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How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6)

Page 15

by S. J. Sanders

  “You brought me coffee in bed,” she mumbles, taking the mug only to stare at it in wonder.

  “I did,” I affirm, brushing my lips against the corner of her mouth.

  Already I can feel the new links in her bloodbond forging, drawing us closer. I am delighted, but this means that I must hasten with my plans. Garval’s arrival this morning while I allowed my precious mate to sleep in is opportune.

  “I’ve put hot water in the bath just over there,” I say, nodding to the tub set up in the corner of the room. Take as long as you like, and then join me in the main room. I was granted a leave of absence from my duties today, and so I wish to make the most of it.”

  The corners of her lips curve and her eyes soften. “You would, huh?”

  “Nothing would be better,” I assure her. “Now enjoy your coffee and bath. My brother has arrived. I will speak to him now so I can chase him out soon enough.”

  The corners of her eyes crinkle with amusement and she chuckles softly as she pushes herself up from the bed and takes the offered cup. She takes a long sip and nods her head, waving me off with one hand. I grin and press another kiss to her cheek before leaving her in peace.

  Garval has his back to me when I return to the main room. At first glance, he appears to be staring down at the fire, but it would be more accurate to say that he’s watching the white cat twining around his legs, a mild expression on his face I have never seen before. At the sound of my footsteps, he glances over at me, his face blanking as he raises an eyebrow.

  “I take it that your mate is readying herself for the day?” he inquires softly.

  As usual, my brother is nothing short of polite curiosity. But he’s always had the easiest temperament in our family, difficult to rouse to anger despite his massive size, except during the heat of battle, and lacking interest when it comes to more carnal things that orcs delight in. My brother makes an odd orc, but there is none I would trust more with my mate.

  I nod. “She will be here with us soon but will be occupied for long enough that we are free until then. I appreciate you for agreeing to stay for a short time so that I may speak with you,” I say sincerely.

  He waves a hand dismissively. “It is I who should thank you for this respite. That Mother requested that I bring out some teas and basic supplies for your female gave me an excuse to leave the keep, but I’m pleased to remain for a short while to visit, brother. I will have to return to duty soon, though. It is nice to get away from it.” He glances around. “I do miss coming out here,” he admits, so quietly that I nearly miss it.

  I examine him thoughtfully, noting the traces of heart weariness I see etched into his face. It has gotten worse since the female, Kassie, left. Something will have to be done soon to help him find a new path that will bring him some joy. I will have to give it some thought because I don’t know what that could possibly be. He tinkers with polishing the bits of gemstones he finds, but that is more a hobby to occupy his hands than a true passion, like how I enjoy carving as a way to pass pleasant evenings and rainy days. Outside of that, I haven’t a clue. My brother is intensely private, but I doubt he’s given much thought to anything outside of the duties that he’s always known.

  Despite inheriting a profitable orchard, my grandfather was a high-ranking member of the guard, as was my father. We were raised to expect to be nothing other than exactly that. It is engrained into our identities. As it happens, I enjoy being in the guard as much as I love my orchards, even more so since Orgath relaxes my duties during certain times of the year when I’m engaged in pruning and harvesting the trees. These things give my heart pleasure, which is only increased by the presence of my mate. I want my brother to know that satisfaction.

  Garval walks over to one of the chairs and sits down, his dark brows arching as he meets my eyes. “What did you wish to speak to me about?”

  “My mate,” I reply, sitting in the other chair, turning my body just enough so that I face him. “I’ve been granted today as a reprieve, but tomorrow I return to my duties. Orgath seems to think that Lynn will be safe enough out while I am gone attending to my duties, but I would be more comfortable if there were someone here to watch over her and help her feel comfortable while I’m gone.”

  My brother settles back, a look of surprise on his face, and scratches his jaw with his claws. “That shouldn’t be a problem. I can trade shifts with one of the guards who has been looking to free up his evenings to pursue a female he’s taken interest in. And you just want me to… sit here?”

