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List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust

Page 7

by Holt, S. w.

  Feeling slighted, I decide that I have no choice, I have to relent. She is correct, I do have my own life and that was her way of reminding me that my nose doesn’t belong in hers.

  “Yes, see you Saturday.”

  That was almost two weeks ago. I did see her for the tennis match but as soon as we were done playing, she didn’t stick around for a steam or lunch like we normally do. Instead, she left quite abruptly and I have only spoken with her a couple times since. I know that she has probably been spending all of her free time with her new man. I texted her and encouraged her to bring him to the party. When she responded, it was with one word; decline.

  Certainly can't blame me for trying.

  Now that the day of the party has arrived, our house is abuzz with activity and of all times, I come down with a migraine to rival all migraines. Lying on my massive bed with the lights off and a cold compress on my forehead, I wonder if I will be able to perform my hostess duties tonight. Marcus left to take Charlie to my parent's house early so that they could take him to dinner. Afterward they are going to drive around and look at neighborhoods decorated with lights. It's becoming a tradition with them, sometimes I even join them, but not this year.

  “Laney?” I hear my husband's voice softly call my name from the doorway.

  “Come on in, I'm awake.”

  “Here, I thought you might like a little bubbly to take the edge off. How's the migraine...any better?”

  I sit up and make an assessment by rolling my head around and from side to side. “While it's not completely gone, it feels a whole lot better. I'm glad I took one of those pain killers!” I glance at the clock, “Eek, especially since my hair and makeup crew will be here soon. I should probably hit the shower before they get here!”

  Accepting the glass from Marcus, I take a few sips of the bubbly then head into the bathroom. I hear footsteps following me. Smiling to myself, I take my time undressing with my back to him. As the last of my clothing drops to the floor, I grab my glass and throw back the rest of the tasty liquid. I step into the shower then looking over my shoulder, I make eyes at my husband to join me.

  Wasting no time, he quickly undresses then hops in the shower with me. With nine shower heads and one overhead that emulates rain, we slather each other's bodies with sandalwood scented shower gel under the cascading water. With Marcus paying extra consideration to all of my sensitive parts, all of my attention has been diverted from my headache to the pleasure he is giving me.

  Hoisting me up against the shower wall, he pins me between his slippery body and the cold white subway tile. Inserting himself in me smoothly I instantly feel my core tighten around him. There is no time to spare so he makes quick work of building up the tension in my body. I thrust my head back against the wall with my legs wrapped around his torso while he continues to suspend me in the air. With one final thrust, I feel his body quiver and his release commences. Following his lead, I throw my head back and allow myself to climax along with him. Our bodies melded into one for but a brief moment. As the highlight is over, he lowers me back on my own feet. We finish showering then I hastily get myself into a tracksuit with no time to spare as I can hear that the glam team has arrived.

  The next hour is a blur as Dominic and his team whip me into shape. The conversation is lively if not risqué at times and on the heels of my husband taking advantage of me in the shower, I am in high spirits. That, and the fresh glass of bubbly my husband sent up has helped establish this good mood.

  “Okay dear. Let's get you dressed then you may look at our handy work. Where's your dress?”

  “It's in my dressing room, of course.”

  He follows me into my dressing room brushing past me to snatch the dress off its hanger he then stands in front of me holding it on his arm.

  Waving his finger at me, “That's as far as you go. You can put this dress on first then you may look at yourself in that three-way mirror.”

  I giggle feeling a little self-conscious, but I follow his directions and put the dress on. I turn around for him to zip it up. Then I slip on black crystal encrusted Louboutin pumps. Which are sky-high, for a woman who frequently wears flats, these are quite the stretch for me.

  Clapping his hands together, “My dear, you could rival anyone on the red carpet!”

  I chuckle, “I wouldn’t go that far.” I then step forward to the mirror in question and let out a soft gasp. I do look better than I anticipated. With my long hair falling in soft, loose curls around my shoulders, they gave me a smoldering smoky eye and a soft pale pink lip. The dress though is what I'm most excited about, a knee length black matte sequins with a plunging back. The front shows just a little cleavage, enough to keep the imagination active. I know this dress will drive my husband wild. I slip on a simple silver cuff bracelet and blingy chandelier earrings. With a quick spritz of chocolate amber body spray, I step in front of the mirror by the door to our master bedroom for one last look.

  “My dear, you are gorgeous tonight!” Looking at his phone, “Gotta bounce, and see you in a few weeks right?”

  “Yes, that's correct I'll see you for New Years. Happy Holidays Dominic, you and the team did an excellent job!”

  “Thanks, dear!” He waves his hand at me, “It's okay, I'll show us out. You just go give your man an eyeful. I will expect a full report later.” He winks.

  “You got it,” I answer happily.

