Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel

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Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel Page 6

by Lexi Archer

  My sexy husband quickly undid his belt and his pants fell to the floor. His cock sprang out and I licked my lips in anticipation. Although even as I was licking my lips in anticipation as I stared at my husband's cock in my mind I was thinking about a different cock. I was thinking about Ryan's cock. Wondering what it looked like. What it would feel like in my hands. What it would taste like if I wrapped my lips around it. How it would feel pressing up inside my pussy.

  Then a moment later my husband's cock was pressing up inside my pussy and I wanted to scream. I wanted to sing to the heavens. God it was so incredible. So intense! He hadn't even bothered to take my skirt off. No, he just reached down and pulled my panties aside and then he was burying his cock inside me. And I was so fucking wet that he was able to bury himself in one quick thrust.

  I gasped as his cock found its home. I cried out in pleasure. Cried out in absolute ecstasy, and then he was frantically thrusting. I moved my hips up to meet his every thrust. I felt electric jolts running through me every time he bottomed out, every time his cock filled my pussy. Holy shit was this incredible. Holy shit was this great!

  The reality of my husband pounding me with his deliciously familiar cock was suddenly replaced with images of Ryan hovering over me doing the same thing. Images of his muscular sweaty body hovering over mine, of his cock slamming inside me over and over. I was ashamed but I couldn’t help it.

  That was too much for me. It was fucking overwhelming. As my husband plunged in and out of me I couldn't help myself. I was imagining Ryan plunging in and out of me. It was so wrong, it was so ridiculous, it was so infuriating, and yet all of those emotions seemed to melt together in one massive confusing jumble that sent me straight over the edge. I squeezed my eyes shut, threw my head back, and screamed. I was screaming as I slammed my head back against the counter so hard that I very nearly saw stars.

  Above me Derek let out a growl of his own and then he was buried inside me. He was unloading inside me. I felt his warmth filling me and it was so amazing. It was so overwhelming.

  Indescribable pleasures danced through my body. An impossible tingling filled me from head to toe. And then I collapsed against the kitchen table. I had to fight to breathe. I had to fight to hold onto consciousness.

  Something loomed over me. I looked up. Derek smiled down at me.

  "What got into you today baby?"

  I opened my mouth to say something but didn't. What could I say? I didn't really want to let him in on what had led to this session because that would lead to a place where he might think I was actually into this fantasy. He might think I was actually interested in trying it. No, I wanted this to stay firmly between my ears. I wanted my little crush on my new boss to stay strictly in the realm of fantasy.

  So I shrugged. And I lied.

  "Nothing much really," I lied. "Just in the mood after we got cut off yesterday I guess."

  Derek looked down at me with a look that said he clearly didn’t believe a word I was saying. A look that said he wasn’t going to take bullshit for an answer.


  8: Confession

  I looked down at Kristi with her obviously guilty face and took in a deep shuddering breath. Damn that had been intense! That had been almost as intense as what I’d felt the night before when I finally revealed that fantasy to her.

  Only something was bothering me. Something was up. Something was definitely going on here, but I didn’t know what it was.

  “You’re not being honest with me babe,” I said. It wasn’t a question. Just a statement of fact.

  Kristi looked away for a moment and I saw a blush rising to her cheeks. A blush that had absolutely nothing to do with that amazing lovemaking session we’d just enjoyed. I enjoyed it when she got so turned on that her entire chest, her entire face, started to turn red, but I also knew enough to be able to tell embarrassment from arousal.

  “Come on,” I said. “Out with it baby.”

  And still she hesitated. She looked up at me. Locked eyes with me. “What we talked about last night. Were you serious about that?”

  “Of course I was serious,” I said. “Why?”

  A thousand ideas were running through my head, and once more I was running through the litany of fears that came up every time I thought about telling her about that particular fantasy. She’d had a whole day to think about it now, and it was a whole day for her to stew and realize that it wasn’t for her despite how game she’d been the night before.

  Panic welled up inside me. This was it. This was what I’d been afraid of all along. She was going to tell me that it just wasn’t for her. That she couldn’t be with a guy who was turned on by the idea of his wife fucking another man. She was going to leave me.

  I felt her lips brush against mine and I hadn’t even realized that my eyes were squeezed shut. When I opened them and locked eyes with her I realized there was something there that definitely wasn’t anger. There definitely wasn’t anything there that promised an impending divorce.

  No, she was more worried than anything else. What the hell was going on here?

  “You’re sure it turns you on? You’re sure you wouldn’t be upset if…” Her hesitation made me wonder what the hell was going on. She usually wasn’t this hesitant. “If something happened?”

  I felt my cock stirring to hardness despite the fact that we’d just had that incredibly intense lovemaking session. This just seemed to be a week for me getting it up almost immediately after getting off. That hardly ever happened, but it appeared that the force of this particular fantasy was so powerful that it was enough to break through even the refractory period. Most of the time at least.

  “Did something happen today at work?” I asked.

