Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1)

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Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1) Page 19

by Samantha Britt

  After a few more cautious steps, Kalan stopped moving; he applied pressure to signal Gwen to stop as well.

  “Alright, ready?” He asked, his voice hinted at his smile and slight nervousness. Gwen found herself grinning widely in response.


  “Okay…,” he paused for effect, releasing his hold. “Open your eyes.”

  Gwen complied and was immediately rendered speechless. “Oh my…” her breathless voice muttered the words as she turned, taking in her captivating surroundings.

  Gwen stood in what could only be described as a Winter Wonderland. Snow draped along the landscape, covering every item in a soft blanket without hiding its identity. Flowers and trees were arranged throughout the space, seeming frozen despite their bloom. Lights glimmered along the winding path, leading up to an elegant marble bench overlooking a pond decorated with ice-white lily pads. Gwen was amazed to note the water in the pond was in its liquid form despite the winter atmosphere surrounding it.

  During her enthralled inspection, Kalan simply observed her. His expression unreadable.

  “How is this, Lady Gwenevere?” He used her full name, the formality seeming to fit in with the regal backdrop. “Would you call this ordinary?”

  She met his twinkling eyes, no doubt her own were filled with awe. “No. This,” she waved her hand towards the garden. “This is magical. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  He beamed. “The magic doesn’t end here, My Lady.”

  “No?” She questioned, excited by his words. “There’s more?”

  He nodded. “Can you ice-skate, Lady Gwen?”

  She bobbed on her toes. “Yes!” She exclaimed, eyes eagerly darting to the pond. “Are you going to freeze the pond?”

  His smile turned playful. “Not me. You.”

  She started, amusement fading slightly. “Me? I can’t do that.” She took another look to the, now, seemingly large pond.

  He crossed his arms over his chest, widening his stance in a playful challenge. “You can.”

  She shook her head emphatically. “You’re forgetting something huge, Prince Kalan. I could barely freeze a bowl of water until a couple weeks ago. You think I am going to be able to freeze something more than a thousand times that volume?”

  Kalan didn’t bat an eye. “Yes.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You’re crazy. Why don’t you just do it?”

  “I thought you were driven, Lady Gwen,” his tone took on a more serious note. “I didn’t think you were one to give up before even trying.”

  That silenced her. Damn him, she thought as she observed the pond again.

  He was right. She wasn’t one to admit defeat without so much as an attempt. There’s no way she would have progressed her education so far otherwise.

  With a heavy sigh, Gwen turned and followed the lighted path towards the marble bench and water’s edge. She would give the task her all, and then allow Kalan to finish the job once she failed. Learning how to master her fae abilities humbled Gwen into not being too disappointed with failure.

  Shifting into a relaxed position, Gwen closed her eyes and began the methodic breathing she used to focus whenever attempting to utilize her magic. The semi-meditative state seemed the key to her success when manipulating physical objects, but that did not mean her tasks were completed easily. More often than not, Gwen would feel substantially drained following what most Winter Fae would consider a mundane use of Winter ability–except manipulating air, of course. Gwen considered herself quite adept with that skill.

  Clearing her mind of lingering negative thoughts, Gwen focused her attention on the pond before her, imagining it behind closed eyes. Flexing her fingers, she pictured tendrils of power flowing from her digits, delving deep into the body of water. She visualized frost creeping over its surface, slowly penetrating down to the depths of the pond. The crystalline structure of ice branching out to neighboring structures, forming a sheet of solid smooth ice.

  While she conjured the images in her mind, Gwen had no inkling if the creation would be mirrored to the real scene on the other side of her eyelids. Though, she could definitely feel energy dissipate from her very being and flow out to her surroundings.

  Recalling Kalan’s presence for the exercise, Gwen felt a sudden desire to succeed in her endeavor. Despite knowing her reasoning was silly, given he had a prophesized mate and she a prophesized doom, Gwen could not deny her wish to impress him. Even if nothing could come of his high opinion.