  Glancing one more time at myself, I finger fluff my hair then make my descent down the stairs carefully with these gigantic heels I can't be too careful. Once downstairs, I go in search of Marcus.

  Not finding him in the usual places, I wander down the long corridor to his office where I see the door is slightly ajar and the light is on. Hearing his voice, I assess that he must be on a call. I start to walk away when I hear something that catches my attention;

  “Look, everyone will know eventually but now is not the time. Just come to the party and we'll make the best of the situation.”

  Then he pauses.

  “I understand how you feel and trust me, it might be a bit uncomfortable but this is a big party and you can find a way to avoid that.”

  Again, another pause.

  Then in a quiet, hushed tone, “I don't care about all of's important to me so make it happen. I want you here.”

  My heart is beating out of my chest as I know I shouldn’t be eavesdropping on a conversation that is obviously with Ryan. I wonder why Marcus needs him here so bad. No doubt there's going to be awkwardness for Amelia and him tonight. Although I kind of got the impression that they are on amicable, speaking terms. Besides, she's not bringing her new man so as long as he comes alone that weirdness between them ought to be minimal.

  Though the truth is told, I haven’t quite gotten over the birthday party night myself. Occasionally, snippets from that sex fest flash through my mind and usually create an involuntary shudder in my body. I know Marcus had the time of his life, but I on the other hand took something else away...I never want to do something like that again. While it was fun at the moment, I find the overbearing sense of remorse overshadows any fun I might have had. I realize it was all intended to make my husband happy, but I keep hoping that it never comes back to bite us. I have often wondered if it had anything to do with their breakup but then I realize it's not likely. Fact is, she's found another man.

  I hear Marcus get up from his desk so I quickly tip toe back down the corridor so I don’t get caught. As I reach the foyer, I hear a cat-call whistle coming from behind me. I know instantly I've been seen.

  Whirling around on my too high shoes, the sight of Marcus causes my breath to hitch at the back of my throat. He's all grins as he whistles at me again. I attempt to whistle back, but I've never mastered the art of whistling so instead I end up sounding more like a llama. Sporting a black slim fitting suit with a white shirt and burgundy tie his assistant gave him. He is every bit the sexy host for tonight's festivities. His tousled hair that is in fact perfectly co
iffed to look that way is exceptionally hot this evening.

  “You look stunning tonight, I doubt I will be able to keep my eyes off you. Certainly won't be fair to our other guests, my attention diverted like that.” He says while running his fingertips down my bare arm causing goose bumps to appear.

  “I might say the same of you. You look stunning tonight too, maybe we'll have to slip away to the coat closet or the elevator.” I purr. “Is that a new suit? I don't remember it.”

  “How sweet of you to notice. Yes as a matter of fact, I did purchase a new Armani for the occasion. I take it you approve?”

  I caress his cheek with my palm and my face only inches from his, I whisper, “You know I'm a sucker for a man in a well-fitting suit.”

  With that, he runs his hand behind my neck into my hair, pulling me close. His lips fusing with mine, we kiss passionately as his tongue seeks mine and our bodies pressed to one another. I hardly notice the door has chimed and our hired staff has begun to let in the first of our guests. As we pull away from our sensuous embrace, he grumbles then taking my hand in his.

  “I'm not done with you. By the end of the night, I will have those pumps in the air.” he kisses my hand then greets our guests ever the reverent host. I hang back for a moment as I regain my composure. I know that my face flushed not only from the brief interlude we just had but also the last comment he made. Now I must vow to endure these tortuous shoes until the end of the night.

  Chapter Seven

  As the steady flow of guests arriving continues, the party takes shape into that of a large crowd. Lucky for us that the evening is unseasonably pleasant so our guests have migrated outside to the heated tents thus making the group inside manageable. The DJ. that we hired is keeping the party pumping with energy and even has quite a few people dancing.

  “Delaney, you out did yourself, this place looks fantastic!” Andrea gushes.

  Giving her a quick hug, “Oh thanks, I had a lot of fun going with a good old fashioned Christmas theme this year, nothing like the winter wonderland from last year.”

  “I swear you missed your calling, you should have been a party planner.”

  “Well, I guess I could trade in my fashion blog for bridezillas and sweet sixteen ‘zillas? Which come to think of it one eventually becomes the other!”

  We look at each other and say in unison, “Nah.”

  “On second thought, perhaps you should stick to blogging. I'll bet it's a lot less stressful.”

  Laughing, “No kidding though the way my feet are throbbing in these fabulous shoes, I don’t know if I've earned the right to perpetrate myself as a fashion authority. Especially, if all I want to wear is workout clothes and go barefoot.”

  “Well nobody has to know about it, do they?” She snickers. “Besides you are merely writing about style, it doesn’t mean you have to be the fashion.”

  “I suppose you are correct. Listen I have to make my rounds but don’t go too far, I have that fun scavenger hunt planned.”

