Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1)

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Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1) Page 20

by Samantha Britt

  Kalan saw red.

  Never before had the prince experienced the measure of fury currently possessing his body and mind. He felt his powers radiate from his hands, the floor frosting over as his winter abilities spread across its surface. The dark wood floor began to creak.

  “Kalan?” Ronan called his name, but Kalan could hardly hear it above the roar of anger filling his mind. A large crack on the wall nearest him as the cold proved too much for the material to handle.

  “Kalan, stop! What are you doing?”

  Kalan’s thoughts were deadly as power continued to pour from him in waves, dropping the temperature of the room to levels far below comfortable for Winter Fae, though he remained unaffected. Ronan, however, stood shivering, refusing to cease his mollifying attempts.

  The prince’s body shook as he replayed Ronan’s words. Lord Leo and Sir Torin… they wanted to court Gwen? His Gwen? He’d be damned before he let them near her. With a newfound purpose, Kalan fazed from the sparring room, despite Ronan’s fading protests. He arrived outside of his guard’s chambers. He did not knock as he burst into the rooms, the floors still frosting when his powers reached them.

  He did not know how, but Kalan knew Gwen would be here. He could feel her. Feel her power as she practiced using her fae magic. He stomped to Ronan’s personal study. There, in the middle of the floor, sat Gwen. Her slender legs tucked beneath her as she leaned over a potted plant. Kalan did not take the time to question what she was doing with the flowers.

  Gwen looked up at the sound of his entrance, smiling in greeting. “Kalan! What are you doing here?” She bounded happily to her feet to approach him.

  Her movements ceased, eyes widening as she took in his stance. “Kalan?” She questioned, observing his rigid form. “Is everything alright?”

  Her voice nearly unraveled him, penetrating his soul with its sweet melody. The thought that any male believed they could take her away from him brought on another swell of anger, pumping out more frigid powers into the small space.

  “Kalan?” She shifted, rubbing her arms for warmth.

  His eyes locked onto hers, soaking in their beauty before traveling to admire the rest of her face. The curve of her neck met her collar bones in an elegant dip. The prince had the urge to close their distance and lay claim to its smooth skin.

  Kalan’s eyes jumped back up as he registered Gwen take a hesitant step back.

  “Kalan?” She repeated, sounding nervous even to the prince’s fury dampened ears. “What’s wrong with you?”

  Nothing that two deaths won’t fix, he thought with a growl, resulting in another frantic step back by the beauty in front of him.

  “Don’t do that,” his gruff voice commanded as he stepped towards her. “I would never hurt you.”

  She swallowed, searching his face. “Yeah. Well tell that to your face. You sure look like you want to hurt me.”

  He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t hear her wonderful voice, be in her intoxicating presence, and not touch her. With all his fae speed, he quickly rushed to Gwen, enveloping her in his arms.

  She gasped as their bodies touched, though not for the same reason Kalan did.

  “You’re hands are freezing!” Gwen exclaimed, struggling against his hold.

  Kalan tightened his grasp, bringing his lips to her throat.

  “Gah! Kalan!” Gwen shrieked. “Your mouth! It’s so cold it’s burning. Let go!”

  Kalan heard her words, found himself worried by her frantic tone, but couldn’t let go. He needed to hold her. To kiss her. To reassure himself he would not lose her to another. He continued exploring her with his lips, his strong arms barely acknowledging her struggles.

  “Kalan,” she rasped against his ear. “You’re hurting me. Please… stop.”

  He moved on to her ear, gently nipping at its edges.

  “Dammit.” Kalan barely heard the word as Gwen stilled. The prince glided his attentions to her cheek and was about to latch onto her lips when the heat began.

  At first, Kalan thought he imagined the warmth emanating from Gwen’s body, but as his lips met hers, he recoiled as a burning sensation scorched the sensitive skin. The feeling managing to slightly penetrate his anger induced haze.

  “You’re hurting me, Kalan. Let go!” The heat became unbearable, but the prince did not release her. He kissed her throat, disregarding the pain.

  “Kalan,” she shouted so loud the room seemed to shake.