  Instantly, Gwen felt the air around her shift. No… not air. What she felt had more substance than air. From all around her, sensations of warmth, cold, a fresh breeze, an earthy aroma, and a number of others cascaded down upon her, overwhelming all of her senses.

  At first, Gwen believed herself to be suffocating with the onslaught of sensations, her mouth opening instinctively to take deeper breathes. Then, it dawned on her.

  Gwen was not suffocating from physical elements. Once she focused, Gwen realized her perceptions of being clouded by strong sensations was actually an influx of fae magic in her body and out of her fingertips. It was as if Gwen subconsciously tapped into the magic of the Fae Realm and harnessed it. She never managed to use her abilities as easily as she suddenly was.

  Gwen opened her mind, trying to consciously draw in the magic. She was rewarded by a profound rush of power. It felt as if the magic was seeping into her blood, into her bones, and into her very being. Gwen’s breath quickened. If her situation wasn’t shocking enough, she could have sworn it was not only Winter magic weaving its way into her person. It seemed Summer magic existed at Winter Court as well.

  Gwen brought the image of the frozen pond back into focus, driving all her newfound powers into the task.

  Several moments later, Gwen felt a brush of a hand against her back, startling her from her focus. Her eyes flew open and the flow of magic stopped. She turned her body, meeting Kalan’s astonished gaze.

  “Wow,” he whispered, not attempting to hide his wonder. His focus was on her, not the product of her labor.

  “Did it work?” She asked, her voice strong. No indication of fatigue at all.

  His answering smile was breathtaking. “Did it work?” He repeated amused. Slowly, he placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around. “Take a look.”

  It was magnificent. Even more so than before. The beautiful pond was now a smooth, glistening surface of ice. The pool was completely clear. Gwen dipped her eyes down and was surprised to realize she could see the surface below. A depth, she guessed, of approximately forty feet. The creation was flawless.

  “I knew you were powerful,” Kalan’s awe interrupted her appraisal, “But I had no idea you were capable of this. You could rival any of us royals with your strength.” The prince’s hands remained on her shoulder, squeezing them in congratulations. A thrumming radiated from his touch.

  A satisfied grin settled. I did it, Gwen thought happily. She had been working so hard to master her abilities; it was wonderful to finally succeed. She wondered if pulling in magic from the environment was the trick all along, though, she did not know why none of her tutors would have shared the information if that were the case. Gwen made a mental note to ask Ian about it the next time they spoke.

  “You think so?” Gwen asked Kalan, addressing his previous statement. “You think I can give the royal highnesses a run for their money?”

  “I know you can.” The husky note to his words had Gwen turning around before she could question if the move was wise. Kalan’s hands dropped away. The moment their eyes locked, Gwen knew she turned into a charged situation. The air practically sparking with their attraction.

  Gwen gulped, her throat suddenly dry. Blue eyes, nearly matching in color, remained locked on each other. Cascade of thoughts and emotions fluttering through them, making Gwen’s stomach tighten.

  “You are amazing.” His reverent words squeezed her heart. Gwen could not ignore her complete absence of pain. It has to be him.
/>   “I’m sure I’m ordinary,” she breathed, hoping he did not think so. Despite everything she knew, despite every secret she kept, Gwen could not find the strength to shut down the attraction she held for Kalan. Not this time.

  He shook his head, hands slipping up to gently cradle her head. “There is nothing ordinary about you. I knew that from the moment I saw you.”

  Gwen opened her mouth to protest. She intended to offer him any weak reason she could find to make him second guess his regard for her, for she certainly wasn’t strong enough to do it.

  The words were lost the moment his lips found hers, locking her in a connection she never wanted to break.

  Chapter 22

  Kalan’s heart beat rapidly. His rushing blood sounded like waves in his ears as he looked at the beautiful fae before him.

  He would no longer deny his feelings for Gwen. She was magnificent. Kind. Intelligent. Driven. And, as she just displayed, powerful.