  “Oh yay! I was glad when I heard that you chose to do that this year instead of the ugly sweater contest.” She gushes with a roll of her eyes.

  I giggle, “So far that's the general consensus, and a lot of people have told me the same thing. But do me a favor and hold your judgment until after the scavenger hunt.” I laugh.

  “Oh, I'm sure it will be a blast. Now, I'm going in search of my hubby who is most certainly devouring all of the prawns right about now.”

  Turning around, I notice Ryan has arrived...and so has Amelia...together. Her arm looped through his, they look every bit the couple. I let out a quick sigh of relief and rush over to welcome them.

  “Ryan! Amelia! It looks like the party has now arrived!” I say teasingly as I eye them both up and down.

  Amelia is wearing a champagne beaded dress with a deep neckline showing an ample amount of skin. Not to mention the hemline hits mid-thigh. Though she is barely in the foyer, she has managed to turn several admiring heads. Ryan looks dashing in a pale gray fitted suit with a darker gray pinstripe. Under the jacket, he's wearing a dark gray shirt and black skinny tie. His blonde hair has been tamed, slicked back Gatsby style. Honestly, the two of them look like they bounced off the cover of a magazine tonight.

  “You sure clean up well.” I tease again. “Come in, get a drink. The food table is out back in the tent.”

  Strangely, Amelia only nods and smiles, I wonder just what has got her tongue. Ryan, on the other hand, spots a pal and saunters over to the bar where his friend is standing. Leaving Amelia and I by ourselves, I realize I haven’t seen her in a couple weeks. She seems different somehow, more restrained than usual.

  “How have you been? I've haven’t seen you in weeks.” I coax. “Are you and Ryan working things out?”

  She whips her head flashing me a scowl, “Why would you say that?”

  “You came here together.” I reply.

  She sighs then the corners of her mouth turn up into a weak smile, “Well we are casually hanging out but we aren't back together if that's what you’re getting at.”

  Her forced smile makes it apparent to me that something else is going on. I lean in then whisper, “Are you sore at me for the foursome?”

  Looking startled she blurts out, “No! Not at all! Why would that even occur to you? Why do you always bring that up anyway?”

  She is scowling at me again.

  “Well you have been very distant if not rude to me lately and I cannot sort out any other reason for it.” I’m now embarrassed that I use that as my go-to.

  “Let me assure you, that's not it.” She snips.

  Placing a hand on her arm I look her dead on, “Then what is it Meli?”

  She tries not to make eye contact with me, but I don't waver, I continue to look at her forcing an honest answer.

  Finally she relents, “Ever since that night, I've been reevaluating my life and I realized Ryan isn’t who I want to be with forever. But that doesn’t mean I don't still care for him. I'll always have feelings for him and that night was only the catalyst, it wasn’t the cause. Okay?”

  “Fine. But what about the new guy you told me about? How come you declined my suggestion that you bring him? Are you still seeing him?” I persist in getting to the root of the story.

  “You are so nosy Delaney. I don’t want to talk about him. It's seriously too early to start bringing him to social events. Besides, we aren’t really in a relationship yet so let's just drop it.”

  Just as I'm about to respond, my husband comes around the corner smiling and heading our direction. He stops short and the smile instantly drops into a smoldering gaze. I feel myself blushing and responding to his all too apparent thoughts.

  Quickly recovering himself, he greets us with a million dollar smile.

  “Hello, ladies.” He looks at Amelia, “I didn’t see you come in, have you been here long?”

  “No, actually Ryan and I just got here about ten minutes ago.” She says while biting her lower lip.

  He looks surprised, “Oh, you came with Ryan?”

  “Yes, I came with Ryan. Why are the two of you so surprised? You of anyone knows how Ryan and I operate, one day were on the next day we're off.”

  I interrupt, “Where have you been? I was looking for you earlier.”

  He chuckles, “Oh I was in the garage showing Stan my new toy.”

  Amelia raises her brow, “New toy?”

  I answer before Marcus, “Yes, he decided to get himself a mid-life crisis Christmas present. Early I might add.”

  She looks at me and then to Marcus, “Well aren’t you going to tell me what exactly that is?”

  “Better yet, I'll show you.” He grabs her by the hand and starts to lead her down the corridor or from the looks of things, he's practically dragging her. I begin to follow, but I hear a voice call out my name from behind me.

  “Go on ahead. I have to tend to the Snyder’s.” I holler after them.

  For a moment, I watch them head
for the garage. Practically running really. Shaking my head thinking to myself that car was a ridiculous and extravagant thing to indulge himself. I walk back down the hall to the foyer where my guests are waiting for me.

  “Ah Delaney, be a love and settle a disagreement.” Melissa says with curls bouncing as usual.

  I look at the small group that has formed, “Sure, what is it?”


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