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His Soul to Take

Page 4

by C. M. Torrens

  Nerves fluttered in his stomach as Robert reached to take the coat off his shoulders. He pushed them aside and shrugged out of his jacket. He caught Robert's arm before he could move away and leaned in for another kiss.

  Robert slipped into his arms like he was made to be there. Their kiss grew hot with need, and Death's body burned with hunger. The soft rustle of fabric hit the back of the couch as Robert tossed their coats aside. Strong arms found their way under his shirt stripping it off as they broke their kiss. He tugged Robert's shirt away, eager to see the contoured body hidden beneath.

  Bronze skin, hard pecs, and firm stomach greeted him; the lean, well defined body of a dancer. Death drank in the sight and traced the line of his jaw with his fingers, savoring the feel of rough skin. He let his hand move down Robert's throat and over his bare shoulder and started to trace the line he'd made with his lips. The tingle of salt teased his tongue as he reached the curve of Robert's neck, tasting his skin.

  Robert's breath rasped along Death's neck, sending a shiver down his spine. His cock ached with need, wanting to be with and inside and around the unique man in his arms. He found the round contours of Robert's ass, so firm in his hand. Simon pulled Robert closer. The feel of Robert's stiff cock against his, made him moan with want. Hungry kisses lapped at his neck and shoulder as he squeezed the hard cheeks of Robert's ass.

  "I want you,” Death said finding his lips again.

  They stumbled into the bedroom, clothing abandoned. Death's eyes lingered on the cut of his body, down to the stiff cock between his legs as Robert lay across the bed. It stood at attention in a nest of dark curls. He wanted to wrap his lips around it and devour every bit of him.

  "I want to taste you,” Death whispered.

  Robert smiled, his eyes locked on Death's cock. “Yeah, me too."

  Death stretched out head to toe beside him on the bed so his lips touched Robert's stomach and began working their way to the treasure of dark hair between Robert's legs. He kissed his way slowly down to his balls, never actually touching the stiff shaft. Hot breath tickled his groin and sent a thrill of excitement through him. Robert pulled his hips closer and began mirroring every movement of his tongue.

  Pearls of come beaded the top of Robert's cock. Death leaned in, taking in the deep masculine musk as he licked the tip clean. He sucked in a breath, as the heat of Robert's tongue responded in kind. Death brought him to his mouth, sucking and being sucked until he wasn't sure where they ended and began.

  The sensation was almost too intense. He wanted, needed to feel again. So much time had passed since such emotion boiled inside him. He sealed every touch, every curve, every taste, the very scent of Robert in his memory. How he ached never to be away from this man again.

  Death pulled away suddenly, the pressure building to near dizzying heights, his cock so stiff that he needed a moment to relax or he'd never last long enough to please Robert.

  Death rolled Robert onto his back and moved to meet him lips to lips, tongue to tongue. He loved the sound of his name on Robert's lips, the ache of need behind it. The hunger. He pulled away and just took a moment to enjoy the sight splayed in front of him. It almost seemed too incredible to be real. He reached out and stroked the fine lines of Robert's chest and abs, the feel of him as fine and smooth as he had imagined. His chest twisted with emotion, as if his heart had grown too much in his chest. He wanted this, every bit of him. Wanted to mark him as his forever.

  Robert twitched and shuddered under him, his legs spreading with sweet invitation, and reached for the nightstand drawer. He pulled out a tube and a tiny cellophane package.

  "Condom, babe. Can't be too careful."

  Death looked down at the items a long moment. He knew what condoms were, they prevented plagues and such, but he had never thought he would be in the position to try and use one. He studied the package a moment. Tear here, was written along one end. Nervous fear stole his breath.

  Robert sat up on the bed and kissed him, his hand wrapping around Death's as he stared at the package.

  A small smile lit up Robert's features as he pulled away. “Let me,” he whispered.

  Hot kisses nibbled across Death's neck, sending a rush through him as Robert's hand wrapped around his cock. Smooth steady strokes deepened his need as Robert slipped the condom over him.

