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Worth the Wait

Page 4

by Rachael Tonks

  She lifts her head ever so slightly and we lock eyes. I stare into the eyes of the beautiful girl stood in front of me and my feet refuse to move. I want to stay with her, make her feel at home. My mind and heart are torn, but I know I can’t afford to screw up this new contract.

  “I’ll be here when you get back,” she whispers, as if she’s reading my thoughts. She presses up until she’s on her tiptoes and lightly presses her lips against my cheek. I desperately want to turn and kiss her back. Deeper. With more passion. But I know I can’t. I won’t be able to stop myself once I start kissing her.


  Everything about his apartment screams money. It’s crazy how I’ve ended up in a place like this after sleeping in my car for weeks on end.

  Living in my car isn’t something I planned. I simply have no choice in the matter. I’m at rock bottom, furiously fighting to get my life back on track. My education and getting my teaching qualifications means so much to me. It’s what I have to focus on. It takes my mind away from the memories, from the nightmare I’ve lived for the last few years. It will also help solidify the future and help make our lives together better. She’s depending on me and I will do what I have to in order to keep her safe. Every minute I’m not there, I’m worried something terrible is going to happen to her.

  She’s the reason I took that damn stripping job. It was such a stupid idea. A quick way to make some serious money, only, I wasn’t willing to do what was necessary to make big bucks. Josh made me realize that no matter how desperate I was, stripping wasn’t the answer. I never did return after that first night.

  And here I am, in this huge fancy apartment with its crystal chandeliers and marble flooring. A massive contrast to living in my reliable old truck.

  After showering and settling into the enormous bedroom, I make a plan to revisit all the bars and restaurants where I left my resume just the other day. I’ve been desperately searching for something, anything but stripping. Someone has to give me a chance. I need to earn my own money. I need to get my shit together and get a home sorted. Not just for me, for us both. I just have to make this work, she’s depending on me.


  After a long day, I wrap up my meeting with Martin as quickly as I can, because honestly, I’m desperate to get back to the apartment and check on Quinn. Lame, I know, but I need to know she’s okay. Finding her, in that shitty ass truck, looking so shocked and surprised, well, it got me thinking. In fact, she’s all I’ve been able to think about for the last few hours.

  Parking the car, I notice her old truck is here, but in a completely different spot. I jump out and head to the elevator, eager to get to the apartment. I can’t remember the last time I got so consumed by a girl, but shit, she’s done something crazy to me.

  I finally make it to the top floor, pushing my key in the lock and opening the door. As soon as I step inside, the smell of food hits my senses. I drop my case on the couch and make my way over to the kitchen. Quinn is standing at the oven; her body sways and moves in time to the music playing on the small radio beside her. I hold my fist to my mouth, clearing my throat loudly.

  “Oh shit,” her whole body jumps, before spinning on the spot. Her eyes are wide and she clutches her heaving chest. “I had no idea you were back,” she gasps. “I hope you don’t mind? I wanted to make you something for dinner, a little token of my thanks.”

  “Smells amazing,” I say as I slide onto the stool and lean down on my forearm.

  “I’m a good cook,” she says with a smile, waving the spatula in her hand. “Go sit at the dining table, it will be ready in a few minutes, okay?”

  “Sure,” I reply, making my way over to the large dining table which has been set up perfectly. The candles at the table are lit and I can’t help but notice how much effort she’s made setting this whole thing up.

  I wait patiently and watch as she walks over with the two plates in her hand. Stopping in front of me, she rests the plate down on the table. The chili looks as good as it smells. I can’t remember the last time I had some good home-cooked food. My kitchen is practically unused.

  “This looks amazing,” I say with a smile as she sits beside me.

  “Thank you,” she answers timidly, picking up her fork and digging straight in. I look at her tiny frame and wonder how, or if, she’s been eating. Her eyes widen as she nods her head ever so slightly. “So good,” she mumbles through the mouthful of food.

  “So,” she pauses, chewing and swallowing the food in her mouth before continuing, “I have some good news,” she squeaks enthusiastically. “I got a job.”

