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Only His (Nighthawk Secruity Book 4)

Page 4

by Tory Baker

  His head rests on my lower abdomen. I watch as his shoulders rise and feel the exhale as his shoulders deflate, and that’s when I realize Leo was breathing me in, he was fucking scenting me. Something tells me this is a way of marking some kind of ownership of me. Little does he know, he doesn’t have need to. He’s mine as much as I’m his.



  God damn, the smell of her soft skin along with the essence of her cunt is a fucking aphrodisiac. My hand grabs her thigh, placing it over my shoulder, wanting those pretty legs of hers spread open, giving me the room I need to lick and taste her. Her scent alone is earth shattering. I can only imagine what will happen when she falls apart beneath my lips and tongue. It will only pull me further into the depths of her very soul.

  “Please, Leo.” The water is still pelting on my back. Some of the splatters are skating a path down her skin.

  I give her what she needs. My tongue teases the entire way to her clit, her bare pussy only heightening both of our senses. I lick her once, then twice. After that, there’s no stopping, no teasing. My mouth suctions around her clit while my two fingers glide in carefully, not wanting to hurt her.

  Tinsley’s hands fist my hair, pressing me where she wants me. When her cunt relaxes, my fingers glide inside, thrusting in and out, scraping the walls of her pussy while I keep my lips wrapped around her clit.

  “Oh God, Leo,” she screams as her body starts to quake. I’m relentless. I want to stay right where I am, giving her all the pleasure I can. I promised my woman she’d be boneless and tired by the time I was through with her, and so far, we’re only one orgasm in.

  She comes down slowly, her legs like jelly while doing so. I get to my feet, not wanting her to crumble down onto the shower floor.

  “You okay, baby?” I ask once I’m standing before her, watching her eyes, seeing the lingering effects of her orgasm.

  “That was indescribable, and as soon as we’re out of this shower, it’s going to be my turn,” she murmurs. Her hair is down, the water leaving it a curly mess, making my cock throb with her promise, but knowing if she’s too tired, it wouldn’t kill me either. That was for her. Fuck. Who am I kidding? That was for me too.

  “There’s no shampoo or conditioner in here,” I tell her as I grab the soap and washcloth to do what I promised when I suggested sharing a shower.

  “That’s okay. I’m just going to throw it up again once it dries.” Her head tips down as I start at her back, massaging her while washing her body. This is something I refuse to rush. Tinsley is my undoing, and I know for a fact what my dad found in my mom, what Drake found in Giana, Tinsley is that for me. I wash every square inch of her, then run my hands down her body to get the soap off her skin. She’s no fool. Tinsley knows what I’m doing along the way. She purrs and whimpers when my hands find her pussy again, teasing her for what I know will be the beginning of a sleepless night with her there beside me. That luscious ass of hers in my hands or backed into my hard cock.

  “My turn.” She spins around, grabs another washcloth, squeezes the soap onto it, and I know I’m in for an infinite amount of torture. Tinsley starts at my chest, dropping the washcloth and instead using her hands after she adds more soap to them. This time, she’s the one massaging my tired muscles, something I will never admit to her. It’s not only my job to protect her but a deep-seated need to do so. Her hands find my cock, and that’s when I back her up until we’re both under the water. I swore I wouldn’t sink my dick inside her until she was a writhing pile of need on my black sheets, and I’ll keep that promise, but there is no way I’ll last if her hands continue the path they’re on.

  “That’s not fair. It’s my turn, Leo. I want to make you feel as good as you made me,” she pouts.

  “This relationship isn’t about turns, Tinsley. It’s about you and me, not tit for tat. I’m going to give you so much, you won’t know where I end and you begin, but if you worked my cock another few minutes, I’d be coming, and I’d like to come with you this time.”

  “Oh, well, when you put it that way,” she breathes. Tinsley comes up on her toes, and I know what she’s after. I give her the kiss she seeks. I’ve noticed that once my mouth is on hers, she comes undone. My hands grip her hips, lifting her up until she wraps her legs around my waist, my cock right at her center. One thrust, and I’d be seated inside her. Instead, I let the underside of my cock glide against her clit. “I can’t wait to feel you, Leo,” she whimpers as her back meets the tiled shower wall again. I thank fuck we’re in a hotel. If not, the water would have long since turned cold, and that would suck for the both of us.

