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Betting On His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  “Why are you doing this?”She demanded and in an instant Cyrus was closing the distance between them until she had no choice than to back off from him or get mowed down. He had her back to the wall and his arms trapped her in the cage that his body made around her, when he palmed the wall either side of her. Teri’s arms dropped to her sides and she glared up at him.

  “And what, pray tell, am I doing?”Cyrus looked amused, amused and slightly triumphant, because he had her where he wanted her. But Teri knew that being complacent was his greatest downfall. Especially if he thought a little thing like this could keep her caged up.

  “Making her doubt him…”

  “She needed to know the dangers in running from a wolf, don’t you think?”He raised his dark brows high on his forehead and stood on the moral high ground of his reasoning.

  “Yes, but not like that…”Teri snapped back and he cocked his head and leaned his upper body further towards her.

  “Then how, my little witch?”


  “I can be very gentle.”He offered and she wasn’t so blind that she didn’t pick up on his sudden change of topic, his innuendo. The man was going to lose her the bet and here he was trying to sow his wild oats. Typical.

  “You mean when you sink your fangs into my vein and taste my blood on your tongue?” She’d lowered her voice and moved her head slightly to one side to allow him to better see the vein that throbbed in her neck, inviting to his lust, no doubt, she surmised. The small strangled groan that rolled from his lips left her in no doubt that he was imagining how she’d taste right then.

  “Don’t tease me, love. I’m sure I’ve been overly patient for you already.” Cyrus warned her. He couldn’t quite drag his eyes from the steady beat of her pulse in her neck. He could almost taste her blood, damn, but he wanted to taste her blood.


  “Am I not worth the wait, Cyrus?”Teri lifted her hand and ran just one fingernail down over the thin fabric of his top. He felt that stroke everywhere. His erection throbbed and twitched against the fabric of his jeans, baying to be released.

  “Ah, but I’ve waited so long already.”Cyrus dipped his head and ran his tongue the length of that throbbing vein. The first taste of her skin was like finding heaven and knocking at the gates to get in. Not that he’d be granted entrance if there was such a place, he knew, but damn she was sweet.

  “Cyrus…”Teri wasn’t pushing him away, but she wasn’t pulling him closer either. Her hands found the hard contours of his chest and she rested her palms there. “This isn’t about us.”

  “Right now it is very much about us.” He whispered against her ear. His breath was as much a caress as his tongue had been, maybe even more so as it fanned over the wet skin of her neck and made her shiver with tiny goose bumps rising on her perfect skin. His hand cupped her cheek and then slipped backwards around her neck, his fingers fisted her hair and he eased her head over so he could continue his exploration of her neck.

  This all felt so familiar to Teri. His touch, his assault on her senses, him. This was how her dreams of him started. Teri closed her eyes to the feel of his other hand tracing up her thigh and over her hip. He felt so familiar, so good, so right… So… familiar…

  Teri pushed against his chest with all of her might and heard a groan of denial, but he moved, only slightly, pulling back his head to look at her as she accused him with her eyes.

  “You arse, you’ve been manipulating my dreams.”She saw him wince slightly, then that small smile of his pulled at the corners of his lips.

  “Guiding.”He offered.

  “Oh, that makes it sound sooo much better…”She all but growled up at him, the intent was there, but she couldn’t quite get the growl right.

  “Glad you see it my way.”He teased and before she could spit the fire from her eyes into her words he’d claimed her lips with his.

  Her knees went weak just from the feel of those damned lips against hers. There was a roll of vital organs deep inside her as her stomach flipped over and her inner sex burned with a desire for him. That’s not to say her outer sex didn’t do a damn fine job of wanting him too, it did, and the moan within her throat was half annoyance and half lust.

  Cyrus wasn’t taking any prisoners. He’d waited for her to become accustomed to his presence. He’d waited for the much slower burn of the mating pull that Vampires commanded, and then he’d waited a little longer in the hopes that she would give into her need for him. But she’d out and out denied her feelings over and again. Now it was time to show her the destiny that awaited her.

  He tugged slightly on her hair and ran his tongue over her lips, demanding entry and when his fingers ran back down over the smooth skin of her naked thigh, she granted entry on a gasp of breath. He ran his tongue over hers. That first taste was like a fire to his blood, he wanted more of her, needed so much more. Coaxing her out of her comfort zone and into the world where his being a vampire didn’t matter. Where there was only this, only them, and it was just so right.

  Teri’s fingers curled into his chest as he claimed her mouth, practically devouring her with his kisses alone, forcing her shields to come tumbling down around her as he finally connected with her mind. What a rush it was to hear her thoughts, only during sleep had he been able to access her mind, but that hadn’t given him any real clarity, only the ability to guide her in the dream world.

  Cyrus broke the kiss, moving back to her neck as he whispered against her ear. “I hear you little witch, you want this. You want me. Your body is alive with the desire to have me inside you, are you going to deny your feelings for me?”His fingers traced up the flesh where her inner thighs were loosely pressed together and she opened for him, allowing him to slip his hand between her legs and run a delicate touch over the soft fabric of her panties and the treasures beneath.