  “Oh wow, really? That’s great.”

  “Right,” She nods. “So, now I should be able to start looking for a place of my own. I mean, it’s only bar work, but it’s something, right? It should see me through until I’m qualified.”

  “Where were you staying before?” I ask, knowing she may not answer but intrigued to know why a girl so stunning, so terribly intelligent has ended up sleeping in her car.

  “With my mom and stepfather,” she says, breathing out a shaky breath. I drop my fork and concentrate on her, hoping she will start to open up to me. “We had… well, we had a huge fight and… I’m never going back there,” she continues, the build of tears in her eyes are apparent.

  “What happened, Quinn,” I press further, wondering what was so bad she chose to be homeless.

  “Too much to mention. Plus, tonight we celebrate,” she smiles, but it I can sense it’s forced and suspect that it hides something deeper. I step up from the table, making my way over to the wine rack.

  “If we’re celebrating, let’s do it in style,” I hold up the bottle and her eyes focus on the label before she lets out a loud gasp, her eyes widen almost involuntarily.

  “Shit, are you sure? That’s not the cheap stuff,” she grimaces. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m no wine connoisseur, but I’ve heard that name before and I know just how pricey it is.

  “It’s a celebration. I’m happy for you. This means no more stripping, right,” I say with a chuckle and a lift of my brow.

  “No more stripping,” she hides her face with her hand. “I really sucked at it, huh?”

  “I couldn’t possibly comment. I never saw your stripping talents. Not yet, anyway,” I say a little tongue in cheek. Quinn drops her head, laughing as I sit down beside her, pouring the wine into the glasses.

  After finishing our meal, we take our glasses and a second bottle over to the couch, getting comfortable in front of the television. The more we drink, the more Quinn loosens up, dropping her guard a little. I turn to her, taking her hand in mine.

  “It’s so good having you here, Quinn. I like it. More than like it,” I say, leaning into her, desperate to take her in my arms and make her mine.

  “I like it here,” she giggles, closing the gap between us. Her face is so close to mine, but I can’t help but freeze, searching her eyes to see if she really wants this. I don’t want to take advantage of her.

  “What are you waiting for, Josh?” she asks, her voice sultry as she looks at me through her lashes.

  I don’t hesitate.

  Within a millisecond, my hand is on the back of her head and pulling her towards me. She opens her mouth, allowing me access, deepening the kiss. Her small moans are like music to my ears. My hands drop to her waist, and she starts to work hers into my hair, pulling me closer. I’m overwhelmed by my attraction to this girl, by this feeling that until now, has been completely alien. Grabbing my hair tightly, she tugs the handful, pulling my head back as she sucks in my bottom lip.

  Sexiest fucking move ever.

  Like I no longer have any control, my hand moves from its resting position on her waist and brushing over her breast. I hold it there, waiting for her reaction. I’m not sure if she wants this but I certainly do. More than anything I’ve ever wanted before. I want to know how good my cock feels buried deep in her pretty pussy.

  She doesn’t react. She continues to suck an
d tease my lips to the point where I might actually explode. I drop my hands back to her waist and with one quick movement, position her on my lap. Her hands rest against my neck, her head down, her hair cascading over both our faces.

  “Tell me to stop,” I breathe out heavily, “tell me if you don’t want this.”

  “I do,” she murmurs, and that is all I need to hear. Reaching for the hem of her top, I swiftly pull it over her head, and throw it on the floor. Without a second’s pause, my mouth lands on her breast. I hook in a finger, pulling down the cup, freeing her from the confines of her bra. I take her in my mouth, sucking and teasing, flicking my tongue over and over her nipple.

  “Josh,” she cries, and I look up to see her head drop back, all the while her fingernails dig into my shoulders. My dick is so stiff; it pushes against my pants almost bordering on pain. I know she can feel it, her pussy is pressing against it. I reach up to her neck, allowing my flat palm to caress down her breast and to her stomach.