  I racked my brain trying to remember if that Craig guy had actually been a real person. I thought for sure she was making up a fantasy on the spot. I’d thought for sure he was just some Platonic ideal of a guy she’d want to bang at her work, only now I was starting to seriously wonder if I’d missed something. Now I was starting to wonder if she’d taken our conversation the night before as permission to go off and bang some guy from her office on her lunch break or something.

  And surprisingly enough I was more turned on than upset at the idea of her taking her lunch break and banging some random guy from work. Hell, I’d probably be more upset at this point if I found out she hadn’t banged some random guy from her work than if I found out she did!

  The only other guy I could think of who regularly hit on her was her boss. That old creeper was always looking at her. The one who’d put the moves on her yesterday, only it couldn’t be him. If he’d been the one hitting on her today then she’d be more pissed off than anything else. She definitely wouldn’t have come home and fucked me like that!

  “No, nothing happened,” she said.

  Only there was a very heavily implied “yet” in that sentence. I was definitely curious. I arched an eyebrow.

  “Is there somebody at work you have the hots for babe?”

  God how I wished there was actually someone at her work she had the hots for. Never in a thousand years would I have expected her to actually go along with my fantasy like she did the night before. Never would I have expected her to spin out her own fantasy scenario. Only now that she’d done that anything seemed possible.

  Like her deciding to maybe scratch an itch she’d been feeling at the office for a while now, an itch she’d been reluctant to scratch because she knew I’d be upset. Only it turned out I wasn’t the kind of husband to be upset about my wife wanting to step out with another man, and so now she’d decided to go for it.

  At least that’s where my mind went in the fantasy scenario it was concocting. I knew that the fantasy scenario my mind was spinning out probably had very little bearing on reality, but a guy could dream.

  Kristi put a hand on my chest. God her hand felt so amazing on my chest. And at the same time her hand on my chest thrust me into a fantasy world where I was imagining her putting
her hand on another man’s chest. Running it lovingly down his muscles. I shivered as I thought of that, as I wondered whether or not that had actually happened today without me even realizing it.

  “I assure you nothing’s happened yet,” she said. “I just need to know that you’re okay with that fantasy. That you’re okay with me maybe exploring it if the opportunity came up.”

  I licked my lips. My mouth was suddenly dry. I couldn’t believe this! It was happening. It actually was happening! Sort of. And my cock was raging thinking about it. Thinking about her flirting with a guy at her office. Thinking about her maybe doing a little more than flirting.

  “I assure you that it’s fine. What’d I tell you last night?”

  “I know honey,” she said. “It’s just such a weird fantasy. I needed to be sure.”

  “Were you going to tell me why you need to be sure?”

  She leaned up and kissed me again, her lips just barely brushing against my own before she pulled back. “I don’t think I should tell you anything it just yet.”

  The look of disappointment must’ve been plain on my face because she quickly leaned up and kissed me once more.

  “It’s not that I want to keep something from you,” she said. “It’s the opposite. I don’t want to get your hopes up if it turns out to be nothing.”

  I didn’t want to ruin this. I definitely didn’t want to screw it up. If she was actually thinking about going through with this then the last thing I wanted to do was say something that might get her to change her mind. And that included demanding full disclosure this early. She’d tell me everything in her own a good time. At least I hoped she would. This was dangerous territory we were entering into, after all.

  I leaned in and kissed her. “You take your time and do whatever you need to do babe. Just remember that you have my permission. I just want to hear about it afterwards.”

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you too,” I said. “Now how about we head back to the bedroom for some hot and heavy cuddling?”

  I was more than ready for round two, but something about the way Kristi was looking at me told me that wasn’t what she needed right now. So I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her against me, luxuriating in the feel of her smooth skin and her tight firm body pressing against my own. I loved the feel of her body almost as much as I loved her. I leaned down and kissed the top of her neck and carried her back to the bedroom.

  9: Unique Workout

  The next week was a whirlwind of activity at home and at work. At home we explored this new fantasy Derek had revealed to me with new fantasy scenarios I thought up every night, almost all of them starring Ryan even if I didn’t admit it to my husband. And yet I still told myself that they were just fantasies. It’s not like it was ever going to move into reality.

  Not that I had much chance for anything with Ryan to move into reality. We were both too damn busy. I almost didn't expect him to come through on his promises, though another part of me was confident that he would always deliver. That part was quietly hopeful and thrilled at the idea of Ryan keeping his promises. All of them. So I both couldn't believe it and felt a thrill when the paperwork came down telling me I was getting a raise and that Pam was being officially assigned to me.

  The promise about working more regular hours proved more difficult to keep, though that was mostly my fault. The excitement of finally getting an opportunity to truly digitize the department and enact all the changes I'd dreamed of since starting this job was too much. That adrenaline rush of finally being in charge of my own destiny to some degree was enough to keep me working at least an hour after closing time, but not so late that I couldn’t get home for a little fun with Derek before calling it a night.

  I wanted to make sure everything was perfect.

  Ryan kept mostly to himself during that time. Sure he'd go out into the department and talk with people occasionally, but he rarely ever stopped by my cube to see how things were going. I was starting to think I’d been imagining things during that first meeting and that I’d been right not to get Derek’s hopes up too much.

  That all changed one morning at the company gym.