  His eyes met hers, and in his anger and pain filled state, Kalan believed he saw them flash emerald green. That wasn’t what caused him to drop his hold.

  The prince dropped his hold because gone was the raven haired beauty who filled his every waking thought and all his nightly dreams. In her place stood a fae with shimmering blonde hair… a fae with Summer Power rolling off of her in waves.


  The pain was excruciating. The burning sensation more than Gwen could bear. She didn’t mean to release her Summer abilities. It just happened. After working on growing the potted flower, her mind was already in touch with the life nurturing powers.

  She was just so cold…

  Relief was immediate once Kalan distanced himself from her. Gwen felt his powers lessen as he escaped whatever state he was trapped in. She made the effort to relinquish hers as well, collapsing to her knees in the process.

  Closing her eyes and bracing her hands on the floor, Gwen focused all thought into extinguishing the lingering tendrils of Summer magic floating around her.

  Soon, she succeeded.

  With a sigh of relief, Gwen opened her eyes, greeted by the grey carpeted floor. Feeling a tickling sensation on her hand, she brushed her hair away, pushing the yellow strands over her shoulder.

  The room spun. With complete disbelief, Gwen brought a section of her hair to her face, astonishment possessing her when she confirmed that her black tresses were gone.

  Slowly, Gwen raised her eyes to the fae in the room with her, praying pointlessly for his ignorance. Kalan’s expression conveyed a multitude of thoughts and emotions. Gwen’s body began to shake.

  Oh God, Gwen prayed fearfully, squeezing her eyes shut, help me. She needed to get back to Ian. Ian would protect her. If only she could faze on her own!

  “What are you?” Kalan’s pain filled voice choked out. At least he did not sound angry.

  What could Gwen say? There was no way she would be able to talk herself out of using her Summer Powers as well as the sudden appearance of her natural hair. She needed Ian.

  “Take me to Ian,” she whispered, begging him with her gaze. “Please, Kalan. He will explain.”

  Gwen’s heart squeezed painfully at the hurt expression on the prince’s face. Had they really been professing their feelings only hours ago? What she wouldn’t give to have his devoted look return.

  When Kalan did not respond, Gwen tried again with more strength. “Kalan. I will explain everything to you. I promise. Just please,” her voice cracked. “Please take me to Ian.”

  The prince continued to observe her in silence. Gwen lowered her head, thinking he would not help her get to Ian, her mind frantically searching for a means to get out of the dangerous situation she found herself in. When, without warning, her vision was blocked. She stiffened as Kalan knelt in front of her, wrapping her in his muscular arms. She nearly cried from relief as she felt the telltale signs of fazing begin.


  Eilian sat at his metal and glass desk when he heard movement coming from the living room. Titling his head, he stretched his senses to try and hear more clearly, preparing himself should he find the noise belonged to people. It was San Antonio after all; break-ins were not uncommon.

  The Summer Fae relaxed when he recognized Gwen’s unique voice. “Ian?” She called out, sounding a bit unlike herself. “Are you here?”

  Smiling, Eilian rose from his seat and rushed out of his bedroom, happy for his friend’s surprise visit. Since Gwen left for Winter Court, a good amount of Eilian’s days w
ere spent fretting over her safety, conjuring horrible scenarios of his worst fears being realized. He cherished the last time he got to see her, relieved to have his worry alleviated even if only for a short time.

  His elation over Gwen’s visit dimmed, however, as he took in the state of the two fae standing in the apartment.

  Prince Kalan, to put it mildly, looked upset. His jaw ticked, lips pinched in a firm line, hands clenched into fists. Oblivious to what could have the prince riled up, Eilian turned his attention to Gwen and stopped short at her appearance.

  In an instant, Eilian called upon his fae speed and rushed to the girl, sweeping her into his arms as he was already beginning to faze from the apartment. The Summer Fae sped up when he heard the prince’s cry of anger, barely thinking twice about the repercussions of his actions.

  He would hide Gwen. Protect her. Eilian would not allow Gwen to suffer the fate of her mother. He refused to fail Wendy.