  Death moaned, finding Robert's mouth. Hands grabbed for him, pulling him closer. Heady passion enveloped him, washing away all but Robert. He wanted to lose himself, pretend this night would last forever, burn it into his brain so the memory would never fade. Death seized Robert's wrists and pinned him to the bed. Robert surrendered, melting under him.

  Blue eyes stared back at him, heavy lidded with lust. The trust of such an act surprised and enticed him. The man under him so willing to surrender to his touch.

  He bent down, tasting his chest and found lube buried under the blankets. He nibbled his way across Robert's chest and pressed a slick finger into him. Robert moaned and Death bit Robert's bare stomach. The hard muscles twitched under his teeth as Robert caught his breath. The sound, the taste of him under his tongue, and heat of his skin made him ache to please. He moved his finger to massage that spot inside, nipping into his skin. He kept a steady pace, opening him and Robert's breathing turned to a heavy rasp, squirming and pushing against him.

  "Simon—” The pleading in his voice was heavy with need.

  Death looked up from his spot at Robert's navel. The sound of his name on Robert's lips speared his heart. He wanted to hear that again—that aching pleading—and to know that Robert was speaking to him, begging him for more.

  He moved his lips lower, licking the salt from Robert's skin. He released Robert's wrists, letting his tongue tease his stomach and hip and inside of his thigh. Fingers never slowed or sped up the teasing pace.

  "Simon, please,” Robert moaned.

  "Have you no patience, lover?"

  "Not tonight."

  Death kissed his way back up Robert's chest, cock resting at his eager entrance, making him wait. Robert moaned and moved to grab his ass, but Death caught his arms and pinned them to the bed.

  Robert bowed his back as Death nipped hard down his chest. The whimper of lust that rasped in his ear gave him a rush.

  Death eased inside, pushing past the muscle and into Robert's warmth. He smothered Robert's cries of pleasure, swallowing them down as he eased deeper. Warm lips tore away from him, gasping for air and tickling his skin. He grabbed Robert's hips as hands pulled them closer, grinding them together. Death sucked in a breath and gave in to Robert's demands. His thrusts growing deeper, caution abandoned.

  He wrapped his arms around Robert, needing to hold him, possess him. His cock throbbed, Robert so tight around him. He could get lost in the sensation. Just being, feeling, so complete and whole.

  Death moaned, loving the primal need driving them together. Hands grabbed his ass and fingers dug into sensitive flesh, pulling them together with every thrust. He felt Robert's hand move to the cock, stiff between them, slick with pre-cum. The pressure building and growing to explosive heights. Robert ground down into every thrust as he stroked himself, pushing to the edge.

  Death felt his own release grow closer, the tension in his gut growing, his balls rising. Hot come spilled between them. The shudder of Robert's body and arch of his back triggered his own release. A rumble grew in his chest as he came. The aching release was so intense, he half collapsed over Robert's body.

  They held each other a long moment. The warmth of Robert's body under him and the afterglow of sex made his whole body tingle.

  Death shifted his weight and rolled to the bed. Robert slipped into his arms, and he wondered how he had gotten so attached to this man. The scent of him, the sound of his voice, everything so fresh and alive. He wanted to keep things as they were, hold him until fate forgot he existed. Keep him whole and here and his.

  The ache in his chest grew again. The pain of the future to come. He pulled Robert tighter t
o his chest and kissed his cheek.

  Robert looked up at him, concern flashing behind those blue eyes. “Are you okay?"

  He pushed the dark thoughts away and nodded. “I'll be fine."

  "I thought you said you weren't going to lie to me."

  "I'm not, I'll always be fine."

  Robert frowned. “I think you and I have a different definition of fine. Want to talk about it?"

  "Not tonight. Tonight I just want to lie right here."

  Robert laid his head back against Death's chest. “Yeah. Me too."

  Death watched as Robert drifted off to sleep and held him close. He didn't sleep. He never slept. He spent the time just watching Robert. The steady rise and fall of his chest and the sweet tickle of breath against his neck made him sigh with pleasure. He had never thought to have even one moment like this since his curse.