  “I need to get you out of these fucking clothes,” I growl, reaching round and unclasping her bra in one swift movement. She grabs the strap, pulling it over her arms and tossing it on the floor. She places her hands on my thighs, before pushing herself off of my lap completely.

  “Won’t be needing these either,” she smirks seductively, as the pushes down her jeans, taking her panties with them. She’s standing in front of me, completely naked, and like a fucking feast for my hungry eyes. I’m almost paralyzed by the sight of her; unable to believe this is actually real. My dick twitches at the thought of grabbing her by the waist and slamming her down repeatedly on my cock.

  “How about a lap dance,” she says, as if reading my goddamn mind. She turns until her ass faces me, before spreading her legs and positioning herself over my cock.


  I swallow down hard, the sight of her starting to gyrate on my cock, her hands work through her long flowing hair as she pulls it up revealing every inch of her sexy, contoured back.

  I can’t hold back. I reach round, my hands drifting and don’t stop until I reach her sweet spot. She gyrates up and down, and I continue to work her, her moans echoing through the empty apartment. Teasing me, she continues to work not only my finger against her clit, but her ass against my straining cock. Each movement brings her delightful ass closer to my erection, but still, it isn’t close enough. I hiss out a sharp breath, the warmth of her body against mine.

  “So fucking wet for me,” I groan.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop,” she says breathlessly, her grinding against me speeds up as I continue to flick and tease her clit. My finger works in a circle, and my body craves to see her come apart in response to my touch. Her breathing is erratic and her moans fill the room. Through the haze of alcohol and the euphoria of this moment, I can barely believe what we’re doing. What I’ve longed to do since the very first moment I set fucking eyes on her.

  Her writhing suddenly stops as she arches her back, her legs juddering against mine as she works through her orgasm. Her eyes are clamped shut as she lets out a quiet, but satisfying moan.

  “Oh god,” she breathes heavily, pushing the little bit of hair that has fallen over her face. She slides off my lap, collapsing dramatically on the floor, her chest heaving as she attempts to catch her breath.

  I pause momentarily as I watch her. Her face is lit up, a smile spreads from ear to ear.

  I laugh at her laid on the floor, but want her so desperately. I step up from my seat and scoop her up from where she is sprawled.

  “Don’t flake on me yet, baby. We’ve only just started,” I tease, as I pull her up from the floor and hold her in my arms.

  “Your room or mine?” she asks with a giggle.

  “Right now, I could fuck you in the bathroom and I wouldn’t care,” I say in a low voice full of desire.

  “I like the view from my room,” she smiles, nuzzling into my neck as I take her up the stairs. Walking down the hall, I kick out my foot, opening the door to her room. It’s surprisingly light. Moonlight streams through the window. I drop Quinn down onto the bed, stepping over to the window to close the curtains.

  “No,” she rushes out. “I like the view.”

  I turn on the spot, smiling widely at the beauty laid out bare on the bed. Without any hesitation, I unfasten the button on my jeans, removing them completely. I lean forward, resting my hands on the bed. I proceed to crawl toward Quinn, positioning myself over her. The light that streams through the window highlights her impressive cheekbones and the sparkle in her piercing green eyes. She wiggles her finger, instructing me to get closer, and fuck, do I want to get close. I rest a hand at either side of her head, dipping mine until our lips meet. Her arms wrap around my neck, pulling me closer, deepening the kiss. My hand wanders down her chest and between her legs. She parts for me, anticipating my touch. My finger finds her sweet spot and her hips start to circulate, moving in time with my touch. I can’t take much more. I need to feel her, bury myself deep inside her pretty pussy. I want her to scream out my name, to hear those words fall from her precious lips.

  “I need to be inside you,” I groan, desperate to take this to the next level.

  “I’m ready,” she pants, “so damn ready.”

  I set myself back, grabbing her ankles and positioning them over my shoulders. I push my thumb in my mouth, wetting it before finding her clit again. She groans as I allow my thumb to move down, pushing inside of her.

  “You’re so ready for me,” I whisper, before taking myself in hand, lining up at the tip of her entrance.