  He could scent her arousal, it mixed with his own and made him rock hard within the confines of his clothes. He ached for her, longed for her, and would willingly give anything he had, including his life, to mate with her in this moment in time. “Tell me that you want me. That you come to me of your own free will, because I’ll not claim you any other way, my love.”

  She’d known him nearly six months, but it could have been six years or six minutes. Time was irrelevant. All that mattered was how right this felt. There was a fever that burned within her for him, his taste, his touch, him. The feel of his lips against her throat, the feel of his fingers stroking against her sex- if this wasn’t right she had no idea what could be.

  “Why did you wait for so long?”She breathed out. Her mind doing back flips and cartwheels as her hips pushed forwards against his touch, wanting more, needing more.

  “I’ll take that as a yes…”In a heartbeat he’d ripped the delicate material away from her sex and his fingers found the wet heat of her desire. Stroking against the sensitive folds and forcing her body to look for more. She felt ravenous for his touch and the more he stroked her sex, the more she wanted from him.

  Teri pushed her shoulders against the wall and her hips forward. The feel of just one digit slowly pushing into her wet channel made her catch her breath, and she clamped her inner muscles around it causing him to groan against her neck.

  “I need to taste you…”The loss of his touch made her want to cry out with the tragedy of it all. She wanted more not less. When she felt his whole body move back away from her she went to reach for him, but his hands found the bottom of the large tee she was wearing and he stripped it from her body, leaving her standing in front of him naked and surprisingly unashamed.

  She’d never much cared for her body. Wafer thin wasn’t something she craved, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t have liked to find a spell to shed the extra pounds from her rounded hips, her thighs. To have a totally flat stomach and slightly less in the boob department, and yet when Cyrus took her in from head to toe, his eyes flashed with desire and the groan of want that left his lips sent shivers down h
er spine.

  Cyrus practically ripped the top from over his head. His fingers tore at his jeans and he wasn’t exactly sure how he managed to get them the hell off him without ending up in a heap on the floor. He guessed he had his vampire balance to thank for that. But the whole few seconds it took him to undress he couldn’t take his eyes off his mate, beautiful, truly beautiful.

  “You’re perfect in every way.”He growled. In a heartbeat he had her caged against the wall with his body. The hardness that she couldn’t take her eyes off when he’d undressed pressed against the warmth of her stomach and she felt it twitch and throb with his desire. His lips came back down on hers and his hands reached down her back to cup her backside. His fingers kneaded the flesh before he took a firm hold of her and lifted her up his body.

  Teri wrapped her legs around his hips as he pressed the length of his erection against her sex. She couldn’t help the way she squirmed to try to take him inside her, but he wasn’t about to let that happen. Turning towards the bed he wrapped her within his arms and slowly lowered her to the mattress, coming down on top of her, devouring her mouth so thoroughly.

  When he broke away she felt the loss, but it was short lived, because she had so much more to think about as his lips closed over her breast and he sucked hard, nipping the tight bud until her hands fisted his hair, and her back arched towards him. Then he soothed her with his tongue, before nipping her again. His hands travelled back down her body until he found her wet heat and he thrust his finger into her channel. The sound of her gentle moans made him ache to fill her, but he hadn’t tasted her yet.

  Cyrus was in two minds. He was in no rush to be inside her, more than happy to touch, taste and tease her body to the point of devouring her, and yet he thought he might die with the need to feel the tight sheath of her inner muscle around him. If this is what insanity feels like, bring it on. We could all use a little insane… He found himself agreeing with his own statement, and then he knew he was in trouble, she was sending him mad, but in such a damn good way.

  By the time he’d covered every inch of her body with his lips and tasted her from head to toe, she was squirming so hard on the bed that he needed to throw an arm over her hips to keep her still. He settled in between her thighs, with his shoulders holding her open for him, he dipped his head for a taste of her sex. She’d been here before when he’d been exploring her body. She’d felt his breath against her wet heat and expected to feel him, and he’d moved on each time. She held her breath again, expecting, needing, so damn needy…

  Cyrus ran his flat tongue from one end of her sex to the other. The taste of her was like the sweetest damn honey he’d ever feasted upon, and he groaned with the need for more. His hand flattened against her stomach to hold her in place as she’d dug her heels into the mattress and tried to push up with all of her might against him. The half cry, half moan that came from her lips was pure bliss to his ears and he dipped in for another taste.

  A taste wasn’t enough. He felt the fire rush through him. He needed to devour her until she cried out with the release that swept through her. He needed to taste the very essence of her womanhood. He knew he was driving her insane with his teasing, she’d ground out enough swear words through her sweet little lips for him to get that message loud and clear, but he wasn’t quite done yet.

  He ravaged her flesh, the tiny little bunch of nerves in the nub, licking, nipping, and sucking until she was so close, and then he released her. When she’d calmed back down enough he moved onto the sensitive folds until she squirmed so damn hard he almost lost his hold on her. Then he moved onto her channel, his tongue thrusting in and out with the rhythm of her heartbeat, curling inside as his thumb worked her nub.