  I shrug. “However you wish to occupy yourself is fine with me. Just do not leave my mate alone. And try not to get in her way too much,” I add. “She mentioned wanting to try some ideas for her café when it opens, so I imagine she will wish to have the cooking area to herself without an orc underfoot.”

  “I will keep that in mind,” Garval replies dryly, his lips twitching with amusement. “Your female will no doubt inform me when I am in her way. She seems afraid of nothing.”

  I grin. “She is fearless indeed, and all mine. Which brings me to my next request. Do you have any polished rhodonite? I know that there was a deposit found in the quarry south of here.”

  My brother looks surprised at my question and slowly nods. “I do, as a matter of fact. I even have a particularly nice one I have put in a setting. What are you up to, Bodi?”

  I give a pretense of being injured. “Why must you assume that I’m up to anything? You make it sound like I am continuously plotting.”

  “Because in one fashion or another, you are,” Garval replies flatly.

  I chuckle. “Perhaps so,” I agree. “In this case, I am not so much up to something as I’m planning for something very special, something for which I will need your skill… and Mother’s.”

  Understanding dawns, and then my brother grins. “Oh, I see. So you really need my help then.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. I know he’s just toying with me. As my little brother, he takes particular joy in it, just as I have while mercilessly tormenting him—all quite affectionately, of course. I would kill anyone who would hurt him, and I know without a doubt he would do the same for me. As for Erra, she is a thorn in both of our sides for the sheer joy of it, but she’s her mate’s problem now and has been for years. Thank the gods.

  “Fine. I will owe you,” I concede, and his grin widens.

  “I will hold you to that if I ever need your particular skills at carving.” His face clouds with pain, and his smile twists into a grimace. “That may never be necessary, but just maybe I will someday get the opportunity.”

  I nod in silent commiseration. I don’t try to cajole him or speak words in hope of making him feel better. I just quietly lend my support so that he knows that I am here for him, come whatever may be.

  Garval says, breaking the silence stretching on between us and rises to his feet. “I will take the stones to Mother. I assume you have the other pieces?”

  I nod and dig a pouch out of my pocket. Inside is some of my best work that I started as soon as Lynn left. Four perfect claws, silky smooth with spiraling swirls carved onto their sides. Garval takes one out and inspects, his expression softening once again.

  “Your finest work, brother.”

  “Nothing less for my mate,” I rasp, my throat uncharacteristically tight with emotion. I clear my throat and nod toward the pouch. “I wish to present it to her following the Lantern Labyrinth. Please inform Mother.”

  He gives me a look of understanding and drops the claw back into the pouch before pocketing it.

  “I shall. In fact, I will stop at my cottage to pick up the stones and then deliver the lot to Mother before I return to duty,” he says quietly.

  I nod my thanks, not trusting my voice, as I follow him to the door, seeing him out. Seeing to it that the door is latched firmly behind him, I feel a brush of fur around my ankles and glance down at the white menace who has tormented me all morning. The demon lifts one paw, spreading the little bean-like toes of its
foot as tiny claws emerge. With a quick snap of his paw, he strikes. My eyes water as the beast attacks my foot, his body curling around as he attempts once more to sink his teeth into the flesh.

  And I thought Haith’s teething days were a nightmare.

  Growling, I scoop the menace up into my arms, glaring down at him as yellow eyes meet my gaze, and the demon spawn begins to purr.

  “Of course you would be a contrary thing. No wonder my Lynn favors you so, as she confuses me as well. You’re fortunate, since that prevents me from feeding you to Haith,” I huff as I tuck the monster beneath my arm. “Now come along. We will fix something nice from the supplies to feed your mistress.”

  Casper meows insistently, and I give the furball a dour look.

  “Yes, and you,” I grunt in agreement as I walk over to the cooking area.

  Chapter 21


  A steaming cup of coffee and a soak in a warm bath at the same time have done wonders for my mood. By the time I get out, I’m not only brilliantly rosy all over but also feel like a million bucks. And for someone who absolutely isn’t a morning person, that’s saying something. Pulling soft pink leggings on and a sweater about three shades deeper that I bought before returning to Ov’Gorg, I stroll out into the main room, my eyes searching out my impossible orc, and immediately swallow back a laugh.

