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Rule (The Draax Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Elizabeth Kelly

  * * *


  I hovered outside of the kitchen. I could hear the higher pitch of Bella’s voice and the low murmurs of Bran and Court responding to her. I rubbed at my aching temples. I needed to just go in there, apologize, and hope like hell they weren’t furious with me.

  I couldn’t exactly remember everything that happened last night, but I did remember asking them to fuck me. I groaned, fresh heat blooming in my cheeks as my head ached even more with the extra blood rushing to it. Oh God, what did happen last night? I had some confusing memories of kissing someone… Bran, maybe? Or Court? Hell, it could have been both… I couldn’t remember.

  All I knew was that I’d made a fool of myself and possibly told them that I was afraid of banging the king and… oh my God, I couldn’t go into the kitchen. I just couldn’t.

  You have to, Evie. You need to apologize. Just be an adult and say you’re sorry and then never, ever, ever drink wine ever again.

  I sucked in a breath, walked into the kitchen and sat down in my usual seat.

  “Hi, Evie girl!”

  Bella’s voice was decidedly loud this morning. I tried not to wince as I smiled at her. “Hi, Bella.”

  “Look, I colour!” Bella showed me the piece of paper sitting next to her bowl of faven. It was a picture of what I was pretty certain was a Skuun. Bella had scribbled yellow and red over the entire piece of paper, not even close to staying in the lines, but I smiled again at her.

  “Good job, Bella. Is that a Skuun?”

  “Skuun!” Bella hollered before waving her arms and her tail in the air.

  She was holding her spoon in one hand and faven flew through the air and landed with a splat on my arms.

  “Bella,” Bran scolded lightly. “No pretending to be a Skuun at the breakfast table. Apologize to Evelyn for getting faven on her.”

  “Sorry, girl.” Bella patted my arm with the end of her tail. “Girl mad at Bella?”

  “No, honey, I’m not mad.” I took the napkin Court held out to me and wiped the faven from my arms. “Thank you, Court.”

  “You are welcome, Evelyn.”

  I glanced up at him, my breath catching in my throat. The way Court was looking at me. Like he was a large jungle cat and I was his prey was… shit… was it turning me on?

  I swallowed hard, the napkin pressed against my arm. What the hell happened last night? I hadn’t actually slept with them, had I?

  Don’t be stupid, Evie. You were fully dressed when you woke up. You think you stripped, fucked them, and then got dressed again?

  “Here, human.”

  Bran was holding out a bowl of faven and I dropped the napkin and took the bowl. He wasn’t looking at me like he wanted to lick me all over. In fact, he wasn’t looking at me at all, and dismay flooded through me.

  I took a deep breath. “I need to apologize for last night. I’m sorry for what I said and did.”

  “It is fine.” Bran was stirring the faven in his bowl and still not looking at me. “You were,” he glanced at Bella, “not yourself. We understand.”

  “I found the wine at the back of the fridge after I put Bella to bed and thought I would have half a glass,” I said. “I didn’t realize it would affect me the way it did. I’m so sorry.”

  “We know,” Bran said. “You do not need to keep apologizing. Is that not right, Court?”

  Court didn’t reply and I risked another look at him. He was still studying me with heat in his gaze and I squirmed in my chair as my nipples hardened and my pussy tingled. What the hell was happening to me? How could a look affect me like this? There was something wrong with me.

  He touched your tits last night, do you remember? He kissed you and touched your tits after you begged him to fuck you.

  My face flamed and I stared unseeingly into my bowl of faven. Oh God. Was it possible for someone to die of embarrassment?

  “Court,” Bran prompted.

  “He is right,” Court finally said. His voice was low and rough. I wondered if that’s how he would sound after we fucked. After he’d cum in me and we were lying in bed, warm and content and –

  Evie, stop!

  “Okay,” I croaked out. “Well, I appreciate how understanding you’re being.”

