. Who would be knocking at this hour?

  Bang, Bang, Bang!

  Eilian sighed, stretched his 6’ 5” body, and forced himself out of bed. He grabbed the white t-shirt from his desk chair before stumbling through the dark apartment towards the sleep-disrupting noise. Whoever it is better have a damn good reason for showing up this late at night.

  Eilian briefly wondered if he should be wary of his unexpected visitor, but quickly dismissed the idea. Eilian was still a noble after all, and his backstabbing brother had assured him he would not aim to harm him… as long as he didn’t pursue the dukedom, of course.

  Eilian scoffed at the thought. As if he would ever want it back.

  More than likely, the late night offender was his landlord, Mr. Roberts. The chubby, middle-aged human was notorious for disturbing tenants regarding unimportant apartment issues at all hours. The human often spoke with Eilian when he could catch him in the hallway, no doubt drawn to someone he thought a kindred-spirit. Eilian glamoured himself to appear as a single, middle-age man, hoping to not attract young females with his natural, youthful appearance. It seemed, however, that his glamour attracted the likes of Mr. Roberts, as well as a number of single mothers he routinely passed while jogging through the park.

  Maybe I should glamour myself more out of shape? He mused to himself as he arrived at the source of the noise. Peering through the small, square window at the top of his heavy, oak door, Eilian inhaled a sharp breath before quickly working the chain and bolts to fling the door open.

  The beauty on the other side let out a tiny gasp at the abruptness of his motion, locking eyes with him while taking a small step back.

  Upon recognition, her face lit up with a smile. “Eilian?” She exhaled hopefully, letting her shoulders sag in relief. His own body tensed at the sound. He hadn’t realized how much he missed hearing her musical voice.

  “Wendy?” Eilian returned, releasing the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. Wendy squealed and flung herself into him. His arms caught her naturally, like they had done it a thousand times. They probably had.

  “What are you doing here?” He asked into her hair, trying to focus despite the heavenly scent that was clouding his mind. Giving her a gentle squeeze, he leaned back to look into her face while keeping her in his embrace.

  What he saw troubled him. Beneath Wendy’s composed and easy-going glamour was agitation. It would come as no surprise to her that Eilian could see her distress. All fae could see through another’s glamour. Except for the rulers of the fae. Their abilities surpassed all others, a necessary characteristic for those called to rule over countless magically-gifted beings.

  The blonde fae met his eyes briefly before flicking them sideways down the hallway. Licking her lips, she asked, “Can… Can I come inside to explain? I don’t think this is the proper place.” She nervously ran her fingers along the gold chain at her neck, a piece of jewelry she wore nearly every day of her life.

  Eilian remembered the various pendants and charms she rotated onto the same necklace over the years, distractedly wondering which she had on now. Whichever it was, it was currently hidden beneath her human-fashioned, turquoise, V-neck shirt.

  Trying to manage his own unease, Eilian simply nodded and gently led her into his home for the past two years. Wendy’s eyes scanned the scantly furnished apartment. Eilian tried not to worry about what she saw as he re-bolted the door. Maybe it could use a little sprucing up, but this space afforded Eilian a peace he had not known to be missing at Summer Court. He was fond of it.

  Living at Summer Court with his parents and brother, Eilian had been under constant watch from the day he was born. His family was one of the higher ranked noble families; as such, he was expected to behave with the utmost decorum and regality possible. An exhausting task for anyone, much less a young, fae boy.

  The only benefit his family status gave him was the opportunity to befriend the lovely creature standing before him. Gwendolyn, Wendy as he called her, was the princess of the Summer Court and his greatest and truest friend. The two grew up together and shared a similar spiritedness which never failed to result in scolding from their parents and other members of Summer Nobility. They hardly spent any time of their first century apart, preferring each other’s company above all others. Wendy and Eilian loved each other dearly. It wasn’t until 5 years ago that Eilian realized just what kind of love he held for Wendy.

  Her warm, green gaze locked on his. Smiling tenderly, it was as if she were sharing his thoughts. “Eilian, you know not how much I have missed you.” She stepped towards him for another embrace. This one neither of them in a hurry to end.

  Heart thumping in his chest, Eilian laid his cheek on top of her soft hair and sighed in happiness. He had forgotten how right Wendy felt in his arms. Like she was made for him.

  “Why did you leave court?” Wendy asked, her voice small and muffled by his shoulder. It was then Eilian felt the moisture her tears left on his shirt. He did not realize she had been crying. She was never one to cry.