  Never before had the prince seen such a demonstration of ability. He might have teased that she was just as powerful as he and his parents, but the reality was, he wondered if she might be stronger. Who could her parents have been to pass such strength to their child, only to not feel their station would have provided safety for the child?

  Kalan shoved those thoughts aside as he continued to gaze into her bright eyes. If eyes were the window to the soul, he had no doubt he was looking into the purest soul to walk any realm. He felt as if his own ached for hers–ached for a link.

  “You are amazing.” The words escaped him. His lips simply relaying what his mind had been thinking from almost the moment they met.

  Her eyes danced, sparkling like the snow covered garden surrounding them.

  By Fate, she is so beautiful it hurts.

  He could hardly believe her words when she called herself ordinary. Kalan did not think a bigger falsehood was ever uttered. The fact that she believed her words endeared her to him more and awoke a desire in him to prove to her just how wrong she was.

  He couldn’t stop what happened next even if he wanted to. The moment he held her stunning face in his hands, her objection forming in response to his words, his walls dropped and he swept his lips to hers in the most wondrous moment of his existence. Somewhere in his soul, he knew there would be no other like it.

  Why can’t she be my lifemate? He questioned painfully, deepening their kiss in pent up frustration and longing.

  His stomach clenched as Gwen placed her small hands against his chest, leaning into him. He fought to keep his ministrations from becoming too demanding, wanting to savor the taste and feel of her against him. He nearly lost what little control he possessed when Gwen moved her hands and thrust her fingers through his black hair, tangling his strands in her firm grasp. Kalan’s lips parted in a small gasp at the action. He was almost undone when Gwen snaked her smooth tongue into his unsuspecting mouth. Kalan knew he wouldn’t be able to stand much longer.

  Vaguely registering the presence of the bench, Kalan placed one hand at the small of Gwen’s back, using the position to prompt her to follow him as he stepped towards the marble seat. She obliged without hesitation.

  As he lowered himself to the bench, Gwen joined him. But instead of sitting beside him as he expected, the beauty sat sideways on his left knee, positioning herself slightly above him. Kalan loved the position of control height gave her, happy to simply receive her glorious lips’ attention in any way she desired.

  Her kisses were tender, revealing to him her gentle yet passionate spirit. He could kiss her forever if she would let him.

  Kalan felt it the moment Gwen’s body stiffened. Her mind finally registering what they were doing. Although she pulled her lips away from his, the prince took solace in feeling her reluctance to do so. He met her eyes and was sure the heat and affection he saw there mirrored his own. He rubbed a soothing hand up and down her back, not breaking eye contact as she worked through her thoughts.

  “What are we doing?” She whispered, her voice throaty and low. It sent chills down his spine.

  “I don’t know,” he responded honestly. “But I want to do it again.”

  She closed her eyes, leaning her forehead against his own, letting out a soft sigh. “This is a bad idea.”

  “I disagree.”

  She smiled ruefully, tilting her head back and meeting his sincere gaze. “It’s crazy to think anything but hurt will come from… this.” She gestured a hand between the two of them. “Whatever this is.”

  “This,” Kalan offered, snatching her waving hand and placing a soft kiss on its knuckles. “Is the fondness and attraction I have held for you since I met you. It is the desire to get to know you better. To be with you.”

  At first, her expression bloomed in happiness with his words, enjoying the flattery that accompanied them. Then the reality of their situation settled over them like a cloud, dampening her delight. Kalan witnessed the change and immediately set out to alleviate any and every doubt she harbored.

  “Gwen,” he began, willing the full strength of his emotion to splay across his face. “I know the reasons behind your hesitations, but let me alleviate you of them.