  He ran his hand through Robert's hair and tried not to think about the future. Robert called him Simon. To hear his name said with such need from Robert's lips, to know Robert was speaking to him. To be seen, felt, and to feel. Gods, to feel again. He hadn't had a desire for such a thing until he met Robert. His lover had awakened something inside him he'd thought long dead. He didn't want to let it go.

  He winced. He had to let him go. Soon.

  He swallowed hard. He didn't want to know how soon. Didn't want to see.

  Death closed his eyes, uncertain. Maybe he could be Simon for a bit longer. Be Robert's Simon.

  Simon kissed his lover's cheek. The prickle of his chin rough against his lips. Robert stirred a bit. Sleepy eyes opened and a smile touched his face.

  Simon bent down and kissed his lips. His body tingled with life from every touch and every kiss, but a call was growing in his bones. A soul begging for release.

  "I have to go soon,” Simon said, waking Robert from his gentle slumber.

  "You can't stay the night?"

  "No, but if you want, I can come back later. When I'm finished. I'm pretty sure I'll have a busy day though."

  "I'll be here."

  Simon smiled and kissed him again before slipping out of bed to dress. He had work to do, but he also had something to look forward to when he was finished. He might not deserve it, and he couldn't be sure how long it would last, but he was going to enjoy every moment.

  * * * *

  Simon wound his way through the city streets and stopped at a familiar alley. The old man's spirit hovered just inside. He smiled up at him as Simon paused in the entrance.

  "They found my body a few hours ago,” he said.

  "That's good. I'm glad for you.” Simon said and looked off into the distance. “Would you tell me what you hear? What the portal calls out?"

  The old soul smiled. “It's the least I could do. You've been so patient with me. I'm sure I've been a bother."

  "No. I don't mind."

  Simon opened the gate and watched as the old man hovered in front of the portal. A torn expression crossed the old man's face.

  "They say you'll know when it's your time,” the old man said. “I'm sorry."

  Pain lanced through Simon's chest and he forced a smile. “That's okay."

  With a sad smile and a wave, the old soul slipped into the portal and was gone.

  Simon sighed heavily and waved the portal away. Reality snapped back into place as if the hole had never existed. Pushing the familiar ache aside, he started back on his path to another soul.

  The ripple of sense from another Death washed over him and he turned to look down the street. Reaper again. Would the gods not give him just a small bit of peace? They denied him even the smallest peek and soon would steal even his brief affair with Robert away.

  Simon said nothing and waited for Reaper to fall in step beside him. They seemed to be drawn toward the same direction.

  "He'll ask, you know,” Reaper said.

  "Ask what?"

  "He'll ask to stay. They always do."

  Simon shot him a dark look but said nothing.

  "You can't ignore the call of his soul. He will either die or ask for life. What will you do, Death?” Reaper chuckled. “He stays or goes, either way you lose him. Ah, what a conundrum."

  "Don't you have work to do?"

  "Always, and so do you. Tick-tock. Time is running out."

  Simon ignored him and Reaper drifted away. The last thing Simon needed was Reaper hounding him. Of all the Deaths, Reaper was the strangest he'd met.

  Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to the task at hand and went in search of a soul.

  * * * *

  The phone rang beside the bed, waking Robert from his sleep. Pleasant dreams of Simon still lingered as he picked up the phone.

  "What?” he muttered.

  "Is that how you always answer the phone at 10 a.m.?” Jerry said through the phone.

  Robert forced his eyes open and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “I was up late."

  "Ooh, fantastic. What's his name?"

  "Why does it always have to be a man?"

  "Uh, unless you were jerking off all night, I can't imagine any other reason you'd be up late when you have an audition today."

  "Oh shit!” Robert said, sitting up. “I can't believe I forgot. Damn!” He jumped out of bed and scrambled for clothes. “What time is it?"

  "Ten after ten. What time is the audition?"

  "Eleven thirty,” he said, relaxing just a bit.

  "Okay, so you have time to tell me who he is and how good he is in bed."

  "No, I don't. But his name is Simon and the rest is none of your business.” Robert carried the phone into the bathroom with him as he started the shower. “I gotta go, Jerry. What did you need?"