  Bodi has a platter of food prepared and placed ready on the table. It doesn’t merely sit there, however, my big bad orc appears to be viciously guarding while he eyes Casper, who circles the table with demanding mewls.

  “Go on, I have given you yours already,” Bodi snarls, only to have the cat become even louder.

  This time I can’t hold back my laughter, though I attempt to muffle it a bit with the sleeve of my sweater. Orc hearing being what it is, his eyes immediately snap to me and then widen in horror.

  “Blessed gods, woman. What have you done to yourself?” he demands, rushing to my side, the food left forgotten.

  Casper immediately leaps for the table, but I rush forward and pluck him off again and set him on the floor while I fetch his kibble. As I pour the dry cat food into his dish, I gave Bodi an arched look over my shoulder.

  “What do you mean, what did I do to myself?” I ask him.

  He gestures to his skin and shakes his head. “You’re all red, like you boiled yourself alive! Did you see that there were jugs of cooling water left for you too?”

  My brow puckers because of course I saw them. I even used them.

  “Of course. And thank you, they helped me get the temperature just right,” I say sweetly, sitting down at the table.

  The platter is filled with boiled eggs, more of the fat, spicy sausage links that have been fried up crisp, chewy bread that orcs enjoy, cheese, and a bowl of simple porridge with honey and spiced fruit set on top. I can feel saliva gathering in my mouth as I imagine just what I can do with a few good laying hens to keep me in eggs, chopped meat, and some decent cheese. Here, the food would always be guaranteed fresh, and my little foodie heart wants to crow with delight. My orc did all of this for me? I could seriously kiss him right about now for this.

  And then Bodi sets another cup of coffee by my elbow. This time, I grab ahold of his tunic before he can straighten and plant a kiss on him that has him growling with desire until I gently poke him in the side with the fork sitting on the table beside me when his roaming fingers begin to attempt to undress me.

  He grunts at the impact and glances down accusingly at the fork. Suddenly, his expression shifts and his lips curve into a devious smile. Raising his hands in surrender, he withdraws and leans back while I lift my tined weapon and point it at him in warning.

  “You are right, of course, my lanara,” he agrees easily. “We eat first and then I can turn my appetite to far more wondrous delicacies.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Nope, I just got cleaned up and dressed. You said we have a busy day ahead of us, so that’s what we’re doing. No funny business allowed.”

  He raises his eyebrows, but the look he gives me is filled with such intensity and dark heat that for a moment I forget what exactly my point had been.

  Oh yes, eating. With a happy moan, I pop a bite of food into my mouth, savoring its flavor. Everything tastes fresher and richer in Ov’Gorg, and, as I’m its newest resident, I’m not about to complain any about that. I can feel Bodi’s eyes on me, as I eat and a few times I even meet his gaze as I enjoy one particular morsel or another.

  With his promises of further carnal feasts, I’m surprised at his restraint. Every now and then, I can see an erotic shiver run through him, making me feel incredibly powerful, but he somehow manages to keep himself under tight control. It isn’t until the last bite of food is consumed that he snaps to his feet and pushes the platter and silverware out of the way. In one quick movement, he lifts me up onto the table surface and begins to work my clothes off.

  Large hands cup and stroke my breasts as they are bared to him, plucking at the nipples with just the right amount of pressure to make me squirm. Only when they are blushing bright pink and furled tight, my skin shining slightly with perspiration, does he flatten the width of his palm in the center of my chest. With perfectly controlled strength, he pushes me back against the table as he pulls my pants and underwear down together from around my hips and slides them off of my legs, one and then the other.

  His lips slide down my belly, leaving a trail of hot, damp kisses. His tongue strokes my inner thighs, lapping at the slick there before closing around my exposed sex, sucking at the sensitive flesh. I moan and rock against his mouth, taking my pleasure. The suction is interrupted every so often by the firm lap of his tongue and the deep dive of its considerable length inside of me, as if he’s trying to capture every drop of my arousal. Although my entire body hums with building pleasure, I have zero doubts that he’s the one who is savoring by the growl that vibrate through him.

