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Bad Intentions

Page 8

by Allie Valentine

  “Cage, I—”

  Reaching between them, he stroked her clit with his thumb in slow circles even as he picked up the pace. “Talia, God, you feel so good.”

  Her body clamped down tighter around his aching cock as he drove her higher and higher. With a shuddering breath, her legs tightened around him, and her delicate fingers twined into his hair, pulling him close.

  She whispered his name, and her body clamped tight around his just before breaking apart in his arms.

  He ground his teeth together. The tingle in his spine morphed into molten fire and he couldn’t hold back. “Talia.”

  Jesus, he was never letting her go.

  Talia woke with the sunlight. She had zero disorientation. She knew exactly where she was. Cage’s bed. Next to her, he lay on his stomach breathing deep. She couldn't help but stare at her prize. The massive angel wings he had tattooed on his back seemed to flutter with each deep breath.

  "If you're going to stare at me, then you might as well come over here and give me a proper wake up call. Or at the very least, allow me to give you one."

  She giggled. "So, you're awake?"

  He grinned. “I've been awake for the last hour. I was debating whether or not I should wake you... again."

  Talia flushed. He'd already woken her twice in the middle of the night. The first time with his mouth; the second time, his erection had been pulsing against her ass, refusing to let her sleep. And then he’d slid his hands up over her belly and teased her nipples, and well, it just went from there. How the hell was she ever supposed to resist him?

  When she took too long making up her mind, he pounced and dragged her over until she lay beneath him. Cage dusted a light kiss on one distended nipple. She drew in a shuddering breath as she arched her back, allowing him more access, practically begging for him to take the stiff peaks into his mouth.

  "Cage please." Electricity hummed over her skin, making her shake. Torching her flesh from the inside.

  When he started kissing up her neck, she couldn't help but moan as he licked the sensitive spot just above her clavicle. He was way too good at this. At this rate, they were never going to leave the bed. Not that staying in bed was a problem. But one or both of them would eventually need food. And they should both eventually go to class.

  “That is my favorite spot to kiss you,” he whispered, “It's such an unexpected surprise when your body opens up for me every time I kiss you here.” He did it again, and her thighs parted, making him smile.

  She muttered something unintelligible while he continued to kiss her.

  With his hand, he skimmed the flesh of her belly, pausing to tease her belly button. With a whimper, she raised her hips, and he drew his head back to gaze at her. “Are you trying to tell me something, Talia?”

  Dammit, the man was being deliberately obtuse. She rolled her hips again. “Cage, I need you.”

  He exhaled slowly before returning to her lips. His tongue slid over hers and he devoured her. His fingers skimmed just over her sex, tracing lazy patterns into her skin. He found her most sensitive spot, and Talia dragged her lips away from his, tossing her head back into the pillow.

  Immediately he stilled. “Too much.”

  She shook her head but whispered, “Yes.”

  Ragged, harsh breaths tore out of him and she could feel his muscles bunch. “Hmm, sweetheart, that’s a very mixed message. Should I stop?”

  Her wrists flew to his and held him in place. “Don't stop. I-I like it.”

  A slow smile tugged at his lips and he drew a circle over her clit with his thumb. Talia bit her bottom lip. When he bent his head and nipped her lip, his voice was soft. “Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”


  He kissed her softly again while his hand delved lower, and Talia groaned at the contact. With sure fingers, he brought her to the edge.

  “Cage, please make love to me. I want you.”

  But he hesitated. “Talia, you’re making me…so crazy.”

  He continued to explore her body, driving her wild with craving. When he slid his fingers free he settled his hips between her splayed legs. Cage fumbled in his side drawer for a condom then tore the foil and quickly rolled it on. When he settled between her legs again, Talia lifted her hips to meet his. He cursed as the head of his cock came into contact with her heated core. He gritted his teeth against the onslaught of need. He rocked his hips, and inch by aching inch, slid into her slickness.