  The pair fazed into Olympia Park, shielded from its occupants with dozens of leafy trees. Eilian gave Gwen an assessing glance, and was disconcerted by her empty expression.

  “Ian,” she looked at him calmly, still cradled in his arms. “You have to take me back.”

  “No!” His shout caused nearby birds to flutter away. “Are you crazy? He will kill you.”

  He watched as she squeezed her eyes shut. “We don’t know that.”

  “You are mixed-court blood, and not just any mixed-court blood but ROYAL mixed-court blood! You are the epitome of what all fae fear most from that idiotic prophecy. The moment the prince realizes this he will not be able to let you walk away. We have to hide.”

  “He knows practically everything about me, Ian. There is no way I can hide.”

  “You can! We can start a new life.”

  “I don’t want to start a new life, Ian! I am studying to be a doctor. I can’t give that up if there is a chance Kalan will understand.” Eilian fought the urge to shake sense into his friend. Wanting to become a physician would not be worth risking her life.

  “Understand what?” The Summer Fae tried a rougher approach, hoping to make her see reason. “Understand that you are prohibited from existing, but somehow he will let it slide? He will remove you.”

  Gwen looked away from him, but not before Eilian saw the despair fill her face. He sighed, not enjoying seeing Gwen in such a state.

  “Kalan is the Winter Prince, Gwen. The general belief is that you threaten not only his future rule, but his kingdom’s safety. Even if he wanted to spare you, he could not.”

  “We’re friends, Ian,” she whispered. “I can’t believe he would hurt me.”

  “I don’t want to take a chance with your life, Gwen.”

  Eilian’s stomach dropped as he watched the female in his arm’s expression change from weak to determined. He closed his eyes, dreading her next words.

  “Take me back, Ian. Or I will never forgive you.”

  “Why?” He pleaded. “Why risk this? It’s not worth it.”

  “But that’s just it, Ian. It is worth it. I can’t explain to you why, but I trust Kalan, almost as much as I trust you. Please give me the same courtesy and just trust me!”

  Eilian tightened his hold, bringing Gwen’s face in between his shoulder and neck. “I can’t lose you.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You won’t.”

  Although his every instinct told him to disregard Gwen’s demand, Eilian found himself calling on his fae abilities to transport back to the apartment. He begged to Fate that the prince might already be gone.

  Chapter 24

  Kalan stood rigidly in the familiar apartment, processing what just happened.

  Maybe he was mistaken? The power he felt when holding Gwen in Ronan’s study could have felt warm just because he, himself, was so cold after losing control. After all, it’s not like the prince was familiar with Summer Powers and how they felt.

  Confusion clouded his mind as Kalan replayed his crazy actions from before arriving in the Human Realm. What had possessed him? All he remembered was Ronan jokingly informing him of his need to turn down Sir Torin and Lord Leo on Gwen’s behalf before anger blinded the prince to everything else. Just thinking of the males pursuing Gwen threatened to bring back the rage the prince experienced. He forced it down. Continuing his thoughts, Kalan recalled coming to while he held Gwen strongly in his arms.

  Blonde hair slid to his mind’s eye.

  Kalan leaned heavily against the room’s outer wall. There was no denying the Summer Powers he felt in the room. Not when it was accompanied by the reveal of hair so blonde it glowed.

  Kalan groaned as he remembered his first thought upon seeing Gwen with golden hair. He was not immediately shocked or even afraid. Instead, the prince remembered clearly thinking that she was stunning, gorgeous, a goddess… and that she was his.

  Indeed, Kalan felt as if his soul sang in recognition of her, as if it always knew her natural state. It hadn’t been until he saw her own fear that he realized the implications of what he was seeing.

  There would be no denying it. Summer Powers and fair hair. Gwen was a Summer Fae… and a Winter Fae.

  Kalan needed to find her. It did not matter what she was, he would not harm her. Though, he knew of many who would. He needed to find her and together figure out what they were going to do to keep her safe. If only Eilian would bring Gwen back to give him the chance.

  As if Fate heard his thoughts, Kalan felt the room warm with power as Eilian appeared, still holding a grim Gwen in his arms. The prince’s heart soared as his eyes scanned over Gwen, reveling in her beauty. How was it possible that he found her even more striking than before? He longed to reach out and touch her.