  I stood up, my embarrassment and my appetite gone completely under a wave of lust so strong it wanted to knock me off my feet.

  “Where are you going, human?” Bran asked.

  “I’m not very hungry this morning,” I said. “Please excuse me.”

  I hurried out of the kitchen and back to my room. I shut the door and stared at my bed before walking to the bathroom and turning on the shower. My pussy was throbbing, and I couldn’t ever remember being this turned on before.

  My body shuddered as I stripped off my clothes, stepped into the shower and stood under the hot spray of water. Already my hand was inching toward my pussy, and I took a quick glance at the closed bathroom door before sliding my hand between my thighs. If just Court’s voice, if just the way he looked at me, was enough to make me this horny, what would it be like to have him in my bed? Between my thighs? His mouth on my nipples. On my clit.

  I moaned, and rubbed at my clit, that was already slick with my cream. I braced my other arm on the wet wall of the shower and pressed my mouth against my upper arm to stifle my moans of pleasure as I circled my clit and pretended it was Court’s fingers.

  No, not just Court. Bran too.

  Yes. Definitely. Why be happy with just one when I could have both, right?

  Bran in front of me, his dick rubbing against my stomach. Court behind me, his cock nestled between my ass cheeks as the warm water ran down over all three of us.

  Bran’s hands cupping my tits, his fingers playing with my nipples as Court rubbed my clit and slid his fingers inside of me. Both of them touching me, kissing me, making me crazy with need and…

  I cried out into my arm as my climax washed over me. My body trembled, my legs were weak, and my breath came in harsh gasps against my arm as I leaned against the shower wall. I slipped my hand out from between my legs and stared at my fingers.

  The orgasm was nice, and it took the edge off, but I needed more. My pussy was still throbbing and despite the orgasm, I was weirdly unsatisfied. I needed something more than my fingers. I needed…

  Dick. Two very large, very green dicks.

  I blushed and grabbed the soap before standing under the spray of water again. Sleeping with Court and Bran was something I’d been thinking about all damn week. They both wanted me. Well, I wasn’t sure that Bran did, but I knew for a fact that Court wanted me. And right now, I couldn’t see what the problem was in sleeping with him.

  I needed practice sleeping with a Draax, and I had one who was very willing to let me practice on him. So, what was my hesitation?

  Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you’re supposed to be sleeping with the king, not a farmer! What if the king did find out? What if you got pregnant with Court’s baby? The lady at the agency said it would probably only take once. Do you really want to be responsible for Court’s death?

  My stomach curdled and the remaining lust I felt died instantly. No, I certainly did not. The idea that Court would be killed for sleeping with me… no, that wasn’t happening. I needed to stay away from him and just hope that I could fake my sex skills enough to keep the king happy.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Pretty!” Bella said.

  I kissed the top of her head as we stared at the image. “Very pretty.”

  Bella had been waiting in my bedroom when I got out of the shower, and I’d spent all morning playing with her in her room. Lunch was quiet and awkward, and even Bella’s happy chatter couldn’t ease the tension between Court, Bran and me.

  Over the last few days, during Bella’s afternoon nap, Bran and Court had begun to teach me a card game that was popular on Draax. But the idea of sitting with them, of trying to concentrate on a stupid game while I pretended like I hadn
’t made a fool of myself in front of them, was unappealing. So, the moment Bella went for her nap, I’d scurried to my room like a frightened mouse and stayed there.

  Bella had come to my room as soon as she’d woken, carrying a rectangular pink box that, after some fumbling on my part, I’d discovered was a camera.

  “Again!” Bella pushed the camera at me, and I held it above our heads, pointing it down at us as Bella rested her cheek against mine.

  “Say cheese, Bella.”

  “Cheese Bella!” Bella hollered and I laughed and snapped the picture.

  Bella stared at the picture on the screen and then reached for the camera. “Now Bella take picture.”

  She pointed the camera at me, her tiny finger poised above the shutter button. “Say cheese Bella.”