  "Nothing... Officer Green was a wash. The ‘I'm not really gay’ sort. ‘I just like to be fucked and suck cock'. Whatever."

  "Sorry to hear that. Hey, we'll talk later, okay? I'll call you when I get back."

  "Sure. Good luck."


  Robert hated saying goodbye with Jerry in such a grim mood, but he had to get ready. He needed work and this was what he had come to California to do, not dance in some strip club. Maybe he was hoping for the impossible. He hadn't seemed to catch anyone's eye. A few bit parts here and there, but nothing worth writing home about. Not that he would dare tell his family anything about his life. Not that his father would ask, let alone call.

  He dressed quickly after the shower and raced for the dance hall hosting the auditions.

  The audition didn't go well.

  He'd waited hours in line for the open call, worrying that Simon might show up and not find him home when he'd said he would be, and wondering if Jerry was okay. It was just too much stress for him to make an impression, or maybe he just wasn't good enough no matter what. Not that exotic dancer was a bad gig. It paid well. Still, he couldn't do that forever. He was nice to look at now, but he was only twenty-six. What would he look like at thirty-six? What about forty? He couldn't imagine trying to dance at forty. They'd laugh him off the stage.

  Deep in thought, he wandered aimlessly, trying to decide what to do next, and then he caught a glimpse of Simon down the street. He started to race to catch up but something stopped him. Another man stood across the street watching Simon. He was so plain, he melted into the background. The atmosphere around the man sent a chill down his spine and the air seemed to turn colder.

  Robert rubbed his arms and turned to look back at Simon. Oblivious to the watcher, Simon continued on his way. His stomach twisted. The watcher set his nerves on edge. Robert jogged down the street, trying to catch up with Simon.

  The chill of eyes on his back made him turn and his blood ran cold as those dark eyes turned on him. He came to a dead stop and the man smiled. The dark amusement in his eyes made Robert uneasy. He scanned the busy street trying to find Simon again, but the street stood empty.

  His heart quickened in his chest, and he tried to ignore the persistent prickle of eyes on his back. He sped up his pace in the direction
Simon had disappeared and glanced back over his shoulder to see if the other man was following him, but he was gone too.

  A shudder ran down his spine and he took a deep breath, trying to lose the feeling of being watched. He rounded the next corner, but the sparse foot traffic didn't reveal any clues as to where Simon had gone.

  "Damn,” he muttered.

  "Looking for someone?"

  Robert jumped and staggered back as the watching man stepped out from between two buildings. “Who are you? Why were you watching Simon?"

  The man smiled showing off perfect white teeth. “Simon? Is that what he told you his name was?"

  "Why? Isn't it Simon?"

  "I wouldn't know. It could be. Anything's possible. Well, almost anything."

  Robert studied the man a long moment. “I think I should go."

  He smiled. “Nice meeting you, Robert Alan Lasker. Tell Simon hello for me."

  His skin crawled at the purr behind his words. How had the man known his name? He swallowed back the lump in his throat and backed away. Colliding with a passing jogger, he jumped. Caught up in a tangle, they barely managed to keep from falling.

  "Sorry,” Robert muttered. Turning back between the buildings, he frowned. The man had disappeared, leaving him with the creepy afterglow of his presence.

  Shrugging off the disquiet, he scanned the area for Simon. Torn between finding him and going home, he started in the direction that might lead him to both.

  After about an hour, he had all but given up seeing Simon again.

  Then something caught his eyes across the street. Simon stood next to an old man beside a bus stop. The old man was arguing with an old woman, probably his wife, as they waited for a bus. The pair stood off to one side, directly in front of Simon, their argument growing more heated so it rose above the pitch of the roaring traffic. Simon studied the man a long moment, before touching his shoulder and stepping back away from the pair.

  The strange action surprised him. Perhaps they were relatives. He started to wave to Simon and pressed the button to the crosswalk. The old man bent over suddenly grabbing his chest. The traffic whipped past at a frantic pace. Simon stood unmoved, watching as the old man staggered into the road. His wife reached out to grab him but missed, and he half collapsed as a car smacked into him.


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