  Unfortunately, Eilian’s face spoke of a willingness to disappear with her and never be found again if Kalan even thought of making such a move. The prince straightened his posture, but remained close to the wall.

  “Kalan.” His name sounded blissful on her lips. “We need to talk.” Her eyes searched his, timid and cautious.

  “We do.” He nodded once, trying to control his desire to hold her. “Shall I sit?”

  Eilian jerked his head to the lone chair in the room, while he walked to the couch with Gwen, placing her as far from Kalan’s seat as possible. The Summer Fae sat next to her.

  “Are you alright?” The prince asked after seeing Eilian handle her with such care. “Did I hurt you in the study?”

  Eilian’s eyes flared, but before he could react Gwen placed a calming hand on her friend’s arm. “You did not hurt me, Kalan. I just used a lot of power…”

  “Summer Power.” Kalan whispered, though it might as well been a shout with how much the words caused the three fae to recoil.

  “Yes.” The prince admired her firm voice. “I used Summer Power.”

  “And you look like a Summer Fae. Except for the pale skin and blue eyes.” Kalan saw Eilian harden at his words, but he kept his eyes locked on Gwen’s face. Her breathtakingly beautiful face.

  “I swear to you, on my Winter Kingdom, whatever you tell me will remain in my confidence. I will not utter a word spoken here to anyone. But I need to know. I need you to explain.”

  His soul hummed as Gwen gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you.” Turning to Eilian, she asked. “Shall I explain, or would you like to.”

  With a begrudging wave, the Summer Fae gestured to Gwen.

  She inhaled deeply, and began. “I don’t know who my father is, only that he must be a Winter noble. My mother,” she paused, sending Kalan a pleading look regarding her next words. “I do know. Her name was Gwendolyn. And she was the Summer Court’s Princess.”

  Kalan’s heart pounded relentlessly as Gwen continued her story. She told Kalan of her mother and Ian’s friendship, relaying how the princess approached her friend after she realized she was pregnant with a Winter noble’s child. Gwen described her upbringing, assuring the prince that she knew nothing of the fae world until meeting him and Ronan at Pat O’Br

  “Ian hid everything from me. He never tried to instruct me on my powers until I needed to learn to control them once the defalutar potion was removed,” she rushed these words out, sounding a little bit frantic. “I do not believe that I am a threat, no matter what some old prophecy says.”

  Kalan recognized the plea, and hated that Gwen seemed worried he might turn against her after hearing her story. The prince believed he would rather die than cause Gwen pain.

  “You have nothing to fear from me,” Kalan reassured Gwen and, he hoped, Ian. “I believe that I, being the subject of a prophecy myself, am more open to the interpretations and consequences potentially associated with the words of the Wise Ones, more so than most Fae.”

  Gwen’s countenance lightened, the sight bringing relief to Kalan’s stiff shoulders.

  “Now,” Kalan continued. “We need to discuss how to keep you safe. I have already promised to not reveal your secret to any fae, so once we return to Winter Court I–.”

  “She will not be returning to Winter Court,” Eilian interrupted the prince, his face hard as stone.


  “No,” he cut Gwen off. “I do not know how your natural hair came to be revealed, but I will not risk it happening again in front of Fae who are not as reasonable as Prince Kalan. You need protection. No one will find you here.”

  “I overworked my Summer Powers, that’s all,” Gwen tried to reason. “I can control it. I will control it. I’ve established a place at Court, no one thinks anything of me. That might change if I suddenly disappear never to be seen from again. I need to be able to go back.”

  “Why would you risk it?” Eilian’s face was contorted with anger. “What could possibly be at Court that would make it worth risking your life for, Gwen?”

  Gwen stiffened in response to his yell, locking eyes with Kalan after Eilian’s questions. The prince selfishly prayed that he would be a reason.

  “I can’t explain it, Ian,” she replied, still gazing at Kalan. “It’s just a feeling. Winter Court is where I am supposed to be right now. I am learning so much.”


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