  I laughed again. “Cheese Bella.”

  She took the picture and I turned the screen toward me, studying the picture. “Huh, that’s not a bad picture, honey.”

  “Pretty Evie girl.”

  I kissed her soft cheek. “Thank you, honey.”

  She stood on my bed and turned around, bending over and wiggling her butt at me as her tail waved back and forth. “Take picture of Bella tail.”

  “Stop waving it around,” I said.

  She giggled and flicked it straight. I took the picture and showed it to her.

  “Bella tail,” she said. “No Evie girl tail.”

  “That’s right,” I said. “I don’t have a tail to take a picture of.”

  She studied me for a moment. “Evie girl breasts?”

  She tried to stick the camera down my shirt, and I laughed and tugged the camera away from her. “No, honey. We don’t take pictures of breasts. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She grabbed the camera and slid off the bed. “I take picture of Papa. Bye, Evie girl.”

  “Bye, honey.”

  She scampered out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her, and I folded my legs under me before opening the nightstand drawer. I pulled out my broken PAR phone and the picture of my father. I studied his face, tracing the line of his jaw as my chest ached with sadness and sudden loneliness. God, I missed him. He’d been the only one who’d ever truly cared for me, and the pain of missing him only seemed worse with each passing year.

  There was a knock on my door. Still holding the picture of my dad, I said, “Come in.”

  The door opened and heat pooled in my lower belly when Court stepped into my room. “Hello, Evie.”

  “Hi, Court.” I stared at the quilt as Court walked to the bed and sat down on the edge of it.

  “Are you feeling all right?”

  I nodded. “I had a bit of a headache this morning, but it’s gone now. The gallberry juice at lunch helped.”

  “Good. Who is that?” He pointed at the picture of my father.

  “My dad.”

  He held out his hand and I handed the picture over with a slight tinge of trepidation. “It’s the only one I have of him, please be careful.”

  “I will.” He studied the picture and then handed it back. I propped the picture against the lamp on the nightstand. I didn’t have to hide the picture anymore. There was no Alex to come along and rip it up just to make me cry.

  When I turned back, Court was staring at my breasts. I didn’t mind. It made me feel good, if I was being honest.

  “What is this?’ He pointed to my PAR phone.

  “It’s my phone.”

  He picked it up, staring at its shattered screen. “I have seen human communication devices, but never one like this.”

  “It’s really old,” I said. “Most people have newer versions.”

  He didn’t say anything, and I cleared my throat. “I should probably just throw it away, it’s broken, but I have some pictures on it and I keep hoping that maybe I’ll be able to get them off of it somehow.”

  He stood up. “Come, little human. I might be able to help you retrieve your pictures.”

  “Seriously?” I slid off the bed and followed him out of my room and down the hall to his.

  He nodded and walked to the small desk in the corner of his room. A tablet, a hologram machine, and a large, silver rectangular device I didn’t recognize was sitting on the desk. He sat down at the chair and studied the bottom of my phone before opening a drawer and rummaging through it. He pulled out a black cord and connected the cord to my phone before plugging the other end into the rectangular device.

  “How do you turn your communication device on?” he asked.

  I pushed the button until the green light at the top flickered on. “It’s on now, but I don’t think this will work. The screen always stays dark and even voice commands won’t work.”

  He pushed a button on the rectangular device. It whirred to life, something inside of it making a low humming sound as lights flickered across the edge of it.

  “What is that?” I asked.

  “It is a hrotti.”

  “A hrotti,” I repeated. “I still have no idea what that is.”

  Court grinned as a hologram screen appeared in the air above the hrotti. The words were in Draax and he swiped his finger across the hologram, moving rapidly through several different screens. “It is like an earth computer, only better. Much better.”

  “Oh, okay,” I said.

  He made a few more swipes and I squeaked in excitement when my pictures suddenly appeared on the hologram screen. “My pictures!”