  “Me either, baby. But for right now, this is just as good.” My lips land on hers, our tongues colliding, our hips moving in sync together, and her wetness coating my cock.

  “I’m going to come again.” Tinsley rips her lips away, giving me a reason to suck on her collarbone like stars call to the sky. It’s a deep seated need to mark her.

  “Come for me, Tinsley, fuck that pussy on my cock,” I grunt. She’s frantic, her body hugging me, my hands holding her shoulders, my forearms braced on the wall beneath her, our bodies molded together, nothing but our sweat and the water from the shower between us.

  “Yes,” she moans. I pull back wanting to watch Tinsley’s pussy as she comes, knowing I’ll be coating her pussy with my own cum.

  “Fuck,” I groan. My head tips back of its own accord. I feel Tinsley’s hands on my chest. She’s somehow able to move her muscles that were depleted from her orgasm earlier. My eyes move to where they are, as I watch her glide her fingers through my cum that landed between us. She gathers it on her fingers, coating them before she shocks me to my very fucking core. Her lips wrap around them, sucking them, before swallowing down my essence.

  “Motherfucker. You’re making it hard to keep my word, Tinsley.” I’m still holding on to her as I dip us under the water for a quick rinse before shutting the water off, never letting her body leave mine.

  “You’re eventually going to have to put me down, Leo,” she laughs. I’m about to step out of the shower, careless of the mess we’d leave in our wake.

  “Not sure I’m ready for you to leave my arms,” I mutter, but allowing her to glide down my length, not letting her go until she’s steady on her feet.

  “You’re sweet.” Her hand cups my cheek, placing a soft kiss on my lips before she spins around to grab our towels. I groan at the loss of her, of seeing her bare chest and pussy, but God damn do I love that ass of hers. She sneaks a peek over her shoulder, and I’ll be damned if Tinsley doesn’t know what she does to me.

  “Minx,” I state as we each dry off. I see the yawn she’s trying to hide, and I know it’s time for us to get some shuteye before we hit the road for another fourteen hours.

  “I’m ready to pass out.” She hangs up her towel, walks out of the bathroom, and I watch as she leaves, that sweet ass moving with every step.

  “Are you coming to bed?” she asks once she’s at the side of the bed, moving the covers down before sliding inside.

  “Fuck yes, I am,” I groan before following her. Shit, I’d follow Tinsley anywhere if it meant I was able to hold her in my arms. She scoots over to the other side, and I get in behind her. That luscious ass of hers will be pressed up against me in no time. My hand moves underneath the nape of her neck as she scoots back, and I gather her closer as we slowly start to fall asleep, the comfortable silence and her deep breathing luring me into a lull.



  Leo and I are back on the road, more miles eating up the highway as his Suburban drives smoothly across the interstate. I wish we had time to stop and be tourists in a town or two, but after the call Leo received this morning, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. He still hasn’t come down from the way his jaw was clenched so tightly I could hear his teeth grinding.

  “I promise we’ll talk as soon as I process shit. I’m trying not to turn around and head right back to Wash
ington.” I bob my head, confirming that I heard him. Leo’s arm is on the dash, and my hand’s been on his bicep for a while now, trying to soothe him while he drives. His fingers were too busy tapping for me to entwine ours together, so I did the next best thing. I’m not entirely sure it’s helping, but the news he received must have been horrible when even after thirty minutes, he’s still not relaxed.

  “Okay, take your time. Mind if I change the station?” He’s listening to talk radio, something I loathe. Leo is young, well, not young-young. He’s twenty-five, for goodness sakes, yet he’s listening to the news on some station while we’re driving. We stopped to grab food on our way out of the hotel this morning. I’d love to say that my morning wake-up call came in the way of Leo’s lips passing over my body. It didn’t though, and I groaned the entire time while getting ready. After we got out of the shower, we both promptly passed out, but at four o’clock this morning, Leo’s phone beeped with the alarm. I buried myself under the pillow, which didn’t last long. Apparently, the man I’m halfway in love with is a morning person, and that’s just a bundle of joy when you love sleep. And I do love my sleep. Sleeping in on the weekends is one of my favorite pastimes. That came to an abrupt stop when my parents demanded I move back in with them a few weeks ago.