  “So ready,” she repeats, and I can see how much she wants this. I push the tip of my cock inside, just enough to tease. Retracting, I continue to tease over and over until the only thing I can hear are her moans. The tip of my cock is covered in her wetness, and I can’t wait to deepen the contact. Right now, watching her face contort as she squirms, wanting more is too good to rush past.

  “I want more,” she thrusts her hips upward in an attempt to deepen the contact.

  “Soon,” I whisper, pressing my hand flat on her stomach. I continue to tease her, just pressing the tip in far enough.

  “Josh,” she all but yells. “Please. I need to feel all of you.”

  I laugh, unable to deny her request. I thrust as hard and deep as I can, her body jerking back as she cries out. Each thrust is deeper and harder than the last. I watch as she claws at the covers, holding on while I pound into her sweet pussy as hard as I can.

  “Oh god,” she whimpers, “Please. Don’t. stop.” Her words are ragged and so are her breaths. I’m intoxicated by the way I feel with her, how good it feels being this intimate with this girl. I feel the familiar sensation building, but I don’t ever want this feeling to stop. I slow the rhythm to a gradual stop.

  “On all fours,” I instruct as her eyes fly open, landing heavily on me. I grab hold of her waist and with a quick twist, turn her onto her front. She scrambles onto her hands and knees, her legs spreading instantly. She leans back until her ass is close. So fucking close. I step back, standing from the edge of the bed. My hands land on her hips and I pull her back until my cock and her pussy are reunited. I push inside of her and she presses back against me, my cock buried so damn deep, I gasp at how good it feels. Our rhythms match as we work in time together. I drive into her, catching and flicking her swollen clit. She writhes under my touch. Her moans are now more intense and I can tell she’s close again. She rocks back against me and I can feel her grow tighter around my cock.

  “Oh, Josh,” she cries out as I continue my tirade of thrusts. Her head drops against the bed as she calls out my name over and over. I can’t hold on anymore. Hearing my name leave her lips is all I need to send me over the edge. The intense pleasure builds until I can longer hold on. I feel my cock swell inside of her as I lose all control. She arches her back and I reach forward, grabbing a handful of her hair as I pump into her one last time.

  “Fuck,” I gasp, trying to stea
dy my weakened legs as the orgasm rages through every inch of me. I watch Quinn flop onto the bed, and I fall beside her, resting my arm over her body. My eyes watch as her chest heaves and she tries to catch her breath.

  “Okay?” I ask tentatively, hoping more than anything, she doesn’t regret what just happened. She turns onto her side, her face meeting mine.

  “Thank you,” she murmurs, her eyes searching mine. “Thank you for making me feel alive again. Wanted.”

  “I should be the one thanking you,” I say, placing my palm against her ass and roughly pulling her closer to me. “So long I’ve waited to feel this way with someone, to have a connection, you know?”

  She bites the corner of her lip and a smile dances across her face.

  “I felt so lost Josh, so wayward. Until that night you showed up at the club and showed me that I was worth more. More than stripping and selling me body for a few bucks. Thank you.” She leans in, placing a delicate kiss against my lips. I can’t help but shudder as the excitement ignites my body. As the kiss deepens, Quinn rolls me onto my back, straddling me, her hair dangling down and covering my face.

  “I think we’re in for a long night,” she smirks as the moonlight shimmers across her face. I’m smiling so damn hard right now, I don’t ever want to lose this feeling. Here with Quinn is where my heart belongs.

  So long I’ve waited for this, and right now, I can honestly say it was well worth the wait.


  I turn in the unfamiliar bed, reaching to pull Quinn closer. Only, she’s not there. I feel around with my hand but the other side of the bed is completely empty. I jump up, throwing back the bed covers. I notice the curtains are now shut and my clothes are nowhere to be seen. I rush into my room, pulling on a pair of shorts. I jog down the staircase, my heart thudding like crazy in my chest. This kind of reaction isn’t one I’m used to, and one I’ve only felt the last few days. I know the reason for it.


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