  He tightened his hold on her before answering, “You kno
w why.”

  Wendy shook her head in denial, “I would have fought beside you. We could have spoken with my father. You are the first son. Your brother had no right to steal the dukedom out from under you. And even so, you did not have to leave. You would always have a place at the Summer Court.”

  Eilian loosened his hold on her, but withheld the sigh that wanted to escape. He wanted to tell her the dukedom mattered very little to him. Being the first son by mere minutes was nothing more than a technicality. That the only position he wanted at Court was the one by her side. But he did not. He could not lay the burden of his departure on her.

  When King Cai of the Summer Fae began speaking to his daughter of potential suitors and pressured Wendy to entertain their pursuits, Eilian felt himself begin to wither away. It only took six months of listening to her confide in him about the many Summer Nobles trying to win her affection before Eilian knew he couldn’t handle it. He used the excuse of his stolen dukedom to run away from his unrequited love. He ran all the way to the Human Realm without a word to anyone, not even Wendy. That was only two years ago.

  Not a day went by when Eilian didn’t wonder if one of the male fae had won over his friend. He severed ties with every fae to avoid hearing such a tale, not sure his frail heart could take the pain.

  When he was at his lowest, Eilian sometimes pondered why he never resented Wendy for his heartbreak, but the answer was simple. Wendy had no idea of his affection. The male fae made sure his actions and treatment of his best friend did not change upon his realization of his love for her. The only explanation he could offer himself for that choice was just as simple. He feared rejection. Eilian decided early on that he would rather be secure in Wendy’s life as her truest friend than run the risk of losing her should she not return his feelings.

  He managed to keep true to that decision for three years before running away from the torment of watching his love be romanced by others. In the life of a fae, three years was equivalent to a blink of an eye. But for a male experiencing one-sided love, even if it was his own choosing, three years felt like a human lifetime.

  Deciding to remove himself from the depressing thoughts and Wendy’s line of questioning, Eilian asked, “Wendy, what are you doing here?”

  Wendy sniffled, releasing him from her embrace. Before he had the chance to feel disappointed, she promptly grabbed his hand and guided him over to his thread-bare, thrift-store couch. She plopped down and tugged him along with her. Wendy wound his arm around her shoulders, continuing to lace their hands, and leaned her head onto his chest. The position was as natural to them as embracing.

  “Wendy?” Eilian prompted after a few moments of silence. “Do not misunderstand. I am beyond happy to see you, but I need to know what you are doing here. How did you find me?”

  He felt her back rise and fall with her heavy breath.

  “Aeron told me,” she answered, giving him his brother’s name. “I begged him for weeks before he finally relinquished the knowledge.”

  Eilian tried not to be bothered that his brother broke the deal between them. Eilian had agreed to never fight for the dukedom. In return, Aeron would not reveal his twin’s location to any fae trying to seek him out. Their own parents included. Being that his twin managed to find his location through their unique twin bond, Eilian felt very fortunate that his brother decided to agree to such a deal. He couldn’t achieve his current level of privacy without it.

  Knowing Aeron, however, his brother would not believe the same rules of silence applied to Wendy. Aeron knew of his twin’s closeness with the princess and would believe telling Wendy of Eilian’s location would be an act of kindness.

  “Why did you come now, after all this time?” He felt her stiffen at his words.

  “I thought you didn’t want me to find you,” she said, misunderstanding the meaning behind his question. “You left without a word. I would have searched for you sooner, had I believed you wanted me to.”

  Eilian kissed her temple in an attempt to calm her. “I didn’t mean to upset you or imply anything. I know you, and can imagine how you reacted to my leaving without a word. I know why you didn’t attempt to contact me. What I do not know, is what you are doing here now. What has happened?”

  The quaking started immediately. It was as if his best friend was hyperventilating. Standing suddenly, Wendy began pacing back and forth across his living room, continuing to inhale and exhale at a rapid rate. Eilian sat and watched, letting her work through whatever thoughts currently raced across her mind. Finally, she stopped and faced him with a terrified look in her eyes. “I’m in trouble.”

  Eilian rose to his feet, unnerved by the foreign expression on his friend’s face. He rushed over to grab her small hands. They felt like ice; Summer Fae rarely felt cold. “What is it?” He asked with a slightly panicked tone. “Please, the suspense is killing me. What has happened to make you look so frightened?”