  “Go ahead. If you want to work on some schoolwork, I have a hot spot that’s not connected to Nighthawk or myself. It’s in my laptop bag behind your seat,” Leo offers.

  “Are you sure? I can get lost in my work and be the most invisible person when it comes to school.” I watch to see what he says or does, the little nuances that give him away. This time, it’s the slight lift of his lips that lets me know he doesn’t mind. It might be a good idea for both of us, him processing what was said on the phone and me realizing just how much of a scum bucket my parents are.

  “Yeah, baby. How’s that creative writing class you’re taking?”

  “Wait, how did you know that? I kept that from everyone.” I turn around in my seat after digging around in his laptop bag before finding the hot spot. My own laptop bag is by my seat.

  “Tinsley, how do you expect me not to know everything about you? Shit, I knew you liked your bra and underwear to match within the first twenty-four hours. It’s my job to know everything, maybe not the finer things, but you catch my drift.”

  “I knew something was messed up in my drawers. I mean, do you see how crazy insane I keep them organized? I’m not sure you noticed that or how even while living out of a suitcase, I’m still able to maintain a ridiculous amount or organizational skills.” I get my laptop set up, my emails pinging right and left once the internet hits it. I ignore them, going straight to my college email instead of my personal one. I’m not interested in anything else, sales or spam. You’d think my compulsion to be organized in certain aspects of my life would bleed into the technology side. It doesn’t. I can have alerts and notifications everywhere and seemingly ignore them.

  “I noticed that too. Get to work, crazy girl.”

  “You call me crazy? Says the guy who searched not only my apartment but also my room high and low. I think you might be the crazy one, Leo,” I joke before looking at my class assignments. I only missed yesterday. Judging by the amount of schoolwork that’s in my inbox, you would think it was a week. I’m majoring in two different studies, business technology and English. Two polar opposites. I managed to keep that a secret from my parents. My father said if I was going to college, it wasn’t going to become something that wasn’t worthy, while my mother said she wasn’t sure why I even bothered. I’d be married by the time I was twenty-one years old to a man of their choosing. I think they both have completely lost their minds.

  “I think we’re going to try and drive into the night, not stop until closer to midnight. Are you okay with that?” Leo asks a few minutes into my schoolwork.

  “That’s perfect, but are you going to be okay to drive that much on the little amount of sleep you got last night?” I can feel the heat coming off my cheeks thinking about why we didn’t go to sleep earlier last night.

  “I’ll be good, and don’t worry, you didn’t wear me out, too much.” He takes his eyes off the road for a minute to wink at me before he focuses back to driving. My core heats at the thoughts of just how good he made me feel last night. Tonight, it will be my turn to taste him. Leo just doesn’t know it yet. I get back to my work as he continues to drive, trying to get a huge chunk knocked out so tomorrow will be an easier day.



  I don’t even know how to tell Tinsley the news I got from Slade. She’s going to lose her shit, and I can’t hold her while I’m driving down the highway going eight-five miles per hour. These next two days are going to be brutal, and not just for me.

  Tinsley working on her classwork is for the best. Even after the pit stops we made for gas, food, and the restroom, she went right back to it, not questioning why my eyes were glued to her the entire time or why I was stationed outside the restroom door. Tinsley went along with it.

  “Hey, will you find a hotel while you’re online? I’m thinking we’ll make it to Wisconsin Rapids. It’s a bit more populated than I’d like it to be, but by tomorrow we’ll be in Virginia. It means another long day on the road. We’re getting there though.”

  “You think you’ll be ready to tell me what’s going on by the time we get settled for the night?” Her voice is soft and sweet, much like Tinsley is as a whole.