  And Talia was lost to the first orgasm with quick, harsh waves crashing into her. But then it kept going as he continued to rock into her. All she could do was hold on for the ride as Cage's hand tightened in her hair, his lips latched onto her neck, and he set a grueling pace, fucking her deep. It was only as her third orgasm skipped over her synapses that he growled into her neck, his whole body going stiff. Even as everything flashed bright and hot, Talia knew she was right where she wanted to be.


  Talia rolled over in bed, aching in all the right places. She patted the mattress next to her looking for Cage, but she didn't find him. Squinting one eye open, she glanced around the bedroom and found a note on his pillow.

  Went to grab us breakfast. Stay in bed. I want to watch you eat naked.

  Of course he did. She'd learned over the night that he could pretty much watch her do anything naked. She almost wanted to pinch herself. Was this her? With Cage? She really hoped this wasn't a dream. It would be the best of dreams, but still, waking up would be a bitch.

  She finally rolled out of bed and stumbled over to the shower. Turning the water to scalding hot, she let the water soothe her aching muscles even as she wished he were there with her. But it wasn’t like they couldn't shower again. It was the weekend. They could stay in bed all weekend if they wanted.

  After she finished her shower, she toweled dry her hair and picked one of his T-shirts to wear. At the sound of the front door, she skipped into the kitchen. "I'll have you know I've been waiting for you. The shower was lonely without you."

  Except, it wasn't Cage at the door. The brassy blonde stared at her, mouth agape. "Just who the fuck are you?"

  Talia stomach plummeted. "Hi, Jenna."

  "I'm sorry, am I supposed to know who you are? And what the hell are you doing in my boyfriend’s apartment?"

  Her boyfriend? "I'm Talia Hamilton. You know my brother. Trevor?"

  It took Jenna a moment. But then she finally placed her. Her eyes raked all over her as she took her in. "You look different. For starters, you're not fat anymore."

  Talia's palm itched to slap her. Back in high school, she'd always been jealous of Jenna. But for the most part, Jenna had been nice. This screaming shrew in front of her was barely recognizable.

  "Well, start talking. What the hell are you doing here?"

  "Are you sure he's your boyfriend? Because from the sounds of it, he wants to be mine. And are you sure he let you have a key?"

  "Of course I have a goddamn key. I practically live here."

  Oh God. Had she gotten this all wrong? Had Cage been playing her all along? With everything that happened last night, had he set this up so she'd find out? But that wasn’t Cage. She didn't know what the hell was going on, but Jenna's words didn't ring true. "Cage ran out to grab us breakfast. If you want, I can give him the message that his ex stopped by."

  That set her off. "Just because you lost weight, and you learned how to do your hair doesn't mean he wants you. I am his girlfriend."

  This could actually be kind of fun. Talia had never had a girl fight before. She really hoped it wouldn't come to blows. But from the looks of Jenna, with her perfectly coiffed hair, Talia could take her. Years of fighting with Trevor had taught her a few things. "It's sad that you still think that. From what I understood, you moved to LA."

  "I was gone for a month. You think you can worm your way in here? I've been his girlfriend for three and a half damn years. I am not going away that easily. Especially not for a skank like y

  And that did it. "I get it, Jenna. It’s a shock to find that Cage has moved on. But I'm not a skank, and I think you know it. You're just pissed off that he didn't choose you. If you call me a skank again, I really will rearrange that pretty face of yours." Talia had a half-decent poker face, but she prayed that Jenna didn't know that.

  "I swear to God I'll —"

  The door opened and Cage walked in with a smile. "T? I've got croissants and coffee —" he froze in the doorway. "Jenna, what the hell you doing here?"

  "I could ask you the same fucking thing. I walk into your apartment and find your latest ho bag."

  Cage's voice was even. And mellow. "Talia is not a ho bag. Watch your mouth Jenna, okay?"

  "I will not watch my goddamn mouth. What is she doing here? I've been gone what? A few weeks? And you move her in? I will fucking gut you. But first, first, I'm going to start with her. By the time I'm done with little Miss Slutty Pants's reputation, no one at this school will talk to her."