  “Yes, I have a prophecy which states I have a destined mate. One who must meet certain criteria, but I cannot tell you how many misinterpretations or strange circumstances that occur to reveal prophecies to be not at all as expected. I have never experienced the feelings I have for you. I want the chance to explore them. I believe that everything will work out the way Fate plans anyway, no matter what we do. So, why not go for it? You say it is foolish to think anything but hurt will come from us pursuing our feelings. But I think it is foolish to think that only hurt will come from it when I know how deep the feelings run.

  “I mean…,” nervousness flooded the prince’s voice. “Not to presume that you have the same feelings I do. I understand I might be assuming quite a bit on…”

  Gwen stopped his ramble with a soft finger on his lips. “You don’t presume anything.”

  Kalan did not think he ever smiled as wide in his life. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tight. “So, you will give me a chance?”

  Her small arms wound around his neck. “I’m okay with dating. As long as we both try to keep a realistic perspective on us. Chances are this won’t be a forever thing. We both have very different plans for our lives.”

  “How romantic,” he mumbled playfully, knowing he had won a big concession even if the thought of not having Gwen for good upset him.

  She gave a soft laugh. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m just happy you are willing to try.”

  She pursed her lips, thinking over his words. “Not just willing to try. I want to try. I have to admit, I’ve been struggling with wanting to kiss you since that day you rescued me from Bradley. Even though, all logic points to this being a mistake. I can’t get you out of my head.” She admitted the last part with a shy dip of her chin.

  Kalan loosened his hold to lean back and meet her eyes. “Thank you for wanting to gamble on us against logic,” he told her with all sincerity. “I know that must not have been easy, but I will tell you it has made me the happiest I can ever remember being.”

  Gwen blushed prettily.

  Kalan looked at her, entranced, hoping that the vision in front of him would be imprinted in his mind forever.

  Even if Fate had other plans.

  Chapter 23

  Kalan was on cloud nine as he made his way to the armory later that afternoon. The prince did not want to leave Gwen following their agreement to “date” as she called it, but he could not deny he was eager to return to training with his guard now that most of his work for the Summer Solstice ball was behind him.

  Not that he really did anything for the ball. More like his father simply required his presence during the numerous meetings with Duke Aeron, the new additional Summer Fae, and the Winter Court servants tasked with organizing and carrying out the details for the event. With the o
ccasion a mere week away, most of the particulars were set, permitting Kalan to return to his typical schedule.

  Although, Kalan smiled as his thoughts returned to his encounter with Gwen, I doubt I will be willing to spend much time out of her company. His normal routine would inevitably change.

  Kalan approached the south building and was greeted by Ronan, two broad swords and daggers already in his hand. He smiled widely at his guard, unable to hide his newfound elation.

  “Ronan,” he greeted. “Wonderful to see you.”

  The guard gave the prince an amused, yet confused, look. “Kalan. You seem rather… pleasant this afternoon. I trust your conversation with Lady Gwen went well.”

  “Very well,” he returned, eyes bright.

  “Care to tell me about it?” Ronan asked as the pair made their way to back of the wing.

  Kalan obliged him, eager to inform his friend of the development of his relationship with Gwen. While the prince never revealed his feelings for the lady, he was sure Ronan picked up on them, being too observant not to. His guess was proven correct when the guard gave him a knowing smile.

  “Ah,” Ronan clasped a hand over the prince’s shoulder in congratulations. “About time, Your Highness.”

  Kalan laughed, feeling as if his soul’s happiness could burn through skin. “I agree.”

  “I suppose this means I will have to break the news to Lord Leo and Sir Torin,” Ronan said, more to himself than Kalan as they arrived in the sparring room. Two groups of fae were currently fighting, but upon seeing Kalan, promptly bowed and made their exit. Their action was not necessary, but the prince valued the privacy their departure gave him to speak to his friend of Gwen.

  “About what?” Kalan questioned as he began swinging his arms, warming up his muscles.

  “Their desire to court Gwen, of course.” Ronan laughed as he took in Kalan’s expression, mistaking it as harmless. “Surely you have noticed their attention to her since she’s been here?”


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