  That sharp orgasm that shatters through me is sudden, taking me by surprise. I lay limp on the table, shivering with the aftereffects when he rises over me with a grin, his green eyes dancing. He swats my thigh and chuckles as he steps back from the table. Although his erection strains the front of his pants, he makes no effort to undress. Instead, he slowly licks his lips with a purr.

  “Delicious,” he murmurs as he stretches contently before heading into the main room.

  I stare after him in surprise. That was it?

  Sliding off the table, I yank my underwear and pants back up and follow after him, my eyes narrowing as I watch him proceed to bank the fire. As if sensing my eyes boring into him, Bodi looks up and nods toward my boots.

  “Dress warmly,” he advises cheerfully, turning his attention back to the hearth.

  “But… what about you?” I blurt out.

  He looks back over at me and raises his eyebrow.

  “What about me? I received exactly what I was after,” he murmurs, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip, and then grins. “And it was better to feast upon than even the finest elvish delicacy.”

  I gape at him, heat rising into my face, and yet, at the same time, I feel ridiculously pleased. I clear my throat and fetch my boots. Right next to them, I see my hat and gloves hanging nearby, warming. I raise my eyebrow and grab them as well. He really does intend for me to dress warmly.

  “I take it that we’re going somewhere?” I shoot him a curious look.

  His grin widens, and he inclines his head in agreement. “I thought to show you around my orchards and then head up to Stronghold Hill so that you can see more of your new home territory.”

  My nose wrinkles a bit. I do want to see Stronghold Hill. Kassie’s pictures that she showed me, after she returned home and got the film developed, were gorgeous. Just…ugh, touring trees.

  An amused look crosses Bodi’s face. “Do you have something against trees or hills?” he teases.

  “Stronghold Hill sounds lovely,” I object. “I’m just not much into admiring trees. I enjoy a good
apple as much as the next person, but strolling around an orchard to admire the leaves changing colors is just not my thing.”

  A wonderfully rumbly chuckle leaves him, and he shakes his head. “Your people do this?”

  At my nod, he laughs again. Fuck, I can’t get enough of that wonderful sound, even when he’s irritating the hell out of me—or laughing at me. I narrow my eyes at him, but he lifts a hand before I can get out a word.

  “Not to speak ill of it, but such a thing would not occur to an orc. We would rather curl up with our mates by a fire or enjoy a feast with our female on our lap than admire leaves. That is for later,” he promises with a wink.

  My lips tip upward as I imagine Bodi tucking me onto his lap in such a manner, feeding me bites of food, and my chest warms pleasantly. It’s not just the sex speaking, but surprisingly, despite all the crap Andrew put me through and three years of keeping my distance from men and all romantic entanglements, I really do enjoy being with Bodi.

  No, that’s too shallow of a description for what I feel when I’m with him. He makes me feel alive. It’s like he’s the maddening other half of my heart and soul, completing me regardless of whether or not I want to hug him or throttle him. Truth is… I can’t imagine my life without him. And that’s frightening because I feel like I’ve been down this road before only to be disappointed. That he would want to spend time with me in such a way, not just hauling me along because it’s the thing to do and then ignoring me, makes me feel wanted and appreciated. He’s not suggesting a walk around the orchard to impress or distract me, and I appreciate that. Bodi is nothing like my ex-husband. This tells me more than anything that we just fit together.

  “Thank goodness,” I laugh, tugging on my boots. “Because, honestly, I can’t think of anything more boring. I mean the view here is beautiful, but I don’t exactly feel a need to traipse through it unless there is a reason for it.”

  His eyes crinkle at the corners with mirth. “Good, because I don’t plan on doing anything of the sort. We will be riding Haith so I can show you the main paths through the orchards.” At my furrowed brow, he raises a finger. “There is a reason for it. Since you are staying here, I believe it is necessary for you to familiarize yourself with the lay of the land. This means knowing how to get through the orchard to the cottage or to cut directly to the main road leading to the village. Knowing your way around can be the difference between life and death.”


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