  Tears began to pool in Wendy’s eyes as she forced them shut. “I am with child.”



  That’s all Wendy heard. Not even a breath came from the tall, sun-tanned fae in front of her. Slowly, she opened her eyes, bracing herself for the multitude of reactions she might receive.

  Eilian just stood there, still holding her hands, with a blank expression on his face. That was worse than the anger or sadness she expected. She would know how to handle those emotions; she prepared for them. This though… this was unnerving.

  “Say something,” she pleaded in a whisper.

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I don’t know…. Anything?”

  “Who is the father?” Wendy inhaled a sharp breath at the question. This was the worst part. You trust Eilian, she reminded herself bravely, you can tell him.

  “Maybe you should sit down,” she suggested, using their entangled hands to attempt to pull him back to the couch. He didn’t budge.

  “Who is the father?” Eilian repeated, letting anger seep into his tone.

  Wendy sighed, knowing she couldn’t escape the fury about to erupt. “I need you to know that I… that we did not intend for this to happen. It just did. We both tried to resist, but couldn’t. He is a kind fae. He is sweet, and caring, and giv– ”

  “WHO IS HE?” Eilian interrupted, yelling at last.

  Wendy gulped. This was it. This was her only shot at eliciting her best friend’s help, and she was ruining it.

  “He….,” she paused, releasing Eilian’s hands to use her own to cover her face –to cover her shame. “He is a noble fae…. A noble fae from the Winter Court.”


  Eilian’s heart stopped. His blood turned cold. He looked at the female he loved, and all he could see was her downfall.

  That’s what this was going to be for her.

  Her downfall.

  For as long as the Fae Courts existed, Summer and Winter monarchs agreed to a no intermingling arrangement to keep Court blood lines pure and avoid any one fae from having inheritable rights to both kingdoms. The fae royalty also referenced an ancient prophecy which predicted the doom to all fae’s way of life by one of mixed court blood. Eilian didn’t give the tale much credit, thinking it to be a scare tactic to further motivate all fae to adhere to the agreement and nothing more. He knew misinterpretations of prophecies were not an unusual occurrence as the context and wording of them were often complex.

  Regardless of the arrangement between the monarchs, some lesser fae continued to intermingle with those from the opposite court. If children were spawned from such a coupling, the fae mother was forced to either put the child to death or enlist the assistance of the Wise Ones in essentially making the child human.

  While fae tended to be of greater height and leaner build, not to mention overall more attractive, fae and humans greatly resembled one another anatomically. The transformation by the Wise Ones did not alter the physical appearance of the child; the significant changes that occurred were the loss of fae abi
lities. The child of a forbidden union lost all inherited fae magic, including Sight. They were unable to see fae, and had no idea of their heritage as they were cut off from all fae society. The transformation was permanent –no exceptions.

  While most mothers chose to have their children turned into humans rather than killed, a sad number of cases existed where the less savory option was selected. It was a detestable business, only faced by those common fae who do not think through their actions. Thankfully, children from such liaisons were rare.

  Common fae, Eilian repeated to himself. Common fae make this mistake and have this problem, not the princess of the Summer Court. Not Wendy.

  No royal fae ever committed such an act in Eilian’s knowledge. Nor did any noble fae. They would not risk being accused of diluting the most powerful Summer or Winter Fae lines with that of their opposing court.

  Wendy was the princess; she had the most powerful Summer Fae blood flowing through her veins… and she had mixed them with a Winter Court Noble.

  Forget the child, Wendy’s life was in danger. Any number of fae, from either court, would want her dead if they found out. They would think her a traitor or spy, depending which side they viewed from.

  Eilian’s head was spinning. He started pacing. His thoughts going to dark places, depressing places, places of his worst nightmares. He had to protect Wendy, he had to!

  “Eilian,” her soft voice penetrated his chaotic thoughts. He drew his wide eyes to her shimmering one. She had been silently crying. “I am so sorry to burden you. I didn’t know who else to turn to. You are the only–”

  Eilian interrupted by wrapping his arms around her, cradling her head, and kissing her near the top of her pointed ears. “You don’t have to be sorry, Wendy. You are my best friend. I love you. You don’t ever have to be sorry with me.”

  Wendy’s limp arms wound around his waist in response. “I love you, too. Eilian, I love you so much. Forgive me.”

  Eilian’s heart both soared and plummeted. “You are forgiven, although you don’t need it.” They held on to each other as if someone was about to tear them apart.


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