  “I can. It won’t help you sleep tonight though. It’s bad, Tinsley, so fucking bad. I’m not sure there’s any coming back from it with your parents.” My voice sounds ominous even to myself.

  “Ugh, they’re always doing something backhanded. If I wasn’t with my granddaddy, they’d pawn me off to whoever was in the house without a care in the world. Which makes this statement hard even for me to digest, but I’d rather not know until we get to your place. I know the evil they are capable of, and I’ll more than likely break down, and cry for that matter.” My hand finds hers. There’s not much comfort I can give her at this very moment.

  “I’m here for you. Drake, Slade, Bridger, Easton, and Travis, we’re all here for you. Not to mention their nosey-as-hell wives too. Giana, Drake’s wife, will nurse you back to health. Slade’s wife, Taylor, from what I’ve heard has the same obsession you do. I bet you two could give us a run for our money. Bridger’s woman, Kellie, will straight up karate chop someone who tries to hurt you. Easton’s wife, Cam, is a mother hen, it can’t be helped. Then you have Raelynn, Travis’s wife. She makes the best desserts you can sink your teeth into. We’re one big happy family. Not only that, Mom and Dad will welcome you with open arms. Mom will probably make some wisecrack comment about how I’m your problem now and she can wash her hands clean of my shenanigans.” I smirk because I know my mom real well, and this isn’t far from the truth.

  “You have an amazing family and a great support system. I’m happy for you. Thank you for bringing me into the fold. I know I’ll be an outsider for them, and if things don’t work between us, I promise not to be some psycho chick. It would suck to lose you, but I can stand on my own two feet if it comes down to it,” she mumbles while placing a falling strand of hair behind her ear. I saw this all from the corner of my eye, and I didn’t like her thinking she may have to leave me. Nothing could be further from the truth. It makes me do something reckless. I shouldn’t be doing this, but I change lanes on the fly, causing Tinsley to put her laptop away.

  “Is everything okay?” she asks tentatively.

  “Not right now, but it’s about to be,” I grumble before we slide to a stop. I slam the vehicle in Park, unclasp my seatbelt, then turn to Tinsley, unbuckling hers. I pull her onto my lap. She finds purchase on my shoulders. The tremors in my hands as I cup her cheeks are noticeable.

  “You’re kind of worrying me, Leo.” Her voice is choppy, probably from the rush after I stopped so abruptly.

  “Nothing to worry about, not between us, and I will never
give you a reason to want to leave. I’ll fight for us when life has you down and you feel like giving up. I’ll be there to lift you up and give you reason to throw that attitude around, okay, baby?” I question.

  “Oh, Leo, I really bungled things up, huh? I wasn’t saying that would happen, but if it did, just know I’d cherish every moment we’ve had. I’ll fight for you as long you want me in your life.” Her eyes tear up. The way her shoulders droop, I know exactly what she’s worried about. So many people have walked out of her life, some unintentionally, others, well, they were just shit people not to want Tinsley’s goodness soaking through them.

  “No tears, no more talking about what could happen. We live in the here and now, okay?” Her head moves up and down, giving me the answer I need without words. I kiss Tinsley’s eyelids, wiping the tears that are streaming down her cheeks unchecked with my thumbs before giving her a kiss that carries so much depth and meaning, she has to know that I’m falling for her.

  “Wow.” Her voice is soft, a smile playing on her face when we pull a part.

  “There’s more where that came from.” Her hips grind down as I arch my own into her. It causes us both to moan.

  “Okay, let’s get this show on the road. We can reconvene this at a later time,” she replies saucily, then climbs back over the center console. What Tinsley is wearing shouldn’t make me want to bite what she just inadvertently put in my face, yet somehow it does. The leggings she seems to love so much define her ass. The oversized sweater usually hides her curves from prying eyes, but when she’s practically shoving that heart-shaped ass in my face, it’s hard not to want that. Fuck, it gives me thoughts about licking her from behind, her hands fisting the sheets, her ass backing into me, begging for more. I can’t wait to finally be in my house with her, safe from the damn idiots who are out to cause more harm than good.


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