  The gym had always been my refuge. Whenever things were tough in college I'd go down to the gym work off stress, and that habit carried over to work when I discovered the company had a free gym in the building. With a job that turned out to be nothing but stress thanks to Johnson's crap the company gym quickly became my home away from home. There was a Zen comfort to tossing on a pair of earbuds and forgetting about the world for a few hours every morning.

  The only annoying part about the gym around this time of year was all the people who were “training” to run in that marathon, as though getting on an elliptical a couple of weeks before it started would be enough to get you in shape for running a marathon. Still, it was a big thing since the company donated the building for the opening ceremony every year so everyone liked to look like they were doing something even if they had no intention of doing anything.

  Which meant a company gym that was almost as crowded as those few annoying weeks after the New Year when everyone was annoying the real gym rats with their resolutions.

  About a week after that first meeting in Ryan's office my workout trance was interrupted in the middle of a leg lift by a pair of sculpted calves that ran up to muscular legs encased in a pair of shorts. Rippling muscles barely covered a tank top that left nothing to the imagination. The whole package was topped off by a scruffy beard, messy hair, perfect blue eyes, and a cocky grin.

  If Ryan looked good in a suit then it was nothing compared to the way he pulled off that workout outfit.

  "Y'know you should really have a spotter if you're doing leg lifts," Ryan said.

  "Well it was either do lifts with no partner on the mat or sit on the grimy floor over by the weights and use a weight bench as an anchor," I replied.

  "I'd be more than happy go to the mats with you," he said.

  I turned away hoping he wouldn't notice the flush running up my chest or the way my nipples were pressing against my sports bra. Damn it. It looks like I hadn’t been imagining things, but this was all wrong. We were supposed to flirt in my cube or something. The gym was supposed to be my refuge and now Ryan stood there looking all hot in that tank top ruining my concentration.

  "Seriously," Ryan said. "Grab my legs."

  I stuck my tongue out at him, maybe it was childish but it felt good all the same, and reached out for his legs. Was it my imagination or did I feel a slight tingle where my fingers made contact with his skin? I closed my eyes and relished that touch even as I felt a stab of guilt because this sure as shit felt a lot like betraying my husband even if I sort of had his permission to be doing just this. The tickle of his leg hair, the way his calf muscles moved slightly as he shifted back and forth, the way he towered over me at this angle, all combined to send a thrill running through me. Hell, if I looked up at just the right spot where those shorts were bagging out I might even be able to catch a glimpse of his...

  No! I jerked my eyes away before they could reach the end of that particular forbidden path. And yet looking up and seeing that self-assured grin was enough to tell me he knew exactly where I was looking. And he liked it. That insufferable jerk!

  Time to do what I did best at the gym: exercise and forget about my troubles. Plus it would be easier doing leg lifts with Ryan standing there acting as an anchor. I threw my legs up until they were at a right angle from my body and had to suppress a yelp as Ryan's hands wrapped around my ankles and pushed back.

  I was thankful I decided to wear yoga pants to the gym this morning. The last thing I needed was him trying to catch a glimpse up my shorts like, like...

  Like I'd just been trying to catch a glimpse up his shorts? Was I really any better?

  No. Focus. I closed my eyes and got lost in the exercise. I concentrated on the burn in my stomach. The burn that was caused by exercise and not the one that flared up every ti
me I looked at Ryan. I concentrated on the feel of his hands wrapping around my ankles. Wondering what those hands would feel like if they were wrapped around my ankles while my legs were up at a very different angle with his massive body on top of me.

  Damn it. I was doing it again.

  I felt a tickle in the back of my mind. That old feeling of being watched. I opened my eyes, enjoying the trip up that perfectly sculpted physique, and saw him looking at me with hunger plain on his face. He didn't bother to hide it when he saw me looking. Instead he grinned. A different sort of grin from the laid back cocky mask he usually wore. No, this smile had a decidedly predatory gleam to it.

  And now that we weren't in his office, now that I’d had a chance to check in with Derek, I didn't mind that look. If anything I was glad. Glad I'd worn that pair of tight yoga pants and a sports bra that showed off my toned body in a way that even the most flattering work outfit couldn't match. If he wanted to look what was the harm? Sure it was for Derek and not my boss that I spent so much time at the gym, but if working out and looking hot hit my hot boss with a bank shot then whatever.

  I finished my leg lifts and stood, brushing off my back and making sure to run my hands along my ass where it was sure to draw his attention. I did a little twirl and brushed at my bra as well. I looked up and he was definitely enjoying the view. And smiling like he knew exactly what I was doing.


  I'd perfected those particular moves in undergrad. Maybe it was time to work up a new bag of tricks to draw his attention if he started spending more time at the gym. I’d be the first to admit I was a little rusty with my moves. Marriage had atrophied that particular set of social skills, but I’d have to start practicing those skills again if Derek fantasy became a thing in our relationship.

  "Thanks for the assist," I said.

  "No problem," he replied. "Need any more help?"

  I had no doubt exactly what kind of exercises he'd like to help me out with. Back in college I'd seen more than enough workout sessions end with couples running out of the gym as quickly as possible to continue their workout back in the dorms.


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