  Court grunted in satisfaction before pushing a few more buttons. The hrotti’s humming noise grew louder, and I watched in fascination as a section of it slid open and a silver square piece of metal was ejected. Court picked it up. It was no bigger than the tip of my finger and he held it out to me.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  “I transferred all the pictures as well as any other data on your communication device to this. It is like a,” he paused, “storage unit. When you are at the palace, the king will give you give your own tablet. Ask one of the Draax there to show you how to transfer the information from this to your tablet.”


  He nodded and I took the square piece of metal and studied it for a few seconds before slipping it into my pocket. I was stupidly happy and without thinking about it, I threw my arms around Court’s broad shoulders and hugged him hard. “Thank you, Court. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  His arms slipped around my waist and I twitched when he pulled me down into his lap. I tried to stand, and he shook his head, his big hands holding me tight. “No, little human, stay on my lap.”

  “I’m too heavy to sit on your lap,” I said.

  He laughed. “Hardly, Evie.”

  I chewed nervously at my bottom lip, feeling both awkward and a little turned on. “Thank you again. I really appreciate you saving my pictures like that.”

  “You are welcome.” His gaze dropped to my mouth and his hands tightened around my hips. “I would like a kiss, Evie.”

  “I – sorry, what?” His blunt request sent me off kilter.

  “A kiss. As a thank you for what I did. One… sweet… kiss.”

  His voice had gone low and rough again, like it had in the kitchen, and my lower belly muscles clenched in anticipation. It was madness to kiss him, but that didn’t stop me from lowering my mouth to his. I pressed my lips against his, moaning when his tongue immediately flicked across my upper lip.

  “Open, Evie,” he demanded.

  I opened my mouth and he cupped the back of my skull, holding me steady as he explored my mouth with his tongue. I felt drugged with pleasure almost immediately, the strokes of his tongue, the feel of his hard chest pressing against my breasts, the way he coaxed and teased with gentle brushes of his lips against mine.

  Kissing Court was glorious. I wanted it to last forever.

  He pulled back, and I whimpered in disappointment before trying to press my mouth against his again.

  “Wait,” he said.

  I took a trembling breath, a
s Court brushed his thumb over my cheekbone. There was tight pressure around my waist, and I looked down to see his tail wrapped around it. For some reason, he looked a little embarrassed and he immediately uncoiled his tail from around my waist.

  “I will have sex with you, if you’d like.”

  “Sorry, what?” I stared at him. Did he just say what I thought he said?

  “I will have sex with you,” Court said. “Bran shared with me what you told him last night.”

  “What I told him last night…” I sounded like a parrot.

  “Yes.” Court’s other hand rubbed slow circles on my lower back. “That you have never been with a Draax before and are afraid you will not please the king in bed. I will have sex with you, show you what it is like to be with a Draax so you will not worry about pleasing the king.”

  “Oh, um… that’s very generous of you, but we can’t,” I said.

  He scowled, his big body stiffening. “Why not?”

  “I’ll probably get pregnant,” I said.

  Court relaxed beneath me. “I have those rubber sheaths.”

  “Condoms,” I said.

  He nodded. “Yes, I have plenty of them.”

  “What about Bran?”

  “What about him?” Court tensed again.

  “Will he be upset if you sleep with me?”

  He shook his head, but I saw the doubt in his eyes. It was my turn to cup his face and make him look at me. “Bran told me that you used to share women but now you don’t. Why?”

  “It does not matter,” he said. “We no longer share our women and we are both fine with it.”

  “Are you?” I studied him a little closer.


  “Have you slept with a woman without Bran before?”

  He looked away and I used gentle pressure to turn his face toward me again. “Have you?”

  “No,” he admitted.

  “Then why are you offering to sleep with me?” I asked.

  “Because Bran will not sleep with you and I want you very much.”

  I hoped he didn’t see the disappointment on my face. I was pretty sure that Bran didn’t want me, but to have it confirmed, weirdly upset me.


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