  When she let out a series of rather unladylike words, her hands white knuckling the sheets around her, her toes curling into the covers, he finally gave into her needs. His fingers worked inside the silken walls of her channel, thrusting in to curl against that sweet spot as he ravaged the nub with his mouth, teeth and his tongue, working against the nerves under the little hood until her whole body convulsed with the release that tore through her.

  He replaced his fingers with his tongue and tasted her juices as they flowed down her channel. He experienced hunger like he’d never known before, even for blood. His thumb pressed and gently rolled over her nub to keep the orgasm rolling through her as long as possible, until she tried to squirm away, too sensitive for his touch. Finally she was still, sated in her need and he took all the time he needed to get his fill of the taste of her.

  “My turn.”She breathed out, barely audible against the thunder of her heart, but it was slowing, evening out back to a more normal beat as he released her and climbed up her body. His black eyes held hers, they were darker now with her desire and hooded from the release that still trembled within her. She’d never looked more beautiful to him than in that moment. Sated by his loving touch.

  “No. Still my turn…”He teased down at her. His knees pressed up against her inner thighs and he opened her further for his hips to settle between her legs. His hardness just nudged against her wet heat as he rested down onto his elbows and caged her body beneath his own.

  When the palms of her hands found the hard muscles of his chest, she tried to push and roll him onto his back, but he snagged her wrists and pushed them back against the mattress, truly trapping her beneath him. He heard the excited skip of her heart and grinned down at her as he looked into her mind, a thrill, pure excitement at being trapped, held, open and ready for him to enter her. The sound of her breath as it caught in her throat increased his own excitement.

  “When do I get my turn?”She was even more breathless than she had been a moment before, but it was the tip of her tongue as it ran over her lips when she imagined tasting him, doing to him what he had done to her, and the image that flashed into her mind that made him groan with desire. He was going to enjoy spending a lifetime loving her.

  “Not now. Now I want to push inside you, fill you, take you back to that pleasure that you just felt, and then I want to taste your blood. Will you let me taste you? Feed from you?”Cyrus couldn’t wait for the answer on her lips. He looked into her mind and found it there. The excitement at the thought of his fangs as they pressed into her neck, the need to know what it felt like to be fed upon, and the rush of desire to feel the orgasm that it would induce.

  Teri went to speak but the words were lost to her as he pressed the tip of his erection into her channel. The small give of her muscles as they granted him entrance and sheathed around him felt so good that she caught her breath instead. The long, slow push against the silken walls, inch by inch, claiming her for his own, made her want to slam her hips up towards his so she could feel him fully seated within her. But he didn’t give her that option, his body held hers in place as he filled her, never once hesitating in his progress, never once pulling back even an inch as his manhood gently demanded her body open to him, stretch around the thickness of him, and take the whole length of him until he was pressed against the neck of her womb.

  Not once did his eyes leave hers. Not once did he take anything away from the feel of their bodies joining together by touching her anywhere else. Distracting from the feel of being inside her for the first time would have been a sin. When he held inside her, letting her body get used to the size of him, her inner muscles tensing and releasing around him, he knew he’d found his heaven. It wasn’t about sex, lust, orgasms or needs. It was about them joining together as one, a union of minds, bodies and souls. She was his One, his everything, and she finally gave him a purpose, a meaning in this life. He would love, cherish and honour her until the day they both moved onto the next life, and then he would find her there, together forever.

  Cyrus moved slowly within her. His body relishing every stroke from tip to hilt and back again, the way her inner muscles tightened around him when he was deep within her made him almost lose his mind. He may have been driving her wild before, but now she was turning th
e tables on him. Her body was responding to every stroke within like it couldn’t get enough, never wanted him to pull back out, and he held on as long as he could before he knew they were both dicing with insanity to hold back any longer.

  Cyrus moved faster, taking her in long thrusts and then short bursts that rolled back and forth against her sweet spot, until she was close to coming apart again within his arms. He released her wrists and ran his hand down her back, lifting her slightly from the bed and locking her against his body. He took one last look at her face, caught up in the moment, before he nuzzled between her shoulder and her cheek, his lips sucking over the throbbing vein in her neck, readying it for his bite.

  He felt her muscles start to tighten within her. His fangs elongated and locked into place. He pressed the tips against her skin and pushed into the vein. The sound of the cry from her lips as her body tightened from the pain was silenced with the first pull on her blood. Her whole body relaxed, opened to him, as her life blood rolled over his tongue and down his throat. His body quivered from the exquisite nectar as he fed, pulling harder against her vein as he thrust into her, harder, deeper until she came undone in his arms.

  Teri had never felt anything like it in her life. Her whole body was consumed, ravaged by the orgasm that swept through her. She felt as if she was being devoured from the inside out. Her muscles convulsed around his length as he continued to thrust deep inside her. Her body was massaging him, suckling hard about him until he buried his length deep against the opening of her womb and spilled inside her. Over and over, he pulled back his hips and thrust into her, unending in his release as he felt her body tighten around him again, painfully so, until she came undone again on a cry.


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