  "You will do no such thing."

  Talia just watched the two of them for moment. Jesus, Trevor was right. She was completely insane. Was this what Cage had been dealing with all the time? The truth was, Talia had no idea what to do. Was she supposed to give them privacy? Was she supposed to jump into the fray?

  But in the end, Cage made the choice for her. "Talia, look, do you mind heading home? Jenna and I have a few things to talk about."

  For a long moment, Talia stared at him. She wasn't sure she'd heard that correctly. But then Jenna sat down at the kitchen table and took one of the coffees that had been meant for her and slipped off her heels. The bitch made herself perfectly comfortable. Meanwhile, Cage was asking her to leave.

  "Are you serious right now, Cage?"

  He ran his hands through his hair. "Yeah. Look, I'll call you."

  Jenna sniggered. "You really are a dumb bitch if you believe that."

  Talia waited, but Cage didn't correct her. And then everything inside Talia turned to ice. He was sending her home. Not Jenna. He was making his choice...again.

  Turning slowly, she headed straight back into the bedroom and dressed quickly, but she refused to cry. She didn't let the first tear spill until she was all the way out of the building. And then they flowed like a river.

  "So let me get this straight. You were at his place, after a night doing all the dirty things. He tells you that you are it for him and he wants to be with you. And then you wake up this morning, and this crazy bitch is ranting and raving that you're in his place. Did I get all that?"

  Talia rocked on the bed. "Yeah, just about.”

  Bailey nodded. "And then Cage comes home after the super sweet move of going to snag you coffee and breakfast, and some kind of crazy fight ensues, and instead of telling crazy bitch to get her crazy ass out of there, or calling the police, or hugging you and holding you, and telling you he's dealing with her and to wait for him in the bedroom, he tells you to leave."

  "Yeah, that's about right.

  "I'm going to fucking kill him. I can't believe I encouraged you to do this."

  Talia shook her head. "You weren't encouraging me to do this. You were encouraging me to screw him and run. Which let the record show, I did. I just didn't expect him to chase me."

  Bailey studied her she sat on the edge of the bed. "And you didn't expect to let yourself get caught?”

  Talia wiped a tear away with the back of her hand. "I just...Everything he said. You know, I believed it. I wanted to believe that Cage wanted me. I mean, that's crazy for real. How sad am I?"

  Bailey reached over and took her hand. "Hey, this wasn't your fault. From the sound of it Jenna is all sorts of crazy town. You didn't do this. None of this is your fault. This is Cage's fault. And when I get hold of him, I am going to do things to him that will make him scream for his mother. He is going to die a slow and painful death. Ask Hunter. I'm diabolical. I'm going to make that man wish he'd never screwed this up."

  Bailey was on her feet, pacing and plotting. "This calls for revenge. The best kind of revenge. You, my darling girl, are going to show him that you don't give a shit about him. It would be one thing if you slept together, and he decided he didn't want a repeat. Because at the end of the day, that was your original plan. But to tell you all the lovely things, and have you believing the hype, that’s just wrong. Then he tells you to get the hell out of his apartment?" She threw up her hands and flailed back onto the bed. "He's an idiot. And we're going to make him so sorry."

  Talia could only watch the hysterics. Bailey was almost more upset than she was. "Bailey, honestly, I'm exhausted. I just want to forget the stupid thing even started. And do you know the worst part? I convinced myself that somehow I wasn't that girl anymore. You know, the one chasing after him, the one pining for him. I had managed to make myself think that things were different now. But a couple of sweet gestures, and here I am, hanging on to every word, waiting for him to throw me a scrap of attention." She shook her head. "What is wrong with me?"

  "Oh honey, there is nothing wrong with you. But there is about to be something very wrong with him. Look, sweetie, you're just human. He was your high-school crush. Maybe more than that. And because you guys used to be close, there's always going to be a part of you that hopes that you can recapture that. There is nothing wrong with that. You just liked the guy. And that's okay. He took that and fucked with it. And now, we are going to fuck with him."

