Wright Brothers, Wrong Story
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bicycles/bicycle business, 12, 41, 52–53, 62–63, 66–67
biographies on the Wright Brothers, 10–11, 12–13, 24–25
Birdmen: The Wright Brothers, Glenn Curtiss, and the Battle to Control the Skies (Goldstone), 9–10, 16, 210
birds, 9, 55, 56–57, 59–60, 71, 88–89, 91, 136, 154, 210
Bishop's Boys, The (Crouch), 13, 16–17, 35, 60, 108, 118, 191, 215, 217, 220–21, 225, 240, 246
Blackbeard (pirate), 85
Boston, Massachusetts, 215–16
Boston Transcript, 57
Brewer, Griffith, 227, 237, 242
Brinkley, W. C., 175
Bryan, William Jennings, 18, 42
California Arrow (dirigible), 115
Canal Dover, Ohio, 96
Cape Hatteras, 82
Carnegie, Andrew, 18, 141
Cassier's Magazine, 110
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 38
Chanute, Octave
Alexander Graham Bell and, 186
Clement Ader's plane and, 168
conflict with Wilbur Wright, 212–14
correspondence with Wilbur Wright, 17, 50, 61, 70–73, 74–75, 108–11, 150, 179, 180, 181, 186
gliders of, 49–50
hearing of successful flight, December, 1903, 179
Huffaker-Langley connection and, 45
interest in aeronautics, 48–49
International Conference on Aerial Navigation, 49, 131
on investor money, 141–42
Journal of Western Engineers article, 113–14
Kelly's access to letters between Wilbur Wright and, 12–13
at Kill Devil Hills (1903), 168–69
Progress in Flying Machines, 61
providing information from Langley to Wilbur, 130
at the Smithsonian (1902), 143–44
trip to Kitty Hawk (1901), 118–19, 120, 127, 128–29
view of the Wright brothers, 143, 168–69, 191
visit to Samuel Langley (1902), 143–45
visit to Wilbur Wright, 112, 116–17, 118
Wilbur on, in speech to Western Society of Civil Engineers, 135
Wilbur's visit to, 131–33
wind tunnel computations by, 142
Chanute I (biplane glider), 186
Chicago, Illinois
International Conference on Aerial Navigation, 49, 131
typhoid fever in, 51
Western Society of Engineers speech in, 133–37
Wilbur's visit to (1901), 131–33
Chicago Record-Herald, 189
Chicago Tribune, 165
Churchill, Winston, 244
Cincinnati Enquirer, 189
Cincinnati, Ohio, 35
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 23
Clime, W. S., 198
Coca-Cola, 32
cocaine tooth drops, 32
Cogswell, Doc, 92
coin flipping, 172
Coldwater, Kansas, 36
Collier's, 23
Collier Trophy, 249
Columbian Exposition World's Fair (1893), 49, 51, 131
comic strip, 42
Conklin, Dr., 216
Conquering the Skies (Tise), 106
Contact, 243
Controlled flight, 18, 129–30, 133, 135
Cornell College of Engineering, 65
Cornell University, 115
Corsham, England, 183–84, 244, 247
Crouch, Tom, 13, 16–17, 35, 52, 60, 108, 118, 126, 191, 215, 217, 220–21, 225, 237, 240, 246
Culick, Fred E. C., 263
Cunningham, Arthur, 96
Curlicue, 84
Curtiss, Glenn, 18
Aero Club show (1906) and, 186
Alexander Graham Bell and, 186, 187
Baldwin's dirigible and, 114–15, 185
Dayton fair (1906) and, 185, 193–94
death, 261
flying by Wilbur vs. flying by, 205–206
June Bug (plane) of, 197, 203
meeting with the Wright Brothers, 187–88, 194–95
motorcycle engines of, 62–64
on ownership of an idea, 64
patent infringement/patent wars with the Wright brothers, 197, 203, 204–205, 206–207, 218–19, 241
pioneer patent given to the Wrights and, 218–19
put out of business, 206–207
in races with his planes, 203–204
renewed trials for Langley flyer and, 223–25, 226–27, 229
as responsible for Wilbur's death, 217
Rheims, France race, 204
as stealing and profiting from Wilbur Wright's invention, 194–95, 197, 208–209
Czolgosz, Leon, 113
Daniels, John T., 26, 91, 147, 172, 175, 178, 182, 221, 261
Dayton Asylum for the Insane, 33
Dayton County Fair, 185–86, 193–94
Dayton Daily News, 262
Dayton Journal, 189, 192
Dayton, Ohio
the Great Flood (1914), 21–22, 220–22
Orville's office in, 28
Wright family moving to, 37–38
Dayton Tattler (newspaper), 40
deposition, patent suit, 11, 148, 149
dirigible, 114–15, 185
Dispatch, 49
Dosher, Joseph, 83
Dough, W. S., 169, 172, 175
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 40
Eastman, George, 60
Edison, Thomas, 42, 59
E. H. Hall Co., Rochester, NY, 98
Elizabeth City, North Carolina, 79, 92, 120, 165
Empire of the Air (Mouillard), 59
engine. See motor (engine)
Engineering Magazine, 133
Eppler, Mark, 197
equation for lift, 61, 126, 138–39
Erie Railroad, 48
Ethridge, Adam, 175
Evening Item (newspaper), 40
Experiments and Observations in Soaring Flight (Wright), 186
Experiments in Aerodynamics (Langley), 44, 59, 140
Fairmont, Indiana, 37
Feight, John, 33
Findley, Earl, 24
First Flight (Crouch), 52
flight-data recorder, 170
flight, invention of. See powered flight, invention of
Flyer. See Wright Flyer
Flyer III, over Huffman Prairie, 191–92
flyers/flying machines
bicycles and, 53
dirigibles, 114–15
See also aerodromes (Langley flyer); glider experiments; gliders; test flights; Wright Flyer
Flying, 133
“Flying Machines and the War” (Kelly), 23
Ford, Henry, 18, 42, 64
Fort Meyer, Virginia, 196
four-cylinder engine, 154
Fouts, W. C., 192
France, 168, 196, 204, 209, 210, 212, 213
Freight, George, 167
Funkhouser, Charles, 31
Gardner, Lester, 235, 238
gasoline engine, 65–66, 114, 138, 139, 140
G. H. Curtiss Manufacturing Company, 114
Gleanings in Bee Culture (magazine), 188
Glenn Curtiss: Pioneer of Flight (Roseberry), 65, 115, 187, 194–95
glider experiments
1900, 74, 75, 83, 90–91, 92–93, 101–105, 102–105, 106, 108
1901, 124–26, 127–29
1902, 146, 147–49
1903, 166, 167, 172–74, 175–78, 179–82
choosing a location for, 72, 73–74
Lilienthal model, 102
Orville vs. Wilbur flying, in 1900, 101
See also test flights; Wright Flyer
built by Augustus Moore Herring, 45
designed by Octave Chanute, 49–50, 68–69, 118–19, 122
Edward Huffaker and, 49, 118–19, 122
of Otto Lilienthal, 46–48, 55
Wilbur testing his kite, 12
Wright, built in 1903, 167–68, 170–71
Wright, of 1902, 166
See also
aerodromes (Langley flyer); Wright Flyer
Goldman, Emma, 113
Goldstone, Lawrence, 9–10, 16, 210
Goodwin, Margaret, 95
Governors Island, 205, 206
Grant's Tomb, New York, 205, 206
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 86
Great Flood (Dayton, 1914), the, 21–22, 30, 182, 220–22
Grumbach, Carrie Kaylor, 17, 117, 262
Gundlach Korona V, 176, 178, 181
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 261
Hammondsport, New York, 62, 227–29, 240
hang glider, of Otto Lilienthal, 46–48
Harper's, 23
Harper's Magazine, 191
Hartsville, Indiana, 37
Haugh, Oliver Crook, 32–33, 34, 39, 116
Hawthorne Street, Dayton, Ohio, 37, 116, 118, 220
Hazel, Judge John R., 207
Herald, 190
Herring, Augustus Moore, 45, 49, 144, 145, 203–204, 206, 214
Herring-Curtiss Corporation, 203, 204, 205, 206, 226
Hievesy, M., 216
hinged rudder, 144, 147, 148, 155, 208
Hitler, Adolf, 243
Holmes, H. H., 131
“Horizontal Position During Gliding Flight, The” (Wright, Wilbur), 111, 116
Horwitz, Dr. Allen, 30
Howard, Fred, 68, 69, 105, 148, 167
Howard Observatory, 43
“How the Wright Brothers Began” (Kelly), 23
Hoxsey, Arch, 253
Hudson River Railroad, 48
Huffaker, Edward (E. C.), 45, 49, 59, 118–19, 129
at Kitty Hawk (1901), 45, 118–19, 120, 121–27, 124–25, 126, 127, 129
Huffman Prairie, flights at, 188, 191–92, 193
Indiana Dunes, 49–50
Indianapolis Chain and Stamping Company, 157–58
International Conference on Aerial Navigation, 49
inventions, 18–19, 60, 62–64. See also wing-warping concept
investor money, 141
Jacobs, Jim, 230, 232
J. E. Etheridge Co. Mill, 79
Jex, Henry R., 263
Jockey's Ridge, 85
Johnson, Walter, 228
Jones, Charlotte, 262
Jones, Jesse H., 249
Journal of Western Engineers, 113–14
June Bug (airplane), 197, 203
Kansas City, Memphis, and Birmingham Railroad, 35
Katydid (glider), 49
Keiter, Reverend Millard, 141
Kelly, Fred C.
access to Chanute–Wilbur Wright correspondence, 12–13
career, 23–24
difficulties in with working with Orville, 23, 24–26, 27, 247
disbelief about Huffman Prairie flights, 192
getting the Wright Flyer back from London, 27, 246–48
on media coverage of 1903 flight at Kitty Hawk, 189
Orville Wright and, 246
Wright Brothers: A Biography Authorized by Orville Wright, The, 10–11, 12, 146–47, 148, 149, 254–59, 261
Keuka, Lake, 63, 226–27
Kill Devil Hills (dunes)
memorial to flight and, 120
memorial to flight in, 120
1900 trip, 82, 83, 93, 102–105
1901 trip, 120–21
1902 trip, 147
1903 trip, 165–74, 177
photograph taken at, 177–78
weather (1903), 166, 168, 169–70, 174, 175
Wilbur's return to (1908), 201–202
Wilbur Wright flying the glider at (1900), 102–105
See also Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
kite, flying the glider like a, 93, 103, 109, 110, 111, 119, 126, 147
kites, 68–70, 186
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
attempts at flying the glider at (1900), 101–102
Chanute's suggestion to meet the Wrights in, 118–19
Huffaker at, 45, 118–19
Kelly biography on events at, 12
media response to 1903 achievement, 188–90
memorial to flight and, 120
Orville in (1900), 79–83, 90–91, 100–101
trip to (1901), 118–19, 120–30
visit to (1902), 143, 144, 147–49
Wilbur's correspondence to Chanute on, 108, 109
Wilbur's correspondence to US Weather Service on, 19, 73–74
Wilbur's final flight at, 215
Wilbur's return to (1908), 211
Wilbur's visits to, 19
See also Kill Devil Hills (dunes)
Knabenshue, Roy, 30
Kochersberger, Kevin, 263
Kodak camera, 60
Koerner, Susan. See Wright, Susan (Koerner) (mother of Wilbur and Orville)
Ladies Literary Society (LLS), 95
L'Aerophile, 237
Langley Day, 223, 224
Langley flyer. See aerodromes (Langley flyer)
Langley Laboratory, 223, 224
Langley Memorial Tablet, 223
Langley, Samuel Pierpont
accomplishments, 43
aerodrome experiments, 42–46, 160–64
alteration of Langley aerodrome, 223–31
American Association for the Advancement of Science meetings and, 48–49
Chanute providing information to Wilbur from, 130
Chanute's visit to (1902), 143–45
Charles Manley and, 115
Charles Walcott and, 223
chief engineer for, 193
death, 164
Experiments in Aerodynamics, 44, 59
failed test flight, 160–64, 171–72
gasoline engine project, 65–66, 114
Huffaker, Edward and, 121, 122
letters to Wright brothers, 145, 150
patents granted to, 152
progress of/competition with Wright brothers, 145, 150, 158–59
War Department check to Smithsonian and, 50, 64–65, 160, 223
Wilbur Wright on, 115–16, 136, 171
Wright brothers indebted to, 236–37
Le Mans, France, 209, 227
amending Orville Wright's will, 31, 245, 247, 251, 262
from Glenn Curtiss to the Wright brothers, 187–88, 194, 195
from Langley to Wilbur Wright, 145, 150
Mabel Beck-Orville Wright love letters, 262–63
between Orville and Octave Chanute, 90, 109
between Wilbur and Octave Chanute, 17, 50, 61, 70–73, 74–75, 108–11, 150, 179, 180, 181, 186
to Wilbur, from his father, 10, 36, 90
See also letters from Orville; letters from Wilbur
letters from Orville
to Katherine from Kill Devil Hills (1903), 170, 173
during trip to Kitty Hawk (1900), 91, 92, 93, 100–101, 104
during trip to Kitty Hawk (1901), 121, 123
to Wilbur about army flight (1908), 197
letters from Wilbur, 11
to Glenn Curtiss, 197
to his father, 60–61, 75, 89
“I” and “we” in, 11, 61, 72, 74, 90
from Kill Devil Hills (1903), 173–74
from Kitty Hawk (1901), 126–27
to Lorin, about business, 53–54
pilgrimage to Kitty Hawk (1900), 79, 80, 81, 86, 89–90, 91, 109
to the Smithsonian, 12, 58–59, 60–61
to the Weather Bureau, 73, 83
lift, equation for, 61, 126, 138–39
Lilienthal (glider), 49
Lilienthal, Otto
computations and equations of, 126, 138–39
death, 55
flying by, 107
gliders of, 46–48, 55
Langley differing from, 140
mentioned in Wilbur's correspondence to Chanute, 71
“Problem of Flying and Practical Experiments in Soaring, The,” 59
Wilbur on, in speech to Western Society of Civil Engineers, 135
Wilbur's glider and, 89–90, 102
Wilbur's int
erest in aeronautics and, 54
Lincoln, Abraham, 38
Lindbergh, Charles, 25, 30, 232, 239–40, 242–43, 247, 251, 262
Literary Digest, 237
Litterae Laborum Solamen, 95
Loening, Grover, 205–206
Love, Judge, 31, 251
Lusitania (ocean liner), 206
“Machine That Flies, The” (Herald), 190
Manateo, North Carolina, 84
Manley, Charles M., 65–66, 114, 115, 117, 145, 160–63, 161, 164
Marey, Étienne-Jules, 54, 57
marriage, 11–12, 14, 262
Masons, the, 141
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 230
Maurer, Richard, 96
Mauretania (ocean liner), 261
Maxim, Hiram, 59
McCullough, David, 10, 210
McFarland, Marvin, 140
McKinley, William, 18, 42, 50, 113, 133
McPherson Town, 30
Means, James Howard, 53, 59
mechanical flight. See powered flight, invention of
media coverage, 188–90, 192
Melville, George, 138
Men with Wings, 243
Miami Valley Hospital, 30
Midgette, Captain, 167
Miller, Harold, 31, 251
Miller, Ivonette Wright, 28, 252
Millville, Indiana, 37
Missouri River bridge, 48
monoplane kite, 49
Monthly Weather Reviews, 73, 83
Monticello Hotel, Norfolk, VA, 79
Moore, H. P., 189
Moore, Johnny, 175–76
Morgan, J. P., 18
Moses Cohen's Furnishing, 30
motor (engine)
for aerodrome, 160
designed by Charlie Taylor, 154–55
Glenn Curtiss's attempts to do business with the Wrights and, 187–88, 193–94, 195
on Glenn Curtiss's June Bug, 203
Langley aerodrome, 65–66, 227
motorcycle, 114–15
for new Wright Flyer (1903), 167–68
1903 flight and, 173
motorcycle, 62–64, 114–15
Mouillard, Louis-Pierre, 59, 213
Mount Vernon Ducking Club, 43
movable rudder, 146–50, 156–57
Nags Head, 82, 85, 121
National Advisory Committee of Aeronautics, 160, 235
National Weather Service, 19, 73
influence of mass-produced, 42
reporting on 1903 flight at Kitty Hawk, 189–90
Wright brothers’ business, 12, 40
New York American, 189
New York Times, 162, 210
New York World, 212
1903 flyer. See Wright Flyer
North American Review, 138
Oberlin College, 95–96, 262
Ocracoke, 85, 165
Old Point, Virginia, 79
O'Neal, “Uncle Benny,” 172
On Soaring Flight (Huffaker), 121
opium, 32
Osborn, Agnes, 14
Osborn, Glenn, 14
Otis Elevator Company, 60
Outer Banks, North Carolina, 19, 82, 85, 86. See also Kill Devil Hills (dunes); Kitty Hawk, North Carolina