  Talia frowned. "Dare I ask what crazy plan you're cooking up now?"

  "It's simple. You're going to go back to the original plan. Date, have fun in college. You don't need Cage. Just you being you is the best revenge. You're hot. You've always been hot." Talia opened her mouth to argue, but Bailey put up a hand. "No, you will not argue with me on this. Repeat after me, 'I'm hot.'"

  Talia couldn't help but laugh. "I'm hot."

  "This is Cage Ward's loss."

  "This is Cage Ward's loss." Bailey was right. If he didn't know what he was losing. What he had lost, then that was on him. She was fucking awesome. Now all she needed to do was believe that.

  Bailey wasn't done. "I am going to date and meet boys and have fun while I am at college."

  "I don't know about all that."

  Bailey raised an eyebrow. "Say it. The first step is saying it. The next step is making it happen. And the third step is believing it."

  Talia inhaled deeply. "I am going to date and meet boys and have fun while I am at college."

  Bailey gave her a nod of approval. "Awesome. Now, we commence operation Make Cage Ward Pay."


  Talia gritted her teeth as her phone rang again. She didn't even have to look at it to know who was calling. Cage had been dialing her over and over all morning. Maybe he thought if he called often enough, she'd give in and talk to him.


  She felt the familiar burn of tears behind her eyes and shook her head hard. After a weekend of crying her eyes out to Bailey, she was so over it. Cage wasn't getting a minute more of her time. Let his skanky girlfriend deal with his bullshit from now on.

  The phone went off again, the soft ding of a text message this time. She resolved to ignore it as she skipped up the steps to the Dawson building. After a night of tossing and turning, it had taken her longer than usual to get out of bed and ready for class. She didn't even want to think about how bad she must look. With her hair thrown up into a messy bun and no makeup to cover the dark circles under her eyes, she wouldn’t be winning any fashion awards today.

  Luckily, there were only a few students there when she arrived at her classroom. She blew out a breath. She hated having to walk into class after everyone was already there. As soon as she took her seat in the front room, her phone rang again. She winced as a student to her left glared at her.

  Geez. Class hadn't even started yet. It wasn't like she was disturbing anyone's education.

  "Tough crowd, huh?"

  Talia turned swiftly at the soft voice in her ear. Troy
sat on her other side. He was wearing all black and had his dark hair slicked back like the villain in a Bond movie. She huffed out a laugh. What was going on lately? Usually she was invisibly to hot guys and now it seemed like she was tripping over them at every turn.

  "What are you doing here?"

  Troy smirked. "I'm in this class, remember?"

  "Not that. I meant, why are you sitting up here? Don't you normally sit in the back?"

  He shrugged. "I thought I'd take in the view from up close today. The view is way better up here already." He didn't take his eyes off her as he spoke, making it clear that the view he was speaking of was...her.


  "Oh, wow. Okay." Talia mentally kicked herself for her babbling response. Why did she always do this when faced with a handsome man? Although curiously, she wasn't as nervous as she normally would be. Maybe because she didn’t have the same melting response to Troy that she always felt around Cage. It probably wasn't fair to compare the two.

  No one had ever affected her like Cage, after all.

  "So, what happened to you Saturday night? Did you leave with your boyfriend?"

  "He is not my boyfriend," Talia stammered. Embarrassed at the outburst, she busied herself getting out her notebook and pen. A lot of other students liked to take notes on their laptops but she'd always liked writing her notes longhand.

  "Okay, good. Because if that guy isn't your boyfriend then there's nothing stopping you from having coffee with me after class, right?"

  Talia's first instinct was to make an excuse and say she was busy. Then she stopped. Why shouldn't she go out for coffee with a hot guy? It wasn't like she had anyone to be loyal to, right? Cage was busy thinking up lies to get her to overlook the fact that he already had a girlfriend. Why should she sit at home alone?

  "You know what, that sounds nice. I would love to get coffee with you. Let's do that."

  Although Troy looked a little taken aback by her sudden enthusiasm for coffee in the afternoon